The USA Journals | The American Journal of Social Science and Education Innovations
The USA Journals

The USA Journals

Las Vegas, NV 89107

The USA Journals, a broad-based open access publisher, is derived from two elemental principles: the publication of the most thrilling research as regards the issues of our useful Journals. Secondly, to give a speedy turnover time to review and publish and circulate the articles generously for teaching as well as reference. The USA Journals is an open platform, peer-reviewed and refereed journal published within USA. The major objective of The USA Journals is to give an intellectual platform intended for the international scholars. The USA Journals aims to support interdisciplinary studies within several Journals Given Below and develop into the leading journals in the world.

  • Years of coverage since 2019
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    The American Journal of Interdisciplinary Innovations and Research, a broad-based open access publisher, is derived from two elemental principles: the publication of the most thrilling research as regards the issues of our useful Journals. Secondly, to give a speedy turnover time to review and publish and circulate the articles generously for teaching as well as reference.


    Subject Area

    1. Business Administration
    2. School Of Law & Social Science
    3. Engineering & Technology
    4. Medical Sciences & Pharmaceutical Research
    5. Art & Science
    6. Hospitality Management
    7. Physics & Chemistry
    8. History & Economics
    9. Agriculture & Horticulture Research
    10.Mathematics & Computer Science

  • Years of coverage since 2019
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    The Editorial Board, which is augmented by regional editors in approximately twenty countries, robustly hails contributions globally. It is the express objective of The American Journal of Medical Sciences and Pharmaceutical Research (TAJMSPR) to persuade the prospect of Medical and Pharmaceutical Research and its reception globally by publishing ground-breaking contributions on all facets of Medical Sciences and Pharmaceutical endeavor.

    The journal allows submission concerning to both basic along with clinical research in the field. The journal moreover welcomes short papers, commentaries along with review articles on any theme related to the extent of the journal. The range of the journal includes basic along with clinical medical sciences, surgery, biotechnology, medicine, dentistry, public health, psychology, and associated branches of the allied sciences.

    Medical science covers many subjects that try to explain how the human body works. Starting with basic biology it is generally divided into areas of specialization such as anatomy, physiology, and pathology with some biochemistry, microbiology, molecular biology and genetics. Students and practitioners of holistic models of health also recognize the importance of the mind-body connection and the importance of nutrition. A qualification in Anatomy, Physiology, and Pathology is a prerequisite for many courses that lead to professional qualifications in alternative or complementary medicine. Our distance learning courses which are available via correspondence and online have been designed to supplement learning for those wishing to progress to the study of natural health therapies. Whether you are studying to be a nutritionist, homeopath, or yoga instructor, our courses will provide a high level of knowledge in medical science required for these practices.


    Subject Area

    1. Dentistry
    2. Immunology and microbiology
    3. Madicine
    4. Neuroscience
    5. Nursing
    6. Pharmacology & Toxicology
    7. Psychology
    8. Pharmacy
    9. Radiology & Ultrasound Technology

  • Years of coverage since 2019
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    The American Journal of Management and Economics Innovations is one of the establishing Journal of present-day financial aspects. Since 2020 the Journal has given a stage to high-caliber, innovative financial exploration, procuring overall notoriety for greatness as a general intrigue Journal, distributing papers in all fields of financial aspects for an expansive worldwide readership. The American Journal of Management and Economics Innovations invites entries whether they be hypothetical, applied, or orientated towards scholastics or policymakers. The Editorial Board is drawn from driving global establishments and spread a wide scope of aptitude. Just as giving the peruser a wide range of high-caliber, animating papers the Editorial Board is focused on giving fast input to submitting authors.

    The American Journal of Management and Economics Innovations is a double blinded peer reviewed refereed Monthly Journal that distributes papers on assorted territories of the board, for example, Human Resource Management, Organizational Behavior and Organizational Management, International Business, Knowledge Management, Environmental Management, Data Analysis and Decision Making, Technology and Operations Management, Strategic Decision Making, Negotiations and Competitive Decision Making, Ethics in Management, Corporate Governance, Corporate Social Responsibility, Public Management, Rural Management, General Management, Hotel Management, Intellectual Property Rights, Education Management, Communication Management, Lifecycle Management, Spiritual Management, Tourism Management, Hospitality Management, Leisure Management, Inventory Management, Waste Management, Hospital Management, among others.

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    The American Journal of Agriculture and Biomedical Engineering (TAJABE) to persuade the prospect of Agriculture and Biomedical Engineering and its reception globally by publishing ground-breaking contributions on all facets of Agriculture and Biomedical Science endeavor.

    The journal allows submission concerning to both basic along with Agriculture and Biomedical research in the field. The journal moreover welcomes short papers, commentaries along with review articles on any theme related to the extent of the journal.

