Effectiveness of modern methods in developing listening comprehension skills of nonphilological students in english

Абдурахмонов, Ю. (2023). Effectiveness of modern methods in developing listening comprehension skills of nonphilological students in english. Арабский язык в эпоху глобализации: инновационные подходы и методы обучения, 1(1), 374–377. https://doi.org/10.47689/ATGD:IYOM-vol1-iss1-pp374-377-id28512
Юлдош Абдурахмонов, Узбекский государственный университет мировых языков
Преподаватель кафедры английского перевода


This article provides information on ways to develop listening comprehension skills in English. In particular, phonemic, phonetic and intonation components of the main language are deeply interpreted in the development of listening comprehension. The article deals that the modern teaching with listening skills. Also, it is given the easy way improving languages listening skills below.

background image

“Arab tili globallashuv

davrida: innovatsion yondoshuvlar


o‘qitish metodikasi”

mavzusidagi xalqaro ilmiy-amaliy anjuman





Abdurahmonov Y


ldosh Eshb



Ingliz tili amaliy tarjima kafedrasi




This article provides information on ways to develop listening

comprehension skills in English. In particular, phonemic, phonetic and intonation

components of the main language are deeply interpreted in the development of

listening comprehension. The article deals that the modern teaching with listening

skills. Also, it is given the easy way improving languages listening skills below.


interpersonal activities, Group activities, Audio segments, Video

segments, language components, linguistic and extra linguistic difficulties, language

skills, audio segments, group activities, video segments, interpersonal activities.

Listening comprehension means listening, perceiving and understanding

speech. In general, “speech” means speaking, listening comprehension, reading

comprehension and writing. In fact, it is better to say "listening and understanding

speaking". It turns out that listening comprehension is more difficult than learning

to speak. It is necessary to distinguish between two terms related to this field:

“listening” –

listening and "hearing"

receiving sound using the sense of hearing.

Among the other four skills, listening is the one that has been most forgotten and

neglected in second language classrooms. So teachers don

t pay much attention to

this skill and teach it carelessly. In the field of language teaching and learning

proficiency has tended to be viewed as the ability of speaking and writing in language

in question. Listening and reading skills are in the second position. One reason for

this situation might be the demanding characteristic of the listening skill. Listening

has gained a new importance in language classrooms after spreading IT technology

based information in society in Iran. Moreover it should be mentioned that most of

the students

class time is devoted to the listening. Despite this, we often take

importance of listening for granted, and it is the most overlooked skill among other

skills. In natural order of learning any language, listening stands at first rank.

Without any reception one can not produce anything. Though, if a teacher wants to

have fluent and productive students, he/she should pay much and necessary

attention to teaching listening skill. In order to teach listening comprehension as a

practical goal, firstly, select (compose) the audio text, secondly, determine the

organizational conditions for broadcasting it (belonging to a class, some group or a

single student), and thirdly, prepare the student for listening. (knowledge of the

language material, appropriateness of the content of the audio text), fourthly, how

many times it is recommended to listen (preparation of educational tasks) and,

fifthly, it requires an activity such as checking the understanding. The following

method of work on the audio text is recommended: the teacher listens (reads) the

audio text himself, identifies its difficult areas and thinks of ways to eliminate them,

uses educational tools that support understanding (drawing, writing on the

background image

“Arab tili globallashuv davrida: innova

tsion yondoshuvlar


o‘qitish metodikasi”

mavzusidagi xalqaro ilmiy-amaliy anjuman


blackboard, tape recorder) prepares tasks for the first and subsequent hearings. The

stages of teaching listening comprehension during a lesson are as follows. 1)

expected difficulties in listening are eliminated; 2) an instruction (assignment) is

given on the first hearing of the audio text; 3) understanding is checked with the help

of a task; 4) a second hearing is ordered; 5) will be checked, etc. In order to teach

listening comprehension as a practical goal, firstly, select (compose) the audio text,

secondly, determine the organizational conditions for broadcasting it (belonging to

a class, some group or a single student), and thirdly, prepare the student for listening.

