New perspectives in research on the use of implantation materials in oral surgery and maxillofacial surgery (in the example surgical dentistry)



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Хомидов, М., & Комлева, Л. (2023). New perspectives in research on the use of implantation materials in oral surgery and maxillofacial surgery (in the example surgical dentistry). in Library, 22(4), 73–82. извлечено от
Мухаммад Хомидов, Ташкентский государственный стоматологический институт

Преподаватель кафедры хирургической стоматологии и дентальной имплантологии

Л Комлева, Ташкентский государственный стоматологический институт




The aim of the work is to analyze the data of literature on the use of implantation materials in surgical dentistry and maxillofacial surgery our days, identify the list of unresolved issues and determine the main directions for further research. The analysis of the literature containing information about implantation materials, technology of application and known methods of predicting the results of their use is carried out. The list of analyzed sources of special literature includes: periodicals for the last 10 years. The descriptive method is used for the analysis. Today, specialists have a wide "range" of osteoplastic materials that are constantly updated and refined . Research is conducted in three areas. The first is the development of new and improvement of known osteoplastic materials.

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Scientific adviser:

Khomidov Muhammad Abdusobitovich

Teacher of the

Department of surgical dentistry and dental



Student of the Institute of Dentistry L.A Komleva

Tashkent State Dental Institute, Tashkent

The Annotation: The aim of the work is to analyze the data of literature on

the use of implantation materials in surgical dentistry and maxillofacial surgery

our days, identify the list of unresolved issues and determine the main directions

for further research. The analysis of the literature containing information about

implantation materials, technology of application and known methods of

predicting the results of their use is carried out. The list of analyzed sources of

special literature includes: periodicals for the last 10 years. The descriptive

method is used for the analysis. Today, specialists have a wide "range" of

osteoplastic materials that are constantly updated and refined . Research is

conducted in three areas. The first is the development of new and improvement of

known osteoplastic materials.

The second is to improve the operational technique of setting and using

these tools to compensate for bone defects. The third is the scientific

substantiation and implementation of auxiliary tools that have a positive impact

on the processes of reparative regeneration of jaw bone tissue and bone

remodeling in general. At the same time, in the specialized literature there is no

coherent scheme of differentiated approach to the use of osteoplastic materials for

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the compensation of jaw bone defects and dynamic monitoring of the patient

using both oral fluid indicators and data from acupuncture diagnostic systems.

The identityed unresolved issues in the use of implantation materials in surgical

dentistry and maxillofacial surgery and the identification of ways to resolve them

will help to reduce the number of complications, the level of disability and

provide cost savings. All this will help to improve the quality of life of patients

and increase the level of dental care to the population.

Keywords: implantation materials, acupuncture diagnostic systems, oral

fluid, physical and biochemical parameters.

Introduction: At the present stage, the improvement of known and the

development of new methods for predicting the results of using and optimizing

the processes of osseointegration of implant materials in surgical dentistry and

maxillofacial surgery have not lost their relevance and social significance [1, 2].

This is due to a number of factors. First, the prevalence of traumatic injuries

of the bones of the facial skeleton [3]. According to the World Health

Organization (WHO), injuries are the causes of permanent disability and disability

of patients in more than 7 million cases [4]. At the same time, recent years have

been marked by a trend towards an increase in the number of injuries of the

maxillofacial region from 3% to 8% [5, 6]. According to a number of authors, the

proportion of traumatic mandibular fractures in the Russian Federation and

countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) was 67–92% and

12.2–70.2% in non-CIS countries [4, 7]. Fractures of the upper jaw range from

2% to 6% of the total number of fractures of the bones of the facial skeleton.

Recent years have revealed an increase in the indicator to 8–9% [8]. At the same

time, the issue of effective treatment of traumatic fractures of the jaw bones is still

far from a final decision [9]. Secondly, the number of patients diagnosed with

neoplasms affecting the bones of the maxillofacial region continues to increase

[10, 11]. According to the literature, out of the total number of cavity formations

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of the jaw bones, cysts are diagnosed in 80–95% of cases [12, 13, 14].

