Protecting steels against corrosion and the formation of mineral salt deposits

Маматов, А., Нуруллаев, Ш., & Эрназарова, Н. (2023). Protecting steels against corrosion and the formation of mineral salt deposits. Зелёная химия и устойчивое развитие, 1(1), 210–213. извлечено от


The paper studies the physicochemical properties of import-substituted and export-oriented nitrogen, amine and phosphorus new composite inhibitors for corrosion protection of steels as well as scaling obtained from local raw materials and industrial wastes. Inhibiting properties of corrosion and mineral salt deposit accumulation in acid and hydrogen sulfide environments have been determined. It was found that the efficiency of the inhibition process with the use of composite inhibitors in acidic and hydrogen sulfide environments obeys the Langmuir law. The values of activation energy of the adsorption process in these media and thermodynamic values (∆H, ∆S, ∆G).

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A. M. Mamatov, Sh. P. Nurullaev, N. Ernazarova,

Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology,


: The paper studies the physicochemical properties of import-substituted and

export-oriented nitrogen, amine and phosphorus new composite inhibitors for corrosion protection
of steels as well as scaling obtained from local raw materials and industrial wastes. Inhibiting
properties of corrosion and mineral salt deposit accumulation in acid and hydrogen sulfide
environments have been determined. It was found that the efficiency of the inhibition process with
the use of composite inhibitors in acidic and hydrogen sulfide environments obeys the Langmuir
law. The values of activation energy of the adsorption process in these media and thermodynamic






inhibition, thermodynamics, corrosion of steels, inhibitor, protective

mechanism, activation energy, Gibbs energy, corrosion rate, hydrogen sulfide



Globally, corrosion protection of steel is one of the most important

scientific, technical and economic problems. Because in industrially developed countries losses
from corrosion of metals makeup from 2 to 4% of gross national product [1-3]. In the Republic of
Uzbekistan, industrial scale as a result of research works has achieved significant results in
studying the effect of inhibitors on corrosion of metal equipment, creation and implementation of
new import-substituting, export-oriented, competitive inhibitors meeting the requirements of
international standards, providing high efficiency even at low concentrations, safe in the
application of new universal corrosion inhibitors. In this relation, the most effective neutral and
weakly alkaline media inhibitors are nitrogen, amine, and oxygen-containing organic compounds
[4-6], as well as organophosphorus zinc acids which effectively prevent corrosion and mineral salt
deposits on equipment surfaces.

Materials and methods of research.

The object of the study is multi-component

composite inhibitors created on the basis of nitrogen, amine and phosphorus-containing substances
and the subject of the study includes the study of general patterns of inhibitor application
mechanisms for anticorrosion protection and against the mineral salt build-up of steel samples
using modern methods of physical and chemical analysis. Materials for research were the samples in
the form of metal plates made of steel St.3 and St.12. Influence of nitrogen and phosphate-containing
inhibitors on steel St.3 and St.12 corrosion rate was investigated by the gravimetric method in the
model environment and using 5-10


mol/l solution of H




(background). In addition,

experiments were conducted in 1-3% aqueous solution of NaCI, NaOH and 1-3% aqueous solution
of Na


S in the presence of H


S. The duration of the tests was 48 and 760 hours. The inhibitors are a

transparent liquid mass, well soluble in aqueous and acidic media. No independent phase
formation was observed during storage.

Results and their discussion.

Experimental data on the dependence of the inhibition

process on concentration and temperature on the degree of corrosion protection of steel samples of
St.3 and 12 grades in the presence of inhibitors and without them showed that the applied
composite inhibitors synthesized on the basis of nitrogen, amine and phosphorus-containing local
raw materials and processing waste have the protection degree at 25°C 88.5-94.4%, and at
40÷50°C this index is in the range 89.0÷99.7%. If the process temperature goes up to 70°C, the
degree of anti-corrosion protection begins to decrease slightly up to values of 99.3÷90.4%.

