EIJP ISSN: 2751-000X
A.E. Khujakulov
Karshi State University, Uzbekistan
Key words:
Complex training, children,
activation, pedagogical model, education, latent
: 13.10.2024
: 18.10.2024
In this article, the theoretical
foundations and practical experiences that
determine the content of the pedagogical model of
activating children's self-expression during
complex activities, the most consistent and
reasonable systems for the development of
preschool children, the psychophysiological
characteristics of children and the possibilities of
their development through complex activities and
education - thoughts and opinions are expressed
regarding the pedagogical model of activation
during the manifestation of the child's hidden
abilities in educational processes.
Unusual self-expression is always connected with the holistic perception of existence.
Comprehensive self-knowledge allows a person to manifest himself, that is, to express himself fully,
naturally, freely. According to Jung, the "self" is always based on an archetype that obeys general
biological laws. Voluntary actions of a person are based on instinct, depend on archetypal models and
are changed under the influence of the environment. According to E. L. Yakovleva, a person's ability to
present himself to the world and express his uniqueness is a big problem for many. In order for the
child to express his personality, he needs openness, freedom and conditions.
According to him, "the free and flexible use of tools to express one's individuality" opens up endless
opportunities for personal growth.
K. Orf saw the main goal of his pedagogical activity in the development of the creative potential of an
individual. Regardless of who the child will be in the future, the teacher's task is to teach him creativity
and creative thinking. The most consistent and reasonable system of development of preschool children
in foreign pedagogy belongs to R. Steiner, one of the founders of the Waldorf school. Based on the
experience of the international movement of Waldorf schools, R. Steiner developed a method of free
development of children that did not exist before. Scientific medical-pedagogical reasoning and the
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beginning of the consistent development of the technology of using logarithmics for the development
of children with speech problems occurred in the 30s of the XX century. V. A. Gilyarovsky in a number
of his works justifies the need for multifaceted and purposeful influence on the personality of a child
with a speech impediment by various specialists and the use of the health function of a properly
organized children's team. In this study, the idea of a step-by-step transition from simple speech, song,
and complex forms of movement is the leading one.
In fact, the step-by-step transition from the rhythmization of simple movements, tones, rhythms, and
words to more complex self-expression allows the child to develop the potential of his nature, which is
a necessary condition for the anthropological approach. The results of scientific research allow to take
into account more fully the psychophysiological characteristics of children and their development
potential: to improve work ability, motor potential, the level of speech communication, to activate
visual-effective, visual-imaginative and logical thinking.
A child's self-expression depends on memory. Different aspects of memory are distinguished:
1) emotional - if the development process causes interest and, accordingly, an emotional reaction;
2) image, in which perception is based on one of the movement patterns;
3) verbal-logical, aimed at understanding tasks and memorizing a logical sequence of tasks;
4) a tool related to the practical performance of actions and tasks;
5) voluntary, without them it is impossible to perform exercises consciously and independently.
Exercises that activate attention develop speed and accurate response to visual and auditory stimuli, all
types of memory (auditory, visual, motor).
Features of working with children to activate self-expression:
- individual tasks, visual presentation of the material in the application of the training moment;
- tasks of coordinating and replacing actions that gradually complicate tasks;
- static and dynamic exercises combined with oral explanation;
- introducing children to various types of activities: tools, songs, speech.
The psychological and pedagogical justification of the activation of the preschool child's personality in
higher groups includes a number of conditions, the presence of which ensures self-expression as a
natural free manifestation of the child's inner aspirations and desires. One of the pedagogical conditions
for the activation of self-expression is the anthropological approach based on the principles of self-
awareness of R. Burns. The self-awareness of the inner "I" of the preschool child includes self-
expression as 1) process, 2) content, 3) free tool, installation in song and speech activity. At the same
time, the ability to express oneself is manifested in modality: the real self (as I am), the ideal self (as I
want to be), the mirror self (as others see me), and self-representation. complex classes in the form of
modality "my actions", "my experiences", "my speech".
In self-expression, the auditory system plays the role of an audio regulator between the external world
and internal processes. The most important features of this system, unlike the visual system, are the
lack of procedurality and objectivity. Auditory information requires the most attention of children, and
it is a process that is rarely carried out by children. The unknown is always hidden in auditory
information ("I hear, but I don't see"), so the information is initially associated with increased interest
and attraction. Self-expression occurs under the following conditions:
- the child should be ready to change what he is capable of; accept what you cannot change;
- it is necessary to learn to distinguish one from another.
The child goes through three stages of self-expression:
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1) the real and the inner world are not separated (the method of self-expression is spontaneous-
intuitive - the child follows the laws of nature, but does not know social laws);
2) the real world is much richer than the inner world (the way of self-expression is reliably regulated -
the child obeys social laws and tries to follow the advice of others, adults control the child);
3) the inner world is much richer than the real world (the way of self-expression is arbitrarily creative
- the child spontaneously expresses various experiences, experiences in concrete actions). This is the
approach we use to determine the level of self-expression in children's diagnostics.
