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Mamatov, B. (2022). ИЗУЧЕНИЕ ФАРМАКОКИНЕТИКИ ГЕНТАМИЦИНА У КРЫС ПРИ ЛИМФОТРОПНОМ ПРЕТРАХЕАЛЬНОМ И ВНУТРИМЫШЕЧНОМ ВВЕДЕНИИ. Международный журнал научной педиатрии, (1), 30–40. извлечено от https://inlibrary.uz/index.php/scientific_pediatrics/article/view/7809
Mamatov Baxtiyor Yusupovich, Андижанский государственный медицинский институт

Кандидат медицинских наук, доцент кафедры Анестезиологии-реаниматологии, детской анестезиологии-реаниматологии



Статья посвящена экспериментальному изучению на крысах фармакокинетики гентамицина при лимфотропном претрахеальном и внутримышечном способах введения. Приведены данные о концентрации антибиотика в крови и тканях органов дыхания крыс в динамике, показано, что метод лимфотропного претрахеального введения обеспечивает более высокие концентрации антибиотика в сравнении с внутримышечным способом. Высокую терапевтическую эффективность этого метода удается достичь, благодаря наличию связей между лимфатической системой, а также органами и тканями. Это обстоятельство позволяет доставлять лекарственный препарат к пораженному органу непосредственно. Помимо этого, в случае проведения лимфотропной терапии в очаге оптимальная концентрация лекарственного препарата сохраняется в течение 24 часов. Так что, нет необходимости в частом введении препарата (к примеру, при антибактериальной терапии), можно снизить курсовую и суточную дозы лекарственных препаратов. Лекарственное средство, которое введено лимфотропно, не способно оказывать токсическое воздействие на кишечник, почки, печень, так как в кровь попадает только мизерная часть препарата.

Похожие статьи

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International Journal of Scientific Pediatrics



Mamatov B.Yu.


, Muminov B.E.


, Kuziev O.A.3, Abdullaev A.S.


, Sobirov M.S.


, Ismailov O.A.


, Ergashev Kh.M.



Khasanov Sh.N.


, Atahanova N.S.


1 Andijan State Medical Institute, Andijan, Uzbekistan. Candidate of medical sciences,

professor of Anesthesiology - Resuscitation, pediatric anesthesiology – resuscitation.


2 Andijan State Medical Institute, Andijan, Uzbekistan. Senior Lecturer Department of

Anesthesiology - Resuscitation, pediatric anesthesiology – resuscitation.


3 Andijan State Medical Institute, Andijan, Uzbekistan. Assistant Department of

Anesthesiology - Resuscitation, pediatric anesthesiology – resuscitation.


4 Andijan State Medical Institute, Andijan, Uzbekistan. Assistant Department of

Anesthesiology - Resuscitation, pediatric anesthesiology – resuscitation.


5 Andijan State Medical Institute, Andijan, Uzbekistan. Senior lecturer Department of

Anesthesiology - Resuscitation, pediatric anesthesiology – resuscitation.


6 Andijan State Medical Institute, Andijan, Uzbekistan. Assistant Department of

Anesthesiology - Resuscitation, pediatric anesthesiology – resuscitation.


7 Andijan State Medical Institute, Andijan, Uzbekistan. Assistant Department of

Anesthesiology - Resuscitation, pediatric anesthesiology – resuscitation.


8 Andijan State Medical Institute, Andijan, Uzbekistan. Assistant Department of

Anesthesiology - Resuscitation, pediatric anesthesiology – resuscitation.


9 Andijan State Medical Institute, Andijan, Uzbekistan. Assistant at the department of

Propaedeutic of Internal Diseases.


Academic Editor:

Arzikulov A.

