The terms of internationally accepted computer-based terminology

Сеитова, Д. (2022). The terms of internationally accepted computer-based terminology. Ренессанс в парадигме новаций образования и технологий в XXI веке, (1), 53–54.


The international terms of computer science are an essential ingredient of English as it translates into English and provides an etymological study and analysis of the lexical computer components of international English terms. Accordingly, the terms of internationally accepted computer-based terminology can be subdivided into the following etiologically:

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Seitova D.U.

KarSU named after Berdakh, Nukus, Uzbekistan


The international terms of computer science are an essential ingredient of English as it translates

into English and provides an etymological study and analysis of the lexical computer components of
international English terms. Accordingly, the terms of internationally accepted computer-based
terminology can be subdivided into the following etiologically:

• Internationalized terms derived from Latin: trunk (high speed communication line) [<lot.

magistralis - head, main]; computer (feature, fuzzy computer, or quantity mark) [<lot. attributum - added,
supplied, added], mkomputerritsa (two-dimensional array of objects and data) [<lot. mater, matrix - a];
gateway (1. external or other network communication station, 2. functional device or software that
connects the various architectural computer networks) [<goll. sluis<fr.ecluse<lot. exclusa - barrier,
obstacle, avoidance]; processor (functional device that provides specific execution of specific commands)
[<lot. processus - shift]; channel (signal or data computing means or path) [<lot. canalis - pipe;
waterway]; adapter (an electronic circuitry that allows you to configure devices with different data
transmission methods, an interface that allows two or more discrepancies to work together and exchange
information) [<lot. add-on Add-on - add-on attachment <add-on, computed, connected, added] From
1907, this term implements the concept of electrical engineering;

• The terms of the internationally accepted Italian language:


[< фр.


< итал.






• internationally accepted terms that come from the Arabic language (French, Italian): cipher

[<fr.chiffre - number, last <- zero, nothing empty]; masquerade masque <ital. mascheraarab. Mashara
qilmoq [1; 28].

• German-speaking internationally accepted terms: Hertz (Hz) (1,000 BH) (1,000 BH), a Frequency

Measurement Unit (1000 Mhz), derived from GenrichGerts in 1883 [Hertz Heinrich Rudolf Hertz, 1857-

The largest part of scientific and technical terms in Uzbek language is the lexical units, which are

developed in other languages. Kh. Dadabaev: «... the principle of foreign language in the system of Uzbek
terminology is based on the principle of internal interlocutors. In this process, some of the overseas
acquisitions are replaced or translated into Uzbek proportions. This method is distinguished by new
concepts‘‘ [2; 24-31].
Such a state-of-the-art computer terminology can be highly compact: Computer network; digital coding;
encryption algorithm; cloning of information systems; computer information; computer network; green
computer; compact disc; apparkomputer support; geterogenic network; consumer electronics; hybrid
display; Hypercomputer protocol of computing.

Computer skills are also composed of the names of places to apply. At the same time, these terms

of international character are widely used in the scientific and technical field. They are interpreted
according to their semantics:


The following are the internationally accepted terms:

Al-Jemal Algorithm, Werner Cryptosystem,

Vijner Quadric Component, Gabidullin Cryptosystem, Gopp Code, Kaziski Method, Encryption
Cryptosystem, Lempel-Ziv Coding, MacelisCryptotomy, Nidderayter Cryptosystem, Feytel Cipher,
Hoffmann Method Code of Rid Muller, Normal Form of Boys Coded, Cardan Grid, Gold Array, Faradey
Effect, Farm Law, Einstein Code, Naykvist Frequency, Naykvist Theorem, Rid Salomon Code, Such as the
Merkel Tree, the Fexner Law, the Bouz-Chadhuri-Hochengem Code;


Internationally accepted terms of place names:

Manchester Coding, Silicon Valley,

Cambridge Ring

, and so on.

Apparently, when used in terms of computer terms, there are significant changes in their semantics,
applications, and implications. Individuality in its meanings, in general, is replaced by simplicity.
Ultimately, it teaches a common name for science and technology.

