EIJP ISSN: 2751-000X
Turemuratova Aziza Begibaevna
Assistant, Department of Pedagogy and Psychology, Karakalpak State University named after Berdakh,
Republic of Karakalpakstan, Uzbekistan
Bayniyazova Rano Maxamatdinovna
Student of Karakalpak State University, Uzbekistan
Raimberganov Bobur Rashid o‘g’li
Student of Karakalpak State University, Uzbekistan
Aminova Aziza Maxmudovna
Student of Karakalpak State University, Uzbekistan
Key words:
Multi-vector model of the zone of
proximal development, overcoming learning
difficulties, cognitive-personal development of
the child reflexive-activity approach to providing
advisory assistance.
: 16.09.2024
: 21.09.2024
The possibility of using a multi-vector
model of the zone of proximal development for a
qualitative analysis of the cognitive-personal
dynamics of a child's development in the process
of overcoming learning difficulties is described.
The model was developed within the framework of
a reflexive-activity approach to providing advisory
assistance. The use of this model in the analysis of
the dynamics of a child's cognitive-personal
development makes it possible to establish "steps
in development" recorded as new formations in
the child's cognitive abilities and to determine
personal characteristics caused by primary
cognitive changes or arising as a result of
qualitative changes in the learning process itself.
The theoretical position that “learning leads to development” has been one of the
basic positions for scientific and practical work in the field of developmental psychology, educational
psychology, and in recent years, in consultative psychology [2] since it was formulated by L.S. Vygotsky
[2; 3]. If developmental tasks are put at the forefront, then learning is considered as one of the types of
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joint activity of the child and the adult, in which conditions for development are created. The situation
of a child encountering a learning difficulty, from this point of view, is of particular interest, since
depending on its outcome, the consequences for development can be very different.
In the reflexive-activity approach (RAA) to providing assistance in overcoming learning difficulties that
my colleagues and I are developing, the situation of an error is potentially a resource and can become a
real resource depending on how the consultant (teacher, parent, other adult or peer) will help in this
situation. We call the position of the helper consultative, thereby emphasizing that the subject of the
activity to overcome the difficulty and its reflection is the one who has encountered the difficulty, i.e.
the child, and the adult in this activity is an assistant, a consultant in the process of overcoming the
difficulty [5].
In other words, within the framework of RAA, assistance in overcoming learning difficulties is provided
in such a way as to initiate the process of self-development of the child. It is assumed that due to the
connection between learning and development, assistance organized in a certain way initiates the
general development of the child. This assumption was made on the basis of the concept of the zone of
proximal development and the possibility of its expansion to other areas of the child's personality [2].
Educational activity acts as the primary field of cooperation between the child and the adult. Within the
framework of cooperation, the boundaries of the child's zone of proximal development in educational
activity are determined.
L.S. Vygotsky wrote about the resource of using the ZBR concept for diagnosing the dynamics of a child's
development [2]. By applying the ZBR concept to analyze the dynamics of a child's development in
educational activities, a consultant can determine the zone of current development
those cultural
tools and modes of activity that have already been internalized and subjectified by the child. The
consultant can also determine which cultural tools and modes of activity have not yet been internalized
and lie in the area of interaction between the consultant and the child. By defining this picture from
lesson to lesson, the consultant is able to record the fact of expanding the boundaries of the zone of
current development
determining the modes of activity that the child began to use independently.
He can also record the expansion of the ZBR boundary
an increase in the number of cultural tools
and modes of activity that become available to the child in cooperation with the consultant. Thus, a
picture of the dynamics of a child's development in educational activities emerges. One of the main
resources for expanding the boundaries of the ZBR is a problem situation
an educational difficulty.
L.S. Vygotsky defined development in a specific moment of overcoming a difficulty
to rely on it, push
off and take a step forward. Determining the key difficulty becomes a turning point for psychological
and pedagogical counseling, since overcoming the key difficulty is a step in development in educational
activity [5]. At this point, a different quality of the process may arise, since in counseling the key
difficulty can be recorded outside of educational activity. For example, a child may know the rules and
algorithms for solving problems by heart, but be chronically unsuccessful due to strong self-doubt. In
this situation, within the framework of a conditionally pedagogical approach, a serious difficulty may
arise, this is exactly the case when teachers exclaim: “Why do you tell me everything correctly orally,
but write a test for a failing grade?!” At this point, only pedagogical work becomes impossible, because
the child’s personal sphere
his self-esteem, self-confidence
interferes with educational activity.
Here Vygotsky's assumption about the possibility of expanding the ZBR from educational activity to
other areas of the child's personality is reinterpreted. In addition to the direction of work in educational
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activity, a new direction arises - personal, as we progress in educational activity within the framework
of counseling, more and more directions arise, for example, cognitive motivation, attitude to difficulties,
one's own plan for educational activity, etc. And in each of these directions there can be a difficulty and
a resource for overcoming the difficulty, which means that in each of these directions there is a zone of
actual development and a zone of proximal development, and in each of these directions steps in
development can be made. If a problem situation in educational activity is associated with other
directions in the child's development, then the steps to overcome the educational difficulty can be
associated with steps in other directions. L.S. Vygotsky writes about this in the thesis "one step in
learning can mean a hundred steps in development" [3]; Based on this thesis, a multi-vector model of
the zone of proximal development is constructed in RAA [4].
N.L. Belopols
kaya in her research shows that “... the zone of proximal mental development of a child can
be considered as including two dimensions: cognitive and emotional-
semantic” [1]. Thus, the
components of the zone of proximal development were identified - cognitive and emotional - and the
question of their interrelation and interdependence was raised.
These and many other studies provide grounds for assuming a combination of different spheres or
components within the child's ZPD, both in the cognitive and personal spheres. These potential lines
along which qualitative changes can occur in educational activity ("steps in development") are defined
in the reflexive-activity approach as development vectors. Constructing a picture of the ZPD
development vectors makes it possible to describe the child's general development. The questions that
need to be asked with such a conclusion are: how exactly to use the idea of the multi-component nature
of the ZPD for a comprehensive analysis of the child's development? How to describe a case of general
development using the multi-vector model of the ZPD? We will try to answer these questions in this
text, analyzing a case of providing assistance to a child.
The learning activity presents vectors directly related to the learning difficulty, but the model can also
describe other development trajectories, including those belonging to the sphere of personal
development. The construction of a multi-vector model of the child's zone of proximal development
allows us to record the development vectors initiated in a given learning activity, the resources
available to the child, and the problematic epicenters that block the course of development; the
definition of the key epicenter makes it possible to structure the advisory activity in such a way that the
work will be aimed at overcoming the key difficulty, and its overcoming will initiate development along
all the vectors that were previously blocked by the problematic epicenter.
Belopolskaya N.L. Components of the zone of proximal development in children // Questions of
psychology. 2017. No. 1. Pp. 19-27.
Vygotsky L.S. Questions of child (age) psychology // Collected works: in 6 volumes. Vol. 4. Child
psychology / Ed. D.B. Elkonin. Moscow: Pedagogy, 2014. Pp. 243-385.
Vygotsky L.S. Thinking and speech: psychological research. Moscow; Leningrad: State educational-
pedagogical publishing house, 2014. 324 p.
Zaretsky V.K. Zone of proximal development: what Vygotsky did not have time to write about ... //
Cultural and historical psychology. 2017. No. 3. Pp. 96-104.
Zaretsky V.K. Formation and essence of the reflexive-activity approach in providing consultative
psychological assistance // Consultative Psychology and Psychotherapy. 2013. No. 2. P. 8-37.