“O‘zbekistonda yer resurslarini boshqarishning ustuvor yo‘nalishlari: muammo va yechimlar”
3. Jeffrey H, Stuart K. Card, James A. Landay, “A toolkit for interactive
information visualization”. USA-2006 еar 2 p., 267 p.
4. Kang-tsung Chang. Introduction to Geographic Information Systems.
Fourth edition. - McGraw Hill Edication (India) 2008. - 450 p.
5. Ковин Р.В., Марков Н.Г. Геоахборот тизимлари. Томск 2008. 69 б.
6. Мусаев И. Мухторов Ў. Геоаборот тизим ва технологиялари.
Тошкент 2015. 59 б.
7. Раклов В.П., Сафаров Э.Ю., Абдураҳимов Х.А. Географик ахборот
тизимлари. - Т.:Фан, 2007. - 140 б
8. Сафаров Э.Ю., Пренов Ш.М. ва бошқ. Картография ва
геовизуаллаштириш. Тошкент-2015 123 б.
9. Интернет маълумотлари
Abduraxmonov S.N. -
Senior teacher , PhD, TIIAME NRU
, Xakimov
A.K. –
student, TIIAME NRU
, Abduxalimov L.M. -
a master's student,
There are several programs of geographic information
systems, which are enriched with new improved versions from year to
year. Even with the connection to the internet through these programs, the
possibilities of carrying out many cartographic works are increasing. For
example, it is important to create interactive dynamic maps on different
topics. At present, the process of obtaining an intensive - interactive map
for moving and changing objects in the spheres of population and
population service is character. Maps of the population are necessary for
ensuring and satisfying the practice of the national economy, culture and
social development. According to the content of the maps of the
population, the settlement of the population and its location are divided
into maps, demographic, ethnographic-anthropological and socio-
economic maps. In this article, opinions on the role of modern GIS
technologies in the formation of attributive data and obtaining results and
geolocation work on the database are given in the compilation of
demographic maps based on the data of the last years.
“O‘zbekistonda yer resurslarini boshqarishning ustuvor yo‘nalishlari: muammo va yechimlar”
population density, immigrant, map, population map,
statistical data, cartographic product, demography.
As human thinking develops, its needs also continue to increase.
Since the 21st century is the age of Information, Technology and
technology, it is natural that if we are not in solidarity with the times, we
will have difficulty finding our place in life if we are not able to become
aware of and learn and master the news in a timely manner. In recent years,
tremendous research and research has been carried out in all sciences and
fields and unprecedented results have been achieved. In particular, it is no
secret that cartography and Geoinformatics are developing as a field of
Science, Technology and production. The penetration of geographic
information systems (GAT) into science has led to the development of the
industry more rapidly suratlar. In the priority areas of development of the
fourth social sphere of the"strategy of action on five priority directions of
development of the Republic of Uzbekistan" can be used as one of the
main tools in the planning and forecasting of the formation of economic
and social maps in the implementation of the work envisaged in such
sections as: consistent increase of [1]
The formation of attributive data in the creation of economic and
social maps and the work on geolocation to the database have been studied
the frequent changes in the data of the population in the localities, as well
as the compilation of modern population maps on the basis of the
information studied and the place of modern GIS technologies in it.
The transfer of information about the demographic processes of the
regions, the formation of the statistical data table and the regular updating
of data, as well as the input of data from modern programs in the
transmission to the central database with the help of the "Geodesy"
program guarantees the accuracy and timeliness of the database on the
When transferring information from places," geodesist " first
determines the geographic coordinate of the place and then transfers the
entered data to the central database.
With the help of "geodesist", statistical data on the place of
residence of the population are determined according to the results of the
research conducted. Linking the identified data geographically to the
territorial coordinate ensures that the relevant statistical data are
dynamically updated in the database of geometries. In Geodesy, data is
“O‘zbekistonda yer resurslarini boshqarishning ustuvor yo‘nalishlari: muammo va yechimlar”
transmitted based on both geographic and rectangular coordinates of the
The results of the “Geodesist” Android mobile application are
imported into the software ArcGIS. The location of the Shooting is
reduced as a transformation by coordinates.
In the study of the demographics of this population, it is desirable
that the innovative "geodesist" Android mobile application and the
"ArcGIS" software should be handled by responsible persons in the
neighborhood or rural citizens ' assembly on the ground according to the
spatial data exchange.