The internationally-expressed terms in the computer industry are primarily used as terminology in

the form of consolidation terms. The first step in this is a computer-based horse identifying its next
component. For example: Hoffman's code, Cardano's lattice, Feystel's code, Merkl's puzzles, Vernam's
cryptosystem and others. The person in them and the subject matter of individualism remain. Therefore,
the term is written with capital letters. According to the structure, such elements of the term come in
simple and dual form. For example, the Cryptographic System, Erlang's formula, Golda sequence, Lempl-
Ziv, Rid-Muller, Boys-Kodd. The term elements in the form of these pairs are written using the hyphen.

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It is noteworthy that most of the international terminology used in scientifically-technical

terminology, in particular in the field of computer science, is mastered by the English language through
the Russian language (intermediate language). Therefore, the Russian version of these terms is also
acceptable for our language.

Generally speaking, speaking from another language is caused by social necessity. In this case, a

new word or phrase that comes into being is not available in the mother tongue. Particular terms in the
field of computer science include computer, computer, convergence, converter, content, browser, web
design, web server, web service, dorvey, dorgen, driver, and special abbreviations, including letters,
marks and numbers:

CAS , RAM, C #, S ++, SOM +, i18n, I / O, 4G


There is a concept of «adaptation» and «assimilation» in the theory of vocabulary, and today the

computer terms themselves gradually pass through these processes. Most of these professions are
adapting to the phonetic structure of the Uzbek language. This adaptation process is being accomplished
by adapting the Uzbek language to the pronunciation norms, obtaining various grammatical formulas. A
compliment may also be adapted to the vocabulary process. For example,

код – кодлаш, шифр –

шифрлаш, дуплекс – дуплекслаш, мультиплекс – мультиплекслаш, обфуксация – обфуксациялаш,
скремблер – скремберлаш, тунелл – тунеллаш, зуммер – зуммерлаш

such as terminology and

terminology units that represent computer processes.

As mentioned above, the majority of computer terms are Russian, English, German, French, Italian

and other languages. Adaptation from the phonetic aspect to the structure of the native language is a
holcom computer in Western European languages.

We would like to recommend the introduction of computer terminology from Western European

languages in the context of international terminological units that meet the current Uzbek language'
spelling rules. For example, hypermedia, hypertext, hypercube, we think that these terms can be used in
any language without hypermedia, hypermedia, hypersubjects (hypermedia, hypermata, hyperkin) in the
verbal language (in the current Uzbek language). In our opinion, translation into this context will facilitate
the process of acquisition and understanding international terms.

In the future, we hope that specialists will develop new grammar rules on the basis of international

terminology graphics. In this case, it is quite possible that the alphabet will come up with many terms that
will have two variants.

During the formation of the Uzbek computer terminological systems, the number of foreign and

acquired terms has grown significantly. In particular, the impact of the introduction of computer
terminology is crucial. In particular, this can be observed in the terminology practice. So far, experts have
been able to see computer terminology units incorporated into sectorial dictionaries based on
terminology. Computer-based terminology, used independently in the composition of the terminology or
combination of vocabulary terminology, serves to express the concept of the field.

The sources of computerized terminology were studied in English, Uzbek languages and indicators

of computers were determined.


1. Палатов М.И. Семантическая структура интерлингвизмов греко-латинского происхождения в
современных европейских языках/ Опыт синхронно-сопоставительного исследования/: Автореф.
дис. ... канд. филол. наук. – Алма-Ата, 1970.
2. Дадабоев Х. Ҳозирги ўзбек тили қурилишида ўзбек тилининг ўрни// Тилшуносликнинг долзарб
масалалари. Республика илмий-назарий конференция материаллари. –Тошкент, 2015.



Sadullaeva A.N.

Assistant teacher, KarSU named after Berdakh

Nukus, Uzbekistan


tel: +9890 7091221


This article discusses the connection of language and culture with each other. The problem of

the interdependence between language and culture has been the subject of debate among many eminent
scholars: some say that language is related to culture as part of a whole, while others say that language is
only part of the whole as a form of cultural expression. Therefore, the article has been enriched by the
opinions of linguists around the world.

Библиографические ссылки

Палатов М.И. Семантическая структура интерлингвизмов греко-латинского происхождения в современных европейских языках/ Опыт синхронно-сопоставительного исследования/: Автореф. дис.... канд. филол. наук. - Алма-Ата, 1970.

Дадабоев X. Хрзирги узбек тили курилишида узбек тилининг урни// Тилшуносликнинг долзарб масалалари. Республика илмий-назарий конференция материаллари. -Тошкент, 2015.

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