Quality of education in Kazakhstan: plagiarism as one of its issues | Современные тенденции при обучении иностранному языку в XXI веке

Quality of education in Kazakhstan: plagiarism as one of its issues

Байжанова M. (2023). Quality of education in Kazakhstan: plagiarism as one of its issues . Современные тенденции при обучении иностранному языку в XXI веке, 1(1), 159–163. извлечено от https://inlibrary.uz/index.php/trends-language-teaching/article/view/21169


In the process of internationalization and entering the world of the educational community Kazakhstan needs to follow some rules. The quality of education should be at a high level, and plagiarism could crucially affect it, which could slow down the educational system's globalization process. Even more the situation worsens by misunderstanding plagiarism as well as by teachers and students. The challenge in this implantation is the issue of plagiarism. The need to improve the quality of education began to be felt particularly strongly at the growing rift between the conditions of the development of society and the inability of the education system to adapt quickly to these changes

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«Современные тенденции при обучении

иностранному языку в XXI веке»




Baizhanova M.M.

baizhan.madina@gmail.com MSc Leadership in Higher Education

«Astana Medical University»


In the process of internationalization and entering to the world

of educational community Kazakhstan needs to follow some rules. The quality of

education should be on high level, and plagiarism could crucially affect on it and

which could slow down the process of globalization the educational system. Even

more the situation worsens by misunderstanding of plagiarism as well as by

teachers and students. The challenge is in this implantation is the issue of

plagiarism. The need to improve the quality of education began to be felt

particularly strongly at the growing rift between the conditions of the development

of society and the inability of the education system to adapt quickly to these changes

Key words:

Kazakhstan, higher education, plagiarism, teachers, students.

Research materials: Literature review

Research question: How could research on plagiarism issue improve quality

of higher education in Kazakhstan?

Sustainable development of society in the context of globalization is

impossible without the development of human resources as the main resource for

innovative economic development. According to the reform on higher education

which was taken in 1995 the quality of education in higher educational system

should improve and one of the points was on improvement in development of the

scientific research opportunities. To do this, professors learn from each other, as

well as the West theoretical and practical knowledge on quality management

education that would raise the quality of education. Along with this they often

teach and learn for themselves the new systems that allow not only to evaluate

the real level of educational attainment, but also still receives. The criterion of

efficiency and quality of the educational process could be easily traced in the

written work of the students. Nowadays, with the rapid development of the

Internet, where information has become more accessible to more people, it is very

difficult to trace the use of the work students have already earlier by someone

publicized material. In the process of internationalization and entering to world

educational community, it dictates certain rules to follow. The quality of

education should be on high level, and plagiarism could crucially effect on it and
which could slow down the process of globalization. Even more the situation

worsens by misunderstanding of plagiarism as well as by teachers and students.

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иностранному языку в XXI веке»


Many teachers do not have an ability to identify plagiarism and do not provide

connection in the curriculum that directly and indirectly effects on its quality.

Today the vision toward plagiarism definitely changed, became more refusing,

but as before, this show is a small part of text plagiarism or not is extremely

difficult and sometimes even impossible. That is why many of people use and give

out the wrong product and work as their own. The root of this issue lays in the

secondary school where pupils used to cheat on and do not realize all the

responsibilities that it could bring in the future. All the discussions about

dissatisfaction from quality of higher education comes from secondary school,
especially academic quality is suffering. Particularly it might reduce general

quality of education which is became one of the main reforms of Kazakhstan


education system. It particularly effects on postgraduate process, especially on

writing master and doctorial works.

The challenge is in this implantation is the issue of plagiarism. The need to

improve the quality of education began to be felt particularly strongly at the

growing rift between the conditions of the development of society and the

inability of the education system to adapt quickly to these changes. In the early

90-ies of the state weakened attention to vocational education. The private sector

was not able to take the initiative in their hands. The result was an imbalance of
training in vocational education. Today, it is essential to clearly identify where the

responsibility ends with the state on behalf of central and local authorities, and

where begins the responsibility of business. At the same time, Kazakhstan is

actively developing the process of reforming the education system, accompanied

by the widespread use of effective mechanisms for the implementation of the

objectives of education and the introduction of scientific methods of evaluation of

educational achievements. In the main legal instruments in the field of education,

such as the Law "On the approval of the State Program of Education Development

in Kazakhstan", the program "Modernization Education "(2000), Resolution of the

Government of the RK" On the organization of the experiment on the introduction

of the unified state examination ", The concept of modernization of Kazakhstan


education till 2015, the action plan of the Government of the Republic of

Kazakhstan in the field of social policy and the economy, the priority development

of the educational system of Kazakhstan was addressed issues of modernization

of national education. President Nursultan Nazarbayev in the next message to the

people of Kazakhstan pointed to the importance of the quality of training:

"Ensuring social welfare should be accompanied by improved quality of life, as

well as human resources. In the rapid developing time Kazakhstan establishing

own competitive higher education. One of such aspect is the effect of

internationalization, which demands certain standards and rules. One of the sides
that need a close attention is a quality of education. All major countries are

actively pursuing reforms of their education systems. One of the leaders in a wide-

ranging educational movement is the European Communities initiated the

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«Современные тенденции при обучении

иностранному языку в XXI веке»


Bologna process, which aims

the creation of a unified European educational

space, so that any citizen could get a quality education, and then the job. Thus, for

our country, which today seeks to integrate into the international community, the

reform of the education system becomes a crucial strategic accords top priority.

The modern policy of the Ministry of Education and Science of Kazakhstan in the

field of development of higher education in the country is aimed at strength and

to widen the borders of the most universities. As a result of changes and reforms

sharply reduced the number of institutions. One of the most important tasks in

the national high education is Kazakhstan

s accession to the Bologna process. The

key issue of the Bologna process is currently performing quality assurance of

higher education. In the Berlin Communiqué of the Conference of European

Ministers Responsible for Higher Education (2003), the introduction of effective

systems of quality assurance noted as one of the three intermediate priorities. In

world practice, the quality of education is considered as one of the main factors of

socio-economic development of the country. With increasing levels of the quality

of education the state connects welfare of the population, society


transformation in highly developing society (socially, spiritually, physically,

economically, politically, etc.), whether the employer

increasing revenue, and


the opportunity to take their rightful place in society. The rapid

development of globalization, moreover trend of integration Kazakhstan into the

world educational space require addressing the quality assurance system of

professional training in a university. The main task for today, facing teachers at

universities are to raise the level of education. To do this, professors learn from

each other, as well as the West theoretical and practical knowledge on quality

management education that would raise the level of education.

One of such current difficulties is plagiarism. Plagiarism is a crucial obstacle

of higher education. According to ministry of education for recent years some

plagiarism points were found out in several scientific works as well as in PhD and


s research papers. The tendency of plagiarism is growing up year after

year. Moreover, this complication has begun appearing even in the secondary

education. Nevertheless, this question causes a problem to Kazakhstan


legislative system and disturbing The Ministry of Education. At this point several

important changes were made to the context and standards of law on Intellectual

property right. These significant amendments and additions were made at July 9,

2004 to some legislative acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan

s law about

intellectual property. Nevertheless, this year The Ministry of Education has begun

to develop standards about ethical regulation of scientific papers. These

standards will be followed in the process of accreditation and implementation,

planning and evaluation of research at all levels.

The challenge that worsens this trouble is that we are living in the era of

rapid development of high-tech technologies. The purpose of these programmes

and gadgets (e.g.in Kazakhstan plagiat in from, in international level turmitin etc.)

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are to make people

s life easier and quicker. At this point any changes in the

scientific and social life effect on types of plagiarism. Plagiarism is divided into

several types and of the crucial type that often appears, in the educational process

is Internet plagiarism. It is widely used by students in their course assignments

(referat) and even in research papers. The questions that need to be is raised to

by researches do our people understand the term plagiarism properly, what

effects it can cause and to what it can lead to; also, identify the level of knowledge

about the importance of this term and its penalties. Nevertheless, as in famous

proverb says that “ignorance of the law is no excuse”,


s why it is important to

provide clearly explanation of plagiarism among nation.

After putting the for the quality of education there are appeared different

issues affecting on, and one of such things is plagiarism, which might make the

level of education especially its quality in higher education lower. The rapid

development of the Internet in recent decade, made the issue of plagiarism

important. The worldwide system can provide an amount of ready written essays

where any person can use them in their academic writings or other types of

assignments. In general education system is aimed on developing smart,

intelligent and competitive generation that could bring a lot of creative and

innovative things in it. The ministry of education each year gives several
scholarships on research projects and in this case as again vise minister told there

is no sense to give money for plagiarized work and projects. According to the

director of research center Adil Ibrayev he told that in 2013 about 1114 woks

were plagiarized and more as director of international research center Daniyar

Sapargaliev told that in the list of international system Scopus Kazakhstan is on

the 94th place among the 130 places on plagiarism. Also, he mentioned that there

is no any program or rules that could track the process of plagiarism from the

secondary level. If it doesn

t explain properly from early age how could students

avoid it in the future. In this case the ministry of education facing all that problems

that coming from plagiarism that definitely do not make educational system

higher and good, that

s why the ministry has launched a new program for

Kazakhstan which could detect any plagiarism in work. It calls as “plagiatinform”

