International Journal of Pedagogics
Vol.05 Issue01 2025
Complex integrative-creative activity in the educational
Sadikova Khurliman Polatovna
Assistant teacher, Nukus Branch of Tashkent University of Information Technologies, Named After Muhammad Al- Khwarizmi,
20 October 2024;
22 December 2024;
12 January 2025
Modern education presents the student not as a passive recipient of knowledge, but as an active
participant in the educational process. Special attention in the higher medical school is paid to the development
of the mental abilities of students. At the same time, many new views on the creative process appear, which
contributes to the generation of new educational approaches to the concept of creativity in the educational
Creative thinking, integration learning, medical students, teaching methods.
In order to identify priority areas for the
systemic reform of higher education in the Republic of
Uzbekistan, raising to a qualitatively new level the
process of training independently thinking highly
qualified personnel with modern knowledge and high
spiritual and moral qualities, modernizing higher
education, developing the social sphere and economic
sectors based on advanced educational technologies in
In recent years, a number of documents have been
adopted in the country aimed at bringing secondary
specialized and higher education to a new level.
Based on a deep analysis of the entire education
system in the country and on the basis of the programs
adopted in the last five years in Uzbekistan, new
everywhere, the introduction of which will ensure a
phased transition from education, the curricula of
which are aimed at obtaining theoretical knowledge, to
an education system aimed at forming practical skills.
The modern process of training a certified medical
specialist makes new demands on the organization of
education in a medical university, as the need for the
development of the creative potential of the
personality of a future medical specialist is increasing in
society. There are positive attributes of freedom in
education: freedom to act, change, create and inspire.
[1, 2, 6] At the same time, the most important aspect
of education is the ever-increasing interest in the
creative process in education. Creative activity provides
the birth of new knowledge, skills, abilities and
The system-conceptual analysis of integrative-creative
opportunities in the formation and development of
education of students of a medical university acts in our
study as a principle that allows each future medical
specialist to develop throughout his life in various
professional and creative situations and rationally
combine with the components of self-education and
self-education. [3, 5, 7] We have established and
described new integrative-creative aspects of thinking
and structural components of creativity in the research
work of a future medical specialist: a motivational-
personal component of the development of a medical
components of creativity (intuition, logical rigor,
imagination, ability, propensity for individual creative
developments; independence of judgment, etc.) that
characterize the didactic interaction between a teacher
and a medical student.
Taking into account these studies, we have identified
the determinants of the formation and development of
professional and cultural education of a future
specialist of a medical university in the system of their
creative orientation: conscious individual and personal
International Journal of Pedagogics
International Journal of Pedagogics (ISSN: 2771-2281)
motivation of a medical student in the aspect of
creativity; the ability to culturally creative evaluation of
their professional results; creative propensity for
forecasting; the ability to see something new in solving
creative problems; the ability to make original research
decisions in the system of the creative aspect.[3, 4]
In this regard, we have identified the structure of the
system of creative thinking of a future medical
specialist in a scientific creative innovative study of a
medical student: integrative-creative aspects of
training thinking; creative concentration in the aspect
of creativity; integration of ideas of creativity; creative
insight; analysis and synthesis of the creative aspect.
In this study, we identified the characteristics of
instructional engagement in medical university
students' integrative and creative thinking. We were
persuaded during the study that all of the key
components of creativity that are a part of the
organizational and pedagogical fabric of the
educational process are included in creative pedagogy
when it is used in the context of higher medical
We discovered that one of the cutting-edge approaches
in pedagogical science and educational practice at a
higher medical institution is integrative-creative
pedagogy, which is appropriate for medical education.
We have found that integrative-creative pedagogy,
adequate to medical education, acts as one of the
innovative directions in pedagogical science and
educational practice of a higher medical institution.
In this regard, we have developed the main directions
of integrative and creative activity of a teacher of a
medical university, taking into account the specific
features of the educational process, adequate to higher
medical education: communication as part of the
creative and pedagogical process, the penetration of
creativity into the communication of a teacher with
students; non-standard creative approach to solving
medical problems; development of new creative
methods, forms, techniques and means; effective
creative application of existing experience; preparation
of the subject of the creative and pedagogical process,
creative individuality; specific creative and pedagogical
actions of the teacher; creative improvisation based on
accurate knowledge and intuition. We identified the
following goals of creative pedagogy when developing
the main directions of a medical university teacher's
creative and pedagogical activity. These goals are
appropriate for the process of higher medical
education: to stimulate students' creative interest
while taking into account their inclinations toward a
particular area of the specialized medical discipline
they are studying; to help create a motivating factor
that will be necessary for a future doctor's creative
research work; to form students' creative thinking as a
self-regulating, self-organizing system; to develop an
research activity during the course of work; and to
develop an individual research method of solving
creative problems during the university's educational
The conducted research also allowed us to identify and
describe the main components of creative pedagogy,
adequate to medical education.
In the process of research, we have developed and
described a system of substantive foundations of the
creative and pedagogical aspect in the formation and
development of the education of medical students.
Based on the results of the study, we described the
integration nature of the correlation of goals, main
components and substantive foundations of integrative
and creative opportunities, which is realized in the
conditions of the educational process of a higher
medical school.
The process of enriching the professional scientific
activity of students of a medical university with a
creative orientation requires a complex of scientific and
pedagogical developments that contribute to the
development of creativity of medical students. [3, 5] As
our study has shown, the organizing and guiding force
in relation to the development of integrative and
creative capabilities should be the high professional
training of the future medical specialist, the readiness
for creative activity understood by the future doctor
himself. In the course of the study, we substantiated
that it is this readiness that ensures the opening of new
professional and creative opportunities.
We made sure that creative and professional readiness
as a systemic and integral object is an organic unity and
integration of various types of professional activities of
medical students in the process of mastering a future
specialty, which ensure the formation of components
of creative and professional training.
We found out that such types of professional activity
are: educational and cognitive and educational and
practical activities of medical students in the classroom
and training, educational and practical and
independent professional activities of students during
clinical practice in hospitals and clinics, as well as in the
theoretical development of a separate scientific
phenomenon of a medical nature.
Our study indicates that the system of professional and
creative qualities of a medical student is built on a set
of professional and personal properties that directly
affect all three listed types of creative and professional
International Journal of Pedagogics
International Journal of Pedagogics (ISSN: 2771-2281)
In the course of the study, we were convinced that the
personal qualities of a medical student, without having
a direct impact on the results of the creative activity of
the future doctor, can play a significant role in the
development of his creative potential, the formation of
his professional and creative thinking. In order to form
the desired creative qualities in medical students, we
included students in specially organized professional
activities, taking into account the creative and
pedagogical aspect. [3,6] We single out the following
main creative qualities of a student of a medical
university, taking into account the creative and
development, contributing to the formation of creative
and professional readiness:
- creative awareness of the attitude to individual
creative activity as the need to change medical and
professional reality;
- creative formation by the medical student of an
individual forming personal mode, which includes the
creative and professional needs of the student, his
interests, beliefs, creative and evaluative criteria,
creative and cognitive aspirations;
- the creative individual desire of a student of a medical
university to expand and deepen professional
knowledge, to master new creative and professional
- striving for theoretical and practical validity of
individual professional and creative views and beliefs.
[4, 5]
The formation and development of the listed creative
qualities of a student of a medical university, as
evidenced by our experimental work, are a necessary
condition for the formation of creative and professional
readiness for the implementation of the methodology
of the creative and pedagogical aspect in the
educational process of a medical university as a result
of such readiness. [2, 3, 7].
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