The Role Of Polymorphic Genes Of Matrix Metalloproteinases (MMPS) And Their Tissue Inhibitors In The Development Of Renal Dysfunction In Chronic Glomerulonephritis In Children

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N.S., B. ., & Sh.Kh., Z. . (2021). The Role Of Polymorphic Genes Of Matrix Metalloproteinases (MMPS) And Their Tissue Inhibitors In The Development Of Renal Dysfunction In Chronic Glomerulonephritis In Children. The American Journal of Medical Sciences and Pharmaceutical Research, 3(06), 195–202.


In children, glomerulonephritis is a disease characterized by rapid progression and complication caused by an irreversible process of the renal glomeruli. Currently, methods of molecular diagnostics have begun to actively develop, which not only complement traditional research methods, but also provide insight from the point of view of molecular pathophysiology. It is expected that a key role in the diagnosis of kidney disease is played by the identification of genes and their changes in the course of the disease, which predict the course of the disease. Changes in chromosomal polymorphic genes of matrix metalloproteinase and its tissue inhibitors, as well as how this change manifests itself in chronic glomerulonephritis, were determined in the prognosis of the disease.

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