The American Journal of Applied sciences

The American Journal of Applied sciences

Publisher: The USA Journals
Years of coverage since 2019
Online ISSN: 2689-0992
Source Type: Journal
Orientation: Scientific article;
Google Scholar
in Citate: 0.568
Citations: 297
h index: 0
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About the Journal

Along with The American Journal of Applied sciences being committed to publishing the scholarly empirical or theoretical research articles having a great impact on the Multidisciplinary Sciences fields, the journal promotes fresh ideas or innovative perspectives on research at hand. All materials submitted to the The American Journal of Applied sciences (TAJAS) is conditional on meticulous peer review utilizing the ‘double-blind’ refereeing procedure. The Editorial Board, which is augmented by regional editors in approximately thirty countries, robustly hails contributions worldwide. It is the express objective of The American Journal of Applied sciences (TAJAS) to persuade the prospect of multidisciplinary sciences its reception globally by publishing ground-breaking contributions on all facets of multidisciplinary Research endeavor.

The journal allows submission concerning to both basic along with Applied sciences in the field. The journal moreover welcomes short papers, commentaries along with review articles on any theme related to the extent of the journal.

in Citate
0.568 =
46 citations for 2023 - 2022 y.
81 documents for 2023 - 2022 y.
current in Citate
0.298 =
14 citations for 2024 y.
47 documents for 2024 y.
Contents of the journal
Back Issues
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