Verbal properties of the participle, revealed at the morphological level

Расулова, Ш. (2022). Verbal properties of the participle, revealed at the morphological level. Ренессанс в парадигме новаций образования и технологий в XXI веке, (1), 70–72.
Ш Расулова, Termez State University

Master student



This article is devoted to the study of the participle in the process of its speech functioning requires an appeal to the basic concepts of the functional approach. Modern linguistics pays special attention to the study of linguistic facts and structures in the conditions of their functioning. There is a separate direction in linguistics - functional. The study of the structure of natural languages based on the functional principle is defined as a functional approach, functional linguistics, functional grammar. The basis of the functional approach is the study of the functional specificity of linguistic units. One of the tasks of functional linguistics is to explain the language form through its function. The key concept of functional linguistics - "function" - is interpreted ambiguously in the literature. Most researchers understand the function of language units as their role, purpose, and purpose of use.

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etedi. Sol sebepli sóz ónerin izertlew –úyreniw lingvistikalıq aspektinde bolıwı zárúr. Kórkem ádebiyattı
lingvistikalıq izertlew kórkem shıǵarmanıń ózine emes, al tilin izertlep úyreniw kerek. Kórkem tekst tilin
úyreniw boyınsha kóplegen izertlewler nátiyjesinde lingvistikalıq izertlewdiı tiykarǵı maqseti
shıǵarmanıń estetikalıq qımbatın hám tásirlik kúshin belgilep beriw bolıp tabıladı. Qaraqalpaq til
biliminde kórkem tekst tilin lingvopoetikalıq izertlew máselesine ayrıqsha itibar berilmekte
[Әбдиназимов, 13: 2020]. Qaraqalpaq til biliminde kórkem ádebiyat tilin izertlewge baǵıshlanǵan
izertlewlerde eki baǵdar kórinedi. Izertlewlerdiń bir baǵdarında belgili bir dáwir tiliniń tarıyxın izertlew
maqsetinde kórkem tekstlerden faktlik sıpatında paydalanılsa, ekinshi baǵdarda belgili bir dáwirde
jasaǵan shayır hám jazıwshılardıń tili hám stilin izertlewde jumıslar islenedi. Qaraqalpaq til biliminde
kórkem ádebiyattıń tilin lingvistikalıq aspektte izertlew ilimiy-teoriyalıq miynetler sanawlı. Solardan Sh.
Ábdinazimov, A. Abdiev, G. Qarlıbaevalar kórkem shıǵarmalar tili boyınsha arnawlı miynetleri bar.
Juwmaqlap aytqanda, kórkem tekstti úyreniwdiń teoriyalıq hám ámeliy máseleleri lingvistikalıq jaqtan
izertlew kórkem shıǵarmanıń ózin emes, al tilin izertlep-úyreniw ekenligin eske alıw kerek. Óytkeni,
kórkem ádebiyattıń ózi lingvistikanıń obiekti emes. Búgingi kúnde qaraqalpaq til biliminde kórkem
ádebiyattıń tilin lingvopoetikalıq aspektte izertlew baǵdarındaǵı ilmiy-teoriyalıq miynetler sanawlı.


1. В. В. Виноградов «Проблемы русской стилистики». Москва.1981
2. А. А. Липгарт «Основы лингвопоэтика». Москва. Наука 2021.
3. B.И.Задорнов «Теория и методы лингвопоэтики» афтореферат Москва. 2000
4. В.М. Жирмунский . «Теория литературы. Поэтика. Стилистика». Л: Наука, 1977
5.Д. Н. Шмелев . «Слово и образ». -Москва.Наука, 1964.
6. Р.О.Якобсон «Лингвистика и поэтика» Москва. 1975
7. А.А. Потебня «Теоретическая поэтика» Москва. 1990
8. Х. Дониѐров С.Мирзаев «Адабий тил ва бадиий стиль» Тошкент.1988
9. M.Yóldashev. «Badiiy matn lingvopoetikasi» Fan nashriyoti: Tошкент.2008
10. И. Мирзаев Лингвистик поэтика ва унинг филологик таҳлилидаги урни Т. 2002
11. Л. Абдуллаева «Лексическая стилистика узбекской художественной литературы». Тошкент:
12. Б.Саримсоқов «Бадийлик асослари ва мезонлари». Тошкент.2004
13. Ш.Әбдиназимов «Лингвопоэтика» Yoshlar nashriyot uyi,Т.2020



Rasulova Sh.

Master student, TerSU, Termez, Uzbekistan


This article is devoted to

the study of the participle in the process of its speech functioning

requires an appeal to the basic concepts of the functional approach. Modern linguistics pays special
attention to the study of linguistic facts and structures in the conditions of their functioning. There is a
separate direction in linguistics - functional. The study of the structure of natural languages based on the
functional principle is defined as a functional approach, functional linguistics, functional grammar. The
basis of the functional approach is the study of the functional specificity of linguistic units. One of the
tasks of functional linguistics is to explain the language form through its function. The key concept of
functional linguistics - "function" - is interpreted ambiguously in the literature. Most researchers
understand the function of language units as their role, purpose, and purpose of use.

