“Иқтисодий ўзгаришларнинг минтақавий муаммолари ва ривожланиш истиқболлари”
Республика илмий-амалий конференция материаллари (Тошкент, 5 сентябрь 2021 й.)
Alekseeva Maria Nikolaevna,
Graduate student,Kazan Federal University,
Russian Federation, Kazan.
Mukhsinova Shakhrizoda Odiljon qizi,
Second-year student, Faculty of production management
Ferghana Polytechnic Institute
Uzbekistan, Ferghana,
E-mail: shahrizada724@gmail.com
In economic thought, it is possible to distinguish various concepts that form and
develop the theory of entrepreneurship. Although the surge of researchers ' interest in
small business occurred in the 1970s, nevertheless, in earlier works, scientists outlined
the features of the structural sectors of entrepreneurship. The study of the literature
devoted to this problem allows us to identify six major areas of its research:
the importance of small business and its specific role in economic
the influence of the external environment on the development of small
personal characteristics of the entrepreneur (individual approach);
in the context of the theory of utility and rational behavior of an individual
in the labor market;
the influence of culture on the formation of entrepreneurial orientation in
-in the context of the theory of organization and efficiency of production
Since entrepreneurship is a multidimensional phenomenon in the life of our
society, these areas contain different approaches. Thus, the ideas of J. Schumpeter
played an important role in highlighting the first direction of work [20,1]. He was one
of the first to place the figure of an entrepreneur - an economic entity whose functions
differ both from the role of a capitalist and a worker at the center of his theoretical
system. J. Schumpeter noted that an entrepreneur initially does not have capital and
does not sell his labor, but has initiative, the quality of a leader, the ability to take risks.
Thanks to such an institution as credit, it mobilizes the factors of production and,
having received them at its disposal, carries out innovative activities - implements the
achievements of technological progress, finds new needs, sales markets, forms of labor
organization, etc. [1-10].
The main part of scientists working in the framework of the theory of
entrepreneurship belongs to the adherents of the contextual approach, since they
consider entrepreneurship as a response to certain external conditions in a country. At
the same time, researchers use various terms to describe a set of conditions that
Секция №1. Иқтисодий фанлар / Economic sciences / Экономические науки
“Иқтисодий ўзгаришларнинг минтақавий муаммолари ва ривожланиш истиқболлари”
Республика илмий-амалий конференция материаллари (Тошкент, 5 сентябрь 2021 й.)
stimulate or restrain its development, such as “conditions for the development of
entrepreneurship”, “prerequisites for the development of entrepreneurship”,
“entrepreneurial environment”, “business environment”, among which the concept of
“entrepreneurial environment” has found the most frequent application. According to
J. Kovin and D. Slevin, this concept is defined in terms of force and elements, which
are too many to combine into one specific model [11-20]. The main conclusion reached
by all scientists working in this direction can be formulated as follows: economic
growth creates conditions that promote entrepreneurship, and economic stagnation, on
the contrary, restricts market incentives and reduces the level of capital accumulation.
At the same time, the process of economic globalization contributes to the reduction of
national barriers and has a positive impact on the global movement of capital.
According to the model of A. Minguzzi and R. Passaro the external environment plays
a decisive role in increasing the competitiveness of a small enterprise [19-20].
Entrepreneurial success is largely determined by the ability to implement various
opportunities of the created business on the market in a timely manner. In particular,
he must be able to benefit from the network of relations between the enterprise and the
market. A pronounced tendency of an entrepreneur to learn should help him to react
quickly and adapt to possible changes in the external environment.
According to the model of T. Meng, T. Lau, K. Chan, an entrepreneur must
perform three tasks to increase the competitiveness of an enterprise. The first task of
an entrepreneur is to recognize competitive opportunities, for the implementation of
which he is obliged to maximize such abilities as identifying opportunities, establishing
communication and a common vision. The second task is to form a team at the
enterprise that unites employees who are able to work smoothly, introduce innovations
and create a positive reputation. The ability to establish connections, organize and a
common vision should help the entrepreneur in this. The third task is to ensure the
functioning of the enterprise. Thus, clearly defined goals and activities contribute to
achieving long-term competitiveness. Focusing on taking a strong position in the
market requires the introduction of strategic planning. However, the process of
strategic planning is unthinkable without the entrepreneurial ability to think
strategically. The authors of the model consider the entrepreneurial abilities and
competitiveness of small businesses in the relationship. In their opinion, an
entrepreneur is obliged to monitor opportunities, be able to identify and use them. It
should be added that with the growth of the size of the enterprise, the management of
competitiveness becomes more complicated. At certain stages of the enterprise's life
cycle, the company's competitiveness policy may also be different. Therefore, in this
approach, the external environment plays an important role in the development of small
business. Taking into account the fact that environmental factors are diverse, they can
affect both individually and in combination. Under these conditions, only competitive
enterprises are able to survive and function effectively in the market, in the natural
environment of entrepreneurship.
