Motivation is a main tool in teaching English

Айметова X. (2023). Motivation is a main tool in teaching English . Современные тенденции при обучении иностранному языку в XXI веке, 1(1), 154–158. извлечено от


The article deals with the problem of motivation: creating sustainable interest towards foreign language learning at medical institute students through positioning the foreign language as a means of communication and learning about the world. In particular, motivation plays a key role in students learning new foreign words, with instrumental and linguo-cultural motivation as the primary driving force for successful vocabulary acquisition.

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Международная научно


практическая конференция

«Современные тенденции при обучении

иностранному языку в XXI веке»



Aymetova Khatira Dadabayevna

Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute Department of Foreign Languages


The article deals with the problem of motivation: creating

sustainable interest towards foreign language learning at medical institute students

through positioning the foreign language as a means of communication and

learning about the world. In particular, motivation plays a key role in students

learning new foreign words, with instrumental and linguo-cultural motivation as

the primary driving force for successful vocabulary acquisition.

Key words:

Key words: integrative and instrumental motivation, intrinsic

and extrinsic motivation, methods of fostering motivation, psychological-

pedagogical peculiarities of teacher

’s work, problematic questions, “home reading”,

fiction, motivational teaching practice, L2 motivational self-system, teacher-student



Today, in the Republic of Uzbekistan a great attention is given to the radical

reorganization of the educational system that will give an opportunity to raise it

to the level of modern standards. New approaches in the system of education also

influenced on the learning and teaching of foreign languages, as language is the

major factor of person

s development.

Presently in the world during the process of globalization, the knowledge of

foreign languages becomes necessary item, as people cannot communicate with

each other without knowing them. Besides, in modern society foreign languages

is becoming an essential component of professional training. Experts in different
fields want to obtain a higher level of language proficiency, because it affects the

successful solution of issues and professional growth. In many fields there is a

need to establish contacts with foreign partners and communicate professionally,


s modern methodology worked out innovative methods which help learners

and teachers to choose the most effective and suitable ones for effective study.

In the contemporary world learning foreign languages has become one of

the most international issues of current importance. Nowadays, much attention is

paid to teaching method, to be more specific, as most learners prefer various

activities in class that lead to their motivation in participation during the study.

The progress in the development of the teaching system depends on

methods chosen by a teacher and especially motivation both of the teacher and a

student. Motivation has a great significance in the process of learning language

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практическая конференция

«Современные тенденции при обучении

иностранному языку в XXI веке»



Motivation is the force that pushes us to do things. It is also an interior

power that triggers, leads, and preserves actions consistently. Motivation is

defined as the desire to engage in an activity out of curiosity, interest, or

enjoyment. Motivation is usually understood to refer to the desire to initiate

learning and the effort employed to sustain it, and in lay terms, we all understand

it to be a matter of quantity, as in the everyday observation that some learners are

highly motivated and others have little or no motivation.

English is today

s lingua franca of medical international communication, the

same as Greek and Latin were in the past; therefore, it is an essential prerequisite

for a medical career, to English-speaking countries. Therefore, teaching medical

English should be adapted in order to meet the specific academic and professional

needs of the students.

Motivation is the thoughts and feelings, which make us, want to and

continue to want to do something and which turn our wishes into action.

Motivation influences: why people decide to do something, how long they want to

do it, how they work to achieve it.

Motivation is very important in language learning. It is one of the key factors

that helps make language learning successful. Key concepts why are you
motivated to learn English? List your reasons. There are several different factors,

which can influence motivation. They include the usefulness to us of knowing the

language well. Many people want to learn a language because it can help them

achieve practical things such as finding a better job, getting a course of study,

getting good marks from the teacher, or booking hotel rooms. Knowledge of

foreign languages is essential to be able to understand better a country

s social

and cultural peculiarities.

Teacher motivation naturally has to do with teachers

attitude to work. It

has to do with teacher

s desire to participate in the pedagogical processes within

the school environment. It has to do with teachers

interest in student discipline

and control particularly in the classroom. Therefore, it could underlie their

involvement or non-involvement and non-academic activities, which operate in

schools. The teacher is the one that translates educational philosophy and

objective into knowledge and skill and transfers them to students in the


Classroom climate is important in teacher motivation. If a teacher

experiences the classroom as a safe, healthy, happy place with supportive

resources and facilities for teaching, for optimal learning, he tends to participate

more than expected in the process of management, administration, and the

overall improvement of the school.

