Using quizlet to teach vocabulary

Авезова, Г. (2022). Using quizlet to teach vocabulary. Ренессанс в парадигме новаций образования и технологий в XXI веке, (1), 178–179.
Г Авезова, Karakalpak State University named after Berdakh



Ключевые слова:


This study concerns with the major objective of foreign language teaching: vocabulary acquisition. The modern trends of teaching and the vast advance of technology enable teachers to use online and mobile applications in a very wide range. The real effect of using such a method need to be measured. Accordingly, this experimental-design study investigated the effect of Quizlet, a rapidly growing application with an online and mobile phone version, on vocabulary acquisition. Two groups of low-level EFL learners at Prince Sattam Bin Abdulaziz University in Saudi Arabia (N = 42) participated in the study. Each group underwent a pretest and a posttest to assess their acquisition of the assigned vocabulary lessons that were extracted from their syllabus. After using Quizlet for vocabulary learning for a month, the experimental group participants show a significant improvement in vocabulary posttest. Accordingly, the study acknowledges and recommends using the application at university level.

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Avezova G.M.

Teacher, KarSU named after Berdakh, Nukus, Uzbekistan


This study concerns with the major objective of foreign language teaching: vocabulary

acquisition. The modern trends of teaching and the vast advance of technology enable teachers to use
online and mobile applications in a very wide range. The real effect of using such a method need to be
measured. Accordingly, this experimental-design study investigated the effect of Quizlet, a rapidly
growing application with an online and mobile phone version, on vocabulary acquisition. Two groups of
low-level EFL learners at Prince Sattam Bin Abdulaziz University in Saudi Arabia (N = 42) participated
in the study. Each group underwent a pretest and a posttest to assess their acquisition of the assigned
vocabulary lessons that were extracted from their syllabus. After using Quizlet for vocabulary learning for
a month, the experimental group participants show a significant improvement in vocabulary posttest.
Accordingly, the study acknowledges and recommends using the application at university level.


Quizlet, Vocabulary Acquisition

There is a unanimous agreement that vocabulary is a very important aspect of second language

(L2) learning. Without an adequate volume of vocabulary, it is difficult for L2 learners to communicate or
even express themselves properly. Lack of knowledge of grammar or syntax, on the other hand, may
distort communication, however, learners may still be understood. For these reasons, there has been a
long debate about the best methods for vocabulary instructions and various suggestions concerning
vocabulary acquisition were posed. The focus of different L2 teaching methods fluctuated between
grammar and vocabulary. While early approaches concentrated on grammar and internal structure of L2,
subsequent trends focus on communication which requires greater mastery and larger amount of
vocabulary. It is found later, however, that grammar and vocabulary are in fact interrelated and they can
be considered ―as partners in synergy with no discrete boundary, sometimes referred to as
lexicogrammar‖. This can lessen the long debate about where to focus and frees researchers and scholars
to suggest methods that can account for both aspects of language simultaneously. To enable teachers and
course designers to present vocabulary effectively, researchers provide principles that can be applied in
varieties of learning situations. One of the concepts suggested in this regard is learning from meaning-
focused input where learners are expected to perform deliberate learning activities such as studying
vocabulary from bilingual flashcards and doing cloze exercises using missing words or matching pairs.
Strategies of these type are now applied electronically on a wide range taking benefits of the vast advance
in technology and the developing approach of Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL).
Accordingly, the effects of implementing such strategies in developing vocabulary acquisition and
mastery have to be measured. The resultant findings of such measurements can give insights about
adopting these trending teaching methods.

All the study modes provide feedback and errors corrections that make autonomous learning

highly effective. Moreover, users have more options of how to use each mode such as answering with
terms or definition, playing audio or not, and studying all the terms or specific ones.

The study employed an experimental research design incorporated a pretest-posttest control group

design. Many previous studies that dealt with Quizlet adopted experimental research design that involved
one group. They administer pretest and posttest to the same participant and attributed the development to
the implementation of this learning technique. While it is likely to be the case, other factors may cause the
progress such as practice effect. The method adopted by the present study, however, is to use two groups
design and to assign pretest and posttest for each of the group to minimize the potential factors that may
be candidate as casual factor for any gains accomplished by the experimental group members.

As an e-learning application, the efficacy of Quizlet on improving vocabulary learning can be

attributed to the augmenting role of information technology in all aspects of life. New generations of
learners are accustomed to using smart devices connected to the internet to perform most of their daily
tasks. Also, Quizlet represents an ideal environment for learning that can provide active learning both
inside and outside classroom. Within classroom, the live learning mode provide effective collaborative
experiment to students who find themselves obliged to share information and exchange answers to the
vocabulary questions with a competitive spirit with other groups of students thus learning become an
active cooperative process.

Moreover, the study sets of Quizlet are designed to meet the need of autonomous learners.

Learners can perform different learning tasks, assess their vocabulary acquisition, and gamify the
vocabulary learning process. These features of Quizlet and the findings of this research and other studies

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imply that Quizlet can be considered a good candidate for both teachers and students for vocabulary
instruction and learning.




Solidjonov, D.Z. (2021). The impact of the development of internet technologies on education at

pandemic time in Uzbekistan. In Студент года 2021 (pp. 108-110).

Solidjonov, D. Z. (2021). The impact of social media on education: advantage and

disadvantage. Экономика и социум, (3-1), 284-288.

Solidjonov, D. (2021). Modern education and useful methods for teaching. Scienceweb academic

papers collection.


Norqulova M.B.

