Journal of history
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  • Phd, Associate Professor, Head Of “History” Department Of Kimyo International University In Tashkent, Uzbekistan
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Akbar Zamonov, . (2023). SPECIFIC ASPECT OF MANAGEMENT OF SAMARKAND BY THE SHEYBANIDS DYNASTY. CURRENT RESEARCH JOURNAL OF HISTORY, 4(03), 1–13. https://doi.org/10.37547/history-crjh-04-03-01


In this paper, the author attempted to analyse the issues related to the ownership and management of Samarkand and adjacent territories during the reign of the Sheybanids dynasty. In the research work, the specific aspects of the dynastic management in Samarkand were studied based on the local sources, written during the reign of the Sheybanids and Ashtarkhanids, diaries of the ambassadors and travellers, and modern historians.

According to the sources, during XVI century Samarkand was ruled by descendants of four sons of Abulkhayrkhan, an outstanding representative of the Sheybanids dynasty. These were the descendants of Shah Budag in 1500-1510, in 1512-1552 and 1556-1572 – descendants of Kuchkunchikhan, in 1552-1556 – descendants of Suyuchkhuja, and in 1578-1598 – the descendants of Khuja Muhammad Sultan, who had the opportunity of ruling Samarkand. From this point of view, the article analyses the administration of Samarkand region based on the specific features of this era by conditionally dividing it into three periods. Similarly to the period of reign of Timurids, during the first period – 1500-1541 the city was the centre of Maveraunnahr, the capital of the Sheybanids state; in the second period,  1541-1578, Samarkand was an independent khanate together with the territories around it; in the third period of 1578-1598 – it was a large region in the Bukhara khanate with no status of the political centre. This paper studies the history of administration of Samarkand by the Sheybanids dynasty by such division into periods and on the basis of the information in the sources and scientific literature.


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