Словарь иностранных слов, вошедших в состав русского языка. Составлен под ред. А.Н.
Чудинова. – СПб.: Издание В.И. Губинского, 2010.
Толстой Л.Н. Война и мир. Том первый. – Москва: Просвещение, 1987. – 288 с.
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Master student of the English faculty of SamSIFL: Masudova M.D.,
Scientific supervisor: Sulaymonova N.J.
Annotation: We will examine concepts for easy English grammar learning, the implementation of English
vocabulary, particularly through actions in teaching verbs, Listening Comprehension, and the utility of English-
learning mobile apps in this post. We can also talk about how new computer programs can be used to teach English
in schools.
Keywords: English, schools, Listening Comprehension, mobile applications, vocabulary, modern computer
As you may be aware, it is vital to consider the kids' age and psychological state when teaching a
foreign language. This needs extra caution, especially when teaching young children a foreign language. This
issue is equally subject to faith in the decisions of our fellow citizens, as when teaching a foreign language to
first-graders, no mathematics material is provided.
10. Clearly set the goal.
Because language learning is such a long and arduous process, anyone who begins it without a clear
goal in mind will never succeed. The more serious the goal you set for yourself, though, the faster and more
successfully you will learn the language.
The basis of the language is repetition.
Without constant repetition, learning a language is impossible. You can memorize 10 new words per
day, but you will lose them if you do not repeat them within 1-2 days. One of the most effective ways to do
this is to make flash cards (flash cards). If not, you can take advantage of the areas where your eyes naturally
fall. Personally, I would have written and pasted the new words I learnt on a small piece of paper on the
computer monitor and on the bed board.
Another benefit of studying languages with one or more partners is that it encourages partners to
compete for self-esteem. You may form a group with a friend from your neighborhood or school. You will
make every effort to remember the words so that you do not fall behind your partner if you commit to study
at least 30 new words each week and meet on Sunday to test each other.
4.. Use your smart phone effectively.
Learning English is not easy. This necessitates that you have a clear goal in mind, that you constantly
repeat new phrases, that you communicate when the opportunity arises, that you adapt the English learning
process to your life, and that you use technology effectively.
Learning English is really popular right now, and there are a variety of technology options. Here are
the most practical and helpful uses in international language studies.
To help you extend your vocabulary and apply what you've learned, the software can be used as a
standalone app or as part of an English language course.
The app offers both a well-known service and a variety of training courses. This activity helps
students improve their vocabulary, reading, writing, and listening skills. The exercise is based on
gamification, which encourages students to pursue their goals without losing interest in English.
The software teaches English in the form of a game by investing a few minutes each day. Work your
way up to grammar tasks by starting with simple verbs and sentences.
Polyglot 16
Dmitri Petrov, a well-known polyglot and author of the same-named course, created this program.
According to him, the system allows you to grasp basic English in only 16 classes. If you set aside at least 15
minutes every day, you will master the rules of grammar, memorize the required vocabulary, and learn how
to construct phrases for free communication.
Memorise is another game-like tool that makes learning English fun while also making it easier to
remember new words. The curator of the Memorise adventure realm will take you on a journey through a
mysterious place. On this adventure, you will face mysterious missions and enemy agents. This method will
provide you with excellent assistance.
BBC Learning English
This is the official BBC application, in which materials for English study were gathered from many
broadcasting corporations' radio and television stations. In addition to the audio content, there are various
worksheets to help you master grammar principles, create phrases, and absorb new terms.
Easy ten
With this program, you will memorize 10 new words by completing the lexical exercise that is
presented every day. The program does not require a significant amount of time; 20 minutes per day will
sufficient. The program contains around 20,000 words, as well as additional workouts to help with
pronunciation. Break the new words down into relevant groups for added motivation, and keep track of your
This app did not happen to be among the best in the App Store's "Education" category by accident.
The database of the application contains over 8,000 words and can be utilized offline. The software adapts to
the user's abilities and determines the phrases that were previously difficult in the activities; these words are
then repeated in following exercises until you remember them.
As long as the student is capable of self-analysis and systematization of new information, modern
language instruction attempts to produce a more civilized personality. Innovative methods are a vital part of
updating the system. With this in mind, teachers can get to know their most advanced colleagues, combine
them, and employ them in their work to achieve significant results. Many firms are taking multimedia
capabilities to a new level when it comes to sending and receiving information. The success of the entire
educational process is determined by the employment of computers and other gadgets.
To sum up,
every English teacher should have a background in education and psychology. Of
course, the teacher must have a solid foundation in mathematics. A thorough comprehension of mathematics,
on the other hand, is recognized as a separate div of knowledge. This topic must be thoroughly understood
by every English instructor. To conclude the arguments mentioned, it is important to note that English
grammar should be taught in an enjoyable way to students in higher education.
Institut Pendidikan Guru Kampus Dato’ Razali Ismail Teaching English Grammar in Malaysian
Primary Schools Manual for short course 2001
Harmer J. The Practice of English Language Teaching. – London., 2001
Jalalov J. Foreign Language Teaching Methodology. - Tashkent., 2012
Kurbonova M. A. The Effective ways of teaching mathematics at the initial stage of teaching English
language 2003