The situation is aggravated by the long-term asymptomatic course of the

disease, which results in a significant loss of the volume of the jaw bone tissue

and the formation of an extensive defect [12, 15]. In addition, cystic formations

are distinguished by a high recurrence rate, which, according to various authors,

varies from 7% to 56%. Thirdly, there is no tendency to reduce the number of

reported facts of both systemic osteoporosis [18, 19] and osteoporosis of the jaw


Fourth, given the aging of the population as a whole, including in the

Republic of Belarus [20], there is an increase in the rates of degenerative age-

related changes in the skeletal system, including those affecting the maxillofacial

region. All of these facts contribute to a significant increase in the number of jaw

bone defects and make research aimed at their effective compensation one of the

priority areas in dentistry. Purpose of the work: after analyzing the literature data

on the use of implant materials in surgical dentistry and maxillofacial surgery at

the moment, to identify a list of unresolved issues and determine the main

directions for further research. An analysis of the literature containing information

about implant materials, application technology and known methods for

predicting the results of their use was carried out. The list of analyzed literature

sources includes periodicals for the last 10 years. A descriptive method was used

to carry out the analysis. Today, specialists have a wide "spectrum" of osteoplastic

materials , which are constantly updated and improved, for which very significant

financial resources are spent. Work is being carried out in three global areas. The

first of these is the development of new and improvement of known osteoplastic

materials. The second direction is represented by a sufficient number of studies on

the improvement of the operational technique of setting and using the indicated

means for compensating bone defects. The third direction includes works devoted

to the development, scientific substantiation and implementation of auxiliary

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agents (drugs, physical and / or physiotherapeutic effects, as well as their possible

combinations) that have a positive effect on the processes of reparative

regeneration of the jaw bone tissue and bone remodeling in general. At the same

time, the issues of optimizing the use of already known and well-proven ones.

Much less attention is paid to the literature review of osteoplastic

preparations, and only a few publications are devoted to predicting the results of

their use. Separately, it should be emphasized that, based on the information

available in domestic and foreign literature, to date, no attempts have been made

to solve the problem of personalizing the use of osteoplastic agents available in

the arsenal of medical specialists. The oral fluid at the present stage is one of the

promising biological environments for research in terms of diagnosis , prediction

and course of pathological processes, as well as for evaluating the effectiveness of

therapeutic and rehabilitation measures and dynamic monitoring of the patient's

condition. This indicates the possibility of using known biophysical and

biochemical tests of the specified biological environment of the human div to

monitor the effectiveness of postoperative treatment of patients who have used

osteoplastic materials, as well as to predict the development of inflammatory and

destructive complications in this variant of rehabilitation care. There are a number

of publications in the literature containing information on the dynamic changes in

the biochemical and immunological parameters of blood, physico-biochemical

parameters and immunological parameters of the oral fluid during damaging

effects on the jaw bones. There is information about the dynamics of some

biochemical parameters of the oral fluid in the dynamics of the treatment of

defects in the jaw bones using bioresorbable membranes . At the same time, in the

annals of the scientific literature there is no information on the presence or

absence of a correlation dependence of the physical and biochemical parameters

of the oral fluid, reflecting the processes of bone remodeling and reparative bone

regeneration with the data of reflexotherapy diagnostic systems, a comparative

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assessment of their effectiveness when used for the purpose of forecasting has not

been carried out. In the available scientific literature at the present stage, there is

no coherent scheme of a differentiated approach to the use of osteoplastic

materials in the compensation of jaw bone defects and dynamic monitoring of the

patient using both oral fluid indicators and data from reflexotherapy diagnostic


Each of these facts, as well as all of them together, testify to the need and

expediency of conducting research in this direction, confirm the relevance of the

chosen topic and make it undoubted. Conclusion Identified unresolved issues in

the use of implant materials in surgical dentistry and maxillofacial surgery,

determining ways to resolve them will help reduce the number of complications,

reduce the level of disability , and save financial resources spent on the

rehabilitation of persons with jaw bone defects. All of the above will help

improve the quality of life of patients and improve the level of dental care for the

population. Conflict of interest. The authors declare that there is no apparent or

potential conflict of interest related to the publication of the article. Financing.

The study was not sponsored.

