Procedural aspects for the study of the defendant

Rakhimov, Y. (2022). Procedural aspects for the study of the defendant. Результаты научных исследований в условиях пандемии (COVID-19), 1(02), 113–116. извлечено от
Yuldoshali Rakhimov, Andizhan State University

Doctor of Sciences in Law



In this article author paying particular attention to the principles of the psychology of the accused, other researchers also express their views on the technological structure of the person and the role of biological and social factors as well

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Scientific research results in pandemic conditions (COVID-19)


11. Багаутдинов Ф. Н. Ювенальная юстиция начинается с

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знаний в совестском уголовном процессе: дис.... д.ю.н. Львов, 1990. С.

13. Попов А. Н. Правовединие. Производство по делам о

преступлениях несовершеннолетних: Учебное пособие для студентов
всех специальностей и всех форм обучения. Книга 1. Красноярск, 2004.
С. 45.

14. Ўзбекистон Республикаси жиноят-процессуал кодекси. 69-

модда. Ўзбекистон, 2018.

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2010. – 736 с.

Yuldoshali Rakhimov, Andizhan State University, Doctor of Sciences in Law,

Republic of Uzbekistan


Y. Rakhimov

Abstract: In this article author paying particular attention to the

principles of the psychology of the accused, other researchers also express
their views on the technological structure of the person and the role of
biological and social factors as well.

Keywords: procedure, aspect, study, defendant, determine, choice.

The study of the identity of the person being questioned in the initial

investigation will determine the truth of the case, the correct choice of
precautionary meAndijan State University named after Z.M.Boburres, the
use of investigative tactics, the objective examination and evaluation of
evidence, the commission of a crime A.S. Krivosheey is mainly K.K. Based on
Platonov’s opinion, he repeats it in his research.

The scientific material that seeks to unravel the essence of the individual

belongs to other specialists as well. For example, Ya.S. Avrakh believes that
the criminal character consists of a set of qualities formed in the process of
interaction with human society on the basis of a psychological description,
which is a general nriitspial rule, which is considered a social being [1].
However, the individuality of the person is part of this complex, and taking

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it into account, we can shape the person in the desired direction.
Psychological features are manifested only in the dialectical unity of socio-
political and physical features of the individual.

Paying particular attention to the principles of the psychology of the

accused, other researchers also express their views on the technological
structure of the person and the role of biological and social factors in human
formation and behavior in illegal actions. I. Noy, V.A. Shabalin and Yu.A.
Demidov believes that in the study of the identity of the offender, it is
necessary to study the relationship between human behavior, which is
imprinted in the mind at the level of social instinct, and the “program” of
behavior formed in social practice [2].

The author of the textbook “Forensic Psychology” A.V. Dulov [3] also

focused on general issues in the study of the identity of the offender, K.K.
The author of the book “Legal Psychology” V.A. Vasilev "[4] also follows from
these rules.

Thus, the aforementioned and other criminologists, speaking of the

psychological structure of the Person, correctly assess the decisive role of
social factors and point out the importance of biological aspects that affect
the Person's behavior and should be taken into account in its study. In fact,
information about the accused Person allows him to predict his behavior,
which indicates that he has significant tactical significance. Failure to study
the Defendant's Person will result in the conduct of the investigative action.

It allows us to better understand the complex mental world of man, in

particular, the person who committed the offense, to develop more useful
tactics of influencing him in order to correctly identify the causes of his
actions and conduct an objective investigation.

The question of methods of studying the individual is reflected in the

research of many scholars. If the question of the psychological structure of
the person is covered in the rules, it is necessary to rely on the methods
developed by psychologists. The versatility of the individual has been called
upon to apply various methods of studying it in legal psychology. A.R.
Ratinov, in his “Legal Psychology,” . It is based on Platonov's views on the
structure of psychology of the offender. The author of the book “Legal
Psychology” V.A. Vasilev also follows these rules.

Thus, the aforementioned and other criminologists, speaking of the

psychological structure of the Person, correctly assess the decisive role of
social factors and point out the importance of biological aspects that affect
the Person's behavior and should be taken into account in its study. In fact,
information about the accused Person allows him to predict his behavior,
which indicates that he has significant tactical significance. Failure to study
the Defendant’s Person will result in the conduct of the investigative action.

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Scientific research results in pandemic conditions (COVID-19)


It allows us to better understand the complex mental world of man, in

particular, the person who committed the offense, to develop more useful
tactics of influencing him in order to correctly identify the causes of his
actions and conduct an objective investigation.

The question of methods of studying the individual is reflected in the

research of many scholars. No matter how the issue of the psychological
structure of the person is covered, it is necessary to rely on the methods
developed by psychologists. The diversity of the individual has been called
upon to use different methods of studying it in legal psychology. A.R. Ratinov
is also the subject of forensic psychological examination of the peculiarities
of forensic psychology (the level of intellectual development), as well as the
psychological causes of the behavior of the accused, victim and witness.

At present, in the process of forensic psychological examination, an

investigative experiment is often carried out.

It is known that an investigative experiment examines whether person

can accept any facts in a given situation or perform certain actions. This
serves as a method of investigation by the court or investigator to re-
establish the circumstances of the incident. Based on the results of the
experiment and observation, thematic conclusions are drawn. The mental
state of a person and his abilities are determined.

Practical forensic psychiatric examination is preceded by questions of a

purely psychological nature, which can be resolved through psychological
research, including psychological examination. Expert psychologists can be
asked many questions, in particular, related to the understanding of the level
of development of a person's mental feelings, their curiosity, the intensity of
their abilities, and so on.

It should also be noted that the investigation of crimes, in practice, the

examination of forensic psychology is very important and is being carried
out successfully. In his above-mentioned pamphlet, Krivoshey emphasized
the importance of the study of the individual, and argued that the main way
to study it was to use separate investigative actions. It is also important to
study the biography of the individual and to generalize the independent

In his above-mentioned study guide, Dulov summarizes the

observations, laboratory, gibby excrement, and mustak, il gavsifs, and pays
special attention to the conclusions of the activity (product analysis

Determining a person’s psychological characteristics is crucial for the

study of psychological attitudes in the interrogation process. In most cases,
this is a guarantee of the success of the survey. The tactics of the search are
to some extent determined by the characteristics of the person being

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Scientific research results in pandemic conditions (COVID-19)


searched. For example, knowing his profession may have specific
characteristics that indicate how or where he can hide something.

The investigation of the allegations and the information about the

identity of the accused in the previous interrogation are of great importance.
Without information describing the person who committed the crime, it is
impossible to make a lot of assumptions about the nature of the crime. The
practice of the investigation shows that in some cases it would be possible
to make a correct assumption about the form of guilt in this particular case
without a thorough study of the person.

It is safe to say that the data on the suspect in many cases have been

collected and analyzed, that the correct assumptions have been made and
that the investigation is moving in the right direction. Consideration of the
identity of the accused is also necessary when deciding, for example, on the
appointment of an expert examination. If the expert is informed about the
Person to be examined, the conclusions of the examination will be more

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Библиографические ссылки

Кривошеей А. С. Юриспруденция. -Москва: Мысль, 1975. -С.9-6.

Ной И.С., Шабалин В.А., Демидов Ю.А. О расширении научных основ изучения личности обвиняемого. - Тезисы научных информации и лекции по научным и методологическим проблемам юридических наук для вузов. Кишинев, 1963. Подшибякин А.С., Холодный Ю.И. Об уточнении и дополнении объектов криминалистической диагностики // Российская юридическая доктрина в XXI веке: проблемы и пути их решения: Научно-практическая конференция (3 - 4 октября 2001 г.)/Под ред. А. И. Демидова. - Саратов, 2001. - С. 225 - 227.

Дулов А.В., Судебная психология. Высшая школа. Минск, 1975; Порубов Н.И. Научные основы допроса на предварительном следствии. С. 58 - 75. Карнеева 71.М. Тактические приемы допроса

Васильев В.А., Юридическая психология. М., Юрлит. 1991. Криминалистика: Учеб, для вузов. / И.Ф. Герасимов, 71 .Я. Драпкин, Е.П. Ищенко и др. / Под ред. И.Ф. Герасимова, 71.Я. Драпкина. - М., 2000. - 672 с.

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