Key words:

participle, functioning, literature, linguistic


grammar, key concept.

The analysis of linguistic literature, according to the subtle observation of V.G.Gak, reveals a

multiplicity of interpretations of the concept of "functional". The term "functional" is defined, for
example, as actualized (speech), frequency-quantitative. Among the key provisions of functional
grammar that form the basis of our research are the following. According to A.V. Bondarko, "the concept
of "functioning of language units" includes the interaction of the system and the environment." The
analysis of the functioning of grammatical forms involves the study of lexical, syntactic, contextual and
other conditions of their use. The functional potential inherent in a certain means determines the choice of
language means in the process of speech. The analysis of the main syntactic functions of the English
participle shows that the participle is able to exhibit both verbal and adjectival properties.

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Transitional phenomena in the field of parts of speech are a relatively frequent phenomenon, due

to the laws of the development of the grammatical structure of the language. During the transition from
one part of speech to another, the function of words in speech changes, new grammatical qualities
accumulate, new connections with other words arise and old ones are lost, semantic shifts occur. "The
translation of a word from one part of speech to another or its use in the function of another part of
speech" is usually denoted by the term "transposition". Research shows that the boundaries between the
parts of speech are mobile, they are in constant interaction. A significant place in the linguistic literature
on the problems of transition is occupied by the works of V.V.Vinogradov, who pays special attention to
the deepening of semantic connections between parts of speech, which occurs as a result of their
functional convergence. Modern cognitive linguistics sees in the description of suffixless transposition
"one of the possible ways to study the conceptual foundations of parts of speech." E.S. Kubryakova
emphasizes that "suffixless transposition is a remarkable proof of the existence of several leading and, in
a certain sense, primary meanings in each cardinal part of speech." There are two stages of transposition:
1) incomplete, or syntactic, in which only the syntactic function of the original unit changes without
changing its belonging to a part of speech; 2) complete, or morphological, in which a word of a new part
of speech is formed. The means of transposition are affixation and conversion.

One of the controversial issues is the source of transposition. Describing the transition processes

in the field of parts of speech, the transition originates in syntax, in changing the syntactic position of
words. At the same time, the illegality of mechanically entering a word into another part of speech only
on the basis of changing its syntactic function. The criterion for changing the partial status of a word can
be the loss of grammatical categories of the original part of speech by the word. At the heart of the
transposition of a word into another part of speech, some researchers see semantic changes.
R.Z.Muryasov believes that the transposition begins with a change or replacement of the categorical sema
- of the highest degree of generality, i.e. the semantic core of a part of speech. The categorical seme of the
generating basis moves in the semantic structure of the derivative from the highest level of the seminal
hierarchy to a lower level.

This basic semantic shift entails a further restructuring of the links in the hierarchy of the sem.

Some semes of the generating basis are preserved in the semantic structure of the derivative in a modified
form, other schemes completely fade out. Examining the vocabulary in Germanic languages from the
standpoint of semasiology, V.V.Levitsky analyzes the phenomenon of "semantic syncretism", meaning by
it the unification in one meaning of several, often difficult to compatible semantic components.
L.A.Kozlova interprets transposition as a phenomenon of syntagmatic order, which is the movement of a
word into new syntactic conditions while preserving its partial belonging. No less controversial is the
question of the consequences for the language system of the transposition of words from one part of
speech to another. The question arises whether this process is word-forming.

Proponents of understanding transposition as a word-formation process express an opinion about

the formation of homonyms as a consequence of transposition - for example, "functional homonyms".
The study of the processes of interaction of parts of speech from the standpoint of transition is very
productive for languages of the synthetic system with their clear morphological opposition of parts of
speech. The definition of transition criteria in analytical — English -language presents considerable
difficulties, since the same word can be regularly used in secondary syntactic functions. Studying the
essence, forms, mechanisms and consequences of functional convergence of parts of speech in English,
L.A.Kozlova considers transposition as a mechanism of functional convergence of parts of speech. The
author sees the mechanism of transposition in the fact that a word-a representative of one part of speech -
implements its secondary syntactic function, thereby converging with that part of speech for which this
function acts as the primary, main one. As L.A.Kozlova rightly notes, as a result of regular use in
secondary syntactic functions, transposed units can change their categorical status over time: move to
another part of speech. At the same time, the transformation of the categorical status of words is not of an
obligatory nature, since the language system is never completely balanced. A significant part of the
transposed units does not show a tendency to change their categorical affiliation, forming stable
peripheral areas within their classes, due to which the processes of functional convergence of parts of
speech occur. In the literature, a view is expressed on the participle as a result of the "verb - adjective"
transposition. The association of these parts of speech into one class by W. Cheif testifies to some
closeness of the verb and the adjective. Thus, the participle, having a "dual" character, represents the
phenomenon of syncretism associated with linguistic economy.

