Использование искусственного интеллекта в государственном управлении: опыт словении

Йермол, М. (2022). Использование искусственного интеллекта в государственном управлении: опыт словении. Актуальные вопросы и перспективы цифровизации судебно-правовой деятельности, 1(01), 33–35. извлечено от https://inlibrary.uz/index.php/combating-offenses/article/view/14392
Митя Йермол, Центр передачи знаний Института Йожефа Штефана(Словения)

Магистр наук, руководитель



Slovenia is doing a lot of work on making public data publicly available. The Ministry of Public Administration has a project that covers all public databases – Open data governmental portals. There is another portal, called ERAR, that has been originally started by Goran Klemencic, while presiding the Commission for Prevention of Corruption of Slovenia. In this database you have all information about all state expenditures: sources of funds, expenditures, and purpose of used funds.

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Суд ва ҳуқуқни муҳофаза қилувчи органлар фаолиятида рақамлаштириш


Митя Йермол

Магистр, Жозеф Стефан институти билимларни узатиш маркази раҳбари




Митя Йермол

Магистр наук, руководитель Центра передачи знаний Института Йожефа

Штефана (Словения)



Mitja Jermol

M. Sc. head of the Centre for Knowledge Transfer at Jožef Stefan Research Institute




Slovenia is doing a lot of work on making public data publicly available. The

Ministry of Public Administration has a project that covers all public databases –

Open data governmental portals. There is another portal, called ERAR, that has

been originally started by Goran Klemencic, while presiding the Commission for

Prevention of Corruption of Slovenia. In this database you have all information

about all state expenditures: sources of funds, expenditures, and purpose of used


Institute Jožef Stefan (IJS) have worked with Ministry of Public

Administration, Ministry of Education, Science and Sport, Ministry of Justice,
Ministry of Defense, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Interior,

Anticorruption Agency, Prosecutor’s Office, Bank of Slovenia, Municipalities,

European Commission and NATO.

The first thing that IJS has done with the Slovenian Commission for

Prevention of Corruption was a system that represents all public procurement,

calls and results in maps and graphs which show where money has been

concentrated –source, context, money flow. In the map you can see potential new

scenarios that might be leading to different source of public procurement.

In another map of this website you can see the graph of NATO researches

that is publicly available. Since we have historical data, we can also see trends and
thus, do predictions.

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Суд ва ҳуқуқни муҳофаза қилувчи органлар фаолиятида рақамлаштириш


Another project we did at IJS is the Bad Investment Bank project called

DUTB, where you can see the main entities leasing bad investments. You can see

there which companies were responsible for bankruptcies that happened in early

2010. You can combine this information with lobbyist contacts and get full

picture. The fact is: more data you can combine, more accurate the results and

clearer picture you will get.

We did the analytics of public procurement and clearly saw that different IT

companies got money from the ministries at different times – from the left

government and the right government. When we combined this data with publicly

available information, it became clear that the owner of IT companies in question

was the same person just using the different entities.

IJS also used publicly available data to monitor legislative process of

adopting law through parliament: the process from discussion to law adoption.

We constructed a timeline with available data and saw how voting in each

particular step happened – not just across parties, but also across regions. This is

crucial information which allows you to see where the problems are and how they

relate to particular law. We transcript all debates in parliament, we can track

changes and shifts in rhetoric. We can see how these MPs, even from different

parties, are similarly voting. We can check their voting, their interest and combine

this data with lobbyist data to see the whole picture.

In the public portal service, we don’t do the interpretation.

The interpretation has to be done by public – not by us.

Science analytics is a very useful tool. IJS collects data on research, projects,

publications and constructs automatically social networks: who is collaborating

with whom; competency networks: what are competencies of particular

individual. We can also see trends and help policy makers decide or see in what

areas of research to invest.

We did a landscape for European Commission – we structured a map of

8000 studies. This was a helpful tool for the European Commission to see where

the empty spaces are, where investment is needed.

We also developed email analytics for enforcement agencies. In the

beginning this tool was for our own use but at some point, it became interesting

for law enforcement agencies, because the prosecutors and investigators have too

much email data on a particular company. This tool collects all information,

creates social networks, dependencies, story lines to track where a particular case

has started, which people were excluded from communication, what has been

discussed – everything that is needed for the case. Instead of reading billions of

emails you can go through this system and find out roots, where things started to


IJS did another project on automatic anonymization. This software was used

to anonymize the documents that must be anonymized.

A risk assessment tool was done for the Bank of Slovenia to assist in

assessing risks not only in the country, but also related to external entities. The

same tool we use to see and detect potential threats: predicting defaults of

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Суд ва ҳуқуқни муҳофаза қилувчи органлар фаолиятида рақамлаштириш


companies, sectors and problems in value chains. Based on the model that learns

from these transactions between the companies, we can predict with 80%

accuracy that a company in Slovenia will default. This is crucial information for

the companies in same value chain.

Another project that we did is energy trading support for municipalities.

The regulation of the energy market in Europe is open: anyone can trade with

energy. In most cases, all municipalities in Slovenia and Europe as well, the

mayors are dependent on entities they are running and mayors are not usually

the experts in the field of energy. Thus, mayors/municipalities requested us to

help them to understand what is going on inside their municipalities in the sphere

of energy supply. We created the system that is able to allow better predictions
for demand, prices and failures in infrastructure.

IJS is deeply involved in cybersecurity analytics projects. Right now, we are

running a European funded project: we are reading all available sources – news,

social media and dark web. Based on collected information we detect and

formalize potential new scenarios for cyber threats. Thus, we do preventive

measures before the problem occurs. A lot of European entities are involved in

the project and Uzbekistan will be very much welcomed to join next calls for


Transparency in this field is “name of the game”. As an institute, as

researchers and developers we don’t interpret. We just provide different insights
into data, so that others – journalists, analysts, law enforcement bodies can do the


Data is public, but hardly publicly available. Even in Slovenia, where we

have all laws set up, we spent 6 months of negotiations with the parliament to get

information about the MPs – event if this data must be publicly available.

Every application is useful in a variety of scenarios. One application can’t be

used in all circumstances, and you need to be prepared, that it should be adapted

for each particular user or public administration.

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