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Main principles in organizing the style and formats of syllabus
of an english course in heis
Bunafsha RAFIEVA
Samarkand Branch of Tashkent State University of Economics
Article history:
Received December 2021
Received in revised form
15 December 2022
Accepted 20 January 2022
Available online
15 Fabray 2022
The given article is devoted to understand the importance of
the syllabus of an English course and why this solution can help
students. In particular, a well-defined syllabus can be used in
every course delivered both online or in a standard face-to-face
approach. In this article we will see what the fundamental
information to be inserted into this document.
2022 in Science LLC.
This is an open access article under the Attribution 4.0 International
(CC BY 4.0) license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/deed.ru)
didactic units,
course structure,
course description.
ta’lim muassasalarida ingliz tili kursi sillabusining tartibi
va formatlarini tashkil qilishning asosiy prinsiplari
Kalit so‘zlar
didaktik birliklar,
kurs tuzilishi,
kursning tavsifi.
Ushbu maqola ingliz tili kursi sillabusining ahamiyati va u
talabalarga qanday yordam berishi mumkinligini tushuntirishga
bag'ishlangan. Xususan, aniq belgilangan dastur har qanday
ham onlayn, ham standart yuzma-
yuz o‘qitishda
qo‘llanilishi mumkin.Ushbu maqolada biz ushbu
qanday asosiy ma’lumotlar kiritish kerakligini ko‘rib chiqamiz.
Senior teacher of the Languages department, Samarkand Branch of Tashkent State University of Economics.
Samarkand, Uzbekistan. E-mail: buna_30@mail.ru.
Society and innovations
Special Issue
01 (2022) / ISSN 2181-1415
Основные принципы в организации стиля и форматов
силлабуса курса английского языка в вузах
Ключевые слова:
дидактические единицы,
структура курса,
описание курса.
Данная статья посвящена тому, чтобы понять важность
силлабуса курса английского языка и как результат может
помочь студентам. В частности, четко определенный
силлабус может быть использованным в любом курсе,
проводимом как онлайн, так и в рамках стандартного
очного обучения. В этой статье мы разберём, какая
основная информация должна быть добавлена в этот
When we teach face
face not a lot of problems can appear, however when it
comes to online teaching (Moodle), people not expert in distance learning can
erroneously think that in this approach there is not the possibility for a student to
interact with his/her instructor [1]. If correctly organized, this can be a real guide for our
students independently on the e- course we are considering. Just to better understand
this sentence, these solutions can be used for academic course, professional training, and
lifelong learning activities and, as we know very well in order to understand why the use
of a syllabus is so important.
The gradual development in language teaching theories is inevitably accompanied
by a change in the philosophy, and thus type of syllabus. Likewise, it is worth noting that
SD has a rich history of evolution where any newly coined syllabus in essence is a result
of emergence of a new trend in language teaching/learning [6]. After having established
what to teach, the next phase in syllabus design is a strategy of presentation. The main
aim of organizing a syllabus should be to promote learning and not only provide a
description of the language. The content should therefore be organized in order to
facilitate both learning and teaching. The syllabus could be structured on the basis of a
gradual move from the more general to the more specific, a statement of a general rule to
a statement of specific rules or exceptions, therefore a deductive process. The material
could also be organized in the opposite direction, from the specific to the general, an
inductive process [7].
ANALYSIS AND RESULTS. Syllabus organization
As discussed in introduction, a good syllabus has to be filled with all the necessary
information. This fact can bring us to the mistake to cram it with unnecessary details
creating even more confusion in our students. Unfortunately, there is not a precise recipe
to be followed to prepare a good syllabus. The types of information to be inserted
strongly depend on the course for which the syllabus is prepared. Despite this, we can
define some important fields that must be present and we are going to discuss them just
to understand what is the final philosophy to be followed in order to learn how to
manage this powerful tool [4]. At this point, instead of starting a detailed discussion on
theory of the syllabus
we can perform a practical exercise taking into account the
syllabus developed for English course. As a matter of fact, the syllabus developed for
Society and innovations
Special Issue
01 (2022) / ISSN 2181-1415
this course was prepared with the precise aim to offer a detailed guide for yourself, as
trainers, and we, as authors of these lessons, strongly suggest you to use it in a proper
First of all, in the preliminary part of each syllabus we must insert an intuitive
table in which we report:
the name of the course;
the pre-requisites, i.e. if there are some mandatory (or even suggested) courses
that must be followed before starting the study;
the hours of: lessons, virtual/off line classes and other activities in order to share
immediately the commitment requested;
the hours of suggested self-study;
the name or names of the instructors of the course.