Cognitive linguistics shows great interest in the phenomenon of transposition. E.S.Kubryakova

emphasizes that the concepts of a sign, a process "do not always require a separate linguistic expression
of their own: human consciousness itself differentiates them, and the use of a sign in an utterance finds
confirmation of this circumstance." Thus, one lexeme names different structures of knowledge, although

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united by one idea in its various modifications. This ability of the lexeme is formally reflected at different
levels - morphological, syntactic. In the linguistic literature, it is unanimously indicated that the participial
forms have a relative temporal meaning, that is, simultaneity and precedence of the main action. The
difference between a participle and a verb is found in the "point of reference". In verbs, it is the moment
of speech, in participles - some other main action in relation to it. The main means of forming the
opposition "simultaneity - precedence" are participle I and II.





, N.

The logical Basis of Linguistic Theory / N. Chomsky. - «Preprints of Papers for the

9-th International Congress of Linguistics». Cambridge.Mass.1962.-137p.






















Cognitive Linguistics / M. Israel, Ch. Johnson, P.J. Brooks // From

states to events: The acquisition of English passive participles II - 1/2. - 2000. - P. 103-129.




An A-Z of English Grammar and Usage / G.N. Leech. - London

Melbourne Auckland, 1989. - 578 p.

Swan, M. Practical English Usage / M. Swan. - M.: Vysshaya Shkola, 1984. -552 p.



Ruzmetova O.A.

tayanch doktorant, ―Ingliz tili va adabiyoti‖ kafedrasi, Xorijiy filologiya fakulteti

Urganch davlat universiteti, O‘zbekiston



Matematika sohasiga oid terminlar yasalishida sintaktik derivatsiya muhim ahamiyatga ega.

Sintaktik usulda matematika sohasia oid terminologiya birliklarini hosil qilishning bir necha ko‗rinishlari
mavjud. Maqolada belgilangan sintaktik aloqalarga ko‗ra matematik terminlar struktur komponentlarini
aniqlash to‗g‗risida muhokama boradi.

Kalit so‟zlar:

sintaktik derivatsiya, termin, komponent, so‗z birikmasi, ikki komponentli termin.


Синтаксическая деривация важна при формировании математических терминов.

Существует несколько способов синтаксического создания математической терминологии. В
статье рассматривается определение структурных компонентов математических терминов по
выявленным синтаксическим связям.








двухкомпонентный термин.


Syntactic derivation is important in the formation of mathematical terms. There are several

ways to create mathematical terminology syntactically. The article deals with the issues of the structural
components of mathematical terms based on the identified syntactic links.


syntactic derivation, term, component, word combination, two-component term.

Matematika sohasiga oid terminologik birliklarning shakllanishida sintaktik derivatsiya o‗ziga

xos xarakterga ega hisoblanadi. Sintaktik xarakterdagi terminologik birliklar so‗z birikmalari bo‗lib, ular
ikkita alohida mustaqil bo‗lgan birliklarning semantik jihatdan yaxlit birikmaga birlashtirish orqali hosil
qilingan bo‗ladi . Sintaktik derivatsiya derivatsiyaning formal turi sifatida qaraladi, chunki bunda so‗zda
semantik jihatdan emas, forma ya‘ni shakl jihatdan o‗zgarish kuzatiladi. Sintaktik derivatsiyaning
shakllanishi uchun tayanch struktura asos bo‗lib xizmat qiladi, ya‘ni tayanch strukturasiz sintaktik
derivatsiya shakllanmaydi. Demak derivat tayanch struktura orqali shakllanadi.

Sintaktik usulda matematika sohasia oid terminologiya birliklarini hosil qilishning bir necha

ko‗rinishlari mavjud bo‗lib, ular quyidagicha:

so‗zlarni qo‗shish;


bir necha komponentlarni qo‗shish;


Belgilangan sintaktik aloqalar orqali matematik terminlar struktur komponentlarini aniqlash

mumkin. Muhokama asosan terminlar komponentlarining maksimal miqdori xususida boradi. D.S.Lotte
terminlarning komponentlari borasida, agar uning tarkibiy qismlarini cheklamasa, termin hosil qilish
oson, lekin bunday termin bir so‗zli termin uchun xos bo‗lgan yasamalilik xususiyatiga ega emas, degan
fikrni bildirgan [1]. So‗z birikma terminlarining tarkibiy qismlarini chegaralash muammosi ancha
murakkab hisoblanadi. Bu terminologiya nazariyasi va uning amaliy sohalarining dolzarb

Библиографические ссылки

Chomsky, N. The logical Basis of Linguistic Theory / N. Chomsky. - «Preprints of Papers for the 9-th International Congress of Linguistics». Cambridge.Mass. 1962.-137p.

Curmc, G. English Grammar / G. Curmc. - New York. 1966.320 p. Israel; Johnson, Ch., Brooks, P.J. Cognitive Linguistics / M. Israel, Ch. Johnson, P.J. Brooks // From states to events: The acquisition of English passive participles II - 1/2. - 2000. - P. 103-129.

Leech, G.N. An A-Z of English Grammar and Usage / G.N. Leech. - London Melbourne Auckland, 1989. - 578 p.

Swan, M. Practical English Usage / M. Swan. - M.: Vysshaya Shkola, 1984. -552 p.

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