“Иқтисодий ўзгаришларнинг минтақавий муаммолари ва ривожланиш истиқболлари”
Республика илмий-амалий конференция материаллари (Тошкент, 5 сентябрь 2021 й.)
фойдаланиб аҳоли бандлиги ва шахсий манфаатдорликка эришишда юқори
натижаларга эришмоқдалар. Мисол учун Асака, Олтинкўл, Наманган, Уйчи,
Ангор, Жарқўрғон, Китоб, Тайлоқ, Самарқанд, Янгийўл, Зангиота, Олтиариқ,
Қува каби туманлардаги аксарият томорқаларда 2–3 марта ҳосил олиниб, битта
оила 8–10 сотихли экин майдонидан ўртача 50–60 миллион сўм, баъзилар эса
100 миллион сўм даромад қиляпти. Демак, “Темир дафтар”га киритилган
камбағалликдан чиқаришга имкон беради. Мамлакатимизда иш билан банд
бўлмаганларни ижтимоий ҳимоя қилиш билан бирга, меҳнат бозорини
бошқаришда кейинги икки йил ичида давлатнинг фаоллиги сезиларли даражада
ортмоқда. Бу аввало, фуқароларнинг меҳнат ва тадбиркорлик ташаббусларини
қўллаб-қувватлаш ва рағбатлантириш, иш билан таъминланиш соҳасида
ижтимоий кафолатлар бериш ва мажбурий меҳнатга батамом барҳам беришда
кўзга ташланади. Хусусан, мамлакатимизда 2020 йилдан бошлаб “Ҳар бир ёшга
бир гектар” лойиҳаси амалиётга тадбиқ этила бошланди. Мазкур лойиҳа ёшлар
ўртасида ишсизликни олдини олиш, аҳоли камбағаллигини камайтиришга
қаратилган бўлиб, лойиҳа доирасида 25 минг гектардан зиёд ер майдонлари
ёшларга ажратилди. Кейинги йилларда давлатимиз раҳбарининг айнан ишсизлик
муаммосини ҳал этишга қаратилган чора-тадбирлари бу борада қатор ижобий
натижалар бермоқда.
Адабиётлар рўйхати:
Бедность в современной экономической системе. Тема диссертации и
автореферата по ВАК РФ 08.00.01. кандидат экономических наук. Хуснутдинова
Лилия Мухаметвалеевна. Казань. 2012 г. 3-стр.
Ўзбекистон Республикаси Иқтисодий тараққиёт ва камбағалликни қисқартириш
вазирлиги. 2021.
Всемирный банк, 2020 год. Результаты опроса «Слушая граждан
Habibullo Ziyavitdinov,
basic doctoral student (PhD),
Department of Economics of the service sphere,
Bukhara State University.
The purpose of research – analysis of service quality, which depends on the
professionalism of catering staff. The article presents the characteristics of the five
Секция №1. Иқтисодий фанлар / Economic sciences / Экономические науки
“Иқтисодий ўзгаришларнинг минтақавий муаммолари ва ривожланиш истиқболлари”
Республика илмий-амалий конференция материаллари (Тошкент, 5 сентябрь 2021 й.)
typologies of service in a modern restaurant practice, depending on the technique of
personnel and communications. It highlighted the relevance of the work with the
customer reviews to improve loyalty and credibility to the company.
catering, consumers, services, inventory, quality indicators, loyalty,
typology of service, reviews, brand.
The era of the employer has been replaced by the era of the worker. The
atmosphere of the enterprise depends on the staff. Nowadays, going to a restaurant is
not just an excuse to eat, but an emotional experience. Guests are waiting for shows,
impressions, entertainment. Every detail is important - from the words of the waiter to
the serving of the dishes. It is necessary to offer people not only quality food, but also
food for thought and pleasure, then they will return to this enterprise. For the guest, the
criterion for the quality of services in a catering enterprise is the degree of his
satisfaction. High quality service is a set of necessary properties and characteristics of
services that can meet or exceed the expectations of consumers.
Catering facilities to provide guests with services for the production, sale and
consumption of a specific organization of the range of products in combination with
the organization of leisure activities provided by qualified personnel in order to profit.
To provide consumers with the choice in the assortment policy of the company is
extracted as basic and additional services.
Basic service processes include:
– production (preparation of food and drinks);
– trade (sale of ready-to-eat meals and drinks);
– service (serving guests by waiters).
