Iqtisodiy taraqqiyot va tahlil, 2024-yil yanvar
Dadaxonova Asal
Toshkentdagi Xalqaro Vestminster universiteti
Bu maqola oliy ta'lim sohasidagi o'qituvchilar motivatsiyasini xalqaro
tajribadan olingan ilmiy va amaliy asoslar boyicha tahlil qiladi. Motivatsiya, shaxsiy va
jamiyatchilik sohalarida muhim rolini o'ynagan, hamkorlik maqsadlari uchun kuchli ishqibozlikni
ta’minlash maqsadida o’qituvchilarning xalqaro tajribasiga asoslanadi. Xodimning motivatsiyasi
va ish berishni kuchaytirish uchun ishlab chiqilgan vositalarning mos kelishi, shaxsiy faoliyatni
samarali qiladi. O'qituvchilar motivatsiyasining talaba muvaffaqiyatiga ko'rsatishi bilan bog'liq
ahamiyati ko'rsatkichlarni aniqlash va baholash keng tahlil qilinadi. AQSh, Birlashgan Qirollik,
G‘arbiy Yevropa va Skandinaviya davlatlaridagi o'rtacha pod'rabotoklar uning unikal
metodologiyasi, baholash kriteriyalari va boshqalar o'rtasida farqlikni ko'rsatadi. Maqola
ta'limning kelajagini shakllantirishda o'qituvchilar motivatsiyasi va talaba muvaffaqiyati
o'rtasidagi bog'liqlikni ajratib olishda e'tibor beradi.
Kalit so'zlar:
motivatsiya, oliy ta'lim, o'qituvchilar, baholash, tadbirkorlik,
kompetensiyalar, talabalar muvaffaqiyati, universitet, baholash tizimi.
Дадахонова Асал
Вестминстерский международный
университет в Ташкенте
Данная статья исследует мотивацию преподавателей в высших
учебных заведениях на основе международного опыта. Мотивация, играющая важную
роль в индивидуальной и общественной сферах, рассматривается как фактор,
способствующий достижению совместных целей. Согласование мотивации работника с
поощрениями, предоставляемыми работодателем, повышает личную эффективность.
Мотивация преподавателя существенно влияет на успех студента, требуя выявления и
оценки влияющих факторов. Исследование охватывает разнообразные глобальные
подходы, включая США, Великобританию, Западную Европу и Скандинавию. Выделены
уникальные методологии, критерии оценки и децентрализованный характер управления.
Статья подчеркивает взаимосвязь мотивации преподавателей и успеха студентов в
формировании будущего образования.
Ключевые слова:
высшее образование, преподаватели, оценка,
предпринимательство, компетенции, успехи студентов, вуз, система оценивания.
I SON - YANVAR, 2024
Iqtisodiy taraqqiyot va tahlil, 2024-yil yanvar
Dadakhonova Asal
Westminster International University in Tashkent
This article explores teacher motivation in higher education, drawing on
international experiences. Motivation, a vital factor in individual and society domains, is examined
for its profound impact on collaborative goals. The alignment of employee motivation with
employer-provided incentives enhances personal effectiveness. Teacher motivation significantly
influences student success, necessitating the identification and assessment of influencing factors.
The study delves into diverse global approaches, including those in the United States, the United
Kingdom, Western Europe, and Scandinavia. It highlights unique methodologies, assessment
criteria, and the decentralized nature of control. The article concludes by emphasizing the
interconnectedness of teacher motivation and student outcomes in shaping the future of
motivation, higher education, teachers, evaluation, entrepreneurship,
competencies, student success, university, assessment system
In higher education, teaching is a professional activity that requires a large amount of
knowledge and specialized skills that are developed throughout life through ongoing study and
We can highlight the main specific features of the professional activity of a university
The teacher is responsible for storing, using and transmitting knowledge, as well as for its
enhancement by combining the functions of teaching and research.
This professional activity is characterized by a certain autonomy, i.e. an assessment of a
teacher’s level of competence can only be given by his colleagues, based on specific assessment
The professional activity of a teacher is not an object of “purchase and sale.”