Using the gravimetric method based on time, temperature, inhibitor concentration and other

indices it has been determined that during the process in aqueous, acidic and neutral medium, at
increasing inhibitor concentration from 0.1% to 1.0% the index of corrosion protection is equal to
96.2%÷99.8%. The corrosion protection rate of imported inhibitors of the Nalco brand in our
Republic is 87.6% at the temperature of 80°С. It is known that inhibition of acid corrosion of metals
by organic compounds is caused mainly by surface shielding and activation factor (an increase of
activation energy of corrosion process in the presence of inhibitors in relation to background). To

background image


calculate activation energy, we plotted


(Fig. 1). Studies on corrosion of St.3 and St.12 in

acidic solutions in the presence of inhibitors containing amino- and phosphate groups showed their
high efficiency.

Fig.1. Dependence of lgK on the inverse temperature of the corrosion process of steels St.3

and St.12:

1 - Background; 2 - Sinh -1.0 mol/l; 3 - Sinh -1.25 mol/l; 4 - Sinh -2.5 mol/l; 5 - Sing -5.0

mol/l; 6 - Sinh -10.0 mol/l.

The best inhibitor of corrosion of St.3 in the studied conditions recognized, in a series of

alkylamines, phosphate-diethylmethacrylate, apparently because of the large number of radicals in
its molecule and their size, so that the required protective concentration of this inhibiting system is
minimal, in comparison with the other studied amines. From the IgK-1/T dependence plot with the
value of the slope tangent, the effective activation energy was calculated (E




). The

value of E


was found to be 28.5÷47 kJ/mol. The


H and


of multicomponent

composite inhibitors containing nitrogen, amine and phosphorus in a strong acid medium have
been determined. The results are given in table 1.

Table 1

Thermodynamic values for corrosion in 3% Na2 S solution media involving 3%

H2 SO4 and H2 S (T=298K; Sing =1.0%)

Alloy sample










St. 3

3% H







St. 12




St. 3



S with

involvement 3%







St. 12




The results give a good explanation for the Langmuir isotherm about the high degree of

filling of the metal surface directly proportional to the dependence of the adsorption process with
the concentration of nitrogen, amine and phosphorus- containing composite inhibitors. In addition,
the dissolution rate (K) of metal samples depends on the content of inhibitors and even if the
inhibitor is of low concentration the degree of corrosion resistance will be 96-99.6%. At the
introduction of composite inhibitor in the medium of 3% H




solution in the temperature range

298÷343K the values of Gibbs energy ∆G


change from -48.24 kJ/mol


to -42.52 kJ/mol


. The

correlation of process temperature along the direction of Langmuir adsorption isotherm in alkaline-
saline aggressive media for steel samples of St.3 and St.12 grades at temperature intervals
298÷343K with nitrogen, amine and phosphorus-containing inhibitors had different degrees of
anticorrosive protection of metal samples. At the same time, increasing the processing time from

background image


240 to 360 hours increases the degree of corrosion protection to 92.9÷96.7%. This indicates that
multiple phases exist on the metal surface and that they do not dissolve simultaneously. Under
conditions of H


S solution background, indices of corrosion rate of steel sample St.3 during 3-4

hours are approximately the same and it proves that corrosion process in aggressive media occurs at
high speed. When inhibitor concentration increases from 0,001 to 1% the protection efficiency of
the inhibitor used increases from 92.3% to 99.2% respectively. This change is also observed at
temperatures of 313, 323 and 343K.

Composite corrosion inhibitors involving zinc oxide, glycerine, caustic soda, sodium

hydroxide and the cube residue of methyl ethyl ammonium reagents based on oxyethylene
phosphonic acid, A composite inhibitor was tested on equipment and pipelines of Shurtan gas
chemical complex for corrosion resistance, including prevention of mineral salts formation by
comparing performance of

Option and Nalco

inhibitors supplied from abroad


The results of the

tests at SHCC are shown in Table 2.