One of the most difficult aspects of becoming a teacher is learning how to

motivate your students. It is also one of the most important. Students who are not

motivated will not learn effectively. They won

t retain information; they won


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практическая конференция

«Современные тенденции при обучении

иностранному языку в XXI веке»


participate and some of them may even become disruptive. A student may be

unmotivated for a variety of reasons: They may feel that they have no interest in

the subject, find the teacher

s methods un-engaging or be distracted by external

forces. It may even come to light that a student who appeared unmotivated

actually has difficulty learning and is need of special attention. Students look to

teachers for approval and positive reinforcement, and are more likely to be

enthusiastic about learning if they feel their work is recognized and valued.


I encouraged open communication and free thinking with my students to

make them feel important. If your classroom is a friendly place where students

feel heard and respected, they will be more eager to learn. A “good job” or “nice

work” can go a long way.

One way to encourage students and teach them

responsibility is to get them involved in the classroom. When we were going over

a reading in class, I asked students to take turns reading sections out loud. I made

students work in groups and assign each a task or role. Giving students a sense of

ownership allows them to feel accomplished and encourages active participation

in class. To avoid monotony, I changed around the structure of my class: Teaching

through games and discussions instead of lectures, encouraging students to

debate and enriching the subject matter with visual aids, showing a movie that
effectively illustrates a topic or theme.

The physical classroom should never be boring. “When will I ever need

this?” This question, too often heard in the

classroom, indicates that a student is

not engaged. If a student does not believe that what they

re learning is important,

they won

t want to learn, so it

s important to demonstrate how the subject relates

to them. I usually tell the students that they may use it in their career. Showing

them that a subject is used every day by “real” people gives it new importance.

They may never be excited about algebra but if they see how it applies to them,

they may be motivated to learn attentively. Visual aids can be a very powerful tool

to enhance the impact of your presentations. Words and images presented in

different formats can appeal directly to your audience

s imagination, adding

power to your spoken words.

In my lesson I used different types of visual aids:

White or black boards can be very useful to help explain the sequence of

ideas or routines, particularly in the sciences. I use them to clarify my title or to

record my key points as I introduce my presentation. However, once you have

written something on the board you will either have to leave it there or rub it off

both can be distracting to your audience. I use a handout if the information is

too detailed to fit on a slide or if I want my audience to have a full record of my

findings. t

A flip chart is a large pad of paper on a stand. It is a very useful and flexible

way of recording information during your presentation

you can even use pre-

prepared sheets for key. Technology ushers in fundamental structural changes

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«Современные тенденции при обучении

иностранному языку в XXI веке»


that can be integral to achieving significant improvements in productivity. Used

to support both teaching and learning, technology infuses classrooms with digital

learning tools, such as computers and hand-held devices; This model links teacher

to their students and to professional content, resources, and systems to help them

improve their own instruction and personalize learning.

While students are busy applying the skills that you have taught them you

need to be mobile and move around the classroom to make sure all students are

keeping on track with what they are supposed to be doing. Take this time to

answer any questions, give the students who may be off a task a gentle reminder,
and scan the classroom to make sure all is going as planned. As you move about

the classroom, ask students critical thinking questions to strengthen their

comprehension skills. Use how and why questions to make sure that you are

meeting your objective.

When you see a student paying attention, working hard, and doing what

they are supposed to be doing to meet your goal, compliment them. Make sure

that all students see you doing this, so they will understand why you are pleased

and in turn try to meet your objective for the lesson in a positive way as well.


Thus, when forming a positive attitude of students to the subject, it is

necessary to take into account the factors emanating from who we teach, how we

teach and what we teach.

Considering motivation as the most important spring of the process of

mastering a foreign language, ensuring its effectiveness, one must keep in mind

the following: motivation is a side of the student

s subjective world, it is

determined by his own motives and predilections, perceived by him needs. Hence

all the difficulties of calling motivation from the outside. The teacher can only

indirectly influence it, creating the prerequisites and forming the foundations on

the basis of which the students have a personal interest in the work.



Allen, V.F. (1993), Techniques in vocabulary teaching, Oxford University

Press, New York.