The connection between the quality of a teacher’s work and the
system of his payment is
slightly different than in other professions. This can be explained by the fact that the visible
results of a teacher’s work do not appear directly at the time of pro
fessional activity. Therefore,
difficulties arise in determining the deserved reward; the specificity of motivation for a
teacher’s work activity, i.e. In addition to receiving financial rewards, professional recognition
by colleagues (qualification assessment) is very important. The result of this assessment is the
award of an academic degree and/or academic title. A teacher of a higher educational
institution is a person who has a set of specific qualities necessary for carrying out professional
activities. The process of mastering this profession requires a person, of course, to have natural
abilities, as well as great physical, mental, emotional and time costs. If previously, working at a
department after graduating from a university was considered very prestigious, now, due to
the economic situation, there is a constant outflow of specialists into commercial areas. This
trend can be explained by insufficient material support. The official salaries of teachers are too
low; they, of course, receive additional payments for the existing regalia: an academic degree,
academic title, etc., but in the aggregate, the level of wages for higher education employees still
remains low. In this regard, teachers, if they do not completely change their field of activity, are
looking for additional sources of income.
Iqtisodiy taraqqiyot va tahlil, 2024-yil yanvar
Literature review.
Internal factors of the personality subsystem include: psychological, demographic and cultural
factors. The psychological component includes: the leadership needs of the teacher, his
perception of the situation and emotions, personality type, self-esteem, independence, desire,
perspective. The cultural factor includes formed values, beliefs, attitudes, norms of behavior,
attitude to work, organizational culture, etc (
, 2014).
The study of the factors of this group should be carried out using questionnaires designed
to determine the hierarchical structure of the teacher's motivational sphere and the main
motives of their activity.
For Cranney, Smith, and Stone, job satisfaction culminates in expected or desired
outcomes. Job satisfaction has been defined as both a global construct and a concept with
multiple dimensions/facets, that is, overall job satisfaction, as well as satisfaction with pay,
physical working conditions, job content, relationships with colleagues, etc (Ochumbo, &
Matimbwa, 2019).
Work is more than a means of livelihood and gives the worker personal identity, self-
expression and social image (Al-Rubaish, Rahim & other 2011). Because of this, job satisfaction
is related to satisfaction, which is seen by some as a predictor of positive work attitudes,
productivity, and ultimately better results for the organization. As stated by Tietjen and Mers
(1998), instilling satisfaction in employees is a crucial task of management, because satisfaction
increases employee confidence, loyalty and work quality. Kirkman and Shapiro (2001) also
state that employees who are more satisfied with their jobs are also less absent, less likely to
leave, and more likely to be satisfied with their lives. Furthermore, the importance of job
satisfaction lies in its implications for human health and well-being, thus providing an
additional avenue for understanding (Clark, 1997).
Thus, the consequences of job satisfaction are individual and diverse, spanning both
personal and professional domains. Hence, job satisfaction can be a source of health, and
dissatisfaction can harm physical, mental, and social health, and cause problems in the
organization and work environment (Marqueze & Castro 2005). Thus, job satisfaction is a
widely studied phenomenon, and this interest arises from the fact that it affects workers, affects
their physical and mental health, attitudes, professional and social behavior, and affects both
the individual's personal life and organizations (Martinez & Paraguay, 2003).
Beyond the work of academic staff, human motivation is defined as what motivates a
person to act (Bhalraj, 2008) and has been studied in a diverse set of academic disciplines,
notably sociology, psychology, education, political science, and economics. The importance of
motivation in an organization as a significant contributor to performance and human behavior
cannot be understated. According to Vallerand et al., a person perceives his behavior as a result
of forces beyond his control.
Authors such as Bhalraj identified some characteristics of motivation (Bhalraj, 2008):
- Motivation is based on human needs arising in the individual;
- Motivation is complete, not fragmented. Thus, an individual is not motivated by the
partial satisfaction of some of his needs;
- motivation is a continuous process; as soon as one need is satisfied, new ones appear;
- Motivation causes targeted behavior; a person behaves in such a way that he can satisfy
his goals or needs;
- Motivation is a complex process: there is no universal theory or approach to motivation
and individuals differ in what motivates them. Thus, the manager must understand the
diversity of needs and use different rewards to motivate them.
Iqtisodiy taraqqiyot va tahlil, 2024-yil yanvar
Analysis and results.
