Role of the quality of education in national economy of the republic of uzbekistan

Kabulov, A., & Sidikova, F. (2022). Role of the quality of education in national economy of the republic of uzbekistan. Результаты научных исследований в условиях пандемии (COVID-19), 1(01), 27–32. извлечено от
A Kabulov, Plekhanov Russian University of Economics

PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, Dean of Economy and Business Faculty 

F Sidikova, Plekhanov Russian University of Economics

 Senior Lecturer, Dean of Digital Economy and Finance Faculty



Quality of education is acquiring primary importance as it is a central problem of education system throughout the world today. Growingaccessibility of higher education contributes to the development and activation of human resources of the country, rise of regions and realization of youth rights to higher education. Therefore, the article shows the reasons that reduce the quality of education, suggests ways to reform and improve a system of higher education in the republic

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Scientific research results in pandemic conditions (COVID-19)



Diameter (Ball size

mm (




The composition of the granules in diameter


2÷3 mass within

mass. %



3÷4 mass within

mass. %



4÷5 mass within

mass. %



Masses less than 2
and more than 5

mass. %



Pellet density


Saturated Density

g / cm




Probable density

g / cm




Actual density

g / cm







The results of the work can be used as a starting point in the design of

equipment and devices used in the processing of used aluminum oxide to
obtain secondary products from it.


Тиллоев Л.И., Дўстов Ҳ.Б. Сариқ мой ва ундан ажратиб олинган

фракцияларнинг сифат кўрсаткичларини аниқлаш // Фан ва
технологиялар тараққиёти: Кимё ва кимёвий технологиялар: Илмий-
техникавий журнал. 2019. №4, 63-68 бетлар.


Н.А.Парпиев, А.Г.Муфтахов, Ҳ.Р.Раҳимов “Анорганик кимё” Олий

ўқув юртларининг кимё ихтисослиги бўйича таълим олувчи
талабалари учун дарслик- Т: “Ўзбекистон” 2003, 504 б

Abror Kabulov , PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, Dean of Economy

and Business Faculty of Plekhanov Russian University of Economics in

Tashkent, Uzbekistan

Feruza Sidikova, Senior Lecturer, Dean of Digital Economy and Finance

Faculty of Plekhanov Russian University of Economics in Tashkent,




A. Kabulov, F. Sidikova

Abstract: Quality of education is acquiring primary importance as it is a

central problem of education system throughout the world today. Growing

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accessibility of higher education contributes to the development and
activation of human resources of the country, rise of regions and realization
of youth rights to higher education. Therefore, the article shows the reasons
that reduce the quality of education, suggests ways to reform and improve a
system of higher education in the republic.

Keywords: quality of education, national economy, educational services,

university, quality assessment, information technologies.

Human resources development is the most important component of

Economic Development Program of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Improving
abilities, knowledge and life skills of labor force through higher education
increases labor productivity, which, in its turn, accelerates the economic
growth of the country. At present, it is necessary to introduce advanced
information technologies into education, without which the development of
digital economy is impossible [3].

As the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Sh.M. Mirziyoyev

emphasized in his Address to Oliy Majlis: “This year we should make radical
turn in the development of digital economy and provide for the development
of the program "Digital Uzbekistan - 2030 " [1]. It is aimed at increasing the
potential of domestic ICT market, digital transformation of public services,
creating favorable conditions for further development and elaboration of
new information technologies and software products, developing human
capital and improving personnel training and retraining in the sphere of
information technologies [2]. Computers and means of communication are
those technological advances that radically change all aspects of human life.
The advent of information and communication technologies marks the entry
of humanity into a new era [4].

At present, Uzbekistan attaches a particular importance to the quality of

education. Therefore, a necessity to find ways to improve it gives an
opportunity to increase the level of training highly qualified specialists. As a
result of such research, the following reasons which decrease the quality of
higher education were identified in the republic.

1. With the collapse of the Soviet Union, teaching staff has practically

remained the same, some of them have left for the countries of near and far
abroad. The proportion of new, young teachers remains low and due to the
lack of teaching experience, they still do not have sufficient qualifications,
which dramatically affects the quality of education.

2. The quality of education at the universities in the regions of the

republic has always been low due to insufficient qualifications of faculty,
material and technical and educational and methodological base, and as a
result, incomparably shorter time for students to communicate with
qualified teachers, lack of high-quality teaching tutorials and textbooks. The

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increase in a number of students of branches and correspondence students
is mainly explained by commercial interests of the universities of the

3. Weak normative and legal support of the quality of education. In

existing legislation there is no any definition of the quality of education. In
Regulation on certification, certification refers to conformity of the quality
of education to state educational standards (SES). However, state
educational standards do not establish clear criteria and mechanisms for
determining the quality of education. There is no single normative definition
of the quality of education, which leads to the fact that everyone
understands it in their own way. All it is a consequence of the fact that
educational policy and educational system do not pay due attention to the
problem of the quality of education.

4. An insufficiently high percentage of graduates possesses knowledge,

skills and abilities which are required by present market living conditions
and, first of all, the requirements of labor market. Many educational
programs need to be adapted and directed to formation of systematic
creative thinking, high information, innovation and digital culture. Many
graduates do not yet have experience of teamwork, do not have skills to
develop and implement real, practically important and significant projects,
and use poorly the increased capabilities of new information technologies.

5. Ineffective system of intra-university education quality control. It

means that students’ knowledge is assessed by same teachers who teach
them. That is, in fact, they put marks on their own. Secondly, the existing
system does not contribute to motivation of teachers, since material and
moral encouragement, their career does not depend on quality of knowledge
of the students they teach. Thirdly, each teacher has his own scale of
education quality, which leads to the lack of single measure in measuring the
quality of education. Therefore, the mark “3” of one university may be better
than the mark “5” of another university. In the absence of single measure to
assess the quality of education, the meaning of the concept of “quality of
education” is generally lost. In addition, it becomes unprofitable for
university teachers to tighten requirements for the quality of students'
knowledge, because a large dropout of students leads to decrease in
financial income. This is especially true for contract students, branch and
correspondence students.

6. Poor quality in formation of "raw materials" implies admission to the

first year of applicants. The main reason for this is inefficient work of
schools, lyceums, colleges due to a number of objective and subjective
reasons. Currently, in Uzbekistan it is possible to enter universities by
paying for a “super contract”, which leads to the fact that applicants who do
not have sufficient basic knowledge enter universities and it leads to the fact

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that students with different level of knowledge study in one group. Teachers
have to rely on knowledge of these students, giving less time to gifted
students, due to its lack. The question arises, but how can a high-quality
product be made from “bad raw materials”?

7. Most universities of the republic are extremely slowly changing in

accordance with the requirements of labor market. Many universities have
not yet formulated their mission, which is very important in education. But
one of the main requirements of modern educational management is the
presence of clear and pure mission formulated on the basis of the analysis
of social order (employers, the state, local community, etc.).

8. An imperfect system of state quality control of higher education,

which is carried out in the form of certification. There is no single measure
and mechanism for objective measurement of the quality of education. Each
certification committee interprets the quality of education in its own way.

9. Insufficient motivation of students to obtain qualitative education.

The reasons for this were laid back in the past, when all university graduates
were guaranteed to be provided with work and opportunity to make a
career. The diploma guaranteed employment and, unfortunately, often
became an end in itself. This, in its turn, gave rise to corruption in admission
to universities and studying in it as well. Nowadays, these processes are also
revealed and, ultimately, the quality of education remains at the wrong level.

10. Inadequate funding, as it is well known that qualitative education is


This analysis is not certainly exhaustive and objective from the author

point of view and requires discussion, additions, corrections for above
proposed reasons for improving the quality of education at the universities
of the Republic of Uzbekistan, but, it seems, will improve the quality of
higher education in the country.

At present, Uzbekistan should implement the most effective

mechanisms for reproducing social and political structure of the state and
qualitative growth of the workforce, while taking into account the provision
of conditions for progressive development of national economy. Improving
the quality of education in Uzbekistan and its role in market transformation
of the society is today a central problem of education system in the republic.
Only high qualitative education can be a decisive factor in sustainable
development of the country. In this regard, the problems of the quality of
higher education in the Republic of Uzbekistan should be carefully analyzed.

The name of the year proposed by the President of the Republic of

Uzbekistan will undoubtedly contribute to this: “The Year of Science,
Education and Development of Digital Economy” [1]. Therefore, in the
context of the reform of higher education in the republic, one of the
important components of improving the quality of higher economic

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education is educational and methodological work, as well as development
of pedagogical and information technologies, the work on formation and
integration of new-generation educational and methodological complexes,
development of digitalization in all sectors of economy, and , of course,

Quality is understood as a totality of properties of the object to satisfy

certain needs. We can say that the quality of education is an ego of a set of
characteristics of professional consciousness that determine the ability of
specialist to carry out successfully professional activities in accordance with
the requirements of economy on modern stage of development. There are
various factors that hold the education system closer to international
standards. In particular, there is no single system for ensuring the quality of
education and a system that motivates universities to implement principles
of achieving and improving continuously the quality of their work.

The urgency of the problem of assessing and managing the quality of

education is explained by the fact that over the past decade, higher
education has become widespread that arose growing concern for the
quality and efficiency of educational process.

Important documents on reforming education, adopted recently at the

highest state level in our country touch upon the problem of improving
quality, as one of priority ones.

Today, all educational institutions, all teachers, clients, students,

graduate students and consumers stand for the quality of education. But
each category has its own concept of quality. As a result, we have various
factors that stop approaching educational system to international standards.
In particular, there is no single system for ensuring the quality of education
and a system that motivates universities to implement principles of
achieving and improving continuously the quality of their work.

Recognizing the fact that high-quality of higher education is the main

component of the life of the country and economic well-being, strategic
solution to the problems of the quality of education is an important step in
meeting growing demand of individuals, society and a state for high-quality
of higher education. It should be noted here that throughout the entire
period of the work at the university, employees and teaching staff should be
active and enthusiastic in improving work, which is the key to the quality of
the university. We should look for new ways to provide educational services
not because the old ones are bad or problematic, but just because there may
be better ways to improve the quality of education.

Thus, improving the quality of higher professional education, today, is

seen as a comprehensive State Program requiring the effectiveness of
teaching, research and management activities.

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Scientific research results in pandemic conditions (COVID-19)


1. Address of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat

Mirziyoyev to Oliy Majlis . The newspaper "Narodnoe slovo" of January 24,
2020 URL :

https : // nrm . uz / contentf ? doc = 409961

2. Abdurakhmanov K.Kh. “Digital Uzbekistan - 2030” will lead out of the

laggards. Newspaper "Narodnoe slovo" № 74 (7545) of April 10, 2020

3. Digital economy: features and development trends / Access mode:


4. Nematov J. A., Enikeeva A. G. Information technology in higher

educational institution // Scientific and methodical electronic journal
"Concept". - 2017. - T. 14. - p.192-195. - URL: http://e-

Bekov Ikhtiyor, Candidate of legal sciences, Associate Professor, Tashkent

State Law University, Uzbekistan



I. Bekov

Abstract: This article analyzes the activities and working methods of

world parliaments during the coronavirus pandemic, as well as materials
collected by the Inter-Parliamentary Union. The activities of the chambers
of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan during a pandemic with
specific examples are disclosed. The article concludes relevant proposals for
amending legislation to improve the activities of the chambers and
structures of the Oliy Majlis during a pandemic.

Keywords: Covid-19, pandemic, Inter-Parliamentary Union, parliament,

Oliy Majlis, plenary meeting, fractions, committees, Kengash chambers,
remote work, rule of procedures.

It is no secret that the threat of coronavirus has already reached the

world, with the exception of a few countries, and is one of the main problems
on the agenda. Whether it is an epidemic or a pandemic, it is only natural
that the parliament should continue to function, especially if it is within its
jurisdiction. Well, the question naturally arises as to how parliaments work
in such a situation.

Parliaments around the world have been forced to change their

procedures in response to the new situation caused by the Covid-19
pandemic. They changed the procedures and forms of voting, plenary

Библиографические ссылки

Address of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev to Oliy Majlis . The newspaper "Narodnoe slovo" of January 24, 2020 URL : https : // nrm . uz / contentf ? doc — 409961

Abdurakhmanov K.Kh. "Digital Uzbekistan - 2030” will lead out of the laggards. Newspaper "Narodnoe slovo" № 74 (7545) of April 10, 2020

Digital economy: features and development trends / Access mode: http://investin,com/About/Economy.

Nematov J. A., Enikeeva A. G. Information technology in higher educational institution // Scientific and methodical electronic journal "Concept". - 2017. - T. 14. - p.192-195. - URL:

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