Brown H. D. Principles of Language Learning and Teaching. 2nd ed.

Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall Regents, 2017.


Buranova D.D. Teaching methods of foreign languages and its relation to

medical sciences Achievements of young scientists in the field of pediatrics Part I

Republican scientific and practical conference Tashkent, 2017 April 39-41.


Buranova, D.D. (2022). Teaching special subjects in English as an

important stage in higher medical education. Педиатрия.


Crookes, G., & Schmidt, R. W. Motivation: Reopening the Research Agenda

// Language Learning. 1991.

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«Современные тенденции при обучении

иностранному языку в XXI веке»



Davletyarova N.I. (2022) System-activity approach in practice of foreign

language teaching Uchinchi Renessans: Ta

lim, Tarbiya Va Pedagogika Respublika

miqyosidagi ilmiy-amaliy anjuman tezislari t


plami 2022. 51-


Djalilova N.D. Teaching Foreign Language Communicative Competence to

Students of Non-linguistic Universities. Scientific journal of the Fergana State

University. Fergana. 2022, 229-233.


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Needs analysis in teaching medical English


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"Педиатрия".№ 1



Talipova Sh.Sh. "Students

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sciences Psychological sciences, Польша, № 10(34) 2019

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гуманитарных наук в медицинском образовании, 1(1), 364



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как эффективный

инструмент для дистанционного обучения в преподавании английского

языка студентам медикам

. in Library, 20(4), 457-

460. извлечено от

Библиографические ссылки

Allen, V.F. (1993), Techniques in vocabulary teaching, Oxford University Press, New York.

Brown H. D. Principles of Language Learning and Teaching. 2nd ed. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall Regents, 2017.

Buranova D.D. Teaching methods of foreign languages and its relation to medical sciences Achievements of young scientists in the field of pediatrics Part I Republican scientific and practical conference Tashkent, 2017 April 39-41.

Buranova, D.D. (2022). Teaching special subjects in English as an important stage in higher medical education. Педиатрия.

Crookes, G., & Schmidt, R. W. Motivation: Reopening the Research Agenda // Language Learning. 1991.

Davletyarova N.I. (2022) System-activity approach in practice of foreign language teaching Uchinchi Renessans: Ta’lim, Tarbiya Va Pedagogika Respublika miqyosidagi ilmiy-amaliy anjuman tezislari to‘plami 2022. 51-

Djalilova N.D. Teaching Foreign Language Communicative Competence to Students of Non-linguistic Universities. Scientific journal of the Fergana State University. Fergana. 2022, 229-233.

Nabiyeva D.R., “Needs analysis in teaching medical English”, Международная онлайн конференция « Наука и образование: актуальные вопросы, достижения и инновации»., 2021,34-36.

Sharipova F.I. (2023) Medical translation today. "Педиатрия".№ 1.257-260. 10. Talipova Sh.Sh. "Students’ self-education and self-development in the study of foreign language means of extracurricular work" Philology Pedagogical sciences Psychological sciences, Польша, № 10(34) 2019, 108-109.

Zahidova M.F. “Development of intercultural communication in EFL classroom through video tasks.” FarDU. Ilmiy xabarlar, No1, 2023, 466-469.

Buranova, Dilafruz. "TEACHING ENGLISH TO MEDICAL STUDENTS: CURRENT TRENDS AND PERSPECTIVES." Philology Matters 2021.4 (2021): 123-135.

Буранова, Д. Д., and Х. А. Лутфуллаева. "Роль социальных сетей в изучении английского языка среди студентов медицинских вузов." МИНИСТЕРСТВО ЗДРАВООХРАНЕНИЯ РЕСПУБЛИКИ УЗБЕКИСТАНА ТАШКЕНТСКИЙ ПЕДИАТРИЧЕСКИЙ МЕДИЦИНСКИЙ ИНСТИТУТ (2002): 254.

Худайбердиев, А., & Гулямов, С. (2023). В основе третьего ренессана наука-просвещение!. Актуальные проблемы обучения социально-гуманитарных наук в медицинском образовании, 1(1), 364-374.

Гузачева, Н. (2020). Технология zoom как эффективный инструмент для дистанционного обучения в преподавании английского языка студентам медикам. in Library, 20(4), 457-460. извлечено от

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