Changes in the socio-economic situation in the Nizhny Novgorod region

have led to an increase in the number of patients with severe traumatic injuries of

the bones and soft tissues of the face and their complications. The organization of

the provision of specialized assistance to victims with craniofacial trauma in the

Nizhny Novgorod region, the staff of the department, headed by prof. I.D.

Kinyapina , began to study in the late 90s, but problems in the healthcare system

did not allow this difficult task to be completed. Development of high-tech

assistance and the organization of a specialized department for the treatment of

victims of road accidents in the Nizhny Novgorod region on the basis of the

Design Bureau named after. Semashko was given the opportunity to organize the

provision of specialized surgical care to patients with craniofacial trauma at the

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modern level, with the involvement of the proper number of related specialists,

appropriate emergency examination and treatment, and rehabilitation of patients.

Among the variety of fractures of the bones of the face and their

consequences, injuries of the middle zone of the face occupy a special place. With

fractures of the zygomatic bone, in 39% of cases there is damage to the orbit in

the form of small-comminuted fractures, leading to the prolapse of the entire

contents of the orbit, including the eyeball, into the maxillary sinus, leading to

infringement of the eye muscles and the development of diplopia. Currently, this

global problem is being studied in the doctoral dissertation of N.E.

Khomutinnikova . The use of high technologies in the diagnosis and planning of

reconstructive treatment of traumatic injuries of the maxillary fossa contributed to

the new scientific direction of the department - the development, together with the

firm "REPER NN" (Nizhny Novgorod), of a new method for the treatment of

fractures of the zygomatic orbital complex and new polymer implants for

plasticity of the lower wall of the orbit. Based on the results of this work in 2013,

a grant was received from the Nizhny Novgorod region in the field of science and

technology. In continuation of the work on the rehabilitation of patients and the

development of new modern polymeric materials, the staff of the department,

together with the firm "REPER NN", developed and introduced a new polymeric

membrane. YES. Mochalova data of an experimental study confirmed the

effectiveness of the developed polymer membrane for closing open wound defects

in the oral cavity. The author pointed to the activation of early regenerative

processes of damaged tissues due to the active construction of granulation tissue

and the formation of connective tissue fibers, which led to a significant reduction

in the boundaries of the resulting defect and accelerated healing and

epithelialization of the wound. It should be noted that scientific research in the

field of increasing the efficiency of regeneration of the bone tissue of the jaws and

soft tissues of the maxillofacial region and oral cavity is currently a priority

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research work for the staff of the Department of Surgical Dentistry.


1. Karalkin P.A., Sergeeva N.S. Komlev V.S. Biocompatibility and

osteoplastic properties of mineral-polymer composite materials based on sodium

alginate , gelatin and calcium phosphates for 3D printing of bone -replacing

structures // Genes & Cells. 2016. Vol. XI. No. 3. pp . 94–101. [ Karalkin PA,

Sergeeva NS, Komlev VS et al. Biocompatibility and osteoplastic properties of

mineral polymer composite materials based on sodium alginate, gelatin, and

calcium phosphates intended for 3D-printing of the constructions for bone

replacement. Genes & Cells. 2016; 11(3):94-101. (In Russ.)]

2. Kanno T., Sukegawa Sh., Furuki Y. et al. Overview of innovative

advances in bioresorbable plate systems for oral and maxillofacial surgery. Jpn .

Dent. sci. Rev. 2018; 54(3):127-38. doi : 10.1016/j.jdsr.2018.03.003.

3. Kruger E., Tennant M. Fractures of the mandible and maxilla: A 10-year

analysis. Australas . Med. J. 2016; 9(1): 17-24. doi : 10.4066/AMJ.2015.2570.

4. Vorobyov A.A., Fomichev E.V., Mikhalchenko D.V. and others. Modern

methods of osteosynthesis of the lower jaw (Analytical review) // Bulletin of

VolgGMU . 2017. V. 62. No. 2. S. 8–13. [ Vorobev] A. _ A ., Fomichyev E. _ V .,

Mikhalchenko D. _ V. _ et al . Up-to-date methods of mandibular osteisynthesis

(Analytical review). J. of VolgSMU . 2017; 62(2):8-14. (In Russ.)] doi :


5. Efremov Yu.V., Stomatov D.V., Efremova E.Yu. Analysis of the results

of using a bone suture in patients with oblique fractures of the lower jaw //

Bulletin of VolgGMU . 2015. V. 56. No. 4. pp. 60–62. [ Efi mov Yu.V .,

Stomatov DV, Effi mova E.Yu. _ et al. Analysis of using bone suture to treat

oblique fractures of the lower jaw. J. of VolgSMU . 2015; 56(4):60-2. (In Russ.)]