Motivation is of great importance in our social and work life. It manifests itself in a strong
desire to do something. This desire comes from the workers themselves. If the employee’s
motivation and the means of stimulating work chosen by the employer coin
cide, the person’s
activity becomes effective. A high level of teacher work motivation can have a positive impact
on student achievement. The search and assessment of factors influencing the work motivation
of teachers is important in this regard. Human potential can be considered as a competitive
advantage of organizations, companies and higher educational institutions. Along with the
increase in market needs for quality goods, the development of entrepreneurship, and
increased competition, the importance of the level of training of future workers and specialists
is increasing. In this regard, the function of any higher institution is reduced to preparing future
workers to perform the required set of competencies. High professionalism of teachers,
ility, trust and team approach are the most important attributes of a university’s
human potential. Let us consider the features of motivation of teachers of higher educational
institutions in foreign countries. The US experience in this area is interesting, where the
assessment of a teacher’s performance is based on the concept of the educational system, the
requirements determined by the job description, conditions of employment, promotion, and
performance assessment methods. The main tenet of the concept of personnel management in
universities in the United States is the following: the quality of education is determined solely
by the personal and professional characteristics of teachers. In this regard, the teacher’s
performance evaluation system comes first. Universities contain a set of local documents, such
as the charter of an educational institution, a manual on trade union contracts, a manual on the
policy of hired personnel, allowing for such an assessment, which allows solving a number of
problems related to effective personnel management (career advancement, transfer to the staff,
changes in wages, determination of pedagogical qualities, improvement of professional skills).
These tasks are aimed at identifying the degree of satisfaction of students with the learning and
teaching process at the university. It should be noted that even within the same university, the
evaluation criteria for teachers of different departments may differ. Evaluation is most often
carried out in such areas as: teaching, scientific and auxiliary activities (by analogy with
teaching, creativity and social activities, which are the basis of all internal regulations governing
the activities of universities). At the same time, the university teacher always knows thoroughly
about the criteria for this assessment. The evaluation of the work of the teaching staff is carried
out taking into account international standards. The requirements of these standards, reflected
in university documents on personnel management, contain certain characteristics of the
employee: good style of presentation of material, ability to establish contact with the audience,
decent knowledge of the subject, clear and concise presentation of the content of the subject,
possession of good knowledge, use of practical examples, use of technical means, objectivity in
summing up results, must be an active member of the university, must be aware of trends in
the field of his knowledge. The rating assessment of a teacher at a US university includes several
n criteria, such as: the subjective opinion of the leader about the teacher’s contribution
to solving the problems assigned to the university; assessment of each component of a teacher's
activity, taking into account specific areas of activity; participation of the teacher in the
organization of social and sports life; participation of the teacher in the life of students and the
immediate social environment at the place of residence; student survey. At the same time, each
university has its own methodology for scoring and rating assessment of teachers and depends
on the characteristics of the management of the educational institution, its structure, and place
in the economic life of society. The activities of US universities also differ in the control
exercised over their activities: it is not implemented by the Ministry of Education, National
Commissions or similar structures, but by intra-university departments. A similar system of
control over the activities of universities is also present in Canada and Latin American
Iqtisodiy taraqqiyot va tahlil, 2024-yil yanvar
countries. Despite the existence of a rating assessment, the motivation system for faculty at US
universities is not standardized.
Indicators for assessing the quality of work of a modern teacher at a British university
include the following:
academic degree;
teaching experience;
number of scientific publications;
the teacher’s focus on improving the quality of his work;
personal growth;
prospects in scientific activity.
This system also includes a subjective assessment of the employee by the immediate
supervisor, as well as an objective opinion of the intra-university committee based on an
interview with the teacher. Such certification in various universities in the UK is carried out
with varying frequency: somewhere once a year, somewhere once every three years. A
significant part of the time in the process of personnel management in UK universities is spent
filling out formal documents regarding the employee’s characteristics, as well as carrying out
external examination of his activities. It should be noted that external expertise has found
application not only in personnel management at universities in the UK, but is also used in
France, the Netherlands, Denmark, Finland, and Norway. In French universities, it is
implemented by the national higher education governing div directly subordinate to the
President of the country. In the Netherlands, as in the UK, both types of personnel assessment
are widely used: both internal and external. In the Nordic countries, internal evaluation is
complemented by evaluation at the program and institutional levels. The criteria for assessing
personnel in universities in Western European, American and Scandinavian countries are not
uniform; they differ from each other even within the same country. For those universities
where scientific activity is paramount, indicators related to education are not considered
among the criteria for evaluating and, accordingly, stimulating teachers (for example, the
Catholic University of Louvain in Belgium).