  • Years of coverage since 2019
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    The American Journal of Political Science Law and Criminology (TAJPSLC) is a twofold visually impaired friend evaluated global Journal devoted to advancing academic trade among instructors and analysts in the field of governmental issues and law. The Journal is distributed Monthly in the online form by The USA Journals. The extent of TAJPSLC incorporates the accompanying fields: Political hypothesis, political way of thinking, political economy, similar governmental issues, universal relations, legitimate history, lawful hypothesis, worldwide law, established and managerial law, criminal law, contract law, tort law, property law, value, and trusts. Writers are urged to submit total, unpublished, unique, and full-length articles that are not under survey in some other Journals.

    Law and legislative issues are profoundly interlaced. Law is a fundamental device of government activity, an instrument with which government attempts to impact society. Law is additionally the methods by which government itself is organized, directed and controlled. It is nothing unexpected, at that point, that law is a significant prize in the political battle and that law shapes how governmental issues is led.

    The insightful investigation of law and legislative issues is a developing and assorted field. The scope of grant in the territory mirrors the wide extent of issues and questions that are applicable to the field of law and legislative issues and that welcome new and further investigation. The assorted variety of academic enthusiasm for law and legislative issues likewise mirrors the interdisciplinary discussion that the field welcomes.

    Law and Politics makes this progress as another title in the Routledge arrangement, Critical Concepts in Political Science. Alongside another presentation by the editorial manager, the four-volume assortment unites the best of sanctioned and front line works in the field. It gives an exhaustive prologue to the field of law and governmental issues and will remain as a fundamental exploration asset for researchers and understudies the same.

    "We can more readily comprehend the law when we comprehend our networks. Laws show us how to carry on appropriately and educate us regarding the standards we as a whole should follow. So first, we have to realize what law is, who makes the laws, and how laws are made… Imagine that you and your family are plunking down to play a game. To start with, you would need to know the guidelines. Somebody in your family would peruse the guidelines of the game resoundingly. At that point, you would plainly see how to play. The principles, much the same as laws, disclose to us how to play decently and how to ensure that everybody is treated similarly."

    What is Law and Political Science?

    The orders of Law and Political Science are naturally connected and straightforwardly sway each part of our day by day lives. The job and intensity of the constitution and legal executive, human rights and global law, the effect of the EU and Irish law are best comprehended when the two subjects are thought of. This course gives the chance to find out about law and political theory and better comprehend their connection to one another.

    There are numerous zones of covering enthusiasm between the two trains, for example, the interconnectedness between political hypothesis and statute, the job and intensity of constitutions and judges, and the interdisciplinarity of human rights and global law.

  • Years of coverage since 2019
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    The American Journal of Social Science and Education Innovations is an open platform, peer-reviewed and refereed journal published within USA. The major objective of TAJSSEI is to give an intellectual platform intended for the international scholars. TAJSSEI aims to support interdisciplinary studies within Social Science and Education and develop into the leading journal within Social Science and Education Innovations in the world.

    The journal publishes research papers within the grounds of humanities and social science similar to as anthropology, communication studies, business studies, criminology, corporate governance, cross-cultural studies, development studies, demography, ethics, economics, education, geography, industrial relations, history, international relations, information science, law, linguistics, library science, media studies, philosophy, political science, methodology, public administration, population Studies, psychology, linguistics, sociology, social welfare, paralegal, literature, presenting arts (music, theatre & dance), religious studies, visual arts, women studies and many other.

    The journal is published inside online versions.

    TAJSSEI publishes original papers, conceptual framework, review papers, analytical and simulation, case studies models, technical notes, empirical research, as well as book reviews. Special Issues committed to vital topics in Social Science and Education will intermittently be published.

  • Years of coverage since 2019
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    The journal allows submission concerning to both basic along with Veterinary Sciences and Wildlife Discovery in the field. The journal moreover welcomes short papers, commentaries along with review articles on any theme related to the extent of the journal.

    The American Journal of Veterinary Sciences and Wildlife Discovery is an international, evaluated by experts of the journal which publishes high quality, unique research contributions toward scientific knowledge. Every manuscript submissions are the focus to an initial assessment by the Editor, as well as, if found appropriate for more reflection, to peer review in independent, anonymous proficient referees. Every peer review is double blind as well as the submission is online by the use of ScholarOne Manuscripts.

  • Years of coverage since 2019
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    Along with The American Journal of Applied sciences being committed to publishing the scholarly empirical or theoretical research articles having a great impact on the Multidisciplinary Sciences fields, the journal promotes fresh ideas or innovative perspectives on research at hand. All materials submitted to the The American Journal of Applied sciences (TAJAS) is conditional on meticulous peer review utilizing the ‘double-blind’ refereeing procedure. The Editorial Board, which is augmented by regional editors in approximately thirty countries, robustly hails contributions worldwide. It is the express objective of The American Journal of Applied sciences (TAJAS) to persuade the prospect of multidisciplinary sciences its reception globally by publishing ground-breaking contributions on all facets of multidisciplinary Research endeavor.

    The journal allows submission concerning to both basic along with Applied sciences in the field. The journal moreover welcomes short papers, commentaries along with review articles on any theme related to the extent of the journal.