Professor, Andijan State Medical



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28 May 2022


31 May 2022

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The article is devoted to an experimental study of the pharmacokinetics

of gentamicin in rats with lymphotropic pretracheal and intramuscular routes of

administration. Data on the concentration of the antibiotic in the blood and tissues of

the respiratory organs of rats in dynamics are given, it is shown that the method of

lymphotropic pretracheal administration provides higher concentrations of the antibiotic

in comparison with the intramuscular method. The high therapeutic efficiency of this

method can be achieved due to the presence of connections between the lymphatic

system, as well as organs and tissues. This circumstance allows you to deliver the drug

to the affected organ directly. In addition, in the case of lymphotropic therapy in the focus,

the optimal concentration of the drug is maintained for 24 hours. So there is no need for

frequent administration of the drug (for example, with antibiotic therapy), you can reduce

the course and daily doses of drugs. The drug, which is administered lymphotropically, is

not able to have a toxic effect on the intestines, kidneys, liver, since only a tiny part of the

drug enters the bloodstream.

Key words:

gentamicin, method of lymphotropic pretracheal administration,

intramuscular administration, concentration, focus, optimal concentration.




published: 31 May 2022


May 2022 / Issue 01 / Article 04




The issues of prophylactic antibiotic therapy remain

very relevant and far unresolved. Some authors point out the need for

prophylactic antibiotic therapy when the risk of developing a purulent-septic

process is high, S.M. Navashin and I.P. Fomina believe that prophylactic

antibiotic therapy in surgery is indicated in the following cases: operations

in obviously infected areas (on the gastrointestinal tract), general infection

before surgery, weakening of the div’s defenses.

The success of antibiotic therapy depends not only on the activity of

the drugs and the sensitivity of microorganisms to them, but also on the

duration of the preservation of the therapeutic concentration of antibiotics

in the affected tissue and on the path of infection. First of all, this applies

to the lymphatic system [1, 4, 9, 5]. Despite this, in the literature, there are

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May 2022 / Issue 01 / Article 04


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quite rare reports on the content of antibiotics in the lymphatic system of

the organs of the chest cavity, and very few researchers pay attention to

this issue [2, 6, 8]. This state of affairs has its own explanation, connected

with the difficulties of obtaining lymph for research, not only in patients, but

also in experimental animals.

Recommended in clinical practice schemes of intramuscular and

intravenous antibiotic therapy [3,7] do not allow to create a sufficient and

long-term concentration of the drug in the lymphatic system of the lungs

[2, 10].

The question of the spread of antibiotics in lymph nodes regional

in relation to the affected organ with traditional methods of administering

antibiotics. There are only a few reports in the literature on this subject,

although this issue is of fundamental importance due to the fact that it is

the regional lymph nodes that are the first «biological filter» on the path

of the spread of microbes and, under certain conditions, can themselves

become a source of infection.

Among other reasons for the ineffectiveness of antibiotic therapy,

the authors point to the erroneously chosen route of administration of

drugs into the div, as well as their overdose, which leads to a general

toxic and negative effect of antibiotics on individual organs and systems.

Due to the decrease in the activity of antibiotics to achieve a therapeutic

effect in recent years, many clinicians are forced to increase the doses

of administered drugs to a critical level, which leads to an increase in

undesirable side effects, such as allergic reactions, ranging from skin

lesions to anaphylactic shock and occurring from 0,3 to 4,8%. The defeat

of the central nervous system is noted in 1-10% of cases. Often there is

toxic damage to internal organs: liver, kidneys, gastrointestinal tract - in

2.4% of cases, manifestations of «dysbacteriosis» and «superinfection»

[8, 2]. The influence of large doses of antibiotics on the div’s defenses

by inhibiting immunogenesis has been proven [5].

