Опыт зарубежных стран регулирования и разрешения международных трудовых споров

Ишметова, Ш. (2022). Опыт зарубежных стран регулирования и разрешения международных трудовых споров . Перспективы развития международного коммерческого арбитража в Узбекистане, 1(1), 72–76. https://doi.org/10.47689/978-9943-7818-6-3/iss1-pp72-76
Шахида Ишметова, Ташкентский государственный юридический университет

Преподаватель кафедры международного частного права Ташкентского государственного юридического университета



В статье автор рассматривает вопросы правовой регламентации и разрешения трудовых споров, в том числе имеющих международный характер и возникающих в рамках международного разделения труда. Автор анализирует зарубежный опыт и механизмы урегулирования трудовых споров и делает выводы о возможной имплементации зарубежного опыта.

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Сборник международной научно-практической конференции


Shakhida Ishmetova

Lecturer, Private International Law Department, Tashkent State University of Law





In the article, the author examines the issues of legal regulation and

resolution of labor disputes, including those of an international nature, and arising

within the framework of the international division of labor. The author analyzes

foreign experience and mechanisms for resolving labor disputes and draws

conclusions about the possible implementation of foreign experience.

Key words:

labor disputes, dispute resolution, individual labor disputes, mediation.

Шахида Ишметова

Преподаватель, кафедра «Международное частное право», Ташкентский

государственный юридический университет




В статье автор рассматривает вопросы правовой

регламентации и разрешения трудовых споров, в том числе имеющих

международный характер и возникающих в рамках международного

разделения труда. Автор анализирует зарубежный опыт и механизмы

урегулирования трудовых споров и делает выводы о возможной

имплементации зарубежного опыта.

Ключевые слова:

трудовые споры, разрешение споров, индивидуальные

трудовые споры, медиация.

At the international level, there are a number of situations and disputes

related to labor activity, as well as the international division of labor. In this

aspect, the legal regulation of labor disputes and their resolution is important.

An analysis of law enforcement practice shows that the international legal

regulation of labor disputes is carried out by the following documents:

Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms

and its protocols – the provisions of art. Art. 6, 8, Art. 1 of Protocol 1 [2];

Universal Declaration of Human Rights – Art. 25 [3];

– International Covenant “On Civil and Political Rights” – art. 14 [4].

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Сборник международной научно-практической конференции


These documents and their respective norms establish fundamental rights,

including the right to access to justice, the right to the effectiveness of legal

remedies, and the right of everyone to ensure a decent standard of living.

Among labor disputes, a separate and main category is individual labor

disputes. The consideration of individual labor disputes in the countries of the

Anglo-Saxon (for example, the USA and Great Britain) and Romano-Germanic (the

Republic of Uzbekistan, the Russian Federation, the Federal Republic of Germany)

legal family has both common points and specific features.

The procedure for resolving individual labor disputes in these countries can

be divided into pre-trial and judicial, involving the consideration of the dispute in

the relevant state bodies and the court.

Pre-trial methods for resolving individual labor disputes in the United

States include conciliation procedures at the local level (Grievance procedures,

grievance), arbitration, and mediation. Pre-trial settlement of individual labor

disputes at the local level is quite widespread.

Typically, the settlement of individual labor disputes is carried out in

several stages.

The pre-trial procedure for settling a dispute can also include arbitration,

which is mandatory in cases stipulated by the agreement of the parties. When

concluding an employment contract, employers can include in it an agreement on

arbitration proceedings (Prehire Arbitration Agreements), which means the

terms of the agreement on the pre-trial settlement of the dispute. As a rule, such

agreements are concluded with the aim of limiting the right of employees to go to

court. However, judicial practice on the application of such agreements is quite

contradictory and does not guarantee the restriction of the employee’s right

to judicial protection [Chikanova L.A., 2018, p. fifteen]. In Gilmer v.

Interstate/Johnson Lane Corporation, 500 US 20 (1991) the court pointed to the

possibility of entering into these agreements.

The parties to individual labor disputes may also resort to the mediation

procedure, when the dispute that has arisen is considered with the participation

of an independent mediator. The duration of this procedure is no more than

3 months. [one]

As a general rule, American workers' right to sue is limited. If the subject of the

dispute is discrimination based on any criteria (pregnancy, gender, or sexual

orientation), then it is considered in the US Equal Employment Opportunity Commission

(EEOC). The term for filing a complaint with this organization is 180 calendar days and

calculated from the moment of violation of the employee’s labor rights.

