Digital transformation of the education in the Republic of Uzbekistan | Наука 21 века: общество и цифровизация

Digital transformation of the education in the Republic of Uzbekistan

Ubaydullaeva, L. (2022). Digital transformation of the education in the Republic of Uzbekistan. Наука 21 века: общество и цифровизация, 1(01), 114–116. извлечено от


Global changes in society and education that have recently occured in a pandemic due to the intensive use of information and communication technologies suggest a revision of traditional view of education. In the article there revealed one of the relevant management problems - the transformation of higher education in the context of digitalization

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International Conference

Science of the 21st century: society and digitalization

Conference Proceedings. Scope Academic House, January 30, 2021, Sheffield, UK.



Ubaydullaeva L.



Ubaydullaeva Lilia Shavkatovna, Plekhanov Russian University of Economics,

Tashkent Branch (Uzbekistan)

Global changes in society and education that have recently occured in a pandemic due
to the intensive use of information and communication technologies suggest a revision
of traditional view of education. In the article there revealed one of the relevant
management problems - the transformation of higher education in the context of

Key words: higher education, digitalization, transformation of higher education, digital
economy, digital technologies, online learning, educational process.

The education system of the Republic of Uzbekistan is on the brink of qualitative

transformations, without which it is impossible to solve dimensioned tasks facing it. The
development and implementation of a long-term policy for the transformation of the
education system requires international research aimed at the development and
operational clarification of this policy. This becomes one of the important conditions for
the success of this task.

For successful application of reforms in the sphere there adopted the Decree of

the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On approval of the Concept of development


higher education of the Republic of Uzbekistan until 2030” was in October 2019 [1].

The document pays special attention to the organization of educational process in
compliance with international practice of introducing new pedagogical technologies in
education and teaching methods, upgrading curricula and subject programs,
qualitatively updating the educational process with the implementation of modern
forms of education and information and communication technologies, as well as
optimizing the directions of education and specialties, taking into account the needs of
the development of economic sectors, scientific and social spheres, the organization of
student practice at enterprises.

In order to achieve the assigned goal in the State Program “The Year of

Development of Science, Education and the Digital Economy” in 2020 it’s necessary to

create innovative nature, digitization of the education system in compliance with social
and economic challenges and the digital economy.

Digital technologies expansion is contributing to qualitative changes in

manufacturing and in global markets. Natural resources and low-cost labor, which are still
important, are becoming secondary factors of social and economic development in the
context of the transition from mass production of standardized products to the production
of generally available individualized products. It is based on the synthesis of the previously
established material production and digital technologies, which leads to the widespread
use of artificial intelligence methods and the spread of the Internet of things. Smart
products are becoming the norm in a world where intelligent computerized devices
(robots), complexes and networks consisting of them acquire the ability to interact in the
preparation and deployment of automated production processes.

These changes are capturing the education sector as well. Consequently, the

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International Conference

Science of the 21st century: society and digitalization

Conference Proceedings. Scope Academic House, January 30, 2021, Sheffield, UK.


digital transformation of education is considered as an inevitable process of
modification of the content, methods and organizational forms of educational work,
which unfolds in a rapidly developing digital educational environment and is aimed at
solving the problems of social and economic development of Uzbekistan and the
formation of the digital economy.

Accordingly, the next decade should be an era of significant changes in higher

education - the formation of a new middle class for the development of the digital
economy and the reorganization of the educational process based on the use of artificial
intelligence technologies. The reform of the digitalization of education presupposes
equipping educational institutions with modern technology, namely, computers with
the ability to connect to the Internet, information systems that allow access to
educational resources, the results of modern scientific research and development,
electronic scientific libraries in various languages of the world.

The COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic has affected education systems around the

world, leading to massive school and university closures. Almost all higher educational
institutions of the Republic of Uzbekistan proceeded to distance learning from March
16, 2020. Educational policy experts believe that after the end of the pandemic,
educational institutions would not want to completely return to the traditional format
of education. However, we expect to see many problems as well. A significant problem
is the behavior of teachers and managers of educational programs in the context of the
transition to distance learning. For example, according to the research by Bay View
Analytics, there are 1.5 million teachers in the United States, and 70% of them have
never taught in the virtual space.

At the same time, along with the obvious challenges and problems, the new format

of education provides a wide range of opportunities and prospects for changing and
improving educational system for which a critical situation creates forced conditions. The
coronavirus pandemic launched the digital transformation of the educational process and
it is occurring much faster than planned as part of the implementation of the State Program

“The Year of Development of Science, Education and the Digital Economy”. The

digitalization is expressly not the future, but the reality of today.

The introduction of digital technologies (DT) in education has been weakly

associated with the renewal of the organization of the educational process. Most leaders
and educators viewed digital technology as a tool to improve the traditional
organization of an educational institution.

The digital transformation of education is associated with qualitative changes in

educational work. It is necessary to form the ability to live and work fruitfully in the
changing economy, to continue their education throughout their lives for each member
of society. The essence of this change is the use of rapidly developing CTs for a consistent
transition to a personalized results-oriented organization of the educational process [2].

In connection with the transition from the introduction of DT in the educational

process to the digital transformation of education, it is required:

- to change (update) the goals and content of the training;
- to move from teaching and educating the whole class to teaching and educating

each student, changing the organization and methods of educational work;

- to re-examine and optimize used pack (collections) of educational,

methodological and organizational solutions, information materials, tools and services;

background image

International Conference

Science of the 21st century: society and digitalization

Conference Proceedings. Scope Academic House, January 30, 2021, Sheffield, UK.


- to re-examine traditional business processes, including all interested parties in

the work;

- to use the rapidly growing potential of DT, including artificial intelligence

methods, for the mechanization and automation of all types of work with data.

In the process of digital transformation of education, it is necessary to procedure

and distribute new models of the activity of educational organizations, the basis of
which is the synthesis of:

- new highly productive pedagogical practices that are successfully implemented

in the digital educational environment and rely on the use of DT;

- continuous professional development of teachers;
- new digital tools, information sources and services;
- organizational and infrastructural conditions for the implementation of the

necessary transformations.

Thus, the essence of the digital transformation of education is the achievement of

the necessary educational results by the personalization of the educational process
based on the use of the growing potential of DT, including the use of artificial intelligence
methods, virtual reality tools; development of digital educational environment in higher
educational institutions; maintenance of public broadband Internet access, working
with big data. Rapidly developing and low-cost digital devices and technologies make it
possible to widely introduce new models of organizing and conducting educational
work (new pedagogical practices), which previously would be able to occupy a worthy
place in mass education due to the complexity of their implementation by means of
traditional (paper) technologies for working with information.

1. About Approval of the Concept of Development of System of the Higher

Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan till 2030. Decree of the President of the Republic
of Uzbekistan of 29.04.2020 No. UP-5987 URL:

2. Platonova T.E. Problems of introducing digital economy technologies at the

present stage of development of economic education in Russia // Bulletin of the Altai
Academy of Economics and Law. - 2019. - No. 5-1. - S. 116-120; URL:

Библиографические ссылки

About Approval of the Concept of Development of System of the Higher Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan till 2030. Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan of 29.04.2020 No. UP-5987 URL:

Platonova T.E. Problems of introducing digital economy technologies at the present stage of development of economic education in Russia // Bulletin of the Altai Academy of Economics and Law. - 2019. - No. 5-1. - S. 116-120; URL:

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