Table 2

Corrosion protection performance of nitrogen, amine and phosphorus inhibitors

Inhibitor compositions

Corrosion inhibition

efficiency, %

Efficiency from formation

of mineral salts, %
















Option brand

comparison inhibitor




The results of the research showed the prospects of using nitrogen, amine and

phosphorus-containing inhibitors derived from local raw materials and industrial wastes of the
Republic of Uzbekistan. The optimum concentrations of inhibitors for the protection of metals
against corrosion and prevention of the formation of mineral deposits in acid and hydrogen sulfide
environments have been established. It is shown that the coating speed of composite inhibitors on
the steel sample surface (St. 3 and St. 12) passes in one plane and is realized by the Langmuir law
with the formation of layer preventing metal corrosion and activation energy in these media of
steel St. 3 and St. 12 with inhibitors application is determined. On the basis of the calculated
thermodynamic functions (∆H, ∆S, ∆G) it is found that the Gibbs energy has a negative value (∆G



In order to import substitution of inhibitors the mechanisms and indicators of inhibition of metal
corrosion process as well as prevention of formation of mineral salt deposits in acid, hydrogen
sulfide, alkaline-saline and water aggressive media have been studied and optimal concentrations
of multicomponent inhibitors for different media have been established.

The composite inhibitors are used to increase the inhibition efficiency of mineral salt

accumulation by 2-6% and increase the corrosion protection of metals to 98.4%.


1. Осербаева А.К., Нуруллаев Ш.П. Защита действия азот и фосфорсодержащих

соединений при кислотной и сероводородной коррозии металлов //Сборник трудов
Международной научно-практической конференции “Общество-наука-инновации”, Часть 2,
г.Оренбург, 2019, С. 33-36.

2. Осербаева А.К., Ш.П.Нуруллаев, Фузайлова Ф.Н., Гуро.В.П. Поляризационные

сопротивление амино- и фосфатсодержащих ингибиторов в кислых и солевых средах. //
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(02.00.00 №1).

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3. Осербаева А.К., Нуруллаев Ш.П., Гуро.В.П. Термодинамика ингибирования

коррозии сталей в присутствии азот- и фосфорсодержащих соединений // Международный
Научно-исследовательский журнал “Евразийский Союз Ученых”. – 2019. - №5(62). - ч.3. -
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(№5Glоbal Impact Factor 0.388 за


4. Осербаева А.К., Нуруллаев Ш.П., Башкирцева Н.Ю., Черкасова Е.И., Арипджанов

О.Ю. Применение амино- и фосфатсодержащих ингибиторов для защиты сталей от коррозии.
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5. Х.И.Кадиров, У.Азаматов, С.М.Турабжанов. Новые композиции ингибиторов

коррозии и солеотложения. Журнал «Композиционные материалы», N2, 2015, стр. 53-57.

6. Х.И.Кадиров, С.М.Турабджанов. Ингибиторы коррозии и солеотложения: синтез,

технология и свойства. Т., 2019, -150 стр.


Xudoyberdiyev F. I., Sobirov M.

Toshkent kimyo-texnologiya instituti

Hozirgi vaqtda suyultirilgan tabiiy gaz global uglevodorod bozorida tobora muhim rol

o'ynamoqda. Suyultirilgan tabiiy gaz iste'molining ko'payishi nafaqat ayrim mamlakatlar va
mintaqalarda o'z energiya resurslarining yetishmasligi, balki, avvalambor, suyultirilgan tabiiy
gazning boshqa energiya manbalariga nisbatan sezilarli afzalliklari bilan bog'liq. Birinchidan,
suyultirilgan tabiiy gazni etkazib berish uchun gaz quvurlari tizimini, shu jumladan borish qiyin
bo'lgan joylarda qurish va texnik xizmat ko'rsatishning hojati yo'q. Suyultirilgan tabiiy gazning
asosiy afzalligi uni dengiz orqali uzoq masofalarga tashish, okeanlararo etkazib berishni amalga
oshirish va eng past narxlarda bozorlarda sotish qobiliyatidir. Bu ayniqsa, energiya xavfsizligini
mustahkamlash va gaz eksportini diversifikatsiya qilishga intilayotgan O'zbekiston uchun to'g'ri
keladi. Ikkinchidan, suyultirilgan tabiiy gaz quvur liniyasiga nisbatan yuqori sifat bilan tavsiflanadi.
Buning sababi shundaki, suyultirish jarayonida gaz zararli aralashmalar va oltingugurt
birikmalaridan tozalanadi, shuning uchun chiqishda metan miqdori yuqori bo'lgan deyarli toza gaz
olinadi. Bundan tashqari, suyultirilgan tabiiy gaz uglevodorod elektr energiyasi olishda ekologik
toza manba hisoblanadi.