which was announced through mass media. Nowadays, it has several successful

results. This program has discovered the case of plagiarism in the doctorial and

master theses. As government mentioned each fifth work is plagiarized, and in

this case it night be noticed that the system of teaching and providing clearly

instruction in writing research papers do not properly work. The system itself is

weak at point of research and writing academically peer reviewed articles that

could be published as well as on local and on international level. Unfortunately,

the quality of this process is suffering from low level and unsatisfied quality of
research papers. This case makes national educational system weak and

uncompetitive. The software should be improved because the Internet system day

after day improving and moving towards quickly. However, implementing this

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program says that our government is not indifferent, and it directly effects on the

quality of education and each level of educational system will see and feel the

result of this program on their outcomes and future results. The similar

opportunities were done by many countries, so we might to learn more and share

with them experiences in order to make our system higher and qualified begging

from local till international level.



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образовательных услуг в республике Казахстан. Science and world. p.10.


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Chapman, D. W., Adams, D. K. (2002). The quality of education:

dimensions and strategies. Hong Kong: Asian Development Bank.


Gurevich, L. I. (2011). On the reform of higher education and science in

Kazakhstan. Russian Education & Society, 53(9), pp.63-70.


Georgieva, N. Y., Shakina, M. A. (2011). Education Quality Improvement

Via Creating and Introducing Modern Tools of Interactive Teaching. International

Journal of Arts and Sciences, 4(21), pp.53-73.


Nurasheva, K., & Bondarenko, V. (2013). New landmarks in building

qualitative education in Kazakhstan. Going global: Identifying trends and drivers

of international education, pp.5-16.


Olzhaev,A. 2014. Plagiarism is in ten scietific work in Kazakhstan.

Retrieved from: http://365info.kz/2014/06/plagiatom-yavlyaetsya-kazhdaya-



Pak, N. (2010). Integration of the Republic of Kazakhstan into global

educational scenario: From reforms in education to quality assurance

enhancement and world ranking participation. Letter from the editor Peter

Odrakiewicz. 12, p.42.


State program of education in development in the Republic of








экономический подъем–новые возможности Казахстана. Послание









Гуревич, Л. Я. (2010). О реформе высшего образования и науки в

Казахстане. Социологические исследования, (7), pp.104



Есимова, А. Б., & Валитова, З. Х. (2014). Стратегические

направления образовательной политики Казахстана в сферер высшой

школы. Главный редактор, p.425.

Библиографические ссылки

Абдишова, Г. Б., Ботабаева, К. Г. (2013). Анализ рынка образовательных услуг в республике Казахстан. Science and world. p.10.

Amadio, M., Gross, S., Ressler, P.,Truong, N. (2004). Quality Education for all. World trends in educational aims and goals.

Dimas, G. A., Goula, A.,Pierrakos, G. (2011). Quality issues in higher education: A multicriteria framework of satisfaction measures. Creative Education, 2(03), p.305.

Chapman, D. W., Adams, D. K. (2002). The quality of education: dimensions and strategies. Hong Kong: Asian Development Bank.

Gurevich, L. I. (2011). On the reform of higher education and science in Kazakhstan. Russian Education & Society, 53(9), pp.63-70.

Georgieva, N. Y., Shakina, M. A. (2011). Education Quality Improvement Via Creating and Introducing Modern Tools of Interactive Teaching. International Journal of Arts and Sciences, 4(21), pp.53-73.

Nurasheva, K., & Bondarenko, V. (2013). New landmarks in building qualitative education in Kazakhstan. Going global: Identifying trends and drivers of international education, pp.5-16.

Olzhaev,A. 2014. Plagiarism is in ten scietific work in Kazakhstan. Retrieved from: http://365info.kz/2014/06/plagiatom-yavlyaetsya-kazhdaya-desyataya-nauchnaya-rabota-v-rk/

Pak, N. (2010). Integration of the Republic of Kazakhstan into global educational scenario: From reforms in education to quality assurance enhancement and world ranking participation. Letter from the editor Peter Odrakiewicz. 12, p.42.

State program of education in development in the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2011-2020. (2010). Новое десятилетие–новый экономический подъем–новые возможности Казахстана. Послание Президента РК народу Казахстана, Retrieved from:http://www.ifk.kz/cont/download/poslanie2010.pdf

Гуревич, Л. Я. (2010). О реформе высшего образования и науки в Казахстане. Социологические исследования, (7), pp.104-107.

Есимова, А. Б., & Валитова, З. Х. (2014). Стратегические направления образовательной политики Казахстана в сферер высшой школы. Главный редактор, p.425.

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