When organizing catering services, business processes in production and the
efficient use of raw materials are fundamental. When maintaining accounting and
control over these types of activities, an inventory is relevant, which can be planned
(monthly) and unscheduled (for selected groups of raw materials, products and semi-
finished products). The key conditions for this event are:
– correct data on taking inventory and error-free timely entry of data into the
accounting system;
– analysis of the results of the inventory with the obligatory introduction of
decisions on fines and necessary checks on sample items / flow charts;
– identifying the reasons for the surplus, which is just as important as identifying
the reasons for the shortages (underinvestment in dishes, non-compliance with the
requirements of technological maps).
The main purpose of the inventory is to control how efficiently the business
procedures established at the production site work, whether the reporting is carried out
with high quality, whether the flow charts for dishes and semi-finished products are
correctly drawn up, to what extent the percentage of losses during processing of raw
materials are correctly entered in the cards of semi-finished products.
Analysis of the inventory results is the ideal and most convenient opportunity to
check and control the required numbers, allowing you to make the required changes if
a discrepancy is detected.
Секция №1. Иқтисодий фанлар / Economic sciences / Экономические науки
“Иқтисодий ўзгаришларнинг минтақавий муаммолари ва ривожланиш истиқболлари”
Республика илмий-амалий конференция материаллари (Тошкент, 5 сентябрь 2021 й.)
Traditional additional services are:
– provision of newspapers and magazines;
– sale of branded souvenirs and tableware;
– animation programs for children, children's menu;
– organization of musical events;
– organization of culinary training programs;
– ordering food and drinks with you or delivery.
Depending on the concept of the establishment, the list of services can be
The strengths of the enterprise can be the interior, the only Russian stove in the
city, a special welcome of guests in the Welcome-zone, efficient serving of cocktails,
an open kitchen, unique cooking technologies, as well as location, parking, proximity
to cinemas or theaters. One of the significant advantages is the tour of popular chefs
with master classes and signature cuisine.
Among the weaknesses that bring disappointment to consumers, one can note –
the location of the catering enterprise outside the main flow of buyers of the shopping
center, poor parking or its absence, inconvenient entrance, lack of windows, ignorance
of the hospitality market in a given city.
Opportunities and threats are external factors for a catering enterprise, which
depend on management decisions and the specifics of doing business. Opportunities
include the growing popularity of a healthy lifestyle, holding various mass events such
as the Olympics, football championships.
The potential of such significant events includes the opening of new transport
interchanges, sports facilities, recreation areas, improvement of parks and squares,
which may surround a particular catering enterprise. Among the threats in which you
have to do business, there are economic sanctions, tax increases, problems from
competitors who can open a chain restaurant near the enterprise, road repairs, change
of tenant. All this information is needed to determine the appropriate concept.
An excellent marketing ploy can be a memorable facade, for example, in the form
of graffiti or decorated with garlands, which attracts the attention of consumers - people
will stop, take photos and post them on social networks, which will eventually lead to
the spread of information about the company through word of mouth. In this aspect, it
is important to correctly arrange the area near the enterprise, as this can become the
choice of this enterprise from the side of those who are looking for a place to meet with
friends, a festive banquet or just explore a new place nearby.
The main task of the company's staff is to meet the expectations of guests, as this
is the way to their satisfaction. In this regard, the requirements of management for the
behavior and work of personnel are based on the expectations of guests, and the actual
form and content of the standards are the criteria for the quality of services. These are
guidelines within which a personal approach is only welcome.
An indicator of loyalty will always be the desire of the guest to return again and
advise his friends and acquaintances to come to this restaurant. From the point of view
of guests, the following list of service quality indicators is highlighted:
availability of services and efficiency in servicing;
the friendliness of the staff;
Секция №1. Иқтисодий фанлар / Economic sciences / Экономические науки
“Иқтисодий ўзгаришларнинг минтақавий муаммолари ва ривожланиш истиқболлари”
Республика илмий-амалий конференция материаллари (Тошкент, 5 сентябрь 2021 й.)
communication skills of the staff;
neat and tidy appearance of the staff;
the competence of the personnel;
availability of the necessary information;
the quality and range of food and drinks;
the responsiveness of the staff;
understanding the individual needs of guests;
effective interaction of employees;
stability of the quality of services;
service safety;
the comfort of the premises;
cleanliness and composition of premises;
cleanliness and condition of equipment, inventory and accessories.
Most of the expectations are directed directly at the behavior of the staff
interacting with guests: friendliness, competence and understanding, personal
approach. Employees at all levels need to understand the importance of providing high
quality guest services. This is what makes the service bright, memorable, and helps to
win the loyalty of consumers.
