Analysis of the microbial profile in children with gingivitis

Маманазаров A., & Патхиддинов, Ж. (2022). Analysis of the microbial profile in children with gingivitis. Актуальные проблемы стоматологии и челюстно-лицевой хирургии 5, (1), 76–77. извлечено от


Revealed a peculiar spectrum of MPS in children with CCG, namely, a decrease in Staphylococcus aureus with a simultaneous increase in total microbial contamination and an increase in the number of Candida fungi. The data obtained will constitute a kind of benchmark for the targeted pathogenetic treatment of CCG in children.

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V Международный конгресс стоматологов


surface, white, with a shiny, smooth surface, clear boundaries, they are not stained with
dyes. They appear immediately after teething.

In more severe forms of fluorosis, it is necessary to carry out differential

diagnostics with various lesions of a non-carious and carious nature: a wedge-shaped
superficial caries, erosions, etc.


1.Чижикова, Т. С., et al. Частота встречаемости заболевании слизистой

оболочки полости рта у студентов г.
Волгограда.” Международный журнал экспериментального образования 4-1
(2012): 19-19.

V Международный конгресс стоматологов

defect, medium and



Mamanazarov A.N., Patkhiddinov J.Sh.

Tashkent State Dental Institute

It is known that gingivitis is accompanied by inflammation of the gum mucosa,

which becomes easily vulnerable and bleeding.

With further progression of the disease, teeth mobility and loss occur. Gingivitis

is catarrhal, hypertrophic, ulcerative and mixed. Quite often, gingivitis is only a sign of
periodontitis or periodontal disease.

The purpose of the research-

characterization of the microbial profile of saliva

(MPS) in children with chronic catarrhal gingivitis (CCG).

Material and methods of research.

MPS was studied in 36 children with CCG

aged 9 to 18 years. The representative control group consisted of 16 healthy children of
the same age who did not have pathology from the dental organs.

To study MPS, the contents of the swabs were thoroughly suspended in test tubes

in Schedler's broth, then plated in sectors on general and differential diagnostic nutrient
media to isolate and identify aerobic and anaerobic bacteria.

The results of the research.

Analysis of MPS data showed that in patients with

HCG in culture, the total microbial contamination on average was 7.14±0.33 1g CFU /
ml (in control 5.84±0.21 lg CFU/ml (p<0.001)), and the overall seeding rate was 100%
of cases. In this group, the number of streptococci, in particular Str. pyogenes, was
5.92±0.19 lg CFU/ml in 100% of children.

Contents St. aureus in saliva was 6.60±0.36 lg CFU/ml (in control - 6.82±0.27 lg

CFU/ml), Str. epidermidis -2.25±0.44 lg CFU/ml (p<0.01).

In the control group of 16 children, 12 (80%) had St. aureus, in 8 (53.3%) - St.

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V Международный конгресс стоматологов



In the saliva of healthy children, fungi of the genus Candida were sown in 5

children (33.3%) and their number was 1.18±0.30 lg CFU/ml (in patients with CCG -
2.7±0.16 lg CFU/ml).

The study of MPS in patients with mild and moderate CCG revealed dysbiotic

changes in saliva of varying degrees.

The data showed that in patients with CCG, there is a significant increase in the

total microbial contamination in comparison with the data of the control group.


Revealed a peculiar spectrum of MPS in children with CCG,

namely, a decrease in Staphylococcus aureus with a simultaneous increase in total
microbial contamination and an increase in the number of Candida fungi. The data
obtained will constitute a kind of benchmark for the targeted pathogenetic treatment of
CCG in children.



СЛИЗИСТОЙ ПОЛОСТИ РТА.” Stomatologiya 2 (83) (2021): 17-18.

2.Камилов, X., Тахирова, К., Саидова, Н., & Махмудова, Н. (2020).

Гипертрофический гингивит у подростков: особенности клинических
проявлешш, методы диагностики и лечения. Stomatoloeiva. 1( 1 (78)). 65-69.


Mamanazarov A.N.


Jag' Osteonekrozi (JON) ning differentsial diagnostikasi alveolyar ostit, sinusit,

gingivit, periodontit, periapikal patoz kabi ilgari aniqlangan boshqa klinik sharoitlarni
o'z ichiga oladi. Suyak yallig'lanishi va infektsiyasi odatda rivojlangan Jag'
Osteonekrozli bemorlarda mavjud bo'lib, ular ikkilamchi hodisalar bo'lib ko'rinadi.
Bifosfonatlar (BF) ning dozalari ortib borayotgan Beagle modelida nekroz hududlari
dastlab infektsiya yoki mikrobial kolonizatsiya belgilarisiz hajmi va soni ortdi, ammo
vaqt o'tishi bilan ochiq suyak va uning atrofidagi yumshoq to'qimalar ikkilamchi
infektsiyaga aylandi, natijada osteomielitga o'xshash klinik ko'rinish paydo bo'ldi.
Biroq, bu suyak namunalarining gistologik tahlillari o'tkir yoki surunkali osteomielit
tashxisini qo'yish uchun zarur bo'lgan mezonlarni kamdan-kam ko'rsatdi (odatiy
gistologik topilmalar atrofida bakterial qoldiqlar va yallig'lanish hujayralari
infiltratsiyasi bilan yashovchan bo'lmagan suyak hududlarini o'z ichiga oladi). Jag'

Библиографические ссылки

Камилов, X., et al. ’’ДИАГНОСТИКА ПРЕДРАКОВЫХ ЗАБОЛЕВАНИИ СЛИЗИСТОЙ ПОЛОСТИ РТА.” Stomatologiya 2 (83) (2021): 17-18.

Камилов, X., Тахирова, К., Саидова, Н„ & Махмудова, Н. (2020). Гипертрофический гингивит у подростков: особенности клинических проявлешш, методы диагностики и лечения. Stomatoloeiva. 1( I (78)). 65-69.

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