6. Lee Ch . W ., Foo Q. Ch., Wong LV et al. An overview of maxillofacial

trauma in oral and maxillofacial tertiary trauma Centre, Queen Elizabeth Hospital,

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Kota Kinabalu , Sabah. Craniomaxillofac . Trauma Reconstr . 2017; 10(1):16-21.

doi : 10.1055/s-0036-1584893.

7. Gali R., Devireddy SK, Kishore Kumar RV et al. Faciomaxillary

fractures in a Semi-urban South Indian Teaching Hospital: A retrospective

analysis of 638 case . Contemp. Clinic . Dent. 2015; 6(4):539-43. doi :


8. Mirzakulova U.R., Vansvanov M.I., Baskakova I.V. etc. Overview

questions classification fractures top jaw // Bulletin KazNMU . 2016. No. 1. P.

312–314. [ Mirzakulova UR, Vanabanov MI, Baskakova IB et al. Review of

classify cation of fractures of the upper jaw. Vestnik of KazNMU . 2016; 1:312-4.

(In Russ.)]

9. Ju J., Li L., Zhou R. et al. Combined application of latissimus dorsi

myocutaneous fl ap and iliac bone fl ap in the treatment of chronic osteomyelitis

of the lower extremity. J. _ Orthop . Surg . Res . 2018; 13:117. doi : 10.1186/ s

13018-018-0824- z .

10. Tukenov E.S., Semennikova N.V., Semennikov V.I. Improving the

methods of treatment of odontogenic cysts using laser technologies // Russian

Dental Journal. 2017. V. 21. No. 6. pp . 325–329.

11. Asnin B.Ya., Drobyshev A.Yu., Asnina S.A. Features of surgical

treatment of cystic formations of the lower jaw of large sizes. Dentistry for

everyone. 2016. No. 1. P. 22–23. [ asnin] B.Ya ., Drobishev A.Yu ., Asnina SA

Especially of surgery treatment of large of the mandible. Dentistry dlya vsekh .

2016; 1:22-3. ( In Russ .)]

1 2. Tarasenko S.V., Morozova E.A., Tarasenko I.V. The use of an erbium

laser for the surgical treatment of root cysts of the jaws // Russian Dental Journal.

2017. Vol. 21. No. 2. pp . 93–96. Tarasenk SV, Morozova EA, Tatasenko IV Use

of erbium laser for surgical treatment of root cysts of the jaws. Russian Journal of

Dentistry. 2017:21(2):93-6. (In Russ.)] doi : 10.18821/1728-2802 2017; 21(2):93-

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13. Tamiolakis P., Thermos G., Tosios KI et al. Demographic and clinical

characteristics of 5294 jaw cysts: a retrospective study of 38 years. Head Neck

Pathol . 2019; 13(4):587-96. doi : 10.1007/s12105-019-01011-7.

14. Ghani NRNA, Hamid NFA, Karobari MI Tunnel' radicular cyst and its

management with root canal treatment and periapical surgery: a case report.

Clinic . case Rep . 2020; 8(8):1387-91. doi : 10.1002/ ccr 3.2942.

15. Shchipsky A.V., Godunov I.V. Causes of recurrence of cystic formations of

the jaws // Dentistry. 2016. V. 95. No. 2. pp . 84–88. [ Schipskiy AV, Godunova

IV Gauses of jaw cysts relapse. dentistry. 2016; 95(2):84-8. (In Russ.)] doi :


16. Chacko R., Kumar S., Paul A. et al. Spontaneous bone regeneration after

enucleation of large jaw cysts: a digital radiographic analysis of 44 consecutive

cases. J. _ Clinic . Diagn . Res . 2015; 9(9):84-9. doi : 10.7860/ JCDR /2015/


17. Verbovoy A.F., Pashentseva A.V., Sharonova L.A. Osteoporosis: the current

state of the problem // Therapeutic archive. 2017. No. 5. P. 90–97. [ Verbovoy

AF, Pashentseva AV, Sharonova LA Osteoporosis: Current state of the art.