Bugungi kunda suyultirilgan tabiiy gazning global bozori juda tez sur’atlar bilan

rivojlanmoqda. Yangi eksportchilar va importchilar paydo bo'lmoqda, gazni suyultirish
texnologiyalari takomillashtirilmoqda, suyultirilgan tabiiy gazni tashish va saqlash sohasidagi eng
zamonaviy innovatsion echimlar va ishlanmalar qo'llanilmoqda, ishlab chiqarish va qayta
gazlashtirish quvvati oshirilmoqda.

Suyultirilgan tabiiy gazni suyultirish, berish va qabul qilish uchun yuqori texnologiyali

komplekslarning ajralmas qismi bu katta hajmli er usti izotermik tanklardir. Suyultirilgan tabiiy
gazning katta hajmli rezervuarlari katta hajmdagi yong'in va portlash xavfi bo'lgan mahsulotning
omborlari bo'lib, ularning bosimi mahsulotning atmosferaga chiqishi bilan favfli oqibatlarga olib
kelishi mumkin. Shu bilan birga, bunday tanklarni loyihalash, qurish va ulardan foydalanishning
me'yoriy-huquqiy bazasi va amaliyoti deyarli yo'q. Bunday vaziyatda, qiyin sharoitlarga
moslashtirilmagan izotermik saqlash bo'yicha horijiy loyihalar amalga oshirilmoqda, bu
suyultirilgan tabiiy gaz rezervuarlarining xavfsiz ishlashi bilan bog'liq muammolarga olib kelishi

Izotermik tanklarda suyultirilgan tabiiy gaz mavjud bo'lganda, tashqi issiqlik oqimlariga

bog'liq bo'lgan tanklarning issiqlik rejimi katta ahamiyatga ega. Shu nuqtai nazardan, kriogen
suyuqlikning zichligi bo'yicha tabaqalanish sodir bo'lganda, bunday vaziyatni hisobga olish kerak,
bu suyuqlik qatlamlarini bug' hosil bo'lishi bilan keskin o'z-o'zidan aralashishiga va suyultirilgan

Библиографические ссылки

Осербаева А.К., Нуруллаев Ш.П. Защита действия азот и фосфорсодержащих соединений при кислотной и сероводородной коррозии металлов //Сборник трудов Международной научно-практической конференции “Общество наука-инновации”, Часть 2, г.Оренбург, 2019, С. 33-36.

Осербаева А.К., Ш.П.Нуруллаев, Фузайлова Ф.Н., Гуро.В.П. Поляризационные сопротивление амино- и фосфатсодержащих ингибиторов в кислых и солевых средах. // UNIVERSUM: Химия и биология. – Новосибирск, 2019. - 5(59). - С.59-65. URL: archive/item/7253 (02.00.00 №1).

Осербаева А.К., Нуруллаев Ш.П., Гуро.В.П. Термодинамика ингибирования коррозии сталей в присутствии азот- и фосфорсодержащих соединений // Международный Научно-исследовательский журнал “Евразийский Союз Ученых”. 2019. - №5(62). - ч.3. - С.61-65. ; (№5Glоbal Impact Factor 0.388 за 2015г).

Осербаева А.К., Нуруллаев Ш.П., Башкирцева Н.Ю., Черкасова Е.И., Арипджанов О.Ю. Применение амино- и фосфатсодержащих ингибиторов для защиты сталей от коррозии. // Вестник Технологического университета. – Казань, 2019. - т.22, №2. – С. (02.00.00 №1).

Х.И.Кадиров, У.Азаматов, С.М.Турабжанов. Новые композиции ингибиторов коррозии и солеотложения. Журнал «Композиционные материалы», N2, 2015, стр. 53-57.

Х.И.Кадиров, С.М.Турабджанов. Ингибиторы коррозии и солеотложения: синтез, технология и свойства. Т., 2019, -150 стр.

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