(knowledge of the language material, appropriateness of the content of the audio

text), fourthly, how many times it is recommended to listen (preparation of

educational tasks) and, fifthly, it requires an activity such as checking the

understanding. The following method of work on the audio text is recommended: the

teacher listens (reads) the audio text himself, identifies its difficult areas and thinks

of ways to eliminate them, uses educational tools that support understanding

(drawing, writing on the blackboard, tape recorder) prepares tasks for the first and

subsequent hearings. The stages of teaching listening comprehension during a lesson

are as follows. 1) expected difficulties in listening are eliminated; 2) an instruction

(assignment) is given on the first hearing of the audio text; 3) understanding is

checked with the help of a task; 4) a second hearing is ordered; 5) will be checked,

etc. Listening-Some of the teachers believe that speaking should be actively

discouraged. One of the reasons of emphasizing listening and delaying speaking is

based on an opinion. Those who give importance to speaking view the language as a

product and think that language is a behavior and speaking is the manifestation of

this learning or happening. On the contrary, there are approaches that gave more

importance to listening. In this approach of language learning, listening is at the

center. All of the information necessary for building up the knowledge for using

language comes from receptive skills: listening, and reading. When the knowledge of

language in this regard is built the learner can write and speak. In other words,

without any input, the outcome or output should be nothing. The modern effective

methods of teaching listening skills include everything from interactive exercise to

multimedia resources. Listening skills can best learn or improved through simple

and engaging activities that focus more on the learning process instead of the final

product. It doesn

t matter you are working with small or large groups of students,

you can use any of the following technique to develop your own methods for teaching

students how to listen well. Interpersonal activities: The non-threatening and

effective way for students to develop stronger listening skills can be done by

interpersonal activities such as mock interviews and storytelling. Students are

assigned to small groups of two or three they are given by a particular listening

activity to complete. For instance, you may have an interview with a student for a job

with a company or for an article in a newspaper. Even a storytelling activity can give

students the opportunity to ask one other question and then practice active listening

skills. Group activities Large group activities also give the opportunity to the student

to help through a helpful method for teaching listening skills to students. You can

also begin with a simple group activity. For the first activity, students are divided into

the groups of five or more and instruct them to learn one interest or hobby of at least

background image

“Arab tili globallashuv

davrida: innovatsion yondoshuvlar


o‘qitish metodikasi”

mavzusidagi xalqaro ilmiy-amaliy anjuman


two other group members. It is necessary to encourage students to ask clarifying

questions during the activity and you may allow them to takes notes because it is

helpful. While, as time passes and their skills grow, you should limit students to only

write notes after the completion of the first activity. The second part of the activity

is to allow students sit in a large circle and then have each individual student to share

their name and their interest hobby of the group member that they met. This second

part of the activity leads to additional listening exercises. Audio segments:You can

also teach listening skills to the students through audio segments such as radio

programs, instructional lectures, online podcasts, and other audio messages. It is

necessary to deploy interactive listening programs in class with students and then

instruct them to repeat the exercise on their own. First of all, instruct students to

prepare for listening by imagining anything they want to learn from the content of

the audio segment. It

s on you to choose shorter or longer audio segments and you

can also choose more challenging or more accessible material for this type of

exercise. Video segments:The other most helpful resource for teaching listening

skills is video segments that include short sketches, documentary films, dramatic or

comedic material, news programs, and interview segments. As in the audio segment,

you can select the portion and length of audio you can also do it in a video segment

based on the skill level of your students. First, watch the segment without any sound

and discuss it together with the student. Encourage your student what they think will

be the content of the segment. This will improve their listening and thinking power.

Some students complain to teachers that, although they can understand what ALTs

(Assistant Language Teachers)

are saying because they speak slowly and clearly,

they cannot understand what native English speakers are saying in real life. Why

does this problem happen? What is wrong with the teaching of listening in Japanese

schools? The first and probably the biggest problem is that, although the importance

of listening skills is widely acknowledged in Japan,. the adequate teaching and

materials to develop them have not been provided. In a typical listening lesson,

students either listen just to the taped script of a reading textbook or, after listening

to some materials, they answer multiple choice questions based on the content of

listening materials. In this kind of lesson,-correct answers are emphasized, but the

listening process necessary to decode the information is ignored, and the kinds of

skills and strategies for effective listening are not practiced. That is, students are just

tested on their own ability to answer correctly and are not taught how to listen to

English. Second, the amount of time for listening lessons is limited in English I and II,

compared with reading, writing, and speaking. For example, it is estimated that the

average time devoted to listening activities in every class is 5 minutes per day.