On the study of demographic processes, a special " geodesist "
Android mobile application is launched by the responsible staff of the
gathering of citizens of the neighborhood or scabies in the locality, on the
basis of the coordinates of the population living punk WGS-84, the
geolocation point is determined. Relevant data on the demographic of the
population are included in the table of attributable data of the identified
point. All geolocation attributive data in the district are exported in the
application itself in the format that the software "ArcGIS" can read.
Note: operator signal and Internet network are not required to use
"geodesist". Analyzes and memorizes data based on geolocation (satellite
The information collected in the area is analyzed taking into account
the time of the workshop with the mobile application "Geodesist" Android
with the help of the specialists of the localities. Initially, the "geodesist" is
entered into the Android mobile application and the Activate button is
pressed (picture 1).
Geolocation is enabled, GPS wait until it is connected to the
network and the point is selected (picture 2).
1-picture. Introduction
to Geodesist application
2-picture. GPS connect to
the network and select the point,
make the point
“O‘zbekistonda yer resurslarini boshqarishning ustuvor yo‘nalishlari: muammo va yechimlar”
3-picture. Coordinate
sitemaps and projection
4-picture. Export, save to
memory and send to a specialist
through the Telegram network
Through the Add button "Creating marks", that is, the name of the
point in it is written (for example, demographic data on places, etc.), the
coordinates are reduced by setting the geolocation. WGS-1984 system of
geographic coordinates and GEODETIC projection are selected (picture
The attribute data is stored and exported in the application itself in
a format that the software "ArcGIS" can read (gpx*).
Recorded attributable data is sent to a specialist in the organization
through the Telegram network (picture 4).
5-picture. Structure of the integration of geolocation
information into the database
It is imported into the software "ArcGIS" by a specialist. An
automated system and database will be formed on demographic events and
“O‘zbekistonda yer resurslarini boshqarishning ustuvor yo‘nalishlari: muammo va yechimlar”
After creating a geographic information base of the thematic layers
that belong to the thematic maps, the geographic table of the thematic
layers is filled through the application Auxiliary window. To do this, we
start the utility auxiliary window.
By summarizing the above system with demographic processes, an
expanded database of all cities, towns and villages will be formed. With
the introduction of innovative technologies, the online reception of
statistical information about the population on the basis of new on-site
data from the on-site organizations and itegrassification with the base of
geomatics make it possible to constantly monitor demographic processes
in our republic (picture 5).
In conclusion, it can be said that the use of software in the use of
modern Information Technologies has been introduced, as a result of
which it has created great convenience and opportunities in the proper and
effective management of electronic information systems. It was explained
that the adoption of statistical information belonging to the population on
the basis of new data in the areas with the introduction of innovative
technologies from the on-site organizations in the online form and the
integration with the base of geomatics make it possible to constantly
monitor demographic processes in the Republic.
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Safarov E.Y, it's not., Abdurakhimov X.A., Aymatov R.Q.
"Geoinformation cartography". - Tashkent., University, 2012.
Safarov E.Y, it's not. and et al. Geoinformation cartography. - T.:
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Safarov E.Y, it's not., Allanazarov A.R and others cartography and
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ttp:// lex.uz
Abduraxmonov S.N.–
PhD, katta o’qituvchi
-magistrant, TIQXMMI MTU
Hozirda yerlarni monitoring qilish kartalarini tuzish
yer bilan bog‘liq bo‘lgan barcha sohalarda hususan, qishloq xo‘jaligida
juda katta ahamiyatga egadir. Yerlarni monitoring qilish kartalarini
kartografik komponent qoidalari asosida tuzish lozim.
Kalit so'zlar:
Monitoring kartalari, raqamli ortofotoplanlar, obyekt
Hozirgi vaqtda yurtimizda Respublikamiz butun hududi bo‘ylab
monitoring kartalarini yaratish va ular asosida yerlarni baholash ishlari
olib borilmoqda.
Ko‘p yillik amaliyotlar natijasida qishloq xo‘jaligi kartalari yerlarni
monitoring qilishda qanday rol o‘ynashini va qay darajada kerak
ekanligini aniqlab berdi, biroq, ushbu amaliyotlarning yaxlit,