The roots of weaving craft in the southern aral sea region

Турсинбаева, Г., & Турдамбетова, Г. (2022). The roots of weaving craft in the southern aral sea region. Ренессанс в парадигме новаций образования и технологий в XXI веке, (1), 260–261.
Г Турсинбаева, Karakalpak State University named after Berdakh

Student Foreign Languages Faculty

Г Турдамбетова, school № 18

History teacher



Among the crafts weaving is an ancient type which humanity has ever created. From the researches of scientists it was proved that this type of craft was discovered 8 thousand years ago for sure in neolit era.

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Student, Foreign Languages Faculty, KarSU named after Berdakh,

Nukus, Uzbekistan



History teacher, school № 18, Nukus, Uzbekistan

Among the crafts weaving is an ancient type which humanity has ever created. From the

researches of scientists it was proved that this type of craft was discovered 8 thousand years ago for sure
in neolit era.

From the ancient period weaving was raised to the level of industry and it had the opportunity to

gather world folks from the economic site.

The folks of the Southern Aral Sea region, which were located across the Great Silk Road, were

familiar with this type of craft from the early age and contributed a significant role to develop it. One of
the directions of trade of atlas-silk, which surpised the ancient Rome with products, passed from this
region. From the second half of XX century research study began to conduct weaving broadly from the
ethnography and archaeological site.

As a result of excavations, one of the ancient stuffs that belong to the weaving craft of the

Southern Aral Sea region was referred to bronze developed period.

Findings such as tools for knitting and sewing from the Qavat 3 which belong to Tazabagzhap

culture plays an important role to prove the statement above.

During the ancient and medieval ages development of weaving craft of the Southern Aral Sea

region enabled to attain a high standard. As a result of researching the monument " Aqshakhanqala"
which is located in Beruniy region of Karakalpakstan, in castles and zaraostrians' temples there were
pictures on the walls called " A gallery of portraits of Khorezm kings" asserting about this craft reached a
standardization. Colorful pictures on clothes demonstrates us that it had eight various natural dyes on it.

The monument Barakhtam 1 of the Southern Aral Sea region which belongs to the period

Khionits shows us that the upper part of sufa in the castle had the carpet. On the corner of ceremonial hall
a part of carpet was found, threads of the carpet were blue, red, golden and in the middle of it was
complemented with drawing composition. It is confirmed that in ancient ages the weaving craft was
developed in a high level despite of that carpet which was not saved well . In the IV century AD due to
the fact that silk material became inexpensive , simple people could afford to wear clothes from this

Probably for this situation might cause that lots of products were exported from Central Asia to

the Western trading centres. In the sources was shown that in the beginnings of VII century for one horse
was obtained 4,5 m atlas. However, in the weaving craft the technology of making atlas from silk was
kept as a secret for a long time. Thus, native artificers were inclined making clothes from fibre, plant fibre
and from silk. In addition, products of weaving were requirements of society. Therefore, among native
folksthe technology of making craft was cultivated.

Some artefacts prove that in the medieval ages weaving craft expanded very well. About this, in

the settlements of Kerder culture were found colorful pictures on assuary coffins, patterns on the clothes,
given materials in two colors, robes that wore mostly man and these detected material sources inform us
that in those ages this type of craft cultivated very well even higher than standardization. Mostly in
written sources in the X century arabian Author al Magdisiy displayed that among the products in the
Southern Aral Sea regions which were imported and exported there was kimukht(type of leather) he
pointed out.

Among the products of weaving silk played a significant role. In the period of Golden Horde, the

settlements of Khorezm and the Southern Aral Sea regions played a connectin role in transit trade.
Findings, especially rests of silk material detected in Khasauta, Moshevaya Balka near the town
Kislovodsk, prove that weaving craft was in a high level.

Products of weaving not only fulfilled the requirements of the folk of this region but also they

were exported.

Carried ethnography researchings in our country which belong to the XIX-XX centuries

demonstrates us about materials, patterns designs of weaving craft, history of detected instances of art
industry connected with the past of people of the Southern Aral Sea region, all of them kept over the

Weaving products are not only material wealth of folks but also they are examples of culture

since it informs us about patterns and signs on the clothes, indicator of their point of views and also trade
connections between countries.

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1. Bogoslovskaya I. V. Karakalpak ornament: image and meaning.Almaty. 2019. 219 p.
2. Bogomolov G.I. Three secrets of silk // Science and life of Uzbekistan № 5-6/ 2007. P. 5-6.
3. Gudkova A.V. Tok-kala. Tashkent., 1964.
6. Zhdanko T.A. Works of the Karakalpak ethnographic detachment in 1956 y.
7. Itina. M. A. Excavations of the sites of the Tazabagyab culture in 1957 // Materials of the Khorezm
expedition., 1960. 95-99 p.
8. Kdyrniyazov M.-Sh. Material culture of the cities of Khorezm in the 13th-14th centuries. Nukus, 1989.
9. Materials on the history of Turkmen and Turkmenistan. T. I. Arabic and Persian sources. Ed. S.P.
Volina, A.A. Romaskevich and A.Yu. Yakubovsky. M.-L., 1939.
10. Tolstov S.P. The work of the Khorezm archaeological and ethnographic expedition in 1954-1956 //
Materials of the Khorezm archaeological expedition, vol. 1M ,1959. 32-35 p.
11. Melodie Bonnat. Reconstituting the colossal avestan gods from Akchakhan-kala, ancient Chorasmia:
the contribution of the painting conservators // History and Archaeology of Aral Sea region №1. Nukus.,
2019. 71-86 p.
12. Yagodin, V.N., Betts, A., Kidd, F., Baker Brite, E., Khozhaniyazov, G., Amirov, Sh., Yagodin, V.V.,
Fray, G. ―Karakalpak- Australian Excavations in Ancient Chorasmia. An Intern Report on the Kazakly-
Yatkan Wall Paintings: the portrait gallery‖. // Journal of Inner Asian Art and Archeology, 2009, 4, p. 7-4



Усенов С.Х.

