Семантические и структурные особенности фразеологизмов, используемых для выражения гендерных стереотипов в обществе

Абдукодирова, Л., & Саидова, М. (2022). Семантические и структурные особенности фразеологизмов, используемых для выражения гендерных стереотипов в обществе. Актуальные вопросы языковой подготовки в глобализирующемся мире, 1(1), 8–12. извлечено от https://inlibrary.uz/index.php/issues-language-training/article/view/28528
Латофат Абдукодирова, Узбекский государственный университет мировых языков
М Саидова, Узбекский государственный университет мировых языков


Данная статья посвящена теме семантические и структурные особенности фразеологизмов, используемых для выражения гендерных стереотипов в обществе, что дает информацию о гендерно маркированных идиомах, роли гендера и классификации гендерных стереотипов.

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Topical issues of language training

in the globalized world




Abduqodirova Latofat Abdumalikovna graduate student of

Uzbek State World Languages University scientific advisor:

Ass. prof. Saidova M.S.


This article is devoted to the topic semantic and structural features of

phraseological units used for expressing gender stereotypes in society which provides

information gender marked idioms, the role of gender and the classification of gender



Данная статья посвящена теме семантические и структурные

особенности фразеологизмов, используемых для выражения гендерных

стереотипов в обществе, что дает информацию о гендерно маркированных

идиомах, роли гендера и классификации гендерных стереотипов.


gender, phraseology, phraseological units, gender equality

Nowadays the term phraseology plays a vital role in many spheres since it

conveys deep interpretations in one sentence. Also, it assists us more clearly imagine

the way of thinking and the system of evaluations of a person of a remote era: after all,

if a stable phrase has developed, therefore, certain meaningful correlations are firmly

fixed in the mind. Moreover, the study of phraseological units allows you to penetrate

deeper into the content of the word, to avoid erroneous interpretation.

The main thing of studying this topic is the gender-marked idioms. Idioms are

the basic components of the structure of which are lexemes denoting a male or female

person and their contextual uses, selected by continuous sampling from the English-

Russian phraseological dictionary A.V. Kunin and six dictionaries of British and

American idioms, namely: Penguin Dictionary of English Idioms, Cambridge

International Dictionary of Idioms, Longman Idioms Dictionary, American.

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Topical issues of language training

in the globalized world


Gender stereotypes are closely related to existing gender roles in a given society

and serve to maintain and reproduce them. In particular, gender stereotypes contribute

to the maintenance of gender inequality. The content and degree of expression of gender

stereotypes varies in different cultures and in different historical periods, although there

are some cross-cultural similarities. Scientific studies of gender differences show that

gender stereotypes are generally untru, but their stability is ensured, in particular, by

cognitive distortions that allow people to selectively perceive and interpret information

coming from the outside world.

According to the theory of social roles, gender stereotypes arise as a result of the

existence of gender roles - social expectations that prescribe certain behavior to a person

depending on his gender. In other words, by observing how representatives of different

genders do different things, people conclude that they are fundamentally different from

each other. At the same time, gender stereotypes serve as a mechanism for maintaining

gender roles: beliefs about the unique qualities and distinctive features of a particular

gender are used to justify the need to behave in accordance with the corresponding

gender role.

Phraseology is approved as the basis for the formation worldview, behavioral and

general cultural attitudes of a person, and a tool for stereotyping these attitudes.

In linguistics, the concepts of gender, gender stereotype are an object of

interdisciplinary knowledge, the study of which requires an integrative approach,

including general methodological, general scientific and private scientific grounds.

These concepts are included in one of the basic characteristics of personal ties that

determine the psychological and social development of human. The stereotype as a

research tool in linguistics allows interpret linguistic phenomena, establish parallels

between them, compare and find general and particular patterns, complements / refutes

our knowledge about objects or situations on the material of language data.

[Vilinbakhova, 2012]

The theoretical basis of the study is the interpretive model of the meaning of the

idiom and the cognitive-procedural description of the “idiom in action” by V.N. Telia.

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Topical issues of language training

in the globalized world


Paremias serve as an important source of interpretation according to V.N. Teliya, the

majority proverbs - these are prescription stereotypes national self-consciousness,

giving a fairly wide scope for choice for the purpose of self-identification " [Telia,

1996]. Although not all proverbs and phraseological units contain gender categories,

however, among those who appeal to the concepts "male" and "female", you can set

dominant trends and assessments. Phraseological fund, according to researchers (V. N.

Teliya, Yu. P. Solodub, D. O. Dobrovolsky), displays and fixes in national language,

cultural stereotypes or other people, as well as through the reproduction basic patterns

of a certain language picture of the world expresses in general the mentality of the

linguo- cultural community. However, cultural significance images displayed in

phraseology (for example male/female opposition), most fully will be revealed "only

when matching this very figurative content, manifested in the "literal" reading of

phraseological units, with categories, concepts, mythologems, stereotypes and

standards of national culture, and its interpretation in this space material, social or

spiritual culture”. In addition, phraseological units fixed in the linguistic picture of the

world, are also the source (or "database"), in which the human consciousness draws

those images, on which it can rely the formation of one's own image of realities [Telia,


Basic research on the impact of gender on linguistic picture of the human world

are the works of R. Lakoff, D. Tannen, G. E. Kreidlin, A. V. Kirilina, Gritsenko E. S.,

Goroshko E. I. As you study gender issue and expanding this issues in various areas of

the humanitarian knowledge, new, little-studied aspects have arisen, deserving more

detailed study.

A. V. Kunin's definition of phraseological equivalents and analogues is of great

value. We agree with the author, that a Russian phraseological unit is thought to be

equivalent when it coincides with the English unit in meaning, on a figurative basis and

stylistic coloring. ‘The equivalent is a monoequivalent, i.e. the only possible translation

by means of the phraseological unit’ [Kunin, 1967].

There are variety modes of gender which focuses on the living and nonliving objectives.

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Topical issues of language training

in the globalized world



The first type of the gender called Masculine gender. Masculine gender is defined

as a gender that refers chiefly (but not exclusively) to males or to objects

classified as male. Another definition of this type is a set of attributes, behaviors,

and roles associated with men and boys. For an examples, the words such king,

man, boy, father, cock, bull, fox, etc.


The next type is a feminine gender. It is used to denote the female subtype.

Examples may include queen, woman, girl, mother, hen, cow, vixen, etc.


The third type is a neuter gender. It is used to denote nonliving and lifeless things.

Neuter means neither, which is neither male nor female. For instance, table, hair,

city, etc.


The fourth type is a common gender. It denotes either a male or female sex. For

example, teacher, student, cousin, parent, etc.


Gender roles in society refer to how we're supposed to act, speak, dress, groom, and

behave based on our sex. Girls and women, for example, are expected to dress in

traditionally feminine styles and to be courteous, accommodating, and caring. Men are

typically seen to be powerful, aggressive, and courageous.

Each society, ethnic bunch, and culture has gender part desires, but they can be

exceptionally diverse from gather to gather. They can too alter within the same society

over time. For case, pink utilized to be considered a manly color within the U.S. whereas

blue was considered ladylike.


All in all, gender stereotypes have become a significant issue in many spheres, such

as media, education, and so on. The study of phraseological units as an integral part of

the linguistic picture world of the individual allows you to discover that the foundation

on which the worldview is based person, his value orientations and priorities, and at the

same time stereotypes rooted in consciousness of the individual. Analysis of

phraseological units is a rich material for understanding the essence of gender






background image

Topical issues of language training

in the globalized world


stereotypes, i.e. behavioral, social, psycho-emotional norms and roles prescribed for

each gender within a particular society. Wherein main means of expression and scope

the impact of the gender stereotype advocates the language by which the picture is

formed the reality of the individual.



Telia V. N. Russian phraseology / V. N. Telia. - M .: School "Languages of

Russian Culture", 1996.


Vilinbakhova E. L. Stereotype in linguistics: object or tool research? // Collection

of scientific articles based on the materials of the First Conference of the school

"Problems of language: the view of young scientists" - M., 2012. - S. 19-28.


https://www.medicinenet.com/what are the 4 genders/article.htm








Dalieva, Madina Khabibullaevna. "Research on vocabulary growth and

development." NovaInfo. Ru 124 (2021): 47-48.


Dalieva, Madina Khabibullaevna. "Teaching speaking through interactive

activities." NovaInfo. Ru 124 (2021): 41-42.


Khabibullaevna, Dalieva Madina. "CONCEPT AS THE BASIS OF THE

LINGUISTIC PICTURE OF THE WORLD." British View 8.9 (2023).

Библиографические ссылки

Telia V. N. Russian phraseology / V. N. Telia. - M .: School "Languages of Russian Culture", 1996.

Vilinbakhova E. L. Stereotype in linguistics: object or tool research? // Collection of scientific articles based on the materials of the First Conference of the school "Problems of language: the view of young scientists" - M., 2012. - S. 19-28.

https://www.medicinenet.com/what are the 4 genders/article.htm

https://www.plannedparenthood. org/learn/gender-identity/sex-gender- identity/what-are-gender-roles-and stereotypes#:~:text=What%20are%20gender%20roles%3F,polite%2C%20acco mmodating%2C%20and%20nurturing.

Dalieva, Madina Khabibullaevna. "Research on vocabulary growth and development." NovaInfo. Ru 124 (2021): 47-48.

Dalieva, Madina Khabibullaevna. "Teaching speaking through interactive activities." NovaInfo. Ru 124 (2021): 41-42.

Khabibullaevna, Dalieva Madina. "CONCEPT AS THE BASIS OF THE LINGUISTIC PICTURE OF THE WORLD." British View 8.9 (2023).

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