Teaching the english language with modern technologies

Рустамова, З. (2022). Teaching the english language with modern technologies. Современные инновационные исследования актуальные проблемы и развитие тенденции: решения и перспективы, 1(1), 603–605. извлечено от https://inlibrary.uz/index.php/zitdmrt/article/view/5367
З Рустамова, Jizzakh branch of National University of Uzbekistan

Psychology Department, 1st year student



At the present time the study of English is mainly connected to modern technologies, students are also learning new languages and teachers prefer to use new modern technologies in foreign language teaching these days, the reason why almost all language learners are studying easily complex and complicated languages with advanced technologies. Researchers over the past years have proven the positive effects of using information and communication technology in learning. This research work considers the digital nature of modern students associated with educational technologies and their importance in learning English through the medium best known to modern students. A review of related literature with a sole purpose of measuring the recent research trends on the contributions of innovative technology towards English language learning and teaching.

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2.A.B. Antopolskiy , T.S. Markarova , E.A. Danilina Raqamli kutubxonalarni yaratish va

faoliyatining huquqiy va texnologik muammolari. - M.: INITs "Patent" , 2008.

3.Belkova M. M. Ingliz tili darslarida axborot kompyuter texnologiyalari // Maktabda

ingliz tili. 2008 yil, №.

4.Belyaeva L.A., Ivanova N.V. PowerPoint taqdimoti va uning chet tillarini o'qitishdagi

imkoniyatlari // Inostr. Maktabdagi tillar. 2008 yil, № 4.

5.Bershadskiy, M. Axborot kompetensiyasi.//Xalq ta'limi. - 2009 yil - 4-son. - 139-bet
6.Bogorditskaya V.N., Xrustaleva L.V. Proc. Ingliz Tillar: 8 ta katak uchun. maktab

Chuqur bilan Stud. Ingliz Yaz. 4-nashr - M.: 2001 yil

7.Braun, D.R. Axborot savodxonligini rivojlantirish uchun muammolarni hal qilish modeli:

integratsiyalashgan yondashuv.// Maktabda kutubxona - 2006. - № 22 b. 6 - 11

8.V.B. Popov Internet texnologiyalari va ta'limni rivojlantirish Voronej, VSPU, 2001 yil.


Rustamova Z.Z.

Jizzakh branch of National University of Uzbekistan,

Psychology Department, 1st year student


: At the present time the study of English is mainly connected to modern

technologies, students are also learning new languages and teachers prefer to use new modern
technologies in foreign language teaching these days, the reason why almost all language
learners are studying easily complex and complicated languages with advanced technologies.

Researchers over the past years have proven the positive effects of using information and
communication technology in learning. This research work considers the digital nature of
modern students associated with educational technologies and their importance in learning
English through the medium best known to modern students. A review of related literature with a
sole purpose of measuring the recent research trends on the contributions of innovative
technology towards English language learning and teaching.


: Foreign lands, teaching methods, authentic interaction, favourable context,

educational institutions, mode of communication, technological advancements, contributions of
innovative technology.

In this modern world where everything is connected with technologies and internet,

especially learning English. It is not only new technical means, but also a new forms and
methods of teaching, new approach to learning. The main goal that we set for ourselves, using
modern technologies in learning a foreign language it's to demonstrate how technology can be
effectively used to get better the quality of teaching foreign language for students. Technology
has been used to mutually help and progress learning language. Technology continues to grow in
importance as a tool to help teachers facilitate language learning for their learners.

Using technology to connect to foreign lands and display how natives of that country live

allows students to see and experience the language they are learning in an interactive and real
life manner. Technology tools give teachers additional resources to reach learners with different
strengths and needs. It gives learners numerous opportunities to use the language with others to
be able to apply using the language. Following this, the advance of modern technology has
unprecedentedly altered every feature of our life, including education. Governances from around
the globe have secured abundant consequence to technology accomplishment in erudition,
investing considerable funds in education to ameliorate information technology configuration
and systems and also, support increased accsess to educational technology. Obviously, It has
become an irrevocable trend for amalgamate forefront technology in education. It can be seen
that teachers at various teaching levels are required to be qualified in utilizing innovation in

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teaching. On the contrary, investigation has provided that classroom technology unification is
not adequate. In this article, I want to analyzes the theoretical aspects of using advance guard in
English education, the imperfections of the conventional educating methods, and the benefits of
using invention in teaching and learning English as a foreign language.

The evolution of modern technology has brought about abrupt changes in education,

manifested by the fixes in the teaching area, educating conflict, learning form and also go
aheading like this.

It is completely clear to each individual English is used as a second or third language and

for some people the first language. As a number of English learners are growing up, diverse
teaching methods have been experimented to see the effectiveness of English language teaching.
The use of technology in the form of films, radio, TV and tape recording has been there for a
long time. In addition to, the custom of English educating has been acutely changed with
remarkable prosperity of newer technologies like multimedia technology. Likewise, technology
demonstrates several options as it makes teaching engrossing and productive because it has
capability to attract the language learners. Consequently, technology is one of the most
momentous drivers of both social and linguistic modification.

One of the important fact that technology increases the students' possibility for authentic

interaction with native speakers and other language learners at various levels within or outside
the classroom. Practice leads to perfection and technology-rich language learning makes it
permissible. To emphasize, as the popularity of English is expanding day by day and worldwide,
the teachers of English feel the need of change in their language teaching methods. There are
teachers who use the "leading edge og technological and scientific development", but the
majority of teachers still teach in the traditional manner. English is one of the essential mediums
of communication in the world, so it is important to learn the language. With the rapid growth of
science and technology, the use of interactive media technology in language teaching has created
a favourable context for reforming and exploring English language teaching models in the new
age. This trend feautures the use of audio, visual, and animation effects in the English language
teaching classrooms.