An employee in a discrimination case cannot sue without special

permission from the Notice of Right to Sue from EEOC. As a general rule,

permission is issued after the completion of the organization of the investigation

of the case or after 180 days from the date of application to the said commission.

A permit may also be issued earlier if it becomes clear that the investigation of the

case cannot be completed within 180 days from the date of receipt of the

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Сборник международной научно-практической конференции


complaint. Upon issuance of a permit, the investigation of the case is terminated.

Permission to apply to the court is valid for 90 days from the date of issue. If this

period is missed, the employee may be denied the right to judicial protection [8].

If the dispute involves a violation of the Equal Pay Act, the employee may go

to court without going through the EEOC. In this case, the period for applying to

the court is two years from the moment of violation of the right (three years if the

employer committed a deliberate violation of the right). In age discrimination

cases, permission to sue is not required, but the worker must file a complaint with

the EEOC. After 60 days from the date of registration of the complaint, the

employee may file a lawsuit with the court (but no later than 90 days from the

date of completion of the investigation of the specified complaint).

Turning to the consideration of the regulation of labor disputes in the UK,

we note that pre-trial settlement of individual labor disputes in the UK can be

carried out at the local level, with the help of arbitration and mediation.

In order to facilitate the pre-trial settlement of individual labor disputes at

the organization level, the Advisory, Conciliation, and Arbitration Service adopted

the Code of Practice on Disciplinary and Grievance Procedures [6]. Despite the

fact that its provisions are advisory in nature, the courts take into account

its provisions when considering individual labor disputes. Procedural Code
No. 1 establishes the requirements for a fair and open consideration of the

dispute, which is ensured through the consistent consideration of the case, taking

into account all the circumstances, the participation of the employee at all stages

of the consideration of the dispute and the possibility of making suggestions,

written notice to the employee, granting him access to all the materials of the case

and the possibility of making copies of any written evidence. The possibility of

participation of the representative of the employee at all stages of consideration

of individual labor disputes is provided. Based on the Code of Procedure,

employers can develop their own rules for resolving individual labor disputes in

the workplace.

If the parties could not resolve the dispute at the local level, they have the

right to turn to the mediation procedure. Mediation is the participation in the

dispute of an independent and impartial party, which, through discussion with

the employee and the employer, tries to find a solution to the dispute that has

arisen. The mediation procedure is voluntary, the mediator does not have the

right to force one or another party to make a decision. The parties also have the

right to resort to the settlement agreement procedure (Conciliation), which is

similar to the mediation procedure and takes place in cases where the employee

has applied to the court for the protection of his rights. Another way of pre-trial

settlement of a dispute is arbitration (Arbitration), in which a third party, after
studying all the circumstances of the case, makes a decision binding on the

employee and employer, which can be appealed in court.

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Сборник международной научно-практической конференции


If the conciliation procedures are unsuccessful, the employee has the right

to apply to a specialized court for the consideration of labor disputes

(employment tribunal). An employee cannot go to court without going through

Advisory, Conciliation, and Arbitration Service. This service assists the parties to

an employment contract in settling individual labor disputes. The term for

applying to the court (employment tribunal) as a general rule is 3 months from

the moment of dismissal or from the moment of violation of the right. However,

when an employee contacts the advisory service for pre-trial settlement of the

dispute, the employee is issued a special certificate of timely contacting the
specified service (early conciliation certificate), which suspends the limitation


Some researchers point to a number of shortcomings and difficulties that

occur when considering individual labor disputes in courts [7]. So, as the first

drawback, it is noted that the dispute resolution process is too bureaucratic and

complicated. It is believed that the consideration of the dispute by the specified

court is very costly for all parties involved in the case. The court focuses not on

the circumstances of the case, but on the observance of a certain procedure. Fixing

different terms for going to court on various grounds leads to the fact that

employees abuse their rights. Employees may file multiple court cases for the
same violations (for example, protection from discrimination and wrongful

dismissal). Many workers are reluctant to go to labor tribunals because of the

complexity of the applicable laws, and the complexity of the dispute resolution

procedure. The second drawback is that the costs of considering a claim (both the

costs of the parties involved in the case and the state) may not be comparable to

the price of the claimed claim. The courts handle both simple cases involving the

recovery of small wage arrears and complex cases involving discrimination.

