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Каримова , Н. ., Шамсиев , Ф. ., & Абдуллаев , С. . (2022). ДИСМИКРОЭЛЕМЕНТОЗЫ У ДЕТЕЙ С БРОНХИАЛЬНОЙ АСТМОЙ И ИХ ДИАГНОСТИЧЕСКАЯ ЗНАЧИМОСТЬ. Международный журнал научной педиатрии, (5), 21–24. извлечено от https://inlibrary.uz/index.php/scientific_pediatrics/article/view/12571


Целью исследования было изучить возможные патогенетические механизмы формирования гиперреактивности бронхов при бронхиальной астме, связанные с микроэлементозами. Группу исследования составили 45 детей с бронхиальной астмой. Методами исследования были метод нейтронно-активационного анализа содержания микроэлементов в волосах и метод атомно-абсорбционной спектрометрии сыворотки крови. Состояние гиперреактивности бронхов сопровождалось дефицитом эссенциальных микроэлементов (69,6%) при тяжелой степени бронхиальной астмы, на фоне дефицита селена и цинка (содержание в плазме ниже 0,2 и 0,35 мг/л соответственно), снижением скоростных параметров функции внешнего дыхания.

Похожие статьи

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International Journal of Scientific Pediatrics



Karimova N.I.


, Shamsiev F.M.,


Abdullaev S.K.


1. Republican Specialized Scientific and Practical Medical Center of Pediatrics, PhD,

doctoral student of the department of pulmonology, Tashkent, Uzbekistan.

2. Republican Specialized Scientific and Practical Medical Center of Pediatrics, Doctor

of Medical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Pulmonology, Tashkent,


3. Tashkent Medical Academy, basic doctoral student of the Department of Children’s

Diseases №1, Tashkent, Uzbekistan.

Academic Editor:

Arzikulov A.

Professor, Andijan State Medical














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The aim of the study was to study the possible pathogenetic

mechanisms of the formation of bronchial hyperreactivity in bronchial asthma associated

with microelementoses. The study group consisted of 45 children with bronchial asthma.

The research methods were the method of neutron activation analysis of the content of

trace elements in hair and the method of atomic absorption spectrometry of blood serum.

The state of bronchial hyperreactivity was accompanied by a deficiency of essential

microelements (69.6%) in severe bronchial asthma, against the background of selenium

and zinc deficiency (plasma levels below 0.2 and 0.35 mg/l, respectively), and a decrease

in the speed parameters of the function of external respiration.


Airway reactivity is the most important characteristic

of the functional state of the bronchopulmonary apparatus. Bronchial

hyperreactivity syndrome (BRS) occurs not only in bronchial asthma (BA)

[1, 2], but also in other bronchopulmonary diseases: chronic and recurrent

obstructive pulmonary diseases, hay fever [1], allergic rhinitis, atopic

dermatitis [3]. Violation of metal-ligand homeostasis can indirectly affect

the reactivity of the bronchial tree. In the pathogenesis of the development

of bronchial asthma, the leading role belongs to calcium and magnesium

ions, which are directly involved in the contraction of the bronchi; such

microelements (MEs) as selenium, zinc, and copper affect the processes

of lipid peroxidation and the formation of an allergic inflammatory process

of the tracheobronchial tree, which is the morphological basis for the

development of hyperreactivity [4–9]. Under experimental and clinical

conditions, an important role of ME in the regulation of bronchial patency,

contractility of the respiratory muscles, sensitization processes, and the

intensity of the pathochemical and pathophysiological phases of allergic

reactions has been established [10–12].

Purpose of the study:

to study the possible pathogenetic mechanisms

of the formation of hyperreactivity of the bronchial tree in bronchial asthma

associated with microelement disorders in children.


The study group included 45 children with BA with

persistent changes in bronchial tone. The average age of children was

9,1±0,6 years. The control group consisted of 30 children with no history

of atopic, chronic bronchopulmonary diseases and who had the last acute

respiratory disease for more than 1 month before the study.

When diagnosing BA, the classification adopted by the National

Program “Bronchial Asthma in Children. Treatment strategy and prevention”,

in Russia in 2006, which was supplemented in 2020 by the GINA program.

The basis for the diagnosis were: complaints, anamnesis data, results

of general clinical, immunological and functional research methods.

The trace element status of children was determined at the Institute of

Key words:

bronchial hyperreactivity, microelementoses, bronchial asthma.






published: 30 September 2022


2022 / Issue 05 / Article 04

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International Journal of Scientific Pediatrics



Nuclear Physics of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan

by studying the content of trace elements in hair by neutron activation

analysis and in blood serum by atomic absorption spectrometry. Mild BA

was registered in 15 (40,7%) cases, moderate BA - in 22 (48,2%) cases,

severe BA - in 8 (11,1%) cases. During the allergological examination, food

sensitization prevailed in 36 (82,6%) patients, household sensitization was

in second place in 25 (72,4%) patients, and pollen sensitization was in third

place in 28 (56,5%) patients. Determination of the ME content was carried

out by atomic absorption spectrometry (tested substrate - blood serum)

and by neutron activation analysis (tested substrate - hair). Mathematical

calculations were performed using the Microsoft Excel statistical analysis

package. When working with the database, the arithmetic mean values

and standard errors of the arithmetic means (M±m) were determined. The

significance of differences in the arithmetic means of ranked tests with

a normal distribution was assessed using Student’s t-tests. Results were

considered significant at a significance level of p<0,05.