Multimedia technology plays a positive role in improving activities and

initiatives of students and teaching effect in the classrooms. In fact, the growth of the internet has
facilitated the upgrowth of the English language. In this sense, computers are no longer the
exclusive domains of a few individuals, but rather they are available to many. As the English
language teaching models change rapidly, there has been a vital growth of literature regarding
the use of technology in English language instructing. Such a tendency has emphasized on an
essential part of technology in pedagogy in which technology has been dominant over the

Some are useful for testing and distance education: some for teaching business English,

spoken English, reading, listening or interpreting. The principle of teaching should be to
appreciate new technologies without taking over the role of the teacher and without limiting the
functions of traditional teaching methods. Most importantly, the new technologies have been
discovered and disseminayed so quickly that we cannot avoid their attraction and influence on all
of us: both teachers and learners, even both native and non-native speakers of English.

Moreover, learners acquire the second language through the understandable input. Just

when the input is comperhensible, can it have a constructive impact on second language
acquisition. Additionally, the incomprehensible input is only noise for learners. Therefore,
making input relevant is benefecial to language acquisition. Modern technology refers to any
technologies that use computers and modern communication means to obtain, transfer, restore,
process and earmark information. As for English education, modern technologies such as
computers and networks are currently being used in classroom for directive in composition,
literature, decoding, reading comperhension, spelling, vocabulary, grammar usage. Nevertheless,
the application of multimedia in English teaching is not as widely used as expected. A reason for
this could be the underdevelopment of technology and immature pedagogy about using
multimedia in teaching foreign languages. For example, multimedia cost is high and not all

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educational institutions can make use of this tool. In addition, many teachers are not trained in
using multimedia to teach English. According to Gong & Zhou, some teachers who have been
aware of the applicability of multimedia teaching tend to focus on the flowery and fancy
courseware and neglect the teaching aim, teaching object and teaching content, so the whole
English classroom would become a demonstrating hall of computer functions.

In conclusion, Internet has connected the world irrespective of time and space. Technology

has influenced how we write, think, and communicate with others. The popularity of quick social
interactions on social media has transformed our communication patterns and gave birth to Text-
speak, which is the main mode of communication of the net-generation. The youngsters cannot
to be blamed for writing in short-hand as they have adapted their writing style to comply with the
word count restrictions. Text speak is now considered a dialect of English language and children
are considered bilingual if they can communicate in Standard English and text-speak. The
concern with short hand writing surfaces when Text-speak infiltrates academic writing and
affects students‘ performance. At the same time, social media has also contributed to the
popularity of twitter/flash fiction. The length of these stories matches the attention spans of the
technology savvy readers. With further technological advancements, we can be sure to see more
dialects and genres formed as a product of necessity.


1. A.S. Drigas, P. Leliopoulos ―The Use of Big Data in Education‖, IJCSI International

Journal of Computer Science Issues, Vol. 11, Issue 5, No 1, September 2014;

2. У.В. Гвозденко, А.А. Ишченко, А.В. Пилипенко ―Болшие данные в системе

образования‖, Международный студенческий научный вестник, УДК 372.853, 2019;

3. J.R. Palmero, E.C. Magana, J.M. Rios-Ariza, M. Gomez-Garcia ―Big Data in Education:

Perception of Training Advisors on Its Use in the Educational System‖, social sciences, 2020, 9,

4. Г.А. Мамедова, Л.А. Зейналова, Р.Т. Меликова ―Технологии болших данных в

электронном образовании‖ Открытое образование Т. 21. № 6. 2017.





Abduganiyev Akhror, Rashid Xudayarov ―Big data types of education system and

opportunities for using them in the field‖, http://ijournal.uz/index.php/jartes/article/view/35.



Рахматов Хайрулла Бозорбоевич

ЎзМУ Жиззах филиали ―Ижтимоий фанлар‖ кафедраси ассистенти

Набиев Шахзод Холмухаммад ўғли

ЎзМУ Жиззах филиали ―Психология‖ факультети талабаси


Мазкур мақолада XIX асрнинг сўнги чораги – ХХ аср бошларида Бухоро

амирлигининг сиѐсий маъмурий бирликлари, аҳолисининг этник таркиби хусусидаги
тадқиқотчининг фикр-мулоҳазалари қисқача баѐн қилинган. Унда асосан Бухоро
амирлигининг маъмурий-ҳудудий тузилиши, аҳолиси, аҳоли таркиби, этник гуруҳларнинг
жойлашган ҳудуди, сўзлашув тили ҳақида сўз боради. Шунингдек мақолада Бухоро
амирлигининг муҳим марказий ҳудуди бўлган Бухоро вилояти маъмурий бирликлари
аҳолиси билан боғлиқ жой номлари ва уларнинг этник таркиби билан қисқача танишиб
чиқиш шуни кўрсатадики, вилоят ўнлаб туман ва бир неча юзлаб қишлоқлардан иборат
бўлганлигига эътибор қартилган.

Калит сўзлар:

Туман, беклик, гузар, жуҳуд, ғайридин, чоржуй, бурдалиқ, термий,

қушбеги, нурота, этнотопоним, яккабоғ, кармана, қарлуқ, арғун.

Библиографические ссылки

A.S. Drigas, P. Leliopoulos “The Use of Big Data in Education”, IJCSI International Journal of Computer Science Issues, Vol. 11, Issue 5, No 1, September 2014;

У.В. Гвозденко, А.А. Ишