Nazarov, K. (2023). THE PROBLEM OF FINANCIAL LITERACY IN UZBEKISTAN AND IMPLEMENTATION FINANCE DISCIPLINE IN EDUCATION. Приоритетные направления, современные тенденции и перспективы развития финансового рынка, 280–282. извлечено от


The Financial literacy is a problem for population, government and for economics itself, not only in Uzbekistan but in whole world. Essentially, it is the ability to use one’s knowledge and skills to effectively manage financial resources, ideally for a lifetime of financial well -being. Indeed, financial literacy is something we all have to work on each day - it’s part of our ongoing education.

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yо‘nаlishidа, 9 tаsi аsаlаrichilik yо‘nаlishidа, 5 tаsi bаliqchilik yо‘nаlishidа, 6 tаsi bоshqа
yо‘nаlishlаrdа tаshkil еtildi.

Kооpеrаtivlаrgа 9 876 nаfаr ishsizlаr biriktirildi vа ulаrgа kооpеrаtivlаrning ustаv

fоndigа а’zоlik ulushi sifаtidа 21,8 mlrd.sо‘m subsidiyа mаblаg‘lаri о‘tkаzib bеrildi.

Хulоsа qilib аytgаndа, ish bilаn bаnd bо‘lgаnlаr sоnining kаmаyishi, iqtisоdiyоt

tаrmоqlаridа ish bilаn bаndlik tаrkibining jiddiy rаvishdа о‘zgаrishi, ish bilаn nоrаsmiy
bаndlik kо‘lаmlаrining kеngаyishidа о‘z ifоdаsini tоpаdi. Ushbu jаrаyоnlаr shаkllаnishining

qоnuniyаtlаrini аniqlаsh ijtimоiy


iqtisоdiy rivоjlаntirish istiqbоllаrini bеlgilаshdа mаhаlliy

miqyоsdаgi mеhnаt rеsurslаrini iqtisоdiy tаrmоqlаr о‘rtаsidа tаqsimоtini tо‘g‘ri tаshkil еtish,
yаngi tаshkil еtilаdigаn kоrхоnаlаrni rеjаlаshtirishdа аhоli sоnigа nisbаtаn prоpоrsiоnаllikni

tа’minlаsh аhоlining ish bilаn bаndligini tаrkibiy jihаtdаn о‘zgаrtirish dаstur lаrini ishlаb

chiqish nihоyаtdа muhimdir. Kеltirilgаn vаzifаlаrni аmаlgа оshirilishi о‘z nаvbаtidа mаmlаkаt
аhоlisi bаndligini tа’minlаshdа muhim аhаmiyаt kаsb еtаdi.

Foydalanilgan adabiyotlar ro‘yxati


Sh.M.Mirziyoyev. Yangi O’zbekiston taraqqiyot strategiyasi asosida demokratik islohotlar yo’lini

qat’iy davom ettiramiz. “Xalq so’zi” gazetasi, 2021 yil 7 noyabr, №238 (8018).


О‘zbеkistоn Rеspublikаsi Prеzidеntining “2021


yildа yаngi ish о‘rinlаrini tаshkil еtish vа аhоli

bаndligigа kо‘mаklаshish bо‘yichа dаvlаt dаsturi tо‘g‘risidа”gi 28.04.2021 yildаgi PQ


sоn Qаrоri.




Аbdurаhmоnоv Q. Mеhnаt iqtisоdiyоti: nаzаriyа vа аmаliyоt. Dаrslik. Qаytа ishlаngаn vа

tо’ldirilgаn 3


nаshri. –

T.: “FАN”, 2019. –

592 b.


O’zbekiston Respublikasi davlat Statistika qo’mitasi ma’lumotlari



Nazarov Khojimurod Olimjon ugli

Tashkent State University of Economics

Faculty of Finance

The Financial literacy is a problem for population, government and for economics itself,

not only in Uzbekistan but in whole world. Essentially, it is the

ability to use one’s knowledge

and skills to effectively manage financial resources, ideally for a lifetime of financial well-
being. Indeed, financial literacy is something we all have to work on each day -

it’s part of our

ongoing education.

According to the

OECD/INFE 2020 international survey of adult financial literacy

, about

half of the EU adult population does not have a good enough understanding of basic financial

concepts. While the overall figures are low, the problem is more acute in some parts of society

than others, with the most vulnerable disproportionally affected. Low-income groups, for
instance, as well as women, young people and older people, tend to score lower than the rest

of the population when it comes to financial knowledge.

Everyone should be able to understand the risks involved when borrowing or investing

money. Financial literacy can help individuals plan for the future, make better decisions about

what to do with their money, and invest in capital markets in a way that meets their needs.

This will be even more important for individuals and businesses as the economy gradually
recovers from the COVID crisis. Financial literacy also protects individuals from over-

indebtedness, excessive risk-taking, fraud, or cyber risks. Given the importance of finance in

modern society, lacking financial literacy can be very damaging to an individual’s l


financial success.

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From about 2000 to 2022, financial products and services have become increasingly

widespread throughout society. Despite being a relatively new field of study, financial literacy

has become increasingly important for governments and citizens

without it there can be

broad implications for the economic health and stability of countries.