Results and discussion.

Hypomicroelementoses were found in all

children. In general, there was a deficiency of calcium, selenium, iodine,

manganese, zinc (65 (94,2%), 57 (82,6%), 55 (79,7%), 52 (75,3%), 42

(60,9%) respectively). Deficiencies of molybdenum (24 (34,8%)), chromium

(21 (30,4%)), copper (18 (26,1%)), nickel (17 (24,6%)), iron (15 (21,7%)).

Deficiency of more than four MEs was noted in 33 (47,8%) cases, four

- in 21 (30,4%), three - in 15 (21,7%) cases, none of the children was

diagnosed deficiency of one or two MEs. Hypermicroelementoses were

observed in the majority of patients with HRD (n=66; 95,7%), more often

an increased content of several MEs was recorded: five to seven (n =

27; 40,9%), four (n=15; 21,7%), three (n=13; 18,2%), two (n=13; 18,2%).

The predominant variants were intoxication with bromine (n=48; 69,6%)

and lead (n=36; 52,2%), rubidium hypermicroelementosis (n=22; 31,9%),

zirconium (n=19; 27,5%), arsenic (n=15; 21,7%), nickel (n=14; 20,3%).

Taking into account the high frequency of microelement disorders in HRD,

we analyzed the sensitivity parameters of the bronchial tree depending on

the concentration of essential and toxic MEs. The severity of microelement

disorders differed among «hyper-reactor» children with high sensitivity

of the bronchi to histamine and methacholine and various gradations of

sensitivity (Table 1.).

When studying the correlation interactions of essential and toxic ME

contained in the hair tissue, it was found that in the control group, where the

indicators of both essential and toxic ME did not differ from the values of

the «external standard», a moderate negative correlation dependence was

determined between zinc and selenium (r =-0,41), indicating the strength

of compensatory reactions. A moderate inverse correlation was observed

between zinc and lead (r=-0,51), confirming the competing relationship

between these MEs, and a direct In the group of patients with bronchial

tree hyperreactivity syndrome, a direct correlation between selenium and

zinc (r=0,34) remained, indicating a violation of compensatory reactions;

between zinc and lead, a negative correlation relationship remained (r =

-0,57), and between selenium and lead, the relationship acquired a direct

direction (r = 0,42). Such relationships may reflect a weakening of the

controlling role of selenium in protection against toxic MEs.

published: 30 September 2022

2022 / Issue 05 / Article 04

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International Journal of Scientific Pediatrics




Concentrations of macro- and microelements in the hair tissue of the examined children


published: 30 September 2022

2022 / Issue 05 / Article 04


Control group,

n = 85


sensitivity of

the bronchi,

n = 42


gradations of

the degree of

sensitivity of

the bronchi, n

= 27

Average group


n = 69




Institute for


Studies, Japan,



651,33 ± 277,8

380,94 ± 140,9 460,81 ± 160,4 457,32 ± 138,48



164,53 ± 48,51

160,22 ± 68,1 168,36 ± 50,27 165,12 ± 58,20



188,67 ± 26,48

96,82 ± 25,81* 180,94 ± 41,32 163,33 ± 40,28



1,2 ± 0,15

2,42 ± 0,18

2,58 ± 0,25

2,45 ± 0,16



13,33 ± 4,20

10,0 ± 2,41*

13,8 ± 3,42

13,52 ± 1,95



3,82 ± 0,46

2,65 ± 0,38

2,802 ± 0,66

2,82 ± 0,89



3,56 ± 1,19

4,2 ± 0,84*

1,89 ± 0,89

2,59 ± 1,01



0,68 ± 0,12

0,26 ± 0,12*

0,48 ± 0,14

0,42 ± 0,14#



1,96 ± 0,27

1,50 ± 0,68

1,44 ± 0,55

1,48 ± 0,72



34,83 ± 18,63

50,14 ± 21,20

56,28 ± 18,91

52,78 ± 20,61



0,21 ± 0,04

0,57 ± 0,21

0,59 ± 0,18

0,58 ± 0,17


Note: * — at p < 0.05 (significance of differences in ME concentrations

among patients with high bronchial sensitivity and different gradations of

sensitivity); ## — at p < 0.05 (significance of differences in ME concentrations

among patients with high bronchial sensitivity and the control group)

Thus, a close relationship was found between the studied MEs,

the features of which manifest themselves depending on the ratio of

essential and toxic MEs. In parallel, the content of zinc and selenium

in the blood serum was determined. The choice of these MEs was

due, firstly, to the high frequency of their deficiency in the hair tissue of

children with HRD, and secondly, to their participation in the processes

of lipid peroxidation and the maintenance of a chronic inflammatory

process and, as a result, hyperreactivity of the respiratory tract. Among

the «hyper-reactor» children, the average content of selenium in the

blood serum was 0,228±0,024 mg/l, zinc – 0,561±0,049 mg/l, in the

control group – 0,889±0,11 and 0,888±0,13 mg/l, respectively, p<0,05.

It has been established that the course of BA is the more

unfavorable, the lower the concentration of selenium and zinc in

the blood serum. Thus, in patients with a selenium concentration

of 0,04-0,2 mg/l and zinc – 0,08-0,35 mg/l, the severity of objective

and subjective disorders had significantly significant differences from

similar indicators in children with a selenium concentration of 0,21

–0,75 mg/l and zinc 0,36–0,62 mg/l, р<0,01.

The frequency of BA exacerbations per year and severe forms

of the disease were significantly more common in patients with low

levels of selenium, p<0.01. Correlation analysis of the SCORAD index

with the content of selenium and zinc revealed an average negative

correlation of indicators (r=-0,48 and r=-0,42, respectively, p<0,05),

the most severe course, with complications, was noted in the group

of children with low zinc values (r=0,54). In addition to the correlation

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published: 30 September 2022

2022 / Issue 05 / Article 04

ratios of indicators characterizing the severity of dermatitis and

selenium content in the blood, a moderate negative dependence of

the frequency of exacerbation of BA and the content of selenium in

serum (r = -0,50) was established.

Conclusion. The state of hyperreactivity of the bronchial

tree in children with combined forms of allergy is accompanied

by polymicroelement disorders (deficiency of essential MEs was

detected in 69,6%), which are especially pronounced with high

sensitivity of the bronchi, against the background of selenium and zinc

deficiency (plasma levels below 0,2 and 0,35 mg/l, respectively) and is

characterized by a decrease in the speed parameters of the function

of external respiration.


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Библиографические ссылки

Chernyak B.A., Vorzheva I.I., Sukmanskaya E.O. Asthma. - 2020. - Vol. 1 (31). — pp. 69–77.

Koh Y. Y. Bronchial hyperresponsiveness in adolescents with long-term asthma remission: importance of a Family history of bronchial hyperresponsiveness / Y. Y. Koh, E. K. Kang, H. Kang // Chest. - 2015. - Vol. 124, No. 3. - P. 819-825.

Molokova A. V. Clinical and pathogenetic aspects of hyperreactivity of the bronchial tree in children with atopic dermatitis in combination with bronchial asthma: author. dis. ... Dr. med. Sciences / A. V. Molokova. - Novosibirsk, 2014. - 36 p.

Pavlenko N. S. Clinical, immunological and metabolic features of atopic dermatitis in children with selenium and zinc deficiency: author. dis. ... cand. honey. Sciences / N. S. Pavlenko. - Novosibirsk, 2021. - 21 p.

Mineral homeostasis and respiratory disorders in children with bronchial asthma / T. G. Reshetova [et al.] // Pulmonology of childhood: problems and solutions, no. 2. - Moscow-Ivanovo, 2020. - P. 140–142.

Barbarino F. Zinc and T-lymphocyte subsets in patients with pulmonary diseases / F. Barbarino, E. Toganel, A. Cocarla // Trace Elements in Man and Animals - TEMA - 8 / Eds. M. Anke, D. Meissner, C. F. Mils. - Dresden, 1993. - P. 890-891.

Beasley R. Selenium, glutathione peroxidase and asthma / R. Beasley // Clin. Exp. Allergy. - 1991. - P. 157-159

Richter M. Zinc status modulates bronchopulmonary eosinophil infiltration in a murine model of allergic inflammation / M. Richter, R. Bonneau, M. A. Girard // Chest. - 2018. - Vol. 123 (3 Suppl). — P. 446.

Vural H. Concentrations of copper, zinc and various elements in serum of patients with bronchial asthma / H. Vural, K. Uzun, E. Uz // J. Trace Elem. Med. Biol. - 2020. - Vol. 14(2). — P. 88–91.

Immunopharmacology of trace elements / A. V. Kudrin [et al.]. - M. : KMK Publishing House, 2020. - 537 p.

Rustembekova S. A. Microelementoses and environmental risk factors / S. A. Rustembekova, T. A. Baraboshkina. — M.: Logos, 2016. — 196 p.

Boulet L. P. Physiopathology of airway hyperresponsiveness / L. P. Boulet // Curr. Allergy Asthma Rep. - 2013. - Vol. 3, No. 2. — P. 166–171.

Standardization of tests for the study of pulmonary function / A. G. Chuchalin [et al.]. — M.: Pulmonology, 1993. — S. 60–86.

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