European International Journal of Pedagogics
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Djurayev Dilshod Mamadiyorovich, . (2024). CHINESE AND EUROPEAN LINGUISTIC TRADITIONS AS WORLDVIEW VARIATIONS. European International Journal of Pedagogics, 4(05), 25–34. Retrieved from


This article explores the differences between European and Chinese cognitive strategies as the basis for the "non-adaptability" of European grammatical categories to the Chinese language and the absence of "grammar" in the Chinese linguistic heritage. The analysis of linguistic elements involved in the formation and nomination of fundamental concepts of ancient and ancient Chinese philosophy identifies two distinct initial models of the world: a matter-oriented model and an energy-oriented model. This is based on the universality of the concept of "model-dependent realism" in relation to cognition. The energy-oriented picture of the world coincides with the unmanifest Principle's incomprehensibility, whereas the matter-oriented model correlates with the human mind's knowledge of the world's laws. The matter-oriented model has given rise to a methodologically reductionist approach to cognition, including language cognition. European grammar was looking for answers to the following questions: "What units exist?", "In what relations are they with each other?" and "What laws describe these relations?". When the studied languages were formed during the implementation of the same initial matter-oriented model of the world, this approach


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