How to prevent yourself from forgetting a language

Искандарова, Л. (2022). How to prevent yourself from forgetting a language. Анализ актуальных проблем, инноваций, традиций, решений и художественной литературы в преподавании иностранных языков, 1(01), 330–333. извлечено от


Foreign languages will often be forgotten if they are not used frequently Each of us can face the problem of forgetting foreign language and it is the most stupid situation when you try but cannot start speaking because you forget the word. And this can happen because of different circumstances. Learning a language takes months and years, but retaining a language is a lifelong endeavor. In this article I will try to share ideas which can improve such situations

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"Can you summarize the book? What did you like about it? What other books does it

remind you of?"

Many people have trouble with reading. Reading well takes time, patience, and practice! The most

important thing to figure out is the purpose of your reading: looking at instructions to build furniture and
studying a textbook are not the same thing! Once you’ve figured out your purpose, you can choose to focus
on what are known as intensive reading techniques that stress things like vocabulary and speed, or instead on
extensive techniques that will help you engage with the meaning of a text in a deeper way.

Make sure you understand the type of text you have.

Ask yourself: What type of work am I

reading? Is it information-based, like a newspaper, textbook, or manual? Or is it more creative/artistic, like a
novel or short story? Thismatters![1]

For instance, if you’re reading to follow instructions (like a recipe or assembly guide), you’ll need

to understand the exact meaning of each step.

If you’re reading a text that has lots of information, like a textbook, then you’ll be reading most

of all for new information on things you don’t know or understand.

Decide on the purpose of your reading.

The reason why you’re reading has an impact on how you

read. For instance, reading a novel for a class can be different than reading a novel for pleasure, since you’ll
be expected to understand and remember the text rather than just enjoy the experience of reading it.
Askyourself: Whatam I readingfor?

If you’re reading to gain information (for instance, to meet work or school requirements), you’ll

probably want to try extensive techniques.

If you’re reading to practice pronunciation, learn vocabulary, or study grammar, you’ll probably

want to try intensive techniques.

List of used literature

1. Alison, J. 1993. Not bothered? Improving Reading Comprehension through Metacognitive. P- 76
2.Argyle, M. 1969. Social Interaction. London: Tavistock Press.
3. Benson, P. 2000. Teaching and researching autonomy in language learning. London: Longman.
4.Chambers, G.N. 1999. Motivating language learners. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters.


Covington, M. 1999. Caring about learning: The nature and nurturing of subject- matter

appreciation. Educational Psychologist, 34: 127-36.


Daniels, R. 1994. Motivational mediators of cooperative learning. Psychological Reports, 74:



Iskandarova Liliya

SamSIFL, teacher


Foreign languages will often be forgotten if they are not used frequently Each of us can

face the problem of forgetting foreign language and it is the most stupid situation when you try but cannot
start speaking because you forget the word. And this can happen because of different circumstances.
Learning a language takes months and years, but retaining a language is a lifelong endeavor. In this article I
will try to share ideas which can improve such situations.


the strategy of paraphrasing, language opportunities, maintain a schedule, tutor.

Have you ever had such a situation when you open your mouth to say something in English, you start

the sentence and then suddenly you FORGET a specific word…?

It seems you are going mad trying to remember it and as a result, you can’t say a thing! I’m

absolutely sure you’ve had the following stupid situation happen to you many times. And it is the worst
experiences that any foreign English speaker, can possibly have because it makes feel stupid and worthless,
and the funny thing is that the more we try to make sure it doesn’t happen, the worst it gets!

Of course, we can use the strategy of paraphrasing (trying to say it in different words) or using short

sentences when you can’t remember the word you’re looking for. Instead of trying to remember something
that you can’t remember you simply put it in other words to continue your conversation. But you must


you forget English words and


not to have such incidents in future.

Most people forget languages entirely after enough time. Many years ago, I became fluent in English

and had enough experience of speaking it every day with my students and colleagues. After moving to
another country, I haven't used it in over a number of years. My family members and friends don't speak it

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fluently. With all the time and effort, I've spent learning English, and surely, I would really hate to lose it.
How can you change the situation in such a case? You can read books in English and watch television, but
your lack of communication makes you a lot slower at speaking, and you sometimes could not recall the
word you need.

And so, I asked myself a question:

What can I do to keep my fluency, even when I don't have many people to speak it with?

And I

understood that I should actively maintain the language I have learned. Because if you’ve put a lot of time
into learning a language, you don’t want your study time to be wasted. Not only did you choose which
language to learn and figure out the best way to learn for you, but you put in countless hours of studying that
you could have set aside for other interests. If you don’t work to maintain your language skills, all this time
and effort could be wasted.

Like with any skill, if you don’t practice your target language regularly, you’ll forget a lot. Case in

point: How well do you remember how to do long division? You can spend almost as long trying remember
a language you forgot as you spent learning the language in the first place. Simply staying in practice can
save you valuable time.

