“O‘zbekistonda yer resurslarini boshqarishning ustuvor yo‘nalishlari: muammo va yechimlar”
renaissance: innovative, educational, natural and social sciences scientific
journal 2021, апрел.
5. Аралов М.М., Berdiyev D.F., Abdiraxmatov N.A. Geodezik ishlarda
sun`iy yo`ldosh orqali o`lchash usullari. Oriental renaissance: innovative,
educational, natural and social sciences scientific journal 2021, апрел.
Dehqon xo'jaliklarini kadastr ma'lumotlari bazasini takomillashtirish.
M.M.Aralov, U.O.Oripov - International conferences on learning …,
Burkhonova M.M.
– PhD student, TIIAME NRU,
Akhmadova D.A
. –
Student, TIIAME NRU,
Yaxshimurodov N.M
.– Student, TIIAME NRU
The article provides information about the widely used
sprinkler irrigation method for watering vegetables. Micro-sprinklers
which are used in this method, irrigate vegetables by receiving energy
from solar panels. In this method, the experience of India was studied, the
data was analyzed and a proposal was made for its use in the lands of
Uzbekistan. The method of charging micro-sprinklers through solar panels
and obtaining energy from them is an economical method, which not only
saves energy, but also saves water through sprinkler irrigation and ensures
that water reaches the roots of vegetables. This, in turn, has an effective
result on the productivity of the obtained crop.
Key words
: micro-sprinkler, solar energy, water-energy-food
(WEF), semi-commercial farming, solar photovoltaic.
“O‘zbekistonda yer resurslarini boshqarishning ustuvor yo‘nalishlari: muammo va yechimlar”
Shortage of water resources to irrigation is a main global challenges
in sustainable food production. In fact, agriculture outpaces every other
use for water on the planet. This volume of water is nothing short of
massive, as most people drink merely two to five liters of water per day.
When water shortages occur, it is not just drinking water that disappears –
it is food, too. Crops comprise the two largest groups of the food pyramid.
Since plants are made up of 90 percent water, they require more water
intake than animals, including humans. Water shortages thus most
strongly threaten crop growth, as dehydrated plants can struggle to reach
maturity and bear enough to meet a very high demand. Nowadays there
are many methods to irrigate vegetables and irrigation with sprinkler
irrigation is becoming more effective in most regions of Uzbekistan.
Using this sustains agricultural productivity by providing supplemental as
well as life saving irrigation. It is also effective and cost-saving in small-
scale water harvesting fields in most regions. In view of this, micro-
sprinkler irrigation system was developed and applied in India in order to
achieve the holistic utilization of water resources and niche-potential of
solar energy and gravity. Its characteristics of low cost and portability, it
can considerably substantiate the vegetable production at household scale.
Though, this system is developed for the location of typical dryland
agriculture in India, it can be easily and effectively replicated in
Uzbekistan having similar agro-ecosystem.
The water, energy, and food (WEF) nexus has gained particular
attention in the sustainable development community. Making effective
decisions in this environment is difficult. Several studies suggested that
receiving solar energy every single year is considerably higher than the
energy output from all fossil fuel reserves put together. In recent years,
significant amount of research has been carried out on various aspect of
solar energy and its application. The photovoltaic cells are most important
components in solar energy application and it has been investigated
intensively (Bahram et al., 2020 and 2021). [1]
Several such energy efficient water management technologies had
been developed, demonstrated and well documented in the literature.
These includes (i) bucket kits (Fandika et al., 2012) or drum kits (Karlberg
et al., 2007), an elementary system in which household bucket or drum
equipped with 10-m lateral bearing micro-tubes is attached to either a pole
or placed at height; (ii) IDE low-cost drip irrigation (Polak et al., 1997) in
“O‘zbekistonda yer resurslarini boshqarishning ustuvor yo‘nalishlari: muammo va yechimlar”
which lateral lines attached to above ground plastic tank placed at 2–4 m
above the field (iii) gravity-fed micro irrigation using 1 mm diameter
microtube (Bhatnagar and Srivastva, 2003) Kumar et al., 2009
demonstrated the operation of standard irrigation system using the niche
potential of prevailing gravitational energy in the hill and mountain agro-
ecosystem. Verma et al., 2004 developed Pepsee system, a grassroot
innovation, where plastic roll otherwise used for ice candy, used in place
of drip tubes and place at the rot zone of the plants. Kumar et al. (2015)
developed solar and gravity operated drip irrigation system in which 2 mm
diameter microtube used as emitting decices. In all the above example, the
low-cost drip irrigation was developed which performs under gravity
head. [2,3,4,5,6,7]
Development of micro-sprinkler system
There are 2 major
components in the micro-sprinkler irrigation system: (1) lifting water
from the surface of ground to elevated storage using solar energy; (2)
redistribution of stored water using micro-sprinkler managed through
gravity. In Fig. 1, the schematic diagram of this mechanism can be seen .
Water is lifted to storage and then redistributed again to irrigate vegetables
and in this process, micro-sprinklers system is used through gravity. There
is equilibrium between the amount of water lifted to the storage and
redistributed to the plants. The solar energy is used to pump the water.
Solar energy convertes into electricity by battery and inverter. As a result
of combination of solar array and charge controller, the battery is charged.
To avoid the battery damage from overcharging, charge controller
regulates the voltage and current which is coming from the solar panel.
The battery provides power to the inverter which runs the pumping system
Fig. 1. Schematic sketch of the water lifting and redistribution
“O‘zbekistonda yer resurslarini boshqarishning ustuvor yo‘nalishlari: muammo va yechimlar”
Hydraulic design of micro-irrigation system. The water conveyance
system is designed in such a way so that the flow conditions in these pipe
section remains laminar. This is considered to achieve higher uniformity
in the functioning of the irrigation system. The hydraulic design is based
on Reynold number criteria. For maintaining the laminar flow of water in
piped conveyance, the Reynold number must be kept less than 2100
(threshold value of Reynold number for laminar flow condition). The
Reynold number defines as the ratio between inertia force and friction
force of the flowing liquid. The inertia force and friction force of the liquid
are characterized by density and viscosity of the liquid respectively.
The water is pumped to the elevated temporary water storage tank
(1000 L capacity) where water level is 4.2 m above the ground. In this
process a gravity head of 4.2 m is obtained which is equivalent to 0.42
hydraulic pressure. The water storage tank attaches with micro-
sprinkler irrigation system which is designed such that the water
application rate equal to the water inflow rate to the storage tank. In this
way, the water level in the storage tank remains in equilibrium and
provides constant pressure to the attached irrigation system ensuring
maximum uniformity in the water application for the attached irrigation
system. The installed system at the field is shown in Fig.2.
Fig.2. Pictorical view of development micro-irrigation system
Selection of various components
Taking into account the
theoretical consideration for flow conditions, the specification of different
components like main pipe, lateral and micro-sprinkler were determined
and is shown in Table 2. Main pipe (50 mm diameter), lateral pipe (25 mm
diameter) and micro-sprinkler head (30 lph) are chosen. The computed
head loss in the main was 0.006 m and lateral was 0.662 m. Thus, operate
the selected micro-sprinkler nozzle sufficiently, there is available net head
of 3.5 m.
“O‘zbekistonda yer resurslarini boshqarishning ustuvor yo‘nalishlari: muammo va yechimlar”
Table 2. Flow characteristics in various pipe section
Length of
pipe (m)
flow limit
flow (lph)
There are a lot of
small and marginal farmers in regions
of Uzbekistan and they are practicing subsistence farming. In these
regions, one or two supplemental irrigation can increase the farm yield.
Harvesting ponds with small scale water are popularized intensively
through many national and international development programs.
Irrigation crops with such system can intensify cropping and increase
nutritional as well as livelihood security to the small farmers. Storage
ponds which usually consistes of up to 1000 m
and water harvesting with
small size, the existing means of water lifting pumps is turn to be grossly
over designed. This mismatch affects negatively the functional and
economic efficiency of the irrigation system and also causes higher carbon
This system takes 7.5 m × 7.5 m area to irrigate vegetables at one
time. It is recommended to run the system during 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. (5 h in
a day) to get the full potential of solar energy. Therefore, for 1-h irrigation
at weekly interval, 0.5-acre area can be brought under irrigation from one
such system. The system works well in small scale vegetable cultivation
as urban agriculture areas for regular supply of farm fresh vegetable. This
is notable that this system has the potential to bring nutritional security
among the resource poor farmers by optimally using the water resources.
The general principal of usage of energy from source of solar and gravity
are the same, there can be changes in these specifications based on local
conditions and farming practices.
Economical and cost effective measures to lift water from these
ponds and efficiently distributing to the field play an important role.
Regions however, have the rich niche-potential of solar energy that could
be harvested and used in various farm practices. The small scale solar can
power micro-sprinkler irrigation system and it was developed taking into
account niche-potential and socio-economic conditions and limitations of
small holder in the regions of India. The developed irrigation system is
“O‘zbekistonda yer resurslarini boshqarishning ustuvor yo‘nalishlari: muammo va yechimlar”
sufficient to provide irrigation in up to 0.5 acre of land, typical of average
land size in regions. The irrigation system was developed exclusively for
the location representing typical dryland agriculture of India, this simple
system can be easily and effectively replicated in Uzbekistan. This
developed system certainly will address the most important issue of water
management and increase water productivity. Addtionally, this system has
the potential in mitigating carbon footprint and contribute towards the
sustainable development goal. Moreover, it involves the low cost and
functionality, such system can be included in the nutrition kits to achieve
food and nutrition security in resource poor countries.
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characteristics of Alfisols in Semi arid region. Ind. J. of Dryland
Agricultural Research and Development.30(2):11-16
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Davronov O.O‘.-
q.x.f.f.d.(PhD), “O‘zdaverloyiha”DILI,
- q.x.f.f.d.(PhD), “O‘zdaverloyiha”DILI,
Xolmatjonov Sh.F.
doktorant, “O‘zdaverloyiha”DILI
Maqolada bugungi kunda qishloq xo‘jaligi
maqsadlari uchun yer ajratishning jamiyatdagi o‘rni va qishloq xo‘jaligiga
mo‘ljallangan yer uchastkalarini ajratish bo‘yicha qonun hamda qaror
to‘g‘risida ma’lumotlar keltirilgan. Ularning ijrosining ta’minlanishi
yuzasidan tegishli tashkilotlar tomonidan amalga oshirilayotgan ishlar
keltirilgan. Ushbu yer uchastkalarini ajratish bo‘yicha tegishli taklif va
tavsiyalar keltirilgan.
Kalit so‘zlar
: yerdan foydalanuvchi, yer egalari, yer ajratish, mulk
huquqi,ijara huquqi, ikkilamchi ijara, dehqon xo‘jaligi, “E-AUKSION”
elektron savdo platformasi.
Bugungi kunda global iqlimning keskin o‘zgarishi, aholi soninig
qishloq xo‘jaligi mahsulotiga bo‘lgan talabning oshishi qishloq xo‘jaligi
sohasidagi islohotlarni izchil davom ettirish lozimligini ko‘rsatmoqda.
Birlashgan Millatlar tashkilotining oziq-ovqat va qishloq xo‘jaligi
tashkiloti (FAO) ma’lumotlariga ko‘ra dunyo bo‘ylab jami 828 milliondan
ortiq kishi, ya’ni har to‘qqiz odamning biri to‘yib ovqatlanmayapti. Osiyo
qit’asida 424 milliondan ortiq aholi to‘laqonli ravishda ovqatlanmaslik
muammosiga duch kelmoqda. Yer yuzi aholi sonining tez ko‘payib