Interaction with oneself occurs at three levels: detection (emotional experience), fixation (storage
action), understanding (verbal communication, discussion of ongoing processes). In this case, self-
expression can be of three types: emotional (emotional), intellectual (mental) and effective (somatic).
The pedagogical condition for activating self-expression is, first of all, the development of specific
methods, techniques, skills and abilities:
1) auditory and visual acquisition of the surrounding world, which includes the child's gradual
understanding of the means of expression: from noise and chaotic forms to the "music" and "pictures"
of life;
2) the child's ability to listen and hear himself, look and see, the world around him, the objective and
healthy world, the ability to understand art;
3) methods of gathering energy and focusing your attention on internal and external processes and
4) the ability to "translate" musical and verbal images into a symbolic system;
5) methods of transferring self-expression to new conditions.
The following pedagogical conditions of self-expression are based on the results of the theoretical
understanding of the processes of self-expression and practical analysis carried out by the author in a
number of children's educational institutions. A child of preschool age can be distinguished:
- actualization of the zone of proximal development (L. S. Vygotsky) in the process of personal self-
- activation of the child's "peak of experience" (A. Maslow) in various activities (dance, song, speech);
- taking into account the leading emotional system (visual, auditory, kinesthetic) that determines the
spontaneity of the child's activity;
- using the energetic nature of inspiration, which becomes a synergistic "engine" of self-expression;
- mastering all levels of creative self-expression by children: spontaneous-intuitive, confidently
regulated, arbitrary-creative (O. E. Dren);
- if a comfortable environment is created, taking into account the child's free choice of activity type and
- using "I-concept" (R. Bern) as a method of introducing the child to the role development of movement,
song, speech;
- use of pedagogical attitude (D. Uznadze) in expressiveness of actions, song, speech;
- choosing a dominant (A. A. Ukhtomsky) type of activity (speech, song or motor) depending on the topic
and purpose of a complex lesson.
The organization of work on the development of self-expression was carried out taking into account the
age characteristics of children. Therefore, the content of the activity includes elements of mystery,
magic, miracle, guesswork, used thinking, riddles, fairy tales, and fantasy. Emotions such as surprise,
doubt, insight, and wonder were identified and recorded. At the beginning, a "tie" is assumed, based on
the creation of a situation for self-expression, the clash of knowledge and ignorance, the comparison of
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the ordinary and the extraordinary, the real and the fiction. In practice, self-expression is manifested in
the ability to express one's experience and individuality, that is, a unique attitude to the world.
A person's self-expression depends, first of all, on the level of understanding and mastering of common
means of expression: tempo, rhythm, dynamics, phrases, breathing. At the same time, each type of
activity has its own means of expression:
- in dance activities - plasticity, jumping, steps, etc.;
- melodiousness, harmony, timbre of musical instruments; range, registers, etc.;
- rhetorical words, metaphor, hyperbole, etc.
It is also possible to distinguish general means of expression for musical and speech activities:
breathing, sound production, diction, timbre, phrases, intonation.
Experimental research work was carried out in four stages for 4 years.
At the first precision stage, the task was set to determine the criteria of indicators and levels of musical,
motor and speech development of children of middle and senior preschool age. Later, a bank of
diagnostic tasks was created to determine the level of development of children, and a trial diagnosis
was conducted in small groups.
In the second stage of identification, the criteria, indicators and methods for diagnosing the musical,
motor and speech development of middle and senior preschool children during self-expression were
defined and combined. Diagnostic activities were carried out in accordance with diagnostic tasks and
established criteria, indicators and levels. About 100 children of the experimental group and 100 of the
control group were included in this identification phase. Qualitative and quantitative processing of the
obtained data was carried out.
During the third formation stage, during the implementation of the pedagogical model, pedagogical
conditions, and the comprehensive program, control units were held in individual classes and
observations were made. They are included in the children's personal cards. This stage made it possible
to clarify and expand the ideas about the children of the experimental research group, to justify the level
of self-expression of children in a better way.
In the fourth control stage, the final cutting was carried out after the formative part of the pilot study.
The results of the experimental and control groups were compared, material analysis and statistical
final processing were performed. Pedagogical conclusions were drawn based on the research results.
Each stage had its own tasks and sequence of events: a) grounding and collection of research materials
of a diagnostic and formative nature; b) working in a preschool educational institution; c) processing of
received data and their pedagogical analysis.
In general, some children with a low level of self-expression were diagnosed, and they turned out to be
more than 40%, close to the average on some indicators. Children who are average and make up more
than half of diagnosed children can perform diagnostic tasks with the help of a teacher, their
expressiveness is episodic, but their desire and interest in such work is much higher.
The emotionally positive attitude, interest in expressiveness detection tasks, and children's desire to
continue reading showed that there are potential opportunities to activate children's speech, songs, and
motor self-expression, but certain conditions for their detection and development are required.
Pedagogical influence is necessary.
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