Applying student-centered educational methods at Tashkent pediatric medical institute

Хабибуллаев , С., Нишантаев , М., & Ли X. (2023). Applying student-centered educational methods at Tashkent pediatric medical institute . Современные аспекты развития фундаментальных наук и вопросы их преподавания, 1(1), 16–20. извлечено от
С Хабибуллаев , Ташкентский педиатрический медицинский институт
X Ли , Медицинский колледж Университета Йонсей
Доктор философии


Improving the quality of education depends on both the teacher and the students, and both sides are equally important. Increasing the student's active participation in the learning process is one of the most important tasks, for which it is necessary to create all conditions. From this point of view, the main goal is to improve students' self-learning skills using modern teaching methods such as FL, TBL, and PBL, deviating from the traditional method in medical education. Self-learning study will be related to each practical training. And, the content of individual learning will be part of practical training topics. As a result of the using student-centered method, the students’ self-learning skills are formed by effectively using the hours of independent study, and their active participation increases during the lesson.

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Республиканская научно


практическая конференция

с международным участием

«Современные аспекты развития фундаментальных

наук и вопросы их преподавания»




S. Khabibullaev

Associate Professor, Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute

M.K. Nishantaev

Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute

H. Lee

PhD, Yonsei University College of Medicine


Improving the quality of education depends on both the teacher and

the students, and both sides are equally important. Increasing the student

s active

participation in the learning process is one of the most important tasks, for which it

is necessary to create all conditions. From this point of view, the main goal is to

improve students

self-learning skills using modern teaching methods such as FL,

TBL, and PBL, deviating from the traditional method in medical education.

Self-learning study will be related to each practical training. And, the content of

individual learning will be part of practical training topics. As a result of the using

student-centered method, the students

self-learning skills are formed by effectively

using the hours of independent study, and their active participation increases during

the lesson.

Purpose of the research

The main goal is to design an instructional model for self-directed learning

based on flipped team-based learning methods.

We need to define step-by-step project goals to achieve this goal. Firstly, we

should explain the dialectic educational method, its components, and its

importance to students and all project members. Secondly, we need to define the

goal of independent education and apply ways to fully and effectively use its

hours. For using FL we should develop pre-class video lectures and assessment

questions for individuals and teams. The next step is developing team problems

in class to solve and grading rubrics for presentation. We should download

instructions to students on how to use FL materials, a curriculum of the subject,

links to video lectures which are downloaded to the YouTube channel, textbooks,

PowerPoint files of lectures, and tests of FL to our platform. Each teacher has their

login to enter the platform, and at the same time, students also have their login.

Teachers should download all material of FC to the platform. Students should use

these materials in pre-class activities. We can control solving tests by students,

but we cannot control watching video lectures by students. It is not like this

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Республиканская научно


практическая конференция

с международным участием

«Современные аспекты развития фундаментальных

наук и вопросы их преподавания»


function of our platform. Lastly, we need to find deficiencies and mistakes during

the use of the FL method and eliminate all of them.


Lectures, practical training, and laboratory hours are mainly conducted

using the traditional method. In the course of the lecture, the teacher is active the

students are passive, and knowledge is transferred from one person to another.

Modern methods such as TBL and PBL are used in practical training and

laboratory work, but not in full form. In the process of practical training, students

are mainly assessed individually. Single-answer, multiple-answer, sequence

finding, and matching tests are used in this process. However, each student is

given a separate test and they do not solve the same tests as a team. The use of

TBL also has its disadvantages. 4-6 cases were developed for each topic. During

the lesson, students are divided into groups, cases are also distributed equally

among these groups. Each group works on a case study separately. The downside

of this is that students do not receive feedback from other group members on the

solutions to case problems. As a result, critical thinking and teamwork skills

among health professionals are not fully formed in medical students. Now, we

count other mistakes we are making while using FL in the practical training of

medical biochemistry. Students are not divided into groups based on their main
characteristics. Each team does not have a maximal diversity in the knowledge

and experience of the members. During the TBL does not use an immediate

feedback assessment technique (IF-AT). There are no group evaluations in

practical training. Students do not actively engage with one another and material

in solving problems using TBL. Reflection in action will occur but reflection on

action will not in using TBL.

At the time, there was a huge problem with independent hours. Although the

independent education of students in the Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute

curriculum makes up 50 % of the total education, this indicator does not justify itself.

Why don

t Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute students take advantage of

independent hours? First, the level of students

knowledge is evaluated in

practical training, and its importance is very low. Because the level of

appropriation of the given credits depends only on the final exam result. For this

reason, during the practical training, students do not pay attention to the lesson

and do not answer or cannot answer the questions asked by the teacher. Second,

independent education level assessments are not included in the overall

assessment. Thus, students do not fully use independent hours. Generally, the

independent education of students is not properly established, the necessary

conditions are not created completely.