Various conceptual approaches contribute to the development of theory, which,
in turn, serves as the basis for the development of practical models. In the world
practice, there are several models of the development of small enterprises. Models of
the business climate, economic downturn and income growth of the population are built
Секция №1. Иқтисодий фанлар / Economic sciences / Экономические науки
“Иқтисодий ўзгаришларнинг минтақавий муаммолари ва ривожланиш истиқболлари”
Республика илмий-амалий конференция материаллари (Тошкент, 5 сентябрь 2021 й.)
taking into account the influence of environmental factors on the formation and
development of private entrepreneurship. Countries with developed, developing and
transition economies are characterized by different socio-economic conditions.
Depending on these conditions and the priority directions of state economic policy, the
levels and dynamics of small business development differ in these groups of countries.
In accordance with this provision, the business climate model explains the emergence
of small enterprises by a combination of factors such as a flexible employment policy,
low costs for production factors, preferential local taxation, support from the
authorities, etc.
The business climate model is a kind of special conditions purposefully created
for the successful development of a certain type of entrepreneurial activity in a
particular branch (sector) of the economy or in the national economy as a whole. It is
obvious that the model assumes the construction of institutional entities in the form of
foreign trade zones, entrepreneurial zones, technology parks, business incubators.
The success of various institutional formations in the development of small
business has influenced their spread in the countries of Asia and Africa, where there
are more than 200 zones of externally oriented manufacturing industry, which is 84%
of the total number of such zones around the world. There are five special economic
zones in China, about 50 open cities, dozens of free trade areas, the development of
new equipment and high technologies, the development of tourism, where the bulk of
competitive goods are produced.
Foreign trade zones are limited areas of the national territory, within which a
preferential regime of economic, including foreign economic, activities is established
in comparison with the general one. In other words, it is a trade or trade and production
zone, which, while remaining part of the national territory, is considered from the point
of view of the customs, budget, tax and financial regime as being located outside the
state border, a whole system of benefits for small enterprises, operates within it
[12-16]. Entrepreneurial zones have emerged as a type of manifestation of regional
policy aimed at reviving small and medium-sized businesses in depressed areas, mainly
urban, by providing entrepreneurs with greater freedom of activity and significant
financial benefits. Three principles are implemented in these zones: deregulation, de-
fiscalization and de-bureaucratization. The main conditions for their formation are:
location in depressed areas of large cities with the highest unemployment rate; validity
period from 7 to 20 years. The zones fulfill the task of solving internal economic
problems by relying on local capital and labor.
Technology parks are an effective form of integration of science and production,
a place for the deployment of innovative activities and the creation of venture firms
engaged in the development of new technologies. The tasks of technoparks include:
– support of modern technological promising projects and programs;-selection of
promising projects from the point of view of their significance for the region;-creation
of internal infrastructure that allows implementing the idea;-providing comprehensive
assistance in the field of marketing and management;-international consulting and
attracting investment through the creation of a venture fund.
Секция №1. Иқтисодий фанлар / Economic sciences / Экономические науки
“Иқтисодий ўзгаришларнинг минтақавий муаммолари ва ривожланиш истиқболлари”
Республика илмий-амалий конференция материаллари (Тошкент, 5 сентябрь 2021 й.)
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Секция №1. Иқтисодий фанлар / Economic sciences / Экономические науки
“Иқтисодий ўзгаришларнинг минтақавий муаммолари ва ривожланиш истиқболлари”
Республика илмий-амалий конференция материаллари (Тошкент, 5 сентябрь 2021 й.)
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Ospanova Asylgul,
Doctor of philosophy in Economics
L. N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University, Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan.
Mukhsinova Shakhrizoda,
Second-year student, Faculty of production management
Ferghana Polytechnic Institute
Uzbekistan, Ferghana,
In modern market relations, competent planning of the economic activity of
entrepreneurial organizations is an important prerequisite for their development,
ensuring the effective distribution and consumption of production resources. Business
planning, performs a number of important functions in the system of entrepreneurial
activity, among which the following are of the greatest importance: 1. Initiation –
activation, stimulation and motivation of planned actions, projects and transactions.
2. Forecasting is the foresight and justification of the desired state of the company in
the process of analyzing and taking into account a set of factors. 3. Optimization –
ensuring the choice of an acceptable and best option for the development of an
enterprise in a specific socio-economic environment. 4. Coordination and integration-
taking into account the interrelation and interdependence of all structural divisions of
companies with their orientation to a single overall result. 5. Management security-
providing information about possible risks for the timely adoption of proactive
measures to reduce or prevent negative consequences. 6. Ordering - creating a single
general order for successful work and responsibility. 7. Control - the ability to quickly
track the implementation of the plan, identify errors and possible adjustments to it. 8.
Education and training – the favorable impact of samples of rationally planned actions
on the behavior of employees and the possibility of teaching them, including on
mistakes. 9. Documentation - presentation of actions in a documentary form, which
can be proof of successful or erroneous actions of the company's managers.
Секция №1. Иқтисодий фанлар / Economic sciences / Экономические науки