Thus, summarizing the above literature data, we can assume that

among the reasons for the insufficiently high efficiency of antibiotic therapy,

the circumstance is important that with traditional methods of administering

antibiotics, it is often not possible to achieve a therapeutic effect due to the

limitation of the spread of drugs in the affected tissues and biological media

of the div, in particular in the lymph. This causes the lack of sufficient

contact between the antimicrobial drug and microorganisms, which leads

to the emergence of antibiotic-resistant microbes and an increase in

antigenic irritation from bacteria. It is also important that with the above

methods of antibiotic therapy, the drug is quickly excreted from the div,

which obliges frequent injections of antibiotics to maintain their therapeutic

concentration in the blood, tissues and biological media. All this leads to the

need to increase the doses of administered antibiotics and the frequency

of injections, increasing the risk of side effects of antibiotic therapy.

According to a number of authors [5, 2], possible directions in the

search for ways to increase the effectiveness of antibiotic therapy are to

find ways to increase the concentration of antibiotics in affected tissues

and environments, as well as to develop new routes of administration of

drugs (endolymphatic, lymphotropic, regional, et c.), taking into account

the laws spread of infection in the div.

The study of the lymphatic tracts of the lungs, liver, heart, appendix,

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gallbladder in pathological conditions, carried out by the authors [3, 10],

made it possible to identify compensatory changes in the lymphatic system

common to all these organs, despite the fact that these organs are different,

with point of view of blood circulation, systems. With inflammation of these

organs, an active restructuring of the structure of the lymphatic tract

occurs, the degree of which depends on the stage, form and activity of the

pathological process. In the initial period of inflammation, there is a general,

relatively uniform expansion of the lymphatic capillaries and vessels of all

orders with a quantitative and qualitative increase in outgrowths on their

walls. This leads to an increase in the capacity of the lymphatic system

and the creation of conditions for the removal of an increased volume of

lymph. Along with the functional reaction, a regenerative-compensatory

morphological restructuring of the lymphatic system is always found,

which manifests itself in the neoplasm of lymphatic vessels and capillaries,

intercalary lymph nodes. New collector paths of lymph outflow appear in the

form of separate, independent single, atypically located lymphatic vessels.

In this case, the physiological flow of lymph from the organs to the thoracic

duct may change and lymph flow occurs. The formation of lymphatic flow

is important for understanding the mechanisms of endolymphatic antibiotic

therapy. There are new collector ways of outflow of lymph in the form of

separate, independent single, atypically located lymphatic vessels. In this

case, the physiological flow of lymph from the organs to the thoracic duct

may change and lymph flow occurs. The formation of lymphatic flow is

important for understanding the mechanisms of endolymphatic antibiotic

therapy. There are new collector ways of outflow of lymph in the form of

separate, independent single, atypically located lymphatic vessels. In this

case, the physiological flow of lymph from the organs to the thoracic duct

may change and lymph flow occurs. The formation of lymphatic flow is

important for understanding the mechanisms of endolymphatic antibiotic


Collector lymphatic vessels play an important role in limiting

inflammation. And for them, as well as for lymphatic capillaries, structural

and functional changes are characteristic. Already in the early stages of

inflammation, swelling of the endothelium, the opening of interendothelial

connections, and the expansion of the lumen of the lymphatic vessels

due to their overflow with lymph are noted. These phenomena contribute

to the alteration of the vascular endothelium in the form of a catarrhal

process, which leads to activeendothelial cells, which acquire the functions

of macrophages. A number of authors indicate that infection directly into

the lymphatic system contributes to the immune response through the

functional activation of lymphoid tissue [1, 3, 7]. However, under conditions

of increased virulence of microbes, lymphatic vessels are involved in the

inflammatory process with the formation of lymphangiitis. Thus, in the

lymphatic capillaries and collector lymphatic vessels during inflammation,

there is a similar functional response and compensatory morphological


The presentation of the function of the lymphatic system of the lungs

in the dynamics of the inflammatory process would not be complete if we

did not dwell on the role of the lymph nodes. Lymph nodes are a biological

filter. They are located in several orders along the collector lymphatic

vessels, which ensures the obligatory passage of lymph through them,

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and only then the lymph flows into the thoracic duct and bloodstream.