The assessment is carried out every six years and involves motivation and assessment of
the teacher according to several criteria:
- scientific prizes and awards
- participation of teachers in international scientific conferences
- scientific work abroad
- training of graduate students and doctoral students
- development of grants, acquisition of patents
- practical developments and inventions
At the end of the twentieth century, questionnaires were introduced at universities in
Belgium, the results of which were known only to the person being assessed and to the
management of the university. Based on such results, decisions were made regarding the need
to improve the qualifications of teachers or develop other recommendations. This assessment
is carried out once every five years and is used not only to motivate employees, but also to build
their individual careers and effectively organize the educational process. The evaluation
commission at universities in Belgium is uniform. If the management of a Belgian university
considers it necessary to give the assessment an international level, experts from Dutch
universities are involved. The experience of Spain is interesting in this matter.
The University of Granada, the oldest and most respected university in the country, takes
into account broader evaluation criteria when developing a teacher motivation program:
number of publications
degree of teacher workload (number of disciplines taught)
number of hours of classroom work
Iqtisodiy taraqqiyot va tahlil, 2024-yil yanvar
management of projects within the disciplines taught Significantly different from the
system of motivation and evaluation of university teachers in Germany discussed above, where
this process is assigned a fundamental function in the country’s education manag
procedure (
, 2020).
Personnel assessment is carried out at all stages of a teacher’s career advancement. The
objects of assessment are applicants, students, applicants, full-time teachers, candidates for
positions, and course participants. In this case, the subjects of such assessment are
management and supervision bodies and examiners. The so-
called “performance assessment”
(certification) plays a prominent role in this process. Such an assessment is carried out
exclusively by local (regional) education authorities. Top management, immediate supervisors,
colleagues, and intra-university commissions are not involved in this process. The criteria for
assessing PPP are determined by the specifics of the region, the problems underlying the
assessment, and working conditions. A standard assessment is carried out once every six years,
and if the purpose of its implementation is to review the amount of wages, then once every two
years. The personnel management system of universities in Germany is aimed at stimulating
the growth of teaching staff qualifications and providing workload in accordance with
individual capabilities. The educational system of Thailand, on the contrary, is characterized by
low quality of education, inequality in educational opportunities, inconsistency of the
educational system with the religious and cultural orientation of society, and the
ineffectiveness of the centrally controlled education system. The above reasons underlie the
crisis in Thailand's educational system. Recent publications aimed at developing an
optimization model for optimizing the education system in a given country reflect the
conclusion that teacher motivation directly affects student motivation (Haruthaithanasan,
In conclusion, the article provides a nuanced exploration of teacher motivation in higher
education institutions, drawing on international perspectives to highlight the various
approaches and systems employed across different countries. The central theme underscores
the pivotal role of motivation in both individual and institutional success, recognizing its impact
on the quality of education and student outcomes.
The discussion begins by emphasizing the intrinsic nature of motivation, characterized by
a strong desire to accomplish tasks, and posits that effective outcomes arise when an
employee's motivation aligns with the means of stimulation provided by the employer. The
influence of teacher motivation on student achievement is underscored, establishing
motivation as a critical factor in the educational process.
The article meticulously examines the motivation systems in different countries, with a
focus on the United States, the United Kingdom, Western European nations, and others. The text
illustrates how evaluation criteria, assessment frequency, and the involvement of internal or
external bodies vary across these diverse educational landscapes.
Notable examples from the United States showcase a decentralized control system within
universities, emphasizing personalized evaluations and the importance of a teacher's
contribution to problem-solving within the institution. In contrast, the United Kingdom adopts
a multifaceted approach, incorporating academic qualifications, teaching experience, and
scientific publications as indicators for teacher quality.
The exploration extends to Western European, American, and Scandinavian countries,
revealing divergent criteria for assessing teachers. Unique methodologies are highlighted, such
as Belgium's emphasis on scientific prizes and awards, the Netherlands' utilization of both
internal and external evaluations, and Spain's consideration of factors like workload and
project management.
Iqtisodiy taraqqiyot va tahlil, 2024-yil yanvar
The text also delves into the German system, where performance assessment plays a
fundamental role, emphasizing the continuous evaluation of teachers at all stages of their
careers. The article contrasts this with the educational system in Thailand, which is described
as facing challenges related to low-quality education, inequality, and a centrally controlled
In summary, the article navigates through a rich tapestry of global perspectives on teacher
motivation, providing insights into the varying approaches that contribute to the cultivation of
a motivated and highly qualified teaching workforce. The conclusion underscores the
importance of addressing systemic issues in education globally and acknowledges the
interconnectedness of teacher motivation and student success in shaping the future of
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