Statistics show that the number of class actions in the UK exceeds the number of

individual ones. As a third shortcoming, they note that employers'

representatives express concern about the adoption of inconsistent decisions by
the labor tribunal, and also indicate that the “judicial filter” does not work well,

since clearly vexatious cases pass through the judicial system.

Employers understand that the sooner they resolve disputes, the more cost-

effective it will be for them.

Unlike the United States and Great Britain, Russian employers do not pay

due attention to the procedure for settling individual labor disputes at the local

level. The procedure for considering individual labor disputes in the countries

considered has both positive and negative sides.

Despite the detailed procedure for pre-trial dispute resolution in the UK, it is

based on the observance of certain formal procedures. In this regard, unscrupulous
employers can only formally be guided by the recommendations developed by the

Advisory, Conciliation, and Arbitration Service in order to create a basis for protection

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Сборник международной научно-практической конференции


in the event of a judicial review of the dispute (the employer will have a weighty

argument in the form of strict adherence to these recommendations).

The system developed in the USA also has its drawbacks. An employee in

certain categories of disputes is deprived of the opportunity to go immediately to

court bypassing the EEOC (thus, the employee’s right to judicial protection, or, to

be more precise, to the timely consideration of the dispute in court, is limited).

EEOC investigations may take more than six months. If the Commission reveals

the validity of the claims made by the employee, then his interests in court will be

represented by employees of the named service. However, if the commission does
not find sufficient grounds for going to court, the employee will lose a lot of time

and will be forced to independently represent his interests in court [9].

In conclusion, it can be noted that the experience of the UK in developing

procedural codes that help the parties resolve labor relations disagreements that

have arisen at the local level is interesting. In this connection, it is advisable to fix

at the federal level the norms on the features of the phased pre-trial consideration

of individual labor disputes by the employer. This will contribute to a more

complete, comprehensive consideration of disputes, and in some cases, it will be

able to prevent and resolve disagreements that have arisen between the

employee and the employer without applying for the protection of their rights to
specialized state bodies.



Rustambekov I. Mediation: a guide for mediators. 2019.


Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental



Universal Declaration of Human Rights.


International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights of December 16, 1966


Rustambekov I. Essence and features of mediation. Review of the

legislation of Uzbekistan. 2019. No. 1. pp. 84-87.


Code of Practice 1. On Disciplinary and Grievance Procedures //

Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service.


URL: http://www.acas.org.uk/media/pdf/f/m/Acas-Code-of-Practice-1-

on-disciplinary- and-grievance-procedures.pdf


Gibbons M. A review of employment dispute resolution in Great Britain

// Total Conflict Management Ltd. URL: https://thetcmgroup.com/wp-

content/uploads/ 2015/01/A-review-of-employment-dispute-resolution.pdf


Filing a Lawsuit // US Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.

URL: https://www.eeoc.gov/employees/lawsuit.cfm (Accessed 09/19/2018).


Resolving Employment Disputes [Electronic resource] // Thomson




employment- disputes.html

Библиографические ссылки

Rustambekov I. Mediation: a guide for mediators. 2019.

Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms.

Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights of December 16, 1966

Rustambekov I. Essence and features of mediation. Review of the legislation of Uzbekistan. 2019. No. 1. pp. 84-87.

Code of Practice 1. On Disciplinary and Grievance Procedures //Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service.

URL: http://www.acas.org.uk/media/pdf/f/m/Acas-Code-of-Practice-1-on-disciplinary- and-grievance procedures.pdf

Gibbons M. A review of employment dispute resolution in Great Britain // Total Conflict Management Ltd. URL: https://thetcmgroup.com/wp-content/uploads/ 2015/01/A-review-of-employment-dispute-resolution.pdf

Filing a Lawsuit // US Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. URL: https://www.eeoc.gov/employees/lawsuit.cfm (Accessed 09/19/2018).

Resolving Employment Disputes [Electronic resource] // Thomson Reuters. URL: http://corporate.findlaw.com/human-resources/resolving-employment- disputes.html

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