As an example, low financial literacy has left millennials - the largest share of the

American workforce - unprepared for a severe financial crisis, according to research by the
TIAA Institute. Even among those who report having a high

knowledge of personal finance


only 19% answered questions about fundamental financial concepts correctly. Forty-three

percent report using expensive alternative financial services, such as

payday loans


pawnshops. More than half lack an

emergency fund

to cover three months’ expenses, and 37%

are financially fragile (defined as unable or unlikely to be able to come up with $2,000 within

a month in the event of an emergency).

Though these may seem like individual problems, they have a wider effect on the entire

population than previously believed. All one needs is to look at the

financial crisis of 2008


see the financial impact on the entire


that arose from a lack of understanding of

mortgage products (creating a vulnerability to

predatory lending

). Financial literacy is an

issue with broad implications for economic health.

Here in Russia, the authorities are highly cognizant of this and thus partnered with the

World Bank in 2011 to start implementation a project on financial literacy and education.

Promoting responsible and rational financial behaviour is one of the main goals of the project,

along with establishing financial education infrastructure at federal and regional levels,
increasing the accountability of financial services providers, designing a national strategy,

raising awareness and strengthening institutional capacity and underlying business practices

between consumers and financial services providers.

This project focuses primarily on improving the financial literacy of school-age children

and college student. The idea being that they gain the modern required financial knowledge

and awareness of financial instruments, which then they can bring home to their families,
including seniors, and to the wider community.

Thanks to the project, financial literacy courses have been introduced in schools and

universities, with training provided to teachers and tutors across the education system. By
June 2018, over 20,000 university students and teachers from almost two-

thirds of Russia’s

regions had completed training courses in financial literacy offered by the project.

The impact of this training is reflected in the results of the 2017 Program for

International Student Assessment (PISA) survey on financial literacy. Russian students

exceeded the average international level, ranking 4th place (compared to 10th place in 2012),

which constitutes unprecedented progress and puts Russia well above the OECD average.

In February 2016, the Fund for Good Ideas was launched, which offers financial support

on a competitive basis to grass-root initiatives, and encourages innovative ways of promoting

financial education. For example, the Fund has supported summer camps for teenagers in

several of Russia’s regions, as well as special editions of popular cartoons called “Smeshariki”

on the topic of financial literacy.

Organized with support from the project, the National Savings Week for Adults and the

National Week of Financial Literacy for Children and Youth have gained significant traction in


the latter engaging over 2.5 million children and teenagers who participated in around

25,400 events across Russia.

To support these goals, Russia’s Ministry of Finance and the Central Bank approved in

2017 the National Strategy for Financial Literacy for 2017-2023, and launched its
Implementation Road Map.

Significant steps have been taken in Russia to boost young people’s financial knowledge

and to help them make financially responsible decisions

decisions that are integral to their

everyday lives. At the World Bank, we are committed to supporting this important and unique

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initiative, which we believe could be successfully replicated in other countries, ultimately to
the benefit of citizens and society at large.

In USA, they established The Financial Literacy and Education Commission. The

Commission was tasked to develop a

national financial education web site


and a national strategy on financial education. The Commissi

on’s vision is of

sustained financial well-being for all individuals and families in the U.S. In furtherance of this
vision, the Commission sets strategic direction for policy, education, practice, research, and

coordination so that all Americans make informed financial decisions.

Holistically, the benefit of financial literacy is to empower individuals to make smarter

decisions. More specifically, financial literacy is important for a number of reasons.


Financial literacy can prevent devastating mistakes:

Floating rate

loans may have

different interest rates each month, while

traditional individual retirement account



tions can’t be withdrawn until retirement. Financial literacy helps

individuals avoid making mistakes with their personal finances.


Financial literacy prepares people for emergencies: Financial literacy topics such as
saving or emergency preparedness get individuals ready for the uncertain. Though

losing a job or having a major unexpected expense are always financially impactful,

an individual can cushion the blow by implementing their financial literacy in
advance by being ready for emergencies.


Financial literacy can help individuals reach their goals: By better understanding

how to budget and save money, individuals can create plans that set expectations,
hold them accountable to their finances, and set a course for achieving seemingly

unachievable goals. Though someone may not be able to afford a dream today, they

can always make a plan to better increase their odds of making it happen.


Financial literacy invokes confidence: Imagine making a life-changing decision

without all the information you need to make the best decision. By being armed

with the appropriate knowledge about finances, individuals can approach major life
choices with greater confidence realizing that they are less likely to be surprised or

negatively impacted by unforeseen outcomes.

In conclusion I can say that developing financial literacy to improve your personal

finances involves learning and practicing a variety of skills related to budgeting, managing,

and paying off debts, and understanding credit and investment products. The good news is

that, no matter where you are in life and financially, it’s never too late to start practicing good

financial habits.

Implementation of financial literacy in education, tend to make young generation more

flexible in dealing with personal budget, expand worldview in financial markets. By making
investment in national financial market can improve volatility of traded products and the

market itself.

List of literature







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