Obviously, in this list, the
hours of suggested self-study
is an indication that
strongly depends on the single student but it is important to give this indication in order
to clearly identify the assigned duties or also to compare the course we are presenting
with others. After this preliminary indication, we can enter into the details of the course
and in particular we have to report:
Course description;
Learning objectives;
Course structure.
As clear, we are now going through the specific structure of the course. Concerning
course description
, we have to report here the final aim of our subject together with the
description of the macro-arguments. Otherwise, for the
learning objectives
, we must
report about the abilities that will be acquired at the end of the course. Obviously, these
objectives must be clearly indicated following the standards defined in the Bologna
process. This assumption is fundamental since only in this way we can have something
that not only is clear but that simply permits a comparison with other courses. The last
item of the previous list,
course description
, gives us a general overview of the
structure of the course indicating the division into modules or didactical units together
with the time commitment of each single part. After this first fundamental part, we now
enter inside the so-called
Topical Outline and Schedule
. As the name itself suggests, we
should include here the real guide for our students in which we leave the general
overview to go through each single argument [3]. As known by any teacher, any course is
divided into modules. For each module we indicated the number of weeks normally
necessary to efficiently acquire the requested knowledge. Obviously, this part of the
syllabus should be divided into section relative to a single module. In every part we
should report, in a sort of tree-logic, the sub-unit, i.e. the lessons of the module, and the
sub-sub-units, i.e. the arguments of each single lesson.
If, as discussed, the number of weeks is only an indication student depending, this
information can be useful to compare different modules with different time indications.
Moreover, always comparing different modules using this time indication, we have a
course that does not consist in a flat structure in which, before starting the study, every
module appears as an identical part of the whole. The last part of the single module table
regards the out-of-class activities and the assigned readings. As clear, we are treating this
part separately from the previous since before we discussed the in-class duties while
now we are treating what the student is expected to study out-of-class.
Society and innovations
Special Issue
01 (2022) / ISSN 2181-1415
Be quiet of an important detail: the
assigned self- study
in this part, which may
include: books, additional materials, websites, papers, etc., is specific for this module.
This means that here we cannot insert the textbooks of the whole course since these
should be reported in the first part relatives to the entire course.
At the end of the syllabus, we can report the instructional material and the
references. Moreover, we also suggest indicating the date of the last revision and,
optionally, the date of the first release of the document [5]. This information is important
for example for courses in which the arguments can change rapidly and the release date
indicates the period we are considering (consider for example a law course in which
there will be changes in the regulation and is fundamental to know at what version we
are referring).
Summarizing what discussed up to now, to have a syllabus able to work as a
complete guide for our students it must include:
a first general part with: general details, objectives, description and structure of
the course;
a detailed part with clear
for each module together with the time
commitment and self-study part.
Obviously, when discussing about a university subject, we can complete our
scheme with some additional details [2]. In this context, preparing a syllabus for an
academic course, we can add also details that are specific for our university or for the
country in which the course is delivered. Just to provide some useful examples we may
Attendance policy;
Student tardiness policy;
Instructional method;
Library information and resources;
Details on final exam and assessment criteria;
Distribution of grade elements.
As written, this is always a not complete list that can be enriched with every detail
important for you or for your students.
In this article we discussed the didactical importance that a well-prepared syllabus
can have for students. As a matter of fact, the need of a detailed guide can strongly
speedup the learning process of our audience defining a clear path and avoiding
confusion before and during the study of a course. In this sense, a well -structured
syllabus can shepherd our students step-by-step proving them a clear learning path
together with suggestions that otherwise they would acquire by themselves with
difficulties. The information present in this article may be adapted for every course and
every possible student and for this reason they have to be taken into
consideration every time we prepare or update our subject.
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