Therefore, the curriculum of Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute should be

reviewed, modern changes should be made. We should create a new model for

integrating practical training hours and independent hours to provide structure

for students to effectively utilize hours of practical training and independent

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практическая конференция

с международным участием

«Современные аспекты развития фундаментальных

наук и вопросы их преподавания»


study. These activities help students to develop self-management competence in

the field of medical education.

Materials and methods

Utilizing student-centered instructional methods is required in teaching

medical subjects at Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute including flipped

learning (FL), team-based learning (TBL), and problem-based learning (PBL).

Based on student-centered instructional methods this project can provide

students with more efficient, effective, and sustainable learning environments

where students can learn key concepts via a short video lecture at home, and

assess their understanding through a self-assessment test. In addition, they can

discuss difficulties found in a team and prepare in-class activities such as case

discussion and problem-solving based on team collaboration. Thus, it is critical to

establish modern teaching methods effective for medical students to utilize

independent study hours and practical training based on student-centered

instructional methods.

Currently, the syllabus of our subjects includes the objectives of the module,

lecture, practical training, and laboratory work. In addition, the syllabus includes

professional competencies, educational technology and methods, and

requirements for obtaining credit. First of all, it is necessary to identify the

mistakes and shortcomings of the existing syllabus to implement this project.

After that, it is necessary to fill the syllabus with the content corresponding to the

requirements of the Unit system. Assessment methods should be included in the

syllabus. In many subjects, students are assessed mainly orally, partly through

tests and cases. Cases should be used more to improve students

critical thinking

skills. Students should be given the same tests before and after the lecture.

This increases students

attention to the lecture. In addition, students should be

fully informed about the updated syllabus, FL, TBL, PBL, and assessment methods.

In particular, the Unit system and its purpose, tasks, and execution procedures

should be fully taught.

One of the main tasks of the project is to evaluate students

use of FL and its

effectiveness. Because efficiency determines the plans of the project. We need to

implement the project inspection process every two months to evaluate the

efficiency, interim evaluation at the end of each semester, and outcome evaluation

twice a year. For doing milestone evaluation we should create tests and cases

related to one chapter. These tests and cases should be created based on pre-class

information. For mid-term evaluation, an exam should be conducted after each

semester, using tests and cases used in each unit. We can call that tests and cases

in each unit are pre-class exams, and mid-term assessments are post-class exams.

Students should not know that identical tests and cases are used in each unit and

midterm exam. In an experiment by Xiao et al., the same method was used for

interim evaluation and it was successful [3]. The same method can be used for

module/outcome evaluation. In addition, the overall results of the module can be

evaluated by comparing them with the results of the previously used traditional

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практическая конференция

с международным участием

«Современные аспекты развития фундаментальных

наук и вопросы их преподавания»


method or with the results of medical institutes that use other traditional

methods [1, 2].

For the implementation of the module, we use the online platform of

Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute which is called

. Through this

platform, students who need to learn this subject are allowed to access and use

the module.

Evaluation of the effectiveness of the Unit system is carried out through the

level of students

mastery and conclusions obtained from students on FC.

In addition, we should take feedback from students. We do not want to apply FC
on one or two groups to compare with groups that are using FC. The final exam

results of these groups are evaluated and compared to each other. The results of

the feedback and comparison will show us the effectiveness of the Unit system.

We have more modern methods in medical education. Team-based

learning, case-based learning, evidence-based medicine, problem-based learning,

simulation-based learning, peer-assisted learning, observational learning,

e-learning, and flipped classrooms are used in several high medical institutions

[4]. In this project, we will use more efficient and useful methods like flipped

classrooms, TBL, and PBL. Using these methods helps us to improve our utilization

of independent hours. These methods are convenient for our online platform.

For creating FL, we should record video lectures for difficult parts of the

topic or part which is not included practical training plan. These video lectures

will be in Uzbek, Russian, and English language. After that, we should create tests

for I-RAT and G-RAT in three languages which are related to the content of video

lectures. For the PBL method, we will need cases according to the topic which help

us to increase making differential diagnoses.

When using FC, we must fully comply with the requirements given in the

literature [5, 6]. In the project which is given in the literature, 80% foundational

material of the topic and 20% complex concepts are included in pre-class activity.

In class activity, the instructor assesses foundational learning with clicker
questions and pair&share. Then, the instructor gives a micro-lecture that includes

a complex concept of content. After that, students present a summary and

interpretation of the assigned readings and answer other students’ questions

about material related to that class’s topic. At the end of each class, the i


administered a multiple-

choice quiz on paper which covered only the class’s

material and cases. Students can work in pairs and openly discuss the questions

and cases [5, 6].