Students are not sufficiently exposed to a variety of authentic materials, either. In

short, although they are accustomed to English spoken clearly and slowly in

classroom materials and can understand it, they get embarrassed and frustrated

when they encounter real English which is spoken at a normal speed. Third, they are

not used to the difference between spoken English and written English. Spoken

English has different features such as ungrammatical utterances, false starts,

hesitation, assimilation, and redundancy. If they aren

t familiar with those

phenomena, they may not be able to listen to English and understand it. Lastly, in

background image

“Arab tili globallashuv davrida: innova

tsion yondoshuvlar


o‘qitish metodikasi”

mavzusidagi xalqaro ilmiy-amaliy anjuman


listening lessons, teachers don

t have the specific notion that listening should be

integrated with other skills, i.e., speaking, reading, and writing.[1] When real world

communication is examined, we never finish verbal communication appropriately

without doing something after listening. For example, when we have a conversation

with someone, we have to respond to him or her. It is never just one way

communication. In a situation like a lecture

in which students are listening to the

instructor, they usually take notes. We can think of many other situations in which

listening is integrated with the other three skills. In real world communication, that

is, listening, speaking, reading, and writing are interrelated and interdependent. In

conclusion, listening to special audios and passing the above six steps to improve

listening comprehension skills while learning a language will certainly give effective

results. In order to remember new words quickly and easily, sentences are made

using them, which effectively helps in improving pronunciation and using them in

oral speech.


1. Khodjamkulov, U., Makhmudov, K., & Shofkorov, A. (2020). The Issue of

Spiritual and Patriotic Education of Young Generation in the Scientific, Political and

Literary Heritage of Central Asian Thinkers. International Journal of Psychosocial

Rehabilitation, 24(05), 6694- 6701.

2. Makhmudov, K. (2020). Ways of Forming Intercultural Communication in

Foreign Language Teaching. Science and Education, 1(4), 84-89.

3. Makhmudov, K. (2020). Current Problems of Teaching English and New

Approaches to Resolve in Secondary Education Schools. Modern Trends in

Linguistics: Problems and Solutions, 271-273.

4. Makhmudov, K. (2020). Integrating a Mother Tongue while Teaching a

Foreign Language: Problems and Solutions. Literature and History, (1), 89-91.

5. Mukhamedov, G., Khodjamkulov, U., Shofkorov, A., & Makhmudov, K. (2020).

Pedagogical Education Cluster: Content and Form. ISJ Theoretical & Applied Science,

1(81), 250-257.

6. Shaykhislamov, N. (2020). Main Directions and Interactive Methods of

Student Speech Growth in Uzbek Language Classes. European Journal of Research

and Reflection in Educational Sciences, 8(7), 115-120.


Рахмонов, Азизхон Боситхонович. "Формирование исследовательских

умений будущих педагогов в научно


проектной деятельности."


образование (Узбекистан)

12 (97) (2020): 11-18.

8. Рахмонов, Азизхон Боситхонович. "Специфика компетентностного

подхода в процессе развития самообразования."

Вестник науки и


17-1 (95) (2020): 60-63.

9. Абдуганиева, Джамиля. "Методика обучения последовательному

переводу студентов языковых вузов."

in Library 22.2 (2022).


Абдуганиева, Джамиля. "ПРИМЕНЕНИЕ ИКТ В ОБУЧЕНИИ


in Library 21.2 (2021).





Библиографические ссылки

Khodjamkulov, U., Makhmudov, K., & Shofkorov, A. (2020). The Issue of Spiritual and Patriotic Education of Young Generation in the Scientific, Political and Literary Heritage of Central Asian Thinkers. International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation, 24(05), 6694- 6701.

Makhmudov, K. (2020). Ways of Forming Intercultural Communication in Foreign Language Teaching. Science and Education, 1(4), 84-89.

Makhmudov, K. (2020). Current Problems of Teaching English and New Approaches to Resolve in Secondary Education Schools. Modern Trends in Linguistics: Problems and Solutions, 271-273.

Makhmudov, K. (2020). Integrating a Mother Tongue while Teaching a Foreign Language: Problems and Solutions. Literature and History, (1), 89-91.

Mukhamedov, G., Khodjamkulov, U., Shofkorov, A., & Makhmudov, K. (2020). Pedagogical Education Cluster: Content and Form. ISJ Theoretical & Applied Science, 1(81), 250-257.

Shaykhislamov, N. (2020). Main Directions and Interactive Methods of Student Speech Growth in Uzbek Language Classes. European Journal of Research and Reflection in Educational Sciences, 8(7), 115-120.

Рахмонов, Азизхон Боситхонович. "Формирование исследовательских умений будущих педагогов в научно-проектной деятельности." Современное образование (Узбекистан) 12 (97) (2020): 11-18.

Рахмонов, Азизхон Боситхонович. "Специфика компетентностного подхода в процессе развития самообразования." Вестник науки и образования 17-1 (95) (2020): 60-63.

Абдуганиева, Джамиля. "Методика обучения последовательному переводу студентов языковых вузов." in Library 22.2 (2022).

Абдуганиева, Джамиля. "ПРИМЕНЕНИЕ ИКТ В ОБУЧЕНИИ ПЕРЕВОДЧИКОВ." in Library 21.2 (2021).


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