Tayanch doktorant, Ajiniyaz nomidagi NDPI

Nukus, O‘zbekiston

Hozirgi kunda dunyoda innovatsion texnologiyalarni ko‘payishi hamda jahon hamjamiyatlari

o‘rtasidagi globallashuvni rivojlanishi ta‘lim va tarbiyada shu bilan bir qatorda yurtimizda chet-tili
sifatida o‘qitilayotgan jahon tillaridan biri hisoblangan ingliz tilini o‘qitish va o‘rgatishda yangi
yondashuv va uslublarni talab qilmoqda. Ingliz tilida to‘g‘ri va ravon so‘zlashish uchun uning
grammatikasi qonun-qoidalaridan boxabar bo‘lish juda muhim. XXI asr axborot kommunikatsion
texnologiyalari asri, biz hayotimizning har bir jabhasida ularning turli tumanlaridan foydalanayabmiz.
Zamonaviy yoshlarimiz AKT ning qulayligi, qiziqarliligi va samaradorligi yuqori bo‘lganligi sababli ham
ularni o‘rganishga bo‘lgan qiziqishlari yuqoridir.

Yurtimizda ko‘plab olimlar ingliz ili o‘qitish metodikasi yuzasidan ko‘plab ilmiy izlanishlar olib

borishgan, masalan Chet tilini AKT yordamida o‘qitish ustida G.K.Bakiyeva, L.T.Ahmedova,
N.P.Babaniyazova, M.Muhiddinova, G.S.Sobirova kabi olimlarimiz ishlashgan. Ingliz tili grammatikasini
o‘qitish juda qadimgi metodlarimizdan biri hisoblanib mamlakatimizda va jahonda ko‘plab ilmi ziyolilar
fikr yuritishgan. R.V.Rogova [Rogova, 1991: 287] fikriga qo‘shilgan holda, shuni ta‘kidlash joizki,
«Grammatikasiz nutqning har qanday shaklini o‘zlashtirish imkoni mavjud emas, chunki grammatika so‘z
va tovush tarkibi bilan birga nutqning moddiy asosi hisoblanadi». Semenovning [Semenov, 2006:143]
fikriga asosan «AKT hayotimizning ko'plab sohalariga hukmron sifatida bostirib kirdi va o‘zgartirdi,
lekin AKT ning o‘zi iste‘molchilar tomonidangina boshqariladi» . "Hozir hamma narsa o'zaro platforma.
Bu biz yashayotgan haqiqatning bir qismi - ko'p qirrali, multimediali dunyo - va men buning bir qismi
bo'lganimdan juda xursandman" deya ta‘kidlaydi Robert J. Sozyer [R.Sozyer, 2002:67]. Ishonamizki,
dunyoning aksariyat maktablarda o'qituvchilar so'z boyligini oshirish uchun qo'llashlari mumkin bo'lgan
raqamli vositalar va axborot texnologiyalari mavjud va ularning soni yanada oshadi deb umid qilamiz. Bu
vositalar o'quvchilarning qiziqishini oshiradi va so'zlardan foydalanib, grammatik qoidalarga asoslangan
to‘g‘ri va ravon gapirishlariga ko‘maklashadi.

Mening ilmiy ishim mavzusi o‘rta maktablarda ingliz tili grammatikasini AKT yordamida

o‘qitish bo‘lganligi sababli ham, bu metodni maktablarda eksperiment sifatida sinab ko‘rish va uning
samaradorlik darajasi necha foizligi, o‘quvchilarning chet-tili grammatik kompetensiyasini oshirishdagi
yordamini aniqlash mening vazifalarimdan biridir. Shu sababli ham biz Qoraqalpog‘iston Respublikasi
Xalq ta‘lim vazirligi ministridan eksperiment o‘tkazish uchun yozma ruxsat olib, Qoraqalpog‘iston
Respublikasining besh ta tumanida tajriba sinovlardan oldin, o‘quvchilarning bilim darajasini tekshirish
bo‘yicha grammatikaga doir mashqlar va yigirma ta savoldan tashkil topgan so‘rovnomalarni to‘ldirib
berishlarini so‘radik. O‘quvchilarga ta‘lim beradigan ingliz tili muallimlarining ham fikrlari biz uchun
qiziq bo‘lganligi va dissertatsiya ishimizga aloqasi bo‘lganligi sababli ham ulardan ham anketalar olindi.
Umumiy hisobda 6 ta maktab, 19 ta sinf, 426 ta o‘quvchi va 32 ta o‘qituvchi qatnashdi. A2 darajali
o‘quvchilar 5-9 sinflarda ta‘lim olishadi, biz shundan faqat 7-8 sinflarni olishga qaror qildik. Grammatika
qismi 7-8 sinf o‘quvchilaring darslik kitoblarida berilgan mavzulardan berilgan, bilim darajalariga mos
mashqlardan tashkil topgan. O‘quvchilar tajriba sinov ishlarida qatnashayotganlaridan mamnun holda
anketalarni to‘ldirib berishdi. 205 ta o‘quvchi eksperiment guruh, 221 o‘quvchi nazorat guruhlarda ta‘lim

Ingliz tili grammatikasini o‘z ichiga olgan mashqlar kesimida 30 ta savolni o‘z ichiga olgan edi.

O‘quvchilar qay darajada yecha olishgani quyidagi jadvalda ko‘rsatilgan.






Nazorat guruhi

7 %

21 %

62 %

Библиографические ссылки

Solidjonov, D.Z. (2021). The impact of the development of internet technologies on education at pandemic time in Uzbekistan. In Студент года 2021 (pp. 108-110).

Solidjonov, D. Z. (2021). The impact of social media on education: advantage and disadvantage. Экономика и социум, (3-1), 284-288.

Solidjonov, D. (2021). Modern education and useful methods for teaching. Scienceweb academic papers collection.

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