The main purpose of the using flipped classroom method it helps us shift

from knowledge to competencies. When using FC students can construct personal

knowledge, engage in cognitive and physical activities of learning, set and meet
personal goals, and monitor progress in their knowledge [7]. We should use the

TBL method and it requires students to actively engage with one another during

the lesson. TBL method plays the main role in the development of critical thinking

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Республиканская научно


практическая конференция

с международным участием

«Современные аспекты развития фундаментальных

наук и вопросы их преподавания»


and teamwork skills of students


. Why are we using the PBL method? In PBL, a

situational problem given to the student forces him to acquire the necessary

knowledge to solve the problem [8]. Using PBL helps us to improve how to

approach clinical problems, communicate with patients, identify complaints to

make a diagnosis, and find useful treatment methods [9].

Study results.

The result of this method will be increasing the effectiveness

of independent education by implementing a student-directed self-learning

program for medical subjects. In addition, this module can help students retain

information and improve cognitive skills. On the other hand, students use their
independent hours to encourage knowledge and competencies.


1. Florek AG, Dellavalle RP. Case reports in medical education: A platform

for training medical students, residents, and fellows in scientific writing and

critical thinking. J Med Case Rep. 2016;10(1). doi:10.1186/s13256-016-0851-5

2. Al-Rukban MO. Practical Tips: Guidelines for Construction of MCQs 125



3. Xiao N, Thor D, Zheng M. Student Preferences Impact Outcome of Flipped

Classroom in Dental Education: Students Favoring Flipped Classroom Benefited

More. Educ Sci (Basel). 2021;11(4). doi:10.3390/educsci11040150

4. Challa KT, Sayed A, Acharya Y. Modern techniques of teaching and

learning in medical education: a descriptive literature review. MedEdPublish.

2021;10(1). doi:10.15694/mep.2021.000018.1

5. McLaughlin JE, Roth MT, Glatt DM, et al. The flipped classroom: A course

redesign to foster learning and engagement in a health professions school. Academic

Medicine. 2014;89(2):236-243. doi:10.1097/ACM.0000000000000086

6. Hrynchak P, Batty H. The educational theory basis of team-based learning.

Med Teach. 2012;34(10):796-801. doi:10.3109/0142159X.2012.687120

7. Thamraksa C. Student-Centered Learning: Demystifying the Myth.


Kibret S, Teshome D, Fenta E, et al. Medical and health science students’

perception towards a problem-based learning method: A case of debre tabor

university. Adv Med Educ Pract. 2021;12:781-786. doi:10.2147/AMEP.S316905


Trullàs JC, Blay C, Sarri E, Pujol R. Effectiveness of problem


learning methodology in undergraduate medical education: a scoping review.

BMC Med Educ. 2022;22(1). doi:10.1186/s12909-022-03154-8

Библиографические ссылки

Florek AG, Dellavalle RP. Case reports in medical education: A platform for training medical students, residents, and fellows in scientific writing and critical thinking. J Med Case Rep. 2016; 10(1). doi:10.1186/sl3256-016-0851-5

Al-Rukban MO. Practical Tips: Guidelines for Construction of MCQs 125 Practical Tips GUIDELINES FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF MULTIPLE-CHOICE QUESTIONS TESTS.

Xiao N, Thor D, Zheng M. Student Preferences Impact Outcome of Flipped Classroom in Dental Education: Students Favoring Flipped Classroom Benefited More. Educ Sci (Basel). 2021;ll(4). doi:10.3390/educscill040150

Challa KT, Sayed A, Acharya Y. Modern techniques of teaching and learning in medical education: a descriptive literature review. MedEdPublish. 2021;10(l).doi:10.15694/mep.2021.000018.1

McLaughlin JE, Roth MT, Glatt DM, et al. The flipped classroom: A course redesign to foster learning and engagement in a health professions school. Academic Medicine. 2014;89(2):236-243. doi:10.1097/ACM.0000000000000086

Hrynchak P, Batty H. The educational theory basis of team-based learning. Med Teach. 2012;34(10):796-801. doi:10.3109/0142159X.2012.687120

Thamraksa C. Student-Centered Learning: Demystifying the Myth.

Kibret S, Teshome D, Fenta E, et al. Medical and health science students’ perception towards a problem-based learning method: A case of debre tabor university. Adv Med Educ Pract. 2021;12:781-786. doi:10.2147/AMEP.S316905

Trullas JC, Blay C, Sarri E, Pujol R. Effectiveness of problem-based learning methodology in undergraduate medical education: a scoping review. BMC Med Educ. 2022;22(l). doi:10.1186/sl2909-022-03154-8

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