The main part of the lymph from the right and left lungs flows into

the paratracheal lymph nodes, which serve as a rather powerful collector

that receives lymph from the lungs. That is why these lymph nodes

should serve as the place of application of lymphotropic regional antibiotic

therapy. In addition, the paratracheal lymph nodes are the most accessible

for regional lymphatic therapy. Thus, the lymphatic system of the lungs is

important in the development and course of the inflammatory response.

The spread of infection along the lymphatic channel dictates the need

for the introduction of antibiotics precisely inlymphatic system in order to

prevent and treat bronchopulmonary bacterial complications.

From the point of view of rationality and economy in choosing the

place of application of microcirculation correctors, antibacterial agents and

in order to create a more pronounced regional tropism, S.U. Dzhumabaev

et al. a method of pretracheal lymphatic therapy was developed, in which

the drug is administered by puncture or catheterization of the pretracheal

tissue on the anterior surface of the neck above the jugular notch. In

experimental studies on the introduction of the dye by this method,

the authors showed that it easily spreads down the fiber, washing the

main groups of lymph nodes that are around the trachea and bronchi.

They also successfully use the method in the prevention and treatment

of postoperative pulmonary complications associated with circulatory

disorders (edema) and inflammation.

However, there are also a number of unresolved issues, in particular,

the pharmacokinetics of antibiotics with lymphotropic administration by

this method has not been studied, there is no data on their distribution in

blood, regional lymph nodes and tissues. The optimal place of the method

of pretracheal lymphotropic administration of antibiotics among the existing

methods has not been finally determined.


Experimental studies consisted of two stages. The first

stage consisted in solving a particular experimental problem. It consisted

of a single administration of gentamicin to outbred white rats by one of

the studied methods - pretracheally and intramuscularly - followed by

a thoracotomy undertaken to remove the organs of the chest cavity,

paratracheal lymph nodes and puncture the femoral vein for blood

sampling. The second stage consisted in determining the concentration

of gentamicin in the blood and removing tissues for the preparation of a


Gentamicin was administered once to rats at a dose of 30 mg/kg.

The experiments were carried out on 50 outbred white rats of both sexes

weighing 190-230 g. Two series of experiments were carried out.

In the first series of experiments, 25 rats were pretracheally injected

with lidase at a dose of 0.1 U/kg to create conditions for lymphotropism. 3-5

minutes after the injection of lidase, the needle was pulled up by 0.5 cm and

gentamicin was administered once at a dose of 30 mg/kg. In the second

series of experiments, gentamicin was administered intramuscularly to 25

rats once at the same dose along the anterolateral surface of the hind

paw. This group of animals served as a control, with the aim of studying

the distribution of gentamicin in the traditional intramuscular method of


To determine the concentration of gentamicin, blood sampling in a

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volume of 1-5 ml and pieces of organ tissues were performed 1, 3, 5, 8, 24

hours after the administration of the antibiotic.

At the specified time, 25 animals were slaughtered in both groups,

from which tissues of the paratracheal lymph nodes, trachea with bronchi,

lungs, pleura and blood were taken.

The concentration of gentamicin in the blood and supernatant of the

tissue homogenate was determined by agar diffusion.


Analysis of the dynamics of the concentration of gentamicin

with a single pretracheal lymphotropic injection at a dose of 30 mg/kg of

div weight showed that the maximum concentration of the antibiotic in

the blood and tissues of the respiratory organs is observed after 1 hour,

as with the intramuscular route of administration, regardless of prior

lymphostimulation with lidase. So, in the blood serum, the concentration

of the antibiotic was 40,9 ± 0,49 mcg /ml after 1 hour, and after 3 hours

it remained at the level of 25,9±0,49mkg/ml. By the end of the day, the

antibiotic concentration decreased to a level equal to 0,036±0,002 mkg /

ml. The concentration area under the curve in this case was 15,2 cm² (Fig.