КГУ имени Бердаха, Нукус, Узбекистан

тел: +99897 3530550

На нынешним этапе развитие общество, в новом Узбекистане проводится работы по

восстановлению незаслуженно забытых прежним режимом имен исторических мест, важных
исторических событии и в них роли исторических личностей.

К числу таких «провинившихся» исторических мест, как уже не раз отмечалось в прессе,

является судьба первого из двух крупных религиозно – просветительского центра
Каракалпакстана XIX – XX веков историко –

мемориального комплекса «Ишан – кала», что

находится в 26 км к северу – востоку от г. Нукуса, на территории ССГ «Кызыл уй» Кегейлийского
района. Данные о комплексе, несмотря на сохранение в памяти местных жителей всех деталей и
большую историческую ценность, получили широкую огласку лишь в годы независимости. Вслед
за работой местного общественного исследователя [1] усилиями местной общественности в дань
памяти основателя комплекса – Атагуллы ишана (1801-1877 гг.), возведен в его честь мемориал,
на республиканском уровне организована научно – практическая конференция, посвященная к
изучению наследия его отца великого каракалпакского мыслителя и просветителя Имам ишана (в
исторических хрониках мулла Имам Мухаммед ишан, 1754-1831 гг.) [2]. Заслуга внука основателя
Хан Махсума (Убайдулла Бахауаддинов, 1887-1956 гг.) заняла достойное место в низовой истории
Узбекистана и Каракалпакстана [3]. В результате ранее известные лишь небольшому кругу
родственников имена исторических личностей стали «героями новой эпохи» Атагулла ишана –
локального Имам ишана регионального и Ханмахсума – отечественного уровней.

Вместе с тем реальная история комплекса, которая могла бы подняться на более высокую

ступень уровень эффективности духовно – просветительной работы, остается мало изучѐнной в
научной среде, учѐными республики ещѐ не раскрыты мысли Имама ишана и Хивинского хана
Мухаммед Рахим хана (1806-1825 гг) при планировании их последователей сына – первенца
просветителя Атагуллы ишана Имаматдин улы (1801-1877 гг.) и очередного Хивинского
правителя Аллакулы хана (1825-1842 гг) строительстве и завершении комплекса. Так же не
раскрыта роль комплекса служивший образцом в реформаторской работе тогдашних властей, в
частности в адаптации кочевого народа на оседлый образ жизни переобучении скотоводов
кочевников к новым профессиям крестьянства в построении жилых домов из глины в замен на
камышовых плит, юрт, обустройстве личных приусадебных участков (шардаре) в замен на
отгонные пастбище, формировании сети начальных мусульманских школ на новом обжитом
месте. Ведь, современного поколения, как показывает мысленный анализ высказывания
респондентов, интересует ответы именно на это вопросы, нежели возвеличивание религиозно
воспитательных предков до уровня святых что практикуется в сочинениях творцов
художественного жанра [4].

Библиографические ссылки

Bogoslovskaya I. V. Karakalpak ornament: image and meaning.Almaty. 2019. 219 p.

Bogomolov G.I. Three secrets of silk // Science and life of Uzbekistan № 5-6/ 2007. P. 5-6.

Gudkova A.V. Tok-kala. Tashkent., 1964.

Zhdanko T.A. Works of the Karakalpak ethnographic detachment in 1956 y.

Itina. M. A. Excavations of the sites of the Tazabagyab culture in 1957 // Materials of the Khorezm expedition., 1960. 95-99 p.

Kdymiyazov M.-Sh. Material culture of the cities of Khorezm in the 13th- 14th centuries. Nukus, 1989.

Materials on the history of Turkmen and Turkmenistan. T. I. Arabic and Persian sources. Ed. S.P. Volina, A.A. Romaskevich and A.Yu. Yakubovsky. M.-L., 1939.

Tolstov S.P. The work of the Khorezm archaeological and ethnographic expedition in 1954-1956 // Materials of the Khorezm archaeological expedition, vol. IM ,1959. 32-35 p.

Melodic Bonnat. Reconstituting the colossal avestan gods from Akchakhan-kala, ancient Chorasmia: the contribution of the painting conservators // History and Archaeology of Aral Sea region №1. Nukus., 2019. 71-86 p.

Yagodin, V.N., Betts, A., Kidd, F., Baker Brite, E., Khozhaniyazov, G„ Amirov, Sh„ Yagodin, V.V., Fray, G. “Karakalpak- Australian Excavations in Ancient Chorasmia. An Intern Report on the Kazakly-Yatkan Wall Paintings: the portrait gallery”. // Journal of Inner Asian Art and Archeology, 2009, 4, p. 7-4

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