Dunyo bo'yicha maxsus bayramlar

Халикова, Н. (2022). Dunyo bo’yicha maxsus bayramlar. Анализ актуальных проблем, инноваций, традиций, решений и художественной литературы в преподавании иностранных языков, 1(01), 345–346. извлечено от https://inlibrary.uz/index.php/analysis-problem/article/view/13052


Ushbu maqola" Special holidays around the world "deb nomlanadi. Bu o'zbek tilida "Dunyo
mamlakatlarining maxsus bayramlari"deb tarjima qilinadi.Ushbu metodik qo'llanmada barcha ingliz tili
o'qituvchilari uchun foydalana oladigan interfaol usuldagi metodlardan foydalansa bo'ladi

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which the English language is not their native language. Another noticeable problem faced by the teachers is
the students completely depend on the teachers. They didn’t try to learn and speak themselves.

Those students every time look to the teachers for helping them in learning and giving them the

correct answers. They didn’t try to make words and correct sentences in speaking the English language. By
this problem, the students didn’t learn the technical terms and conditions of how to use different kinds of
tenses and words of the English language in speaking. Students getting bored and not interest in learning the
English language is also a problem faced by teachers. Sometimes the students are not interested in learning
and attending the lectures on the English language. [4] Then they try to do other activities. Sometimes They
disturbed the teachers by talking to the others and doing other non-sense activities during the lecture.

Teachers should make the rules and timetable of the classrooms, the students must have to follow

them. Rules and discipline play a very important role in learning the English language. The students have to
switch off their mobiles, not to speak with their fellow ones, come on time to the class for lectures and do
their homework on time, and submit to the teacher. If students break one of the rules in it then fined him/her.
Or contact their parents. In every field, students need the motivation to achieve their goals and step forward
toward their success. Sometimes the students distract from their goals to achieve. Then motivational
speeches and other motivational activities help them back to track. The teachers have to arrange motivational
sessions for the students once a month to keep them on track to learn the English language.



Brenner, G. Spoken English for Dummies / G. Brenner: Per. from Spanish M.A.


Sidorenko. - M.: Williams, 20XX. - 304 p. 8. Volegova, O.A. English for Bachelors of Management:

Textbook / O.A. Volegov. - Рн/

D: Phoenix, 20XX. - 430 p. 9. Zinovieva, L.A. Copywriting: English

4.L.A. Zinoviev. - Rn/D: Phoenix, 20XX. - 48 s. 10. Ivyanskaya, I.S. English Architects: A LANGUAGE for
a Study Guide, I.S. Ivyanskaya.- M.: COURSE, SIC INFRA-M, 20XX. -400 s.


Khalikova Nargiza Uktamovna

Ushbu maqola" Special holidays around the world "deb nomlanadi. Bu o'zbek tilida "Dunyo

mamlakatlarining maxsus bayramlari"deb tarjima qilinadi.Ushbu metodik qo'llanmada barcha ingliz tili
o'qituvchilari uchun foydalana oladigan interfaol usuldagi metodlardan foydalansa bo'ladi.

G'ayrioddiy ammo qiziqarli bayramlar ixtiro qilingan turli mamlakatlar odamlar hayotini yorqin

ranglar bilan rang -barang qilish uchun dunyoning ko'pgina davlatlarida uchraydi. Ular milliy an'analarni
unutmaslikka imkon beradi va asosan xalqlarni birlashtiradi.

Eng qiziqarli bayramlar haqida sizlar bilan o'rtoqlashaman, masalan Breda(Niderlandiya) shahrida

o'tkaziladigan ajoyib flesh-mob haqida gapirmaslik mumkin emas, g'ayrioddiy bayramlar qatoriga kiradi.

Olov festivali,Shotlandiyada nishonlanadi.Odamlar o'z mamlakati tarixini unutmasliklari uchun

ko'plab noodatiy tadbirlar o'tkazishadi.Yanvar oyi oxirida Shotlandiyada o'tkazilgan olov festivali ushbu
toifaga kiradi.Ko'p yillardan buyon shotlandlar o'z ajdodlari xotirasini hurmat qilish uchun har yili
Edinburggaoqib kelishadi.Ular qadimgi skandinaviyaliklar ko'p asrlar oldin ko'z-ko'z qilgan kiyimlarga
o'xshash jingalak kiyimlarda kiyinadilar.Shuningdek odamlar vikinglarga tegishli bo'lgan kemani
tasvirlaydigan kema modelini yaratadilar.Ajablanarlisi shundaki,uning uzunligi an'anaviy ravishda taxminan
o'n meterni tashkil qiladi.Belgilangan soatda kema bilan tantanali yurish o'tkaziladi,yurish minglab
mash'alalar olovi bilan yoritiladi.Yana huddi shunday bayramlardan biri bu Pomidor jangi,Ispaniyada
nishonlanadi va bu bayram "Tomatino"deb nomlanadi.Ispaniyada noodatiy bayramlar ham juda mashhur.Bu
bayram avgust oyining oxirida ushbu mamlakatga tashrif buyurishga muvaffaq bo'lgan sayyohlarni omadli
deb atash mumkin.Aynan o'sha paytda Ispaniyaning Bunol shahrida juda o'ziga xos bayrami bo'lib
o'tadi.Bayramning asosiy voqeasi markaziy shahar maydonida bo'lib o'tadi.Festivalga tashrif buyuruvchilar
bir-birlariga ezilgan pamidorlarni tashlashadi,ular oldindan tayyorlab qo'yishadi.Bu tomosha haqiqatan
e'tiborga loyiqdir,chunki minglab odamlar pomidor janglarida qatnashadilar.Kolumbiya Respublikasida ham
g'ayrioddiy va qiziqarli bayramlar mavjud. DANGASALIK kuni shulardan biridir.Bu Kolumbiyaning Itagul
shahrida nishonlanadi,uning aholisi to'g'ri dam olishning yetishmasligi qanchalik nosog'lom ekanligini
yaxshi bilishadi.Surunkali charchoq sindromi rivojlanishining oldini olish uchun ular 30 yildan ortiq vaqt
davomida ushbu bayramni nishonlab kelishadi.Dangasalik kuni -barcha kolumbiyaliklar uzoq kutilgan