Fig.1. Dynamics of the concentration of gentamicin in the blood

after a single pretracheal lymphotropic and intramuscular


In the tissues of the paratracheal lymph nodes, the maximum

concentration of gentamicin after an hour was 90,5±12,4 mkg/mg, after 3

hours there is a decrease in the concentration of the antibiotic, amounting

to 56,3±8,4 mkg/mg, then during the day the concentration decreases

evenly, after 24 hours it was 3,6±0,19 mkg/mg. The total area under the

curve with pretracheal lymphotropic injection was 41 cm² (Fig. 2.).

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Fig.2. Dynamics of gentamicin concentration in paratracheal lymph

nodes after a single pretracheal lymphotropic and intramuscular


In the tissues of the trachea and bronchi, the maximum concentration

of gentamicin after 1 hour is 80,3±10,5 mkg/mg, after 3 hours the content

of gentamicin decreases to 72,4±9,3 mkg/mg. During the day, there is a

uniform decrease in the level of the antibiotic and after 24 hours its content

remains at the subtherapeutic level and is equal to 4,9±0,3 mkg/mg. In

graphical analysis, the concentration area under the curve was 47,0 cm²

(Fig. 3.).

Fig.3. Dynamics of gentamicin concentration in the trachea and

bronchi after a single pretracheal lymphotropic and intramuscular


In the lungs with pretracheal lymphotropic administration, the content

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of gentamicin after 1 hour was 102,4±13,3 mkg / mg, decreasing after 3

hours to a level of 53,3±3,3 mkg /mg. During the day, its concentration

decreases smoothly, after 24 hours it was equal to 9,8±0,44 mkg /mg.

With a graphical representation, the area under the curve was 50,9 cm²

(Fig. 4.).

Fig.4. Changes in the concentration of gentamicin in the lung

tissue after a single pretracheal lymphotropic and intramuscular


In the pleural tissue, the antibiotic content after 1 hour was 38,6±3,2

mkg / mg, after 3 hours its concentration decreased to 18,9±0,9 mkg / mg,

and during the day the concentration of gentamicin with both methods of

administration was approximately the same values, equaling 0,58 mkg /

mg after 24 hours with pretracheal administration. In the graphical analysis

of the obtained data, the area under the curve was 13,2 cm² (Fig. 5.).

From the above data of experimental studies, it follows that higher

concentrations of the drug in the above biological substrates are provided

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with the lymphotropic pretracheal route of administration of gentamicin

compared with the intramuscular route of administration. To illustrate

this, we present a table of comparative dynamics of the concentration

of gentamicin in the studied substrates after a single intramuscular and

pretracheal administration in the same dose.


able 1

The concentration of gentamicin in blood serum (mcg/ml) and

tissues (mcg/mg) with a single intramuscular and lymphotropic

pretracheal injection at a dose of 30 mg/kg

Note: v-intramuscular, l-lymphotropic method: *-significantly

different values for the compared routes of administration (P<0.05).

For a more complete and visual representation of the kinetics of the

antibiotic in the blood and tissues, it is advisable to conduct a comparative

analysis of the concentrations obtained with the lymphotropic pretracheal

and intramuscular routes of administration. An analysis of the distribution

of gentamicin in the blood of white rats with various routes of administration

shows that the intramuscular route of administration (traditional) creates

the maximum peak concentration, among other indicators, during the

first hour, but by 3 hours there is a decrease in the concentration of the

antibiotic by more than 2 times from the initial value . And after 5 hours,

the intramuscular method does not provide a therapeutic concentration of

the drug in the blood. If the peak concentration of gentamicin in the studied

media after 1 hour is conditionally taken as 100%, then its concentration

in the blood by the 3rd hour decreased by 57,3%, and by the 5th hour,

amounting to 0,17%, decreased by more than 99%. With the lymphotropic

method of administration, the highest concentration also falls on the period

of the first hour, which indicates a relatively rapid absorption of the drug in

a sufficiently high concentration into the blood, despite the swelling of the

pretracheal tissue created by the use of lidase as a lymphatic drainage

stimulator. The dynamics of the concentration of gentamicin in the blood

after lymphotropic administration after 3 hours decreased by 37,4%, by 5

hours - by 93%, by 8 hours - by 99%. Data on the content of gentamicin

in the blood for both methods of administration after 24 hours are almost

identical. This dynamics indicates that after 5 hours the content of the

antibiotic with the lymphotropic method of administration remains at a

biological substrate

Time after administration (h)










