The role of information technology mechanisms in improving the efficiency of innovation in industrial enterprises | Научные исследования и инновации в индустрии 4.0.

The role of information technology mechanisms in improving the efficiency of innovation in industrial enterprises

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Хасанова, Н., & Орунов, О. (2022). The role of information technology mechanisms in improving the efficiency of innovation in industrial enterprises. Научные исследования и инновации в индустрии 4.0., 1(1), 143–148.
Н Хасанова, Ташкентский филиал Российский экономический университет им. Г.В. Плеханова

старший преподаватель ,экономического факультета

О Орунов, Ташкентский филиал Российский экономический университет им. Г.В. Плеханова

магистрант, экономического факультета



This article is about the key insights and understanding of improving the efficiency of innovation in industrial companies and the role of developing technologies with the greatest impact on the future of production. The definition of innovative business processes was provided. Their target direction and informational interconnection were distinguished. The scientific-methodical approach to assessing the effectiveness of the information technology implementation in the innovative business process, is proposed.

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Khasanova N.,

Senior Lecturer of Economics department

Orunov O.,

Master’s degree student of Economics department

Annotation: This article is about the key insights and understanding of

improving the efficiency of innovation in industrial companies and the role of
developing technologies with the greatest impact on the future of production.
The definition of innovative business processes was provided. Their target
direction and informational interconnection were distinguished. The scientific-
methodical approach to assessing the effectiveness of the information
technology implementation in the innovative business process, is proposed.

Keywords: Information systems, technology, 3D technology, industrial

enterprises, enterprise management, efficiency, business processes,

Today, we live in a vibrant and tempestuous global community, where

innovations have been the primary chores of humanity throughout history.
Therefore, continuous e

orts in innovations have remained imperious for

improvement in quality of life and survival. Similarly, all the major innovative
waves in human history like industrial, information and agricultural
innovations have been made for better value creation.

As we know, the basis of sustainable development of any country is

innovation. Since the 1980s, the world has entered a new stage of
development, the era of globalization. This is due to the expansion of
domestic and international markets, technological innovations, the need to
create computer technology, the development of new means of
communication, and in the 90s with the emergence of the Internet today with
billions of users.

Today’s globalization process has intensified competition, shortened the

period of new product creation, and forced companies to rapidly develop new
innovative products (technologies, materials, machinery, engineering,
transportation and communications, pharmaceuticals, agriculture, and other

Integration of science and industry, cooperation between private

entrepreneurs and the state, support for international relations of small and
medium-sized innovative businesses are important conditions for the broad

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development of innovative activities. It should be noted that in the developed
countries of the world, almost half of the innovations are carried out by
organizations, small and medium-sized businesses.

The process of integration of science and industry is most effective only

when universities and technical institutes, together with manufacturing
companies and firms, determine their share in patented development and
implement research and innovation projects. World experience shows that
only in countries with a comprehensive innovation system, innovation
processes are carried out effectively, technologies and other popular products
are commercialized. The participation of the state in this process, the real
sector of the economy and the support of innovative activities of leading
companies are important. Indeed, science is the basis of this integration
mechanism, which ensures the technical progress of the state and the socio-
economic development of society.

The decrees and resolutions, adopted by first President Islam Karimov

have become a special stimulus, for the consistent implementation of state
policy in the field of science, technology and innovation in line with new
historical realities. The Resolution of the first President of the Republic of
Uzbekistan dated July 15, 2008 "On additional measures to encourage the
introduction of innovative projects and technologies in production" has
become important in this regard. This decision serves to create a system of
targeted funding of research projects in our country and the provision of
scientific laboratories with modern equipment, modernization of enterprises
and the establishment of a fund of new technologies, as well as holding
national innovation fairs. In order to create favorable conditions for the
training of young professionals in our country, the necessary measures have
been taken to further strengthen the material and technical base of scientific
institutions [1].

The high intellectual potential of science and high-tech developments

are the basis for the development of an innovative economy. The reform of
the science management system in Uzbekistan has made it possible to
create a practical mechanism for the development of innovative work aimed
at conducting fundamental and applied research, the introduction of new
developments and their practical application. The fairs of innovative ideas,
technologies and projects, traditionally held at the initiative of first President
Islam Karimov, include the introduction of applied research and
commercialization of their results, close cooperation between science and
industry, developers and consumers of innovative products has become one
of the important mechanisms of supply.

To accelerate the commercialization of the best national developments

with great economic benefits, it is necessary to create new innovative
structures (research and interdepartmental centers, high-tech centers,

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technology parks, start-up firms, etc.), as well as enterprises that implement
them. The acceleration of the innovation process provides additional
advantages in the fight for the trade market. After all, today only those who
introduce innovations faster than others will succeed [2].