  • Years of coverage since 2019
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    The American Journal of Horticulture and Floriculture Research is an "Open Access" journal which denotes that all content is generously available without any cost to the user or his/her institution. Users are permitted to understand writing, download, copy, share out, print, search, or link to the complete texts of the articles within this journal devoid of asking prior permission from the publisher or the author.

    The American Journal of Horticulture and Floriculture Research is an international, evaluated by experts of the journal which publishes high quality, unique research contributions toward scientific knowledge. Every manuscript submissions are the focus to an initial assessment by the Editor, as well as, if found appropriate for more reflection, to peer review in independent, anonymous proficient referees. Every peer review is double blind as well as the submission is online by the use of ScholarOne Manuscripts.

  • Years of coverage since 2019
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    The Editorial Board, which is augmented by regional editors in approximately twenty countries, robustly hails contributions globally. It is the express objective of The American Journal of Engineering and Technology (TAJET) to persuade the prospect of Engineering and Technology and its reception globally by publishing ground-breaking contributions on all facets of Engineering and Technology endeavor.

    The journal allows submission concerning to both basic along with clinical research in the field. The journal moreover welcomes short papers, commentaries along with review articles on any theme related to the extent of the journal.

  • Years of coverage since 2022
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    Current Research Journal Of Philological Sciences is an open access, peer reviewed, monthly, double blinded, international american journal. we publishes research articles, case reports, review papers etc. All articles published as open access. 

    Exploration researchers, employees and academicians of different orders are welcome to present their novel commitments as unique original copies which will go through quality check prior to being endorsed for distribution. Distributer will advance the distributed articles across internet through various web-based media following the open access guidelines.

    Dependable hotspot for logical data, assets and direction has been the need of the hours for established researchers which is been satisfied by the distributing area. Open access distributing model is extinguishing such necessity pushing a stage forward.

    Philology, traditionally, the study of the history of language, including the historical study of literary texts. It is also called comparative philology when the emphasis is on the comparison of the historical states of different languages. The philological tradition is one of painstaking textual analysis, often related to literary history and using a fairly traditional descriptive framework. It has been largely supplanted by modern linguistics, which studies historical data more selectively as part of the discussion of broader issues in linguistic theory, such as the nature of language change. However, some philologists continue to work outside a linguistics frame of reference, and their influence can be seen in the names of some university departments (e.g., Romance philology) and journals.

  • Years of coverage since 2022
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    CURRENT RESEARCH JOURNAL OF PEDAGOGICS is an open access, peer reviewed worldwide pedagogy international research journal. We publish research articles with all major Indexing’s Crossref DOI Indexing, SJIF, Index Copernicus, General Impact Factor, Google Scholar etc. All manuscript accepted with original research material, IMRaD Format. “IMRaDformat refers to a paper that is structured by four main sections: Introduction, Methods, Results, and Discussion. This format is often used for lab reports as well as for reporting any planned, systematic research in the social sciences, natural sciences, or engineering and computer sciences. CRJP publishes articles monthly.

    Pedagogy is a term that refers to the method of how teachers teach, in theory and in practice. Pedagogy is formed by an educator’s teaching beliefs and concerns the interplay between culture and different ways to learn. In order to help students to build on prior learning, meaningful classroom relationships must exist.

    Pedagogy refers to the study of teaching approaches and how they affect learners. A carefully considered pedagogy is essential in enabling students to learn more effectively and can help them develop high-order thinking skills. There are four common forms of pedagogy: social (education as supporting social development), critical (deconstructing normative perspectives), culturally responsive (encouraging the sharing of diverse backgrounds and experiences) and Socratic (developing intellectual and social skills to live in a democratic society).

    The different pedagogical approaches could be broken into four categories: behaviourism, constructivism, social constructivism, and liberationist.


    Pedagogy is often described as the act of teaching. The pedagogy adopted by teachers shapes their actions, judgments, and other teaching strategies by taking into consideration theories of learning, understandings of students and their needs, and the backgrounds and interests of individual students. Its aims may range from furthering liberal education (the general development of human potential) to the narrower specifics of vocational education (the imparting and acquisition of specific skills).

  • Years of coverage since 2022
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    CURRENT RESEARCH JOURNAL OF HISTORY is an open access peer reveiwed international american journal.

    History is narratives. From chaos comes order. We seek to understand the past by determining and ordering ‘facts’; and from these narratives we hope to explain the decisions and processes which shape our existence. Perhaps we might even distill patterns and lessons to guide – but never to determine – our responses to the challenges faced today. History is the study of people, actions, decisions, interactions and behaviours. It is so compelling a subject because it encapsulates themes which expose the human condition in all of its guises and that resonate throughout time: power, weakness, corruption, tragedy, triumph … Nowhere are these themes clearer than in political history, still the necessary core of the field and the most meaningful of the myriad approaches to the study of history. Yet political history has fallen out of fashion and subsequently into disrepute, wrongly demonised as stale and irrelevant. The result has been to significantly erode the utility of ordering, explaining and distilling lessons from the past.

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