0,41±0,06 0,23±0,02 0,019±0,004


















13,9±1,2* 6,7±1,02*


trachea bronchi in









45,3±2,4* 14,6±0,7*












48,9±0,5* 20,1±1,2*















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subtherapeutic level of 2,9-0,1 mkg /ml, which is 7 times higher than the

corresponding indicator obtained with intramuscular injection. In a graphical

representation, the concentration curve for lymphotropic administration is

smoother than for intramuscular administration. After 24 hours, with both

methods of administration, only “traces” of the antibiotic remain in the

blood, and with lymphotropic administration, it is approximately 2 times

higher than that with intramuscular administration.

And (&) Discussion.

Analyzing the data of experimental studies on

the content of gentamicin in the blood, it can be said that the pretracheal

lymphotropic method of antibiotic therapy using a single dose of 30 mg/

kg in rats provides, compared with intramuscular administration, although

not high, but more stable and long-term maintenance of blood saturation.

Comparison of the content of gentamicin in the paratracheal lymph

nodes with different methods of administration showed that the highest

concentration is created after 1 hour with lymphotropic pretracheal

administration, amounting to 90,5±12,4 mkg/mg versus 35,5±1,2 mkg /mg

intramuscularly. After 3 hours, the content of the drug with intramuscular

injection, amounting to 75% of the peak concentration, respectively, was

lower than the corresponding indicator for lymphotropic administration by

more than 2 times. In the future, during the day, this trend continues, there

is a sharp decrease in the content of the antibiotic when administered

intramuscularly. After 5 hours, it decreases by 3,5 times, and during this

period, with lymphotropic administration, the concentration of the drug is

1,8 times higher than that with intramuscular administration. The content

of the drug in the lymph nodes obtained with lymphotropic administration

after 8 hours is 1,3 times higher than that with intramuscular injection. After

24 hours, the lymphotropic concentration is 2,5 times higher than that with

intramuscular administration of gentamicin.

Thus, lymphotropic pretracheal administration of an antibiotic showed

that this method makes it possible to create in the paratracheal lymph

nodes relatively more and long-term concentrations of the drug, which

remain at the therapeutic and subtherapeutic levels during the day.

As for the pharmacokinetics of gentamicin in the respiratory organs,

in the tissues of the trachea and bronchi in the first hour after lymphotropic

administration, the concentration obtained is higher than with intramuscular

administration by 16,1 mkg/mg (18,7%). After 5 hours, the intramuscular

content of the drug decreases by more than 2,5 times, while it is also

more than 2 times lower than the corresponding content of gentamicin in

the trachea obtained with lymphotropic administration. In the future, the

concentrations obtained with intramuscular injection after 8 and 24 hours

are several orders of magnitude lower than those obtained with lymphotropic

administration. The graphical analysis also shows that the concentration

curve for the lymphotropic route of administration is smoother and more

uniform. The total area of concentration under the curve with lymphotropic

administration is 33,2% higher than that with intramuscular administration

of the antibiotic.

In lung tissues, the maximum concentration after 1 hour with

lymphotropic administration is higher than that with intramuscular

administration by 8,9%, the content of the antibiotic after 3, 5 and 8 hours

with lymphotropic administration is also higher than with intramuscular

administration, respectively, by 21,6, 31,5 and 42,7%. Further, after 24

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hours, the difference in the content of the antibiotic in the tissues of the

lungs with the compared methods of administration is significant. It is

almost 2 times higher with lymphotropic administration of the corresponding

concentration with intramuscular administration. It should also be noted that

after 24 hours, the content of the antibiotic with intramuscular administration

decreases by 18 times from the initial maximum concentration, and with

lymphotropic - by 14,4 times. The decrease in lymphotropic concentration

in the tissues of the lungs, as in other substrates, occurs more evenly and

smoothly than with intramuscular administration.

