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Шаробиддинов, Б. (2024). ГИСТОЛОГИЧЕСКИЕ ИЗМЕНЕНИЯ ГИПЕРТРОФИИ ПЕЧЕНИ ПРИ НЕРАЦИОНАЛЬНОМ БЕЛКОВОМ ПИТАНИИ. ИКРО журнал, 8(1), 3–4. извлечено от https://inlibrary.uz/index.php/iqro/article/view/28982
Б.Т. Шаробиддинов, Andijan State Medical Institute
Ассистент кафедры медицинской биологии и гистологии


Ежедневная пища, содержащая белки, в организме содержит органические вещества, по количеству и важности занимающие первое место. Белки в организме выполняют несколько важных: пластическую, управляющую и сигнальную, каталитическую, двигательную, транспортную, защитную, энергетическую и другие функции. Следовательно, количество белка в ежедневной пище должно быть нормальным. Изменение количества и качества белка будет причиной появления функциональных и морфологических изменений.

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Andijon Davlat Tibbiyot Instituti
,,Tibbiy Biologiya va Gistologiya’’
kafedrasi dotsenti O.Z.Qodirov taqrizi

B.T. Sharobiddinov

Andijan State Medical Institute

Assistant of medical biology and

histology department

Telefon raqami:+998912912401






Annotation :

Daily foods contained proteins in the div organic substances inside amount and

importance in terms of the first place occupies. Proteins in the div provide several important:
plastic , management and signal, catalytic , movement , transport, protection , energy and another
functions. Therefore , the amount of protein in daily food should be normal. Changing of amount
and quality of protein will be reason to appear functional and morphological changes.

Key words:

histological changes, irrational changes, white rats, central vein, protein.



Annotatsiya :

Kunlik oziq-ovqatlar tarkibidagi oqsillar organizmdagi organik moddalar ichida

miqdor va ahamiyati jihatidan birinchi o’rinni egallaydi. Oqsillar organizmda bir qancha muhim:
plastik, boshqaruv va signal, katalitik, harakatlanish, transport, himoya, energetik va boshqa
vazifalarni bajaradi. Shu sababli, kunlik oziq-ovqat tarkibidagi oqsil miqdori me’yorida bo’lishi
kerak.Oqsillarninng miqdor va sifat jihatdan o;zgarishi funksional va morfologik o’zgarishlarga
sabab bo’ladi.

Kalit so’zlar:gistologik o’zgarishlar, noratsional ovqatlanish, oq kalamushlar, markaziy vena,

Materials and methods:

Experiments carried out during one month to study histostructural

changes of the liver in non-rational protein diet . Experiments happened on 30 sexually mature
white rats with a total div weight of 150-160 grams for 30 days. During the experiment,
laboratory animals were fed with only boiled egg protein and water.

During one month, the appearance of the animals, the color and condition of their fur, their
appetite, sensitivity to noise and light, and other general conditions were observed and recorded.
The daily food intake and total div weight of the animals were measured regularly every day
until the end of the experiment.

The appearance of the white rat’s fur became clearer and cleaner until the seventh day of the
experiment, and then gradually became dull and sparse. By the end of the experiment, the wool
became dull, thin and sparse. The sensitivity of these animals to external influences (especially to
noise) began to increase from the seventh to the eighth day of the experiment, and by the end of
the experiment, they became overly sensitive to any influence. The appetite of the animals of this
group was in a variable state, it reached the highest level on the sixth day of the experiment, and
fell to the lowest level on the eleventh day.

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Histological slides are made from healthy white rats of control groups in 30th day of the
experiment The slides were stained with hematoxylin-eosin and viewed under a microscope.


: When the liver of healthy white rats was examined macroscopically: the length of the

liver is 4-4.5 cm , the width is 3-3.5 cm, the surface is flat, the edges are clearly defined, the
consistency is uniform. In the histological micropreparations prepared from them: the boundaries
of the liver lobes are unclear, the lobes are joined to each other. Because the connective tissue
around the fragments is very poorly developed. In the center of the lobes, the central veins have
almost the same structure, unchanged. Liver triads are unchanged, in their usual position.
Hepatocytes are unchanged, the nucleus is located in the same plane in the cytoplasm. The
diameter of the liver lobe is 502±1 μm, the diameter of the central vein is 26±0.5 μm, the size of
the liver plate is 258±0.6 μm, the width of the hepatocyte is 9±0.7 μm , the length of the
hepatocyte is 10±0.6 μm, the diameter of the nucleus is 5±0 μm. capillary diameter was 2.5±0.1 .

In the macroscopy of the liver taken on the 30th day of protein nutrition: length 6-6.5 cm, width 5-
5.5 cm, the edges are indented, the plane of the surface is slightly lost. Microscopy of the
histological micropreparation showed the following: enlargement of the central vein is detected,
liver plates increased in size, hepatocytes and nuclear size increased. Fullness in the central vein.
Sinusoidal capillaries are visible. The triads of the liver are also enlarged . The cytoplasm of
hepatocytes is oxyphilic, and the nucleus is basophilic. In the histostructure of the liver of white
rats on the 30th day of protein feeding: the diameter of the liver lobe is 766±1 μm, the diameter of
the central vein is 114±1 μm, the size of the liver plate is 375±1 μm, the hepatocyte width is
18.5±0.5 μm , the hepatocyte length is 18.5 ±0.5 μm, core diameter 12±0.2 μm, capillary diameter
14.5±0.4 μm.


1. The peculiarity of the anatomy of the liver of white rats is that the organ consists of four parts
and there is no gall bladder.

2. The div weight of experimental animals increased during the first days of the experiment.
Then a decrease was observed until the 30th day of the experiment.

3. When comparing the morphometric results obtained in the histological examination of the liver
tissue in experiments carried out on white rats, histological changes were revealed. Changes in the
macro- and microstructure of the liver at each stage of the experiment consisted of an increase in
the size of the components that make up the tissue structure: central vein, liver plate, sinusoid
capillaries, liver triads, hepatocyte and its nuclei.

Used literatures:

1) Автандилов Г. Г. Медицинская морфометрия: руководство / Г. Г. Автандилов. М.:
Медицина, 1992. - 380 с.

2) Бойцова В: П: К вопросу о морфологии и ферментативной характеристике
пищеварительного тракта белых крыс / В. П. Бойцова,

Библиографические ссылки

Автандилов Г. Г. Медицинская морфометрия: руководство / Г. Г. Автандилов. М.: Медицина, 1992. - 380 с.

Бойцова В: П: К вопросу о морфологии и ферментативной характеристике пищеварительного тракта белых крыс / В. П. Бойцова.

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