You might not even notice how much language you’ve lost until you need your trusty language skills

and they aren’t there. No one wants to travel abroad thinking they’re fluent only to find out they don’t
actually remember their target language at all.

In my practice I used a number of good ideas on a daily basis that helped me and maybe will be

useful for you too. Here they are:


Change your mind set to consider learning a language a lifelong process.

Most people forget the target language because of some circumstances: maybe they’re no longer

using or studying it. The simplest ways to prevent this is by considering learning a language a lifelong
process rather than a limited-term course of study. Having in mind, don’t give up on your learning routine.
Whether you’re building new vocabulary or working on tricky grammar rules, keep studying. Even fluent
speakers and even highly qualified specialists don’t know all the vocabulary, so there’s always something
new to learn.

You don’t have to commit as much time to studying as you did when you were just starting out, but

remembering to put in some time will help keep you in practice.


There are some useful websites and apps like FluentU that can help you.

Here it is: FluentU New iOS App Icon
Language learning websites and mobile apps like FluentU are full of fun, flexible way to prevent

yourself from forgetting the language. In reality, you might actually find your skills continue to grow in just
a few minutes a day.

FluentU, in particular, uses authentic, real content to help you to learn a language in a more natural

way, just like a native speaker would.

Here you can find too many fresh videos created from content native speakers, like news clips, films,

and movie trailers. This website presents them in a way that makes it easy to keep track of your current level
and to look up the meaning of words without getting pulled out of your viewing experience. Real world
video content is entertaining, timely, and ideal for language learners. They will naturally help you remember
and master new vocabulary. Movie trailers? Music videos? News? Inspiring talks? No matter what your
interest or skill level.

Try tuning in to a local radio station of the region whose language you have learned. You can also

search out YouTube videos which present using the language.

Make sure to continue studying for at least half an hour per day too.
This type of learning language enables you to retain more information, because you are actively

interested in accumulating the knowledge. So, since it is important to you, you remember it better and for a
longer period of time.


Make up a plan or schedule of when to use your target language, whether or not you actually need

to use it. Thus, you will have it “fresh in your mind.”

If you’re no longer actively studying a language, one of the main reasons it may fade from your

memory is simple lack of exposure.

For example, on Sundays, you could go to a grocery store or café or library where native speakers of

your language congregate. Or every night before going to bed, watch clips from variety shows in your target
language rather than your favorite native language late night shows.

Working language opportunities like this into your schedule will prevent you from forgetting by

ensuring that you never go too long without using your skills.

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You must set your own specific goals to continue improving your skills.

Setting specific goals will help motivate you to continue improving your skills by giving you clear


For example, you might try learning 30 new vocabulary words per week, reading a book a month in

your target language or spending 15 minutes a day studying the language.

Regardless, making your goals specific is key because it makes them easier to meet. For instance,

deciding you’re going to learn five new vocabulary words today is a lot easier to achieve than a vague goal,
like “I want to study sometime today.”


Watch Netflix series in English to refresh your skills effortlessly.

It really works and keeps you from forgetting language!
This streaming service offers a wide variety of award-winning TV shows, movies, anime,

documentaries, and more on thousands of internet-connected devices.

There's always something new to discover and new TV shows and movies are added every

week!And luckily, it’s easy to get addicted to a foreign language TV series that will give you regular practice
with your target language. Netflix is constantly expanding its offerings, so there’s plenty of great foreign-
language content to help reinforce your skills.

Watching a video in the language once in a while can be very helpful while developing listening



If you’re one of those people who loves to read an interesting story before bed, you can easily

convert your bedtime reading habit into an excellent language refresher by reading books in English.

You might try Project Gutenberg, an online library of free eBooks, which offers an array of classic

books in foreign languages.

Project Gutenberg was the first provider of free electronic books, or eBooks. Michael Hart, founder

of Project Gutenberg, invented eBooks in 1971 and his memory continues to inspire the creation of eBooks
and related content today.

To stay up to date on the latest books in English, you might try perusing Good reads lists to see what

other readers are enjoying. For instance, there are plenty of lists of English-language books. From there,
there are links to help you find where to purchase a book. All you have to do is double-check to make sure
it’s in your target language.

Try reading aloud. Thus, you’ll not only reinforce your reading skills, you’ll also keep up your

speaking practice.

Finally, regarding reading: yes, read books, and in addition to that, change the system language on

all your devices! It might take some getting used to, but it'll help!

For example, read a little bit each week. You don't need to spend much time doing this - just a little

bit of reading, but regularly, will keep you familiar with the most common words, and you'll pick up some
new words incidentally as well.

Try to find some reading material that's related to your interests - magazines are good, but also blogs

or websites related to your interest. When you read, just try to understand what you can, and avoid looking
up too many words.


Make friends with native speakers for easy, continual practice that will make you happy you

learned English in the first place. One suggestion is to expand your 'family and friends' circle with people
from different linguistic backgrounds and learn from them. It’s nice to have friends, but having friends is
even nicer when those friends help you keep your language skills up.