18. Ukon Y., Takahiro M., Kodama J. et al. Molecular -based treatment strategies

for osteoporosis: A literature review. Int. J. Mol. sci. 2019; 20(10):2557. doi :


19. Namkhanov V.V., Pisarevsky Yu.L., Plekhanov A.N. et al. State of the

dentoalveolar system and periodontal tissues in patients with systemic

osteoporosis // Bulletin of the Buryat State. university 2015. No. 12. P. 63–67. [

Namkhanov V. _ V. , Pisarevsky Yu . I ., Plekhanov A. _ N. _ et al . The state of

dental system and periodontal tissues in patients with systemic osteoporosis. Bull.

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of the Buryat State University. 2015; 12:63-7. (In Russ.)]

20. Jonasson G., Rythén M. Alveolar bone loss in osteoporosis: a loaded and

cellular affair? Clinic . Cosmetic . Investig . Dent . 2016; 8:95-103. doi :10.2147/

CCIDE . S92774 .

Библиографические ссылки

Karalkin P.A., Sergeeva N.S. Komlev V.S. Biocompatibility and osteoplastic properties of mineral-polymer composite materials based on sodium alginate , gelatin and calcium phosphates for 3D printing of bone-replacing structures // Genes & Cells. 2016.Vol. XI. No. 3. pp . 94–101. [ Karalkin PA, Sergeeva NS, Komlev VS et al. Biocompatibility and osteoplastic properties of mineral polymer composite materials based on sodium alginate, gelatin, and calcium phosphates intended for 3D-printing of the constructions for bone replacement. Genes & Cells. 2016; 11(3):94-101. (In Russ.)]

Kanno T., Sukegawa Sh., Furuki Y. et al. Overview of innovative advances in bioresorbable plate systems for oral and maxillofacial surgery. Jpn . Dent. sci. Rev. 2018; 54(3):127-38. doi : 10.1016/j.jdsr.2018.03.003.

Kruger E., Tennant M. Fractures of the mandible and maxilla: A 10-year analysis. Australas . Med. J. 2016; 9(1): 17-24. doi 10.4066/AMJ.2015.2570.

Vorobyov A.A., Fomichev E.V., Mikhalchenko D.V. and others. Modern methods of osteosynthesis of the lower jaw (Analytical review) // Bulletin of VolgGMU . 2017. V. 62. No. 2. S. 8–13. [ Vorobev] A. _ A ., Fomichyev E. _ V ., Mikhalchenko D. _ V. _ et al . Up-todate methods of mandibular osteisynthesis (Analytical review). J. of VolgSMU . 2017; 62(2):8-14. (In Russ.)] doi:10.19163/1994-9480 2017-2(62)-8-14.

Efremov Yu.V., Stomatov D.V., Efremova E.Yu. Analysis of the results of using a bone suture in patients with oblique fractures of the lower jaw // Bulletin of VolgGMU . 2015. V. 56. No. 4. pp. 60–62. [ Efi mov Yu.V ., Stomatov DV, Effi mova E.Yu. _ et al. Analysis of using bone suture to treat oblique fractures of the lower jaw. J. of VolgSMU . 2015; 56(4):60-2. (In Russ.)]

Lee Ch . W ., Foo Q. Ch., Wong LV et al. An overview of maxillofacial trauma in oral and maxillofacial tertiary trauma Centre, Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Kota Kinabalu , Sabah. Craniomaxillofac . Trauma Reconstr . 2017; 10(1):16-21. doi : 10.1055/s-0036-1584893.

Gali R., Devireddy SK, Kishore Kumar RV et al. Faciomaxillary fractures in a Semi-urban South Indian Teaching Hospital: A retrospective analysis of 638 case . Contemp. Clinic . Dent. 2015; 6(4):539-43. doi: 10.4103/0976-237X.169847.

Mirzakulova U.R., Vansvanov M.I., Baskakova I.V. etc. Overview questions classification fractures top jaw // Bulletin KazNMU 2016. No. 1. P. 312–314. [ Mirzakulova UR, Vanabanov MI, Baskakova IB et al. Review of classify cation of fractures of the upper jaw. Vestnik of KazNMU . 2016; 1:312-4. (In Russ.)]

