Based on the results of studying the monitoring data of PR in the phase of oligoanuria with acute renal failure in children aged 7.1-18 years old, the following results were obtained. On the first day, the mesor of the circadian rhythm of the peripheral vascular resistance was almost doubled in groups 1 and 3, and by 30% in group 2. Only on days 8,9. 10 in group 1 there was a significantly significant decrease in the mesor of the circadian rhythm of PR by 30%, 42%, 38%. In group 2, the initially closer to normal circadian rhythm mesor indicator of PR increased significantly on days 3-6. by an average of 25%. The detected repeated increase in the mesor of the circadian rhythm of the peripheral vascular resistance at a later date on days 29 and 30 by 31%, 35% against the background of restoration of the excretory function of the kidneys may' be a sign of the onset of chronicity of the disease. The most pronounced daily fluctuations characterized the instability ofperipheral hemodynamics in group 3. The longest inversion of the circadian rhythm was found in children of group 3, amounting to 15 days. Thus, the severity of deviations in the parameters of the phase characteristics of the circadian rhythm ofthe peripheral vascular system in acute renal failure at 7.1-18 years old of age corresponded to the severity of the underlying disease.
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