If you already have a friend who speaks English, all you have to do is converse with him in English

to keep from forgetting it. There are plenty of ways to make friends nowadays. For example, you might
connect with native speakers on italki, an online service that makes it easy for you to browse and connect
with tutors and exchange partners who are right for you. You can have 1-on-1 lessons in English and other
languages, learn from certified teachers with proven experience, find teachers from all over the world sharing
their languages, dialects, and cultures, study at your own pace without worrying about rigid schedules or
fixed fees, practice for free with the italki community, develop your language skills by building connections
with others, receive feedback from native speakers and professional teachers, meet and share experiences
with millions of language learners from more than 190 countries. take learning beyond the classroom, test
your level with a free language assessment, get a little help creating topics with language prompts, motivate
yourself by taking part in the italki Language Challenge, develop your vocabulary and pass job interviews
with teachers who have industry experience, get the score you need for exams like IELTS and more, speak
confidently about topics you love and reach fluency through conversation

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However, there’s a difference between simple language exchange and long-term friendship.

Language exchange usually isn’t intended to be life-long. And so, if you’re hoping to turn your language
exchange partnership into a long-term one, it’s important to select the right partner. Look for people with
shared interests, and be sure to share your main interests in your profile. The more you have in common, the
easier it will be to make a deeper connection that can last a lifetime.

If you find a friend who speaks your target language, practicing it will just feel like socializing rather

than studying, making it easier and more enjoyable to continue long-term.


What do you do when you’re not sure of whether your skills have regressed? And what if you

know your skills aren’t what they used to be, but you just can’t figure out what to do to correct them?

Hire “your own” tutor for occasional one-on-one check-ins to make sure your skills haven’t

regressed (and discuss personalized solutions).

You can hire tutors online using TakeLessons and Preply services, and most tutors will help you with

whatever you like. This means you can talk to a tutor for occasional checkups to make sure your language
skills are still intact. If you tutor notices, you have difficulties and struggling with something, he can instruct
you on how to correct your errors and improve your skills.


Try writing a paragraph or two a day: I kept diary and journal, you can write short stories, poems,

blogs, notes, articles - as long as it's in your target language, it'll help.


Travelling to the country where English is spoken can refresh your skills and improve your

motivation to keep learning.If you needit,world is yours! Visiting English Speaking countries and immersing
yourself in the language is considered the gold standard in retaining language because you don’t need to
remember to open an app before bed every night. You reinforce the language simply by living it.

The perfect learning system would be one that lets you practice a language just by living your life -

by doing what you already do as a habit - so you don’t forget to use it. Your skills will be used in context.
While spending time abroad your language skills will really come back to you. You can research your trip in
English looking for the official pages of tourist sites, hotel websites and assess restaurant menus to see where
you might like to eat. All these activities can also help reinforce and develop your language skills while
getting you excited for your upcoming trip.

So, I think these easy and simple steps will make you never forget English.


I am sure, that without regular speaking or usage of English you cannot remember the words and

recall them. So, as I think, the best ways to be fluent in English and in any language, speaking are:


To find the partner for everyday speaking.


Speak to yourself! Narrate yourself and speak your thoughts out loud as you drive, do housework, wander

in the park. On my way home or to my work, when I am alone, I converse with myself in English and having
good imagination, things can get pretty exciting! I can imagine a whole scenario, and explain it as if I were
part of an audio drama. I like using details. The more of them I have, the better.


Create different stories.


To read more news, journals, magazines, books.

5.To take part in online discussion forums.

If possible, start teaching.


Use the language consistently and with passion!



СамДЧТИ профессори


СамДЧТИ мустақил изланувчиси

Ўзбекистонда сўнгги йилларда мамлакат мактабгача таълим ташкилотлари тизимини тубдан

ислоҳ қилиш, уларни жонлантириш, хусусан, уларни янги мазмунда қайта қуриш, тизим учун зарур
бўлган кадрлар тайёрлаш жараёнини янги миллий моделини яратиш, педагогик жараённи
демократлаштириш, уни эркинлаштириш ва модернизация қилиш, таълим ва тарбия жараёнини
замонавий инновациялар ва илғор педагогик технологияларни жорий этиш бўйича аниқ мақсадли
ҳамда мамлакат истиқболи тараққиётига алоқадор бўлган кенг кўламли ишлар амалга оширилди.

Библиографические ссылки

I am sure, that without regular speaking or usage of English you cannot remember the words and recall them. So, as I think, the best ways to be fluent in English and in any language, speaking are:

.To find the partner for everyday speaking.

Speak to yourself! Narrate yourself and speak your thoughts out loud as you drive, do housework, wander in the park. On my way home or to my work, when I am alone, I converse with myself in English and having good imagination, things can get pretty exciting! I can imagine a whole scenario, and explain it as if I were part of an audio drama. I like using details. The more of them I have, the better.

Create different stories.

To read more news journals, magazines, books.

To take part in online discussion forums.

If possible, start teaching.

Use the language consistently and with passion!

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