Ju J., Li L., Zhou R. et al. Combined application of latissimus dorsi myocutaneous fl ap and iliac bone fl ap in the treatment of chronic osteomyelitis of the lower extremity. J. _ Orthop . Surg . Res . 2018; 13:117. doi : 10.1186/ s 13018-018-0824- z .

Tukenov E.S., Semennikova N.V., Semennikov V.I. Improving the methods of treatment of odontogenic cysts using laser technologies // Russian Dental Journal. 2017. V. 21. No. 6. pp . 325–329.

Asnin B.Ya., Drobyshev A.Yu., Asnina S.A. Features of surgical treatment of cystic formations of the lower jaw of large sizes. Dentistry for everyone. 2016. No. 1. P. 22–23. [ asnin] B.Ya ., Drobishev A.Yu ., Asnina SA Especially of surgery treatment of large of the mandible. Dentistry dlya vsekh . 2016; 1:22-3. ( In Russ .)]

Tarasenko S.V., Morozova E.A., Tarasenko I.V. The use of an erbium laser for the surgical treatment of root cysts of the jaws // Russian Dental Journal. 2017. Vol. 21. No. 2. pp . 93–96. Tarasenk SV, Morozova EA, Tatasenko IV Use of erbium laser for surgical treatment of root cysts of the jaws. Russian Journal of Dentistry. 2017:21(2):93-6. (In Russ.)] doi : 10.18821/1728-2802 2017; 21(2):93-99.

Tamiolakis P., Thermos G., Tosios KI et al. Demographic and clinical characteristics of 5294 jaw cysts: a retrospective study of 38 years. Head Neck Pathol . 2019; 13(4):587-96. doi : 10.1007/s12105-019-01011-7.

Ghani NRNA, Hamid NFA, Karobari MI Tunnel' radicular cyst and its management with root canal treatment and periapical surgery: a case report. Clinic . case Rep . 2020; 8(8):1387-91. doi : 10.1002/ ccr 3.2942.

Shchipsky A.V., Godunov I.V. Causes of recurrence of cystic formations of the jaws // Dentistry. 2016. V. 95. No. 2. pp . 84–88. [ Schipskiy AV, Godunova IV Gauses of jaw cysts relapse. dentistry. 2016; 95(2):84-8. (In Russ.)] doi: 10.17116/stomat201695284-88.

Chacko R., Kumar S., Paul A. et al. Spontaneous bone regeneration after enucleation of large jaw cysts: a digital radiographic analysis of 44 consecutive cases. J. _ Clinic .Diagn . Res . 2015; 9(9):84-9. doi : 10.7860/ JCDR /2015/ 13394.6524.

Verbovoy A.F., Pashentseva A.V., Sharonova L.A. Osteoporosis: the current state of the problem // Therapeutic archive. 2017. No. 5. P. 90–97. [ Verbovoy AF, Pashentseva AV, Sharonova LA Osteoporosis: Current state of the art. Therapevticheskii archive . 2017; 5:90-7. (In Russ.)] doi: 10.17116/terarkh201789590-97.

Ukon Y., Takahiro M., Kodama J. et al. Molecular -based treatment strategies for osteoporosis: A literature review. Int. J.Mol. sci. 2019; 20(10):2557.doi:10.3390/ijms20102557.

Namkhanov V.V., Pisarevsky Yu.L., Plekhanov A.N. et al. State of the dentoalveolar system and periodontal tissues in patients with systemic osteoporosis // Bulletin of the Buryat State. university 2015. No. 12. P. 63–67. [ Namkhanov V. _ V. , Pisarevsky Yu. I ., Plekhanov A. _ N. _ et al .The state of dental system and periodontal tissues in patients with systemic osteoporosis. Bull.of the Buryat State University. 2015; 12:63-7. (In Russ.)]

Jonasson G.,Rythén M. Alveolar bone loss in osteoporosis: a loaded and cellular affair?Clinic.Cosmetic. Investig .Dent 2016; 8:95-103. doi :10.2147/ CCIDE .S92774 .

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