According to the manner of behavior of the staff in relation to guests, five
typologies of service are distinguished: "refrigerator", "conveyor", "zoo", "quality
service", "moment of truth", the characteristics of which are presented in Table 1. This
classification is based on two factors:
– the technique of working with the guest, taking into account the observance of
the sequence and efficiency of the operations performed;
– communication and the ability to find a common language with the guest.
Table 1 – Service typologies
With such service, there is no attention to the guest. Service
technology is not followed. The staff non-verbally informs
guests that they don't care.
The work is done technically. There is no goodwill in
dealing with guests.
The staff are friendly, but the work is chaotic. Service
standards are hardly adhered to, as in most cases they are
not. In such a situation, the guest, as it were, hears from the
staff: "We are trying, although we ourselves do not know
what we are doing."
Quality service
The staff complies with the requirements for work, shows a
personal approach to guests. this service meets the
expectations of the guests.
Секция №1. Иқтисодий фанлар / Economic sciences / Экономические науки
“Иқтисодий ўзгаришларнинг минтақавий муаммолари ва ривожланиш истиқболлари”
Республика илмий-амалий конференция материаллари (Тошкент, 5 сентябрь 2021 й.)
Moment of truth
The staff does more than the guests expect. Therefore, many
of them consider it necessary to share their positive
experience with others, and they themselves become regular
customers of this institution. If reality has exceeded
expectations, loyalty is formed.
Every year, reviews are becoming an increasingly significant factor in the
promotion of products and services of a catering company. According to a large-scale
study by BrightLocal, the top three in terms of reviews are representatives
of HoReCa – restaurants, bars and hotels. It is about them that Internet users leave
comments on the Web most often. There is a logical explanation for this - their density
in the city is high and people visit them more often than companies of a different
profile. It has been established that the consumer is ready to trust food companies that
have at least 40 reviews.
You need to constantly work with guest reviews:
to answer incoming questions;
to respond to comments and negativity;
motivate to write.
This is an interactive opportunity for users to share their experiences, get feedback
or reliable information from consumers of the catering company.
If a representative of a catering company takes part in such discussions, this
additionally stimulates users to comment and ask questions, increases trust in the brand,
and has an adequate assessment. It is necessary to publish the recommendations of
bloggers and opinion leaders.
Reviews and honest reviews on their pages are always conducive to discussions.
Users will definitely join the discussion and share their impressions. Thus, working
with reviews will influence the loyalty of guests and expand the customer base of the
catering company. In this direction, the task is to form a qualitatively different format
of relations. Working with reviews requires staff to:
– certain independence,
– initiative,
– focus on results.
Of course, the hardest part is working with people. It is important to explain,
inspire, give an incentive to come back to this food enterprise. The rest is mechanics.
Currently in priority:
– flexibility;
– business approach;
– creativity.
Rebuilding is always difficult. Catering businesses are still in the process of
transformation in terms of the relationship between staff and guests in the process of
providing them with services and providing the appropriate service. But what is in
reality gives restaurateurs the incentive to move forward - and that is the presence of
thriving restaurants in the hospitality market that are performing well.
There are thousands of successfully operating public catering enterprises in
Uzbekistan, the names of the owners of which will not tell the general public, the same
Секция №1. Иқтисодий фанлар / Economic sciences / Экономические науки
“Иқтисодий ўзгаришларнинг минтақавий муаммолари ва ривожланиш истиқболлари”
Республика илмий-амалий конференция материаллари (Тошкент, 5 сентябрь 2021 й.)
applies to the majority of chefs - as a rule, they are working people, it is easier for them
to create their own culinary masterpieces than to maintain an Instagram page. But,
nevertheless, if a restaurateur or chef is known to a certain extent, one should use this
for the benefit of the business of the given catering enterprise. In this aspect, any ways
to increase the number of guests and the average bill in a restaurant are good.
A personal brand is a collection of the best qualities that identify a person,
distinguish her from others and help develop a related business. The main components
of a personal brand are recognition, professionalism and trust. In the restaurant
business, they all need to work together.
The main advantage that the bearer of a personal brand gets is the ability to create
excitement around his own establishment, to clog the hall for any events, regardless of
their concept. But two more conditions are necessary for this:
1. Excellent cuisine;
2. Excellent service.
Professionalism automatically stems from recognition. For most people in
Uzbekistan, a visit to a restaurant is still a festive event, so a restaurateur's personal
brand is very important.
