Discursive analysis of political discourse

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Mamirbaeva , D., & Janabaeva, J. (2022). Discursive analysis of political discourse. Renaissance in the Paradigm of Innovations in Education and Technology in the 21st Century, (1), 34–36. https://doi.org/10.47689/innovations-in-edu-vol-iss1-pp34-36
D Mamirbaeva , Nukus State Pedagogical Institute named after Ajinyaz

Ph.D., docent

J Janabaeva, Karakalpak State University named after Berdakh

Second-year MA student



Discourse is defined as a process of real-life communication in which systemic linguistic qualities, degree of spontaneity and completeness, thematic coherence, and clarity for other people play a significant role. It's hard to overlook the fact that human communication is always influenced by the communicants' positions. It is critical that they belong to a social group and speak in a normal manner. Discourse takes into account and reflects the specific circumstances in which and for which it was created: 1) the author's communicative intents; 2) the author's relationship with the addressees; 3) various "important" and "insignificant" conditions; 4) the ideology and stylistic climate of an era in general, the concrete environment, and specific individuals to whom the message is addressed; 5) the genre and stylistic features of the message and communicative situation; 6) associations with previous experience that brought the speech act into orbit (Karasik, 2002). These characteristics and situations, as well as supporting statements and their combination with the appropriate linguistic tools, are used to assign certain categories of discourse.

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Апресян Ю.Д. Экспериментальное исследование семантики русского глагола, М., Наука,

1967, С.187

Бабенко Л.Г. Толковый словарь русских глаголов. Идеографическое описание Английские

эквиваленты. Синонимы. Антонимы, Москва, Изд. Аст-пресс, 1999. — С.237

Лексико–семантические группы русских глаголов//Учеб. слов.– справ./Под общ.ред.

Т. В. Матвеевой. Свердловск, Изд-во Урал. ун-та, 1988 – С.37

Фоменко Ю.В. Семантические классы многоместных глаголов в современном русском

языке, Диссертация на соискание ученой степени доктора фил.наук., Новосибирск, 1984, С.236

Усманова М.Г. Функционально–семантическая классификация глаголов башкирского

языка, диссертация на соискание ученой степени доктора филологических наук, Уфа, 2002.


Mamirbaeva D.Dj.

Ph.D., docent, NSPI named after Ajiniyaz, Nukus, Uzbekistan

tel: +99890 6511155

Janabaeva J.

Second-year MA student, KarSU named after Berdakh,

Nukus, Uzbekistan


Discourse is defined as a process of real-life communication in which systemic linguistic

qualities, degree of spontaneity and completeness, thematic coherence, and clarity for other people play a
significant role. It's hard to overlook the fact that human communication is always influenced by the
communicants' positions. It is critical that they belong to a social group and speak in a normal manner.
Discourse takes into account and reflects the specific circumstances in which and for which it was
created: 1) the author's communicative intents; 2) the author's relationship with the addressees; 3) various
"important" and "insignificant" conditions; 4) the ideology and stylistic climate of an era in general, the
concrete environment, and specific individuals to whom the message is addressed; 5) the genre and
stylistic features of the message and communicative situation; 6) associations with previous experience
that brought the speech act into orbit (Karasik, 2002). These characteristics and situations, as well as
supporting statements and their combination with the appropriate linguistic tools, are used to assign
certain categories of discourse.

Literature Review

V.I. Karasik's classification of discourse is based on the criterion of direction. He distinguishes

two sorts of discourse: 1) personal (personal-oriented), in which the speaker acts as an individual in all of
his inner world's richness; and 2) institutional (status-oriented), in which the speaker acts as a
representative of a given social rank (Karasik, 2000). P. Grays, J. Austen, J. Searle, D. Gordon, J. Lakoff,
N. I. Formanovskaya, and V. S. Kubryakova all accept a similar distinction between personal and
institutional speech. According to Matveeva, the criterion for classifying a discourse is straightforward:
classification is based on the notions of the addresser and addressee. Communication in the form of
monologue is the initial type of discourse. The second sort of communication is that which occurs within
the context of status and role relationships, i.e. verbal interactions between representatives of social
groups. The institutional discourse is a form of communication that takes place within the context of
status and role relationships. In relation to modern society the following types of an institutional discourse
are allocated: political, diplomatic, administrative, legal, military, pedagogical, religious, mystical,
medical, business, advertizing, sports, scientific, scenic and mass-informational (Karasik, 2000).

Classification of a political discourse

We propose, first and foremost, that we address the characteristics of its discursive content when

referring to political speech as a sort of institutional communication. The type of public institution, which
is defined by a special term in the collective consciousness of the language and generalized in the
fundamental concepts of this institution, in particular, the functioning of political speech as a power,
reveals the specifics of institutional discourse (Karasik, 2000). As a result, political discourse is more than
just a means of communication; it also brings together certain aims and participants. The objective and
participants of a discourse are determined by the type of discourse; for example, the purpose of political
speech is the conquest and derivation of power; and its participants are politicians and society. We
propose that you grasp a set of all key features of a political discourse that are common to all genres of
this discourse and can identify it from other types of conversation under the heading of political discourse

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content. Building a complete and precise system of distinguishing characteristics is difficult because they
form a very flexible frame, the characteristics of which are dependent on the type and specificity of a
particular discourse.

We propose highlighting the most prevalent semantic-pragmatic categories, i.e. inherited qualities

as part of the political discourse, based on the classifications of many writers (Alekseeva, 2001; Karasik,
2004; Konkov, 2011; Hlevova, 1999):

The author's picture

"I think that the single most essential task of any President is to safeguard the American people,"

Barack Obama says in his Future Vision. And I am equally certain that doing so effectively in the twenty-
first century will necessitate a new vision of American leadership and a new understanding of our
national security – a vision that is informed by historical lessons but not constrained by obsolete thinking"
(Barack Obama, 2008).

Ability of the addressee or a factor of the addressee
A discourse's structure presupposes the existence of two roles: the speaker's and the addressee's.

As a result, during the study of a discourse, it is feasible to recreate the mental world of communicants,
details, and a reality evaluation from two perspectives: from the standpoint of discourse creation and from
the standpoint of discourse comprehension. As a result, the ability of the addressee as a discourse
category is one of the most important.

Informational content
This category characterizes all act of communication to a greater or lesser extent, although it is

directly dependent on the communicative aims of a speech. The goal of political discourse and its social
function is to persuade addressees to do politically right acts.

It is a discourse category that denotes the speaker's communicative intent. Any verbal work (from

word to text) is uttered with a specific purpose in mind by the author. This category, like the previous one
in regard to political discourse, is directly dependent on the discourse purpose, which already mandates
rules of linguistic behavior to the addressee. The goal of a political discourse can be to indicate to
addressees the need for action, as well as to estimate. The last component of a political discourse is linked
to the next category.

Emotionality and expressivity
The different combinations of syntactic elements that give concrete discourses and texts, as

creative embodiments of discourses, not only integrity and connectedness, but also an additional
expression, form the basis of this category. In a political discourse, expressional shades can range from
friendly familiar to slightly caustic, depending on the objective of their use for conveying these or those
semantic features, so traditional canons of institutional, i.e. official etiquette of formulations are
frequently ignored.

The term "theatricality" encompasses a combination of political, commercial, and scenic

discourses. Theatricality in a political discourse is linked to the fact that one of the communication parties
- the people - plays the role of the observer addressee, who sees current political events as a certain show
performed for them with a captivating plot and an unpredictable ending. Politicians, when speaking with
one another and with journalists, are continuously reminded of "a spectator audience" and act or "work
for public," attempting to make an impact and "break an applause."

As a result, using a field approach to analyze the semantic-pragmatic structure of a political

discourse allows for the discovery of not only all of the distinctive aspects of this type of discourse, but
also, to some extent, fields of contact with other types of discourse. Because of its goal, the discursive
features field system can assist in identifying features that are in and out of a zone of crossing between
different types of discourse, as well as confirming closer interdependence of types of discourse within
each class assigned according to status characteristics. The interpretation of information in the political
discourse of the mass media is a phenomenon distinct from, say, an incident that cannot be objectively
observed. The human aspect is important.


1. Karasik, V. I. (2002). Yazikovoi krug: Lichnost, kontsepty, diskurs (477 p.). Volgograd: Peremena.
2. Karasik, V. I. (2000). On the Types of Discourse. Language Personality: Institutional and Personal
Discourse (pp. 5-20). Collection of Scientific Works, Change.
3. Konkov V. IActualization of Literary Works in Artistic Communication // The Social Sciences. 2016.
Vol. 11. Iss. 7. Page No.: 1163-1167. DOI: 10.3923/sscience.2016.1163.1167

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4. Barack Obama, (2008). Transcript Of Barack Obama's Victory Speech. November 5, 2008.



Nurumbetova G.A.

PhD, Associate Professor

English Language and Literature Department, KarSU named after Berdakh,

Nukus, Uzbekistan

Atabaeva X.



year student, English Language and Literature Department,

KarSU named after Berdakh, Nukus, Uzbekistan


Epic poems play a vital role in literature, as their functions are to commemorate struggles and

adventures of kings, to elevate the status of the hero among the audiences, supernatural deeds as well as
highly stylized language. This research was conducted in order to investigate if there were significant
similarities and differences between the epic poems «Beowulf» and «Alpamys». It constitutes a relatively
new area which has emerged from the initial analogy of literature and culture of Anglo-Saxon and Turkic
people. The principal objective is comparing the way the heroes defeat enemies, international and
intercultural aspects and perspectives on tranquility as apparently shown in the poems. Findings of this
study revealed that in terms of the settings and verse forms, «Beowulf» consists of 3,182 alliterative lines,
whereas «Alpamys» consists of 17000 lines. Statistically speaking, the results of analyzing the poems
showed the obvious distinctions between the characteristics of the protagonists and antagonists.

Key words

: commemorate, deed, conduct, analogy, alliterative, distinction, protagonist, antagonist.


Эпические поэмы играют жизненно важную роль в литературе, поскольку их

функции заключаются в увековечении борьбы и приключений королей, повышении статуса героя
среди зрителей, сверхъестественных деяниях, а также в высокой степени стилизованном языке.
Это исследование было проведено с целью выяснить, существуют ли существенные сходства и
различия между эпическими поэмами «Беовульф» и «Алпамыс». Оно представляет собой
относительно новую область, возникшую в результате первоначальной аналогии литературы и
культуры англосаксонских и тюркских народов. Основная цель – сравнить то, как герои
побеждают врагов, международные и межкультурные аспекты и перспективы безмятежности и
самообладания, как это явно показано в стихотворениях. Результаты этого исследования показали,
что с точки зрения построения и стихотворных форм «Беовульф» состоит из 3182 аллитеративных
строк, тогда как «Алпамыс» состоит из 17000 строк. С точки зрения статистики, результаты
анализа стихотворений показали очевидные различия между характеристиками главных героев и

Ключевые слова:

память, поступок, поведение, аналогия, аллитерация, различие, главный герой,


In the past few decades there has been a growing interest in the study of analysis epic poetry. For


«A study in comparison and contrast of Iliad and Ramayana» by Dr. Harmik Vaishnav (2019)

«The inductions of the Odyssey and the Aeneid» (1934) published by the Johns Hopkins

University Press

«A comparative study of the Gilgamesh epic and Genesis» (2006) by Nozomi Osanai.
Research on origins and characteristics of poetry has a long tradition. Epic poetry is an ancient

genre of literature and narrates the stories depicting the mammoth deeds of great kings, help from the
Gods, intrigues, fight of ideas and morals, as well as invincible warriors and their feats. The quotation of
a British poet Lascelles Abercrombie (1881-1938) confirms this: «Epic poetry exhibits life in some great
symbolic attitude. It cannot strictly be said to symbolize life itself, but always some manner of life».
Although there are numerous common aspects in epics, conspicuous conflicting ideas of cultures and
raise questions to the rational mind are shown in poems.

This research will focus on a humble endeavor to compare and contrast of the prominent epic

poems: «Alpamys» as a representative of Western literature and tradition and «Beowulf» as a
representative of Old English literature. They are incredible examples of fighting, triumph and glory
stories both of which involved in heroic events, actions of heroes determine the destiny of the nations.
However, the settings and manuscripts of the poems have obvious dissimilarities. Beowulf set in pagan


Karasik, V. I. (2002). Yazikovoi krug: Lichnost, kontsepty, diskurs (477 p.). Volgograd: Peremena.

Karasik, V. I. (2000). On the Types of Discourse. Language Personality: Institutional and Personal Discourse (pp. 5-20). Collection of Scientific Works, Change.

Konkov V. I Actualization of Literary Works in Artistic Communication // The Social Sciences. 2016. Vol. H.Iss. 7. Page No.: 1163-1167. DOI: 10.3923/sscience.2016.1163.1167

Barack Obama, (2008). Transcript Of Barack Obatna's Victory Speech. November 5, 2008.

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