Analysis of the content of the antibiotic in the pleural tissue showed

that the values of the maximum concentrations are the lowest among

identical ones in other tissues, with the highest value equal to 38,8±3,3

mkg /mg, obtained with lymphotropic administration and 1,6 times higher

than identical with intramuscular administration. After 3 hours, the gap

between the corresponding indicators increases by 3 times. In subsequent

time periods, the indicators are approximately the same. After 24 hours,

only «traces» of the antibiotic in the pleura were determined with both

methods of administration. The total area under the curve with lymphotropic

administration is almost 45,9% more than that with the intramuscular


When comparing the average daily content of gentamicin in tissues

in relation to the content in the blood, it turned out that the indicators

obtained with lymphotropic administration are also higher than those with

intramuscular administration.

Thus, the obtained experimental data proved that relatively high

and long-lasting concentrations in the paratracheal lymph nodes and

respiratory organs are achieved with the lymphotropic pretracheal route

of administration than with the intramuscular route, which undoubtedly

indicates the advantage of this method over the traditional one.

It should also be noted that with intramuscular administration, there

are sharp fluctuations in the content of the drug in the blood, which is not the

case with lymphotropic administration. The relatively low peak content of

gentamicin in the blood with lymphotropic administration, which exceeds the

average therapeutic concentrations, a slow decrease in the concentration

of the antibiotic in the blood can provide a general therapeutic effect. As

for the content of gentamicin in the paratracheal lymph nodes and tissues

of the respiratory organs in rats, high therapeutic concentrations are noted

here with a slow decrease during the day. It is also valuable that with a

single lymphotropic administration of the indicated dose of an antibiotic, its

long-term concentrations are retained in all tissues, which is an important

point in the prevention and treatment of bronchopulmonary complications.

The obtained dynamics of gentamicin concentrations in the studied

substrates allows us to resolve the issue of the multiplicity of lymphotropic

and intramuscular administration of the drug.


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Эффективность применения лимфотропной терапии при лечении пациентов с вторичной лимфедемой челюстно-лицевой области. Возгомент О.В., Надточий А.Г., Сёмкин В.А., Иванова А.А. Кремлевская медицина. Клинический вестник 2021 г. 21-30 стр. https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=46709510

Эндолимфатическая и лимфотропная претрахеальная терапия в комплексном лечении обширных флегмон лицевой области и шеи. Ярема Роман Иванович. Московский государственный медико-стоматологический университет- Москва, 2009.- 121 с. http://www.dslib.net/xirurgia/jendolimfaticheskaja-i-limfotropnaja-pretrahealnaja-terapija-v-kompleksnom-lechenii.html

Послеоперационное ведение больных с сопутствующим сахарным диабетом с позиции клинической лимфологии. В.И. Братко, Е.А. Комбанцев,А.Г. Лысиков https://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/posleoperatsionnoe-vedenie-bolnyh-s-soputstvuyuschim-saharnym-diabetom-s-pozitsii-klinicheskoy-limfologii

«Микрохирургия глаза», ГУ НИИ клинической и экспериментальной лимфологии СО РАМН, Новосибирск. 2005 г. 124-130 стр.

Лимфотропная терапия и лимфопресс. Фомин А. А., Першаков Д. Р. 2017 г Москва. http://obnovleniemc.ru/blog/11-limfotropnaa-terapia-i-limfopress/

Использование монооксида азота и лимфотропной терапии для профилактики гнойно-воспалительных послеоперационных осложнений в урологии. Есипов Алексей Сергеевич. 2020 г


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