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ta'tilga chiqishlari mumkin bo'lgan vaqtda nishonlanadi.Shahar aholisi to'g'ri dam olishi uchun o'zlarining
quyosh to'shaklari bilan ko'chalarga oqib kelishadi,madaniy tadbirlarda qatnashishni hohlovchilar ishtirok
etishadi.Ammo bu bayramni nishonlashni juda ko'pchilik hohlasharkan,chunki hech narsa qilmaydigan
insonlar soni ko'p ekan.Yaponiyada esa Qor bayrami ham shu kabilardir.Men bu bilan barsha bayramlarning
o'ziga xos tarixi va kelajagi borligi haqida,o'quvchilarimga oz bo'lsada ulashish edi.Bu bayram aynan bolalar
o'rtasida mashhur bo'lib,Yaponiyada qor va muzdan katta hajmli raqamlar,uylar yasalgan.Qizig'i
shundaki,festival nafaqat uyda balki dunyoning boshqa ko'plab mamlakatlarida ham mashhur.Shunga
o'xshash an'ana Rossiyada ham mavjud,faqat yangi yil uchun qordan yasalgan haykalchalar yaratilgan.Mana
shunday qiziqarli bayramlar haqidagi ma'lumotlar bolalar va yoshi kattalar uchun juda ham qiziqarli bo'ladi.

Foydalanilgan adabiyotlar ro’yxati:


A.Smith, “About holidays” Oxford 2008,p-123.


J.Windsow, “Around the world” Cambridge,2014,p-56.


Allamuradova Sabokhat

Lecturer at Samarkand State University


This article brings to light the importance of speaking skills. The author adopts a communicative

approach for the enhancement of speaking skills of her students in the class. The researcher focuses on the
processes involved in the conversational interaction of the students, thereby conducting such activities in the
class which enable her students to be ‘able to use the language appropriate to given social context. The
author’s consideration is that the role of the teacher is a technician or an engineer. The teacher's task is to
focus the students' attention, and provide exercises to help them develop language facility; however, to
ensure their self-reliance, the teacher should only help the students as much as is strictly necessary.

All our software development today, the communication facilities available to us through internet, our

access to a variety of websites, are all being carried out in English. Most of the research works are conducted
and compiled in English. Anything written and recorded in this language is read and listened to, in wider
circles. As a result, English is being taught and learned around the world as a second language today.


Grammar, reading, writing, act, communication, listening, speaking.


Language is a tool for communication. We communicate with others to express our

ideas, and to know others’ ideas as well. Communication takes place where there is a speech available.
Without speech we cannot communicate with each other. The importance of speaking skills hence is
enormous for the learners of any language. Without speech, a language is reduced to a mere script. The use
of language is an activity which takes place within the confines of our community. We use language in a
variety of situations. Researchers working either in a medical laboratory or in a language laboratory, are
supposed to speak correctly and effectively in-order to communicate well with one another.

English language has become an international language. Among nations it serves as a Lingua Franca.

It is spoken, learnt and understood even in those countries where it is not a native’s language. English is
playing a major role in many sectors including medicine, engineering, education, advanced studies, business,
technology, banking, computing, tourism etc. Language learning today is regarded less of an ‘acquisition of
structure’ and more of a learning of items of use. The teaching of language in relation to categories of use is
likely to have methodological implications.

The methodologies for language teaching therefore are to be based on the Linguistic insights as to the

nature of the language and also on the psychological insights as to the processes involved in its use, for the
development of communicative competence in the learners. The researcher adopts the techniques, which
provide an opportunity to the learners to enhance their communicative competence. An important part of this
ability is being able to use the language for self-expression; students should be able to express their thoughts,
feelings, and needs in the target language. In order to help them achieve this, teachers emphasize self-
reliance. Students are encouraged to actively explore the language, and to develop their own 'inner criteria' as
to what is linguistically acceptable.

Motivating activities for students in learning English

When we use the word approach we mean that an idea or theory is being applied: that whatever the

teacher does certain theoretical principles are always born in mind. When we talk about a technique we mean

Библиографические ссылки

A.Smith, “About holidays” Oxford 2008,p-123.

J.Windsow, “Around the world” Cambridge,2014,p-56.

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