In order to ensure innovative development in industrial enterprises, it is

necessary to develop innovative development programs of the network with a
clear indication of the deadlines. In this program, it is necessary to indicate
the following areas of innovative development:

whenever possible, build various enterprises that process products on

the basis of technology in the country, because this in turn significantly
increases the volume of output that reaches buyers;

modernization of enterprises into production types on the basis of

innovative technologies – this ensures that the volume of production of new
products will be increased, their different districts;

build new innovative enterprises on the basis of studying and

mastering the experience of developed countries.

The five technologies, in different stages of technical readiness and

adoption, also come with varied levels of uncertainty about their future direction.
Disruptive technologies, especially robotics, 3D printing and augmented reality,
have captured the popular imagination with exciting applications demonstrated
across all sectors. However, behind the individual use cases, the readiness and
adoption of each technology tells a different story [3].

– Artificial intelligence enables producers to make sense of the

overwhelming data that their factories, operations and consumers generate,
and to transform that data into meaningful decisions. Today, 70% of captured
production data goes unused. Applying artificial intelligence to the
connectivity of internet of things, producers are able to orchestrate and
streamline business processes from desktops to machines, across
department walls and tiers of suppliers. The most promising immediate
opportunities for applying artificial intelligence in production systems are in
quality management, predictive maintenance and supply chain optimization.
AI-enabled products will be a game changer for value propositions addressed
to customers, and producers must be ready to orchestrate the value networks
required to deliver these[4].

– Advanced robotics have long handled the “dull, dirty and dangerous”

jobs, and currently automates 10% of production tasks. Robots were often
separated from people for safety reasons, but now, a new generation has
“come out of the cage” for 24-hour shifts, working alongside human
counterparts. Increasing returns on investment, insatiable Chinese demand
and advances in human-robot collaboration will increase their adoption to
25-45% of production tasks by 2030, beyond their use in the automotive and
electronics industries. Adopting advanced robotics and AI could boost

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productivity in many industries by 30%, while cutting labor costs by 18-33%,
yielding a positive economic impact of between $600 billion and $1.2 trillion
by 2025 [5].

The application of innovative technologies in industrial enterprises is

such a wide and large-scale issue. I would like to dwell a little bit on the
modern innovative technology - 3D - which is currently developing rapidly.
Most often when it comes to this, many begin to remember 3D-chips. But now
the concept of 3D-shuter, 3D-sound, 3D-picture or image and 3D-printer has
also come to life. The principle of operation of 3D-printers means the creation
of a copy of any subject on a folding printer using some kind of material. The
first 3D-printer was developed at the USA Massachusetts Institute of
technology. Currently, there are many of its types and models, and there are
also compact types that are used in home conditions. The reasons why 3D
printers are becoming increasingly popular are as follows:

the fact that raw materials are easy to find;

relative ease of use of printers;

reliability and durability of the objects being created;

to meet the environmental requirements of the work performed;

the fact that the process of creating a physical model is not so

expensive [6].

For this reason, 3D-printers are increasingly widely used in the following


in Mechanical Engineering and the creation of prototypes of objects;

architectural chores and design;

in the formation of copies of various equipment and objects in

engineering work;

in the production of films and cartoons create personages and shoot them;

in the development and testing of various spare parts in the aircraft

and Space Industries.

Therefore, the technology of 3D-printers has been developing year by

year and application areas are becoming more and more. Proceeding from
the foregoing, we can say that 3D technologies create the opportunity to
increase the efficiency of any production process several times, as well as to
produce various industrial products at affordable prices on the basis of
individual orders [7].

Even in the food industry, which is one of the most important industrial

enterprises of the present day, there are a lot of technological innovations in
the field of cultivation, storage, processing, preparation of products, their
nutritional value, storage, preparation of artificial feed products and many
other areas. When it comes to talking about ultrasonic vibrations, which are
one of the main ones, it can change the aggregate state of the substance,
transfer it to a state of dispersion, change the diffusion rate, dissolve the

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substance or bring it to a state of Crystal, activate chemical reactions, as well
as intensify technological processes. The impact of ultrasound accelerations
on the physical and chemical processes in the food industry leads to an
increase in labor productivity, a reduction in energy consumption, an
improvement in the quality of the finished product, a change in its shelf life
and the creation of new products with good consumer performance [8].

The application of the process approach and the construction of a set of

business processes are needed when using modern information technology
management and the latest innovative approaches in all spheres of the
functioning of social production systems. Application of situational, functional,
complex and other integrated approaches allows to optimize current
management decisions within the limits of the industrial enterprise and to form a
single information space of its activity. Thus, the innovative difference of the
practical implementation of the process approach from the functional is that the
focus of management is not on individual functions performed by different
departments and officials, but on inter functional processes that combine
individual functions into common flows and ensure the achievement of
enterprise goals. It is these process-oriented features that are capable of
generating innovative ideas and creating a broad field for their implementation.
In modern scientific thought there is no definite approach to the definition of the
concept of “business process”. Some scientists, define the business process as
a set of different types of activities, within which the planned types and amounts
of resources used as the “input” and a product, which is valuable to the
consumer, is created as a result of this activity at the “output”.

In short, the modern concept of process management, involves the

transformation of the enterprise business for closer coordination of its
functional parts, increasing their flexibility and obtaining a synergistic effect,
providing a successful environment for the implementation of production
tasks and the introduction of various types of innovations. In order to increase
the efficiency of activities and achieve strategic goals, industrial enterprises
need to reorganize the management system based on a process approach
and pay special attention to the development and improvement of innovative
business processes in the context of the introduction of modern IT.


1. The Resolution of the first President of the Republic of Uzbekistan

dated July 15, 2008

2. Shavkat Solihov, sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, 2015
3. World Economic Forum, Technology and innovation for the future of

production, March 2017

4. Robot Revolution – Global Robot & AI Primer, Bank of America

Merrill Lynch, 16 December 2015,

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5. https://


6. Innovation – is an economic efficiency, Gaibnazarova Z., Journal of

finance, 2012.

8. Ayupov R., Boltaboeva G. Problems and solutions of formation of

innovative economy in Uzbekistan. TMI., 2013.




Туремуратова Ариухан Абатб аевна,

Преподаватель, Ташкентский филиал Российский экономический

университет имени Г.В. Плеханова, Узбекистан, Ташкент

Аннотация: В данной статье, анализируются актуальные

аспекты трансформаций в экономической сфере, которые могут

произойти в четвертой промышленной революции при внедрении

технологий Индустрия 4.0 в том числе переход к цифровой экономике

и применение Искусственного Интеллекта (ИИ) в Республике


Ключевые слова: четвертая промышленная революция,

Индустрия 4.0, экономическая сфера, цифровая экономика, цифровая

трансформация, искусственный интеллект.

После трех ускоряющих промышленных революций, наступила


согласованная совместная работа машин, людей и процессов,

объединенных в сеть.

В рамках Индустрии 4.0 реальный мир машин соединяется с

виртуальным миром Интернета и ИТ.

Индустрия 4.0

это следующий шаг в эволюции производства,


на идее, что машины должны иметь возможность общаться друг

с другом и работать вместе для создания новых продуктов и услуг.

Решения Индустрии 4.0, также известные как четвертая промышленная

революция, уже навсегда меняют наш образ

жизни и работу и оказывают

огромное влияние на мировую экономику.

Индустрия 4.0

это применение технологий для цифровой

трансформации работы промышленных компаний. Эти технологии включают

промышленный Интернет вещей, автоматизацию и робототехнику,

профилактическое обслуживание, моделирование, аддитивное производство

и аналитику Интернета вещей.

Библиографические ссылки

The Resolution of the first President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated July 15, 2008

Shavkat Solihov, sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, 2015

World Economic Forum, Technology and innovation for the future of production, March 2017

Robot Revolution - Global Robot & Al Primer, Bank of America Merrill Lynch, 16 December 2015,

https7/ mw tofaml.corn'’contenVdarn't)oamlimages'cJocumentS'PDFs'robotics__ and_ai_condensed_primer.pdf.

Innovation - is an economic efficiency, Gaibnazarova Z., Journal of finance, 2012.

Ayupov R., Boltaboeva G. Problems and solutions of formation of innovative economy in Uzbekistan. TML, 2013.

inLibrary — это научная электронная библиотека inConference - научно-практические конференции inScience - Журнал Общество и инновации UACD - Антикоррупционный дайджест Узбекистана UZDA - Ассоциации стоматологов Узбекистана АСТ - Архитектура, строительство, транспорт Open Journal System - Престиж вашего журнала в международных базах данных inDesigner - Разработка сайта - создание сайтов под ключ в веб студии Iqtisodiy taraqqiyot va tahlil - ilmiy elektron jurnali yuridik va jismoniy shaxslarning in-Academy - Innovative Academy RSC MENC LEGIS - Адвокатское бюро SPORT-SCIENCE - Актуальные проблемы спортивной науки GLOTEC - Внедрение цифровых технологий в организации MuviPoisk - Смотрите фильмы онлайн, большая коллекция, новинки кинопроката SMARTY - Увеличение продаж вашей компании ELECARS - Электромобили в Ташкенте, Узбекистане CHINA MOTORS - Купи автомобиль своей мечты! PROKAT24 - Прокат и аренда строительных инструментов