If you look at the pages of any public restaurateur on Instagram or Facebook, you
can see a large number of subscribers, likes, views. When you become a public
restaurateur, you unwittingly become a hostage to your own personal brand. For this,
it is created. Therefore, you need to use this and monetize your publicity:
– use your restaurants as a platform for organizing a gastronomic evening;
– holding a master class on the preparation of signature and signature dishes;
– to organize the birthday of the catering company with the invitation of regular
clientele and media representatives to this event, which contributes to the formation of
a personal brand in the service of their own business in order to satisfy the request of
the restaurant manager: “Chef, write on your Instagram about a gastronomic dinner,
please. We still have half of the tables not sold.”
An active exchange of experience between Uzbek and foreign chefs and
bartenders should find the implementation of ideas. Guests are increasingly drawn to
live communication. Community table, Shef table - all these areas are currently actively
developing. People are increasingly interested in what and how they cook what they
eat, they want to communicate more with chefs. This is a consequence of responsible
The kitchen is becoming more open to guests, which, in turn, requires
professionalism from the staff in order to achieve the result - the quality of services
that consumers of catering services so expect.
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Секция №1. Иқтисодий фанлар / Economic sciences / Экономические науки
“Иқтисодий ўзгаришларнинг минтақавий муаммолари ва ривожланиш истиқболлари”
Республика илмий-амалий конференция материаллари (Тошкент, 5 сентябрь 2021 й.)
3. Filchenkov A.N. The method of optimization of the number of personnel
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4. Bestreferat.ru. (2005, August 20). Доходы предприятия. Retrieved
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5. Ziyavitdinov H.H. Инновационный проект “Smart restaurant” в
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Усмонов Адхамжон Аъзамжонович,
Ўзбекистон Республикаси Ёшлар ишлари агентлиги қошидаги
Ёшлар муаммоларини ўрганиш ва истиқболли
кадрларни тайёрлаш институти таянч докторанти
Жаҳон мамлакатларида ходимларни бошқариш жараёни барча давлат ва
нодавлат корхоналари қатори ёшлар ташкилотларида ҳам долзарб аҳамият касб
этмоқда. Чунки малакали ходимларга муносиб ҳақ тўламаслик ва мотивация
қилмаслик натижасида ташкилотда ушлаб туриш имконияти йўқолади. Шу
сабабли бугунги кунда ходимларни бошқарув жараёнига менежерлар томонидан
алоҳида эътибор қаратилмоқда. Хорижий давлатлар ёшлар ташкилотларида
ходимларни бошқариш жараёнини тадқиқ қилишда АҚШ, Япония, Франция,
Япония, Буюк Британия ва Германия Федератив Республикаларининг ўзига хос
тажрибаларини ўрганиш мақсадга мувофиқ деб ҳисоблаймиз.
Жумладан, АҚШда ёшлар ташкилотлари тижорат ва нотижорат ташкилот
сифатида фаолият юритади. Улар бирор бир давлат тузилмасига кирмайди ва
ёшлар сиёсатини олиб боришда ўз фаолият доирасини мустақил равишда
белгилайди. Кўплаб ёшлар ташкилотлари скаут, сиёсий ва диний ҳаракатлар
сифатида ўзларининг алоҳида мафкураларига эга[1. 68-69].
АҚШда ҳозирги кунда 64 та йирик нодавлат тижорат ва нотижорат
ташкилотлари мавжуд бўлиб, улар ҳам ўз навбатида фаолият йўналишларидан
келиб чиқиб ҳудудий ва маҳаллий филиалларига эга. Жумладан, Америка
Болалар скаутлари (Boy Scouts of America) 87 та, АҚШ Қизлар скаутлари (Girl
Scouts of the USA) 26 та, 4-H ва бошқаларни санаб ўтиш мумкин[2]. Улар ичида
энг йириги, ўзининг 6,5 миллион аъзосига эга 4-H ёшлар ташкилотидир. Ушбу
ташкилот инглиз тилида 4 та “H” ҳарфи билан бошланувчи head-бош, heart-юрак,
hands-қўллар ва health-соғлик сўзларининг бош ҳарфидан ташкил топган.
4-H ҳукумат томонидан қўллаб-қувватланиб, ҳар бир штат ва ҳудудда Land-grant
университетлари тизими орқали бошқариладиган федерал ҳукумат дастурлари
мавжуд. Ташкилотнинг таъсисчиси АҚШ Қишлоқ хўжалиги вазирлиги
Секция №1. Иқтисодий фанлар / Economic sciences / Экономические науки
Секция №1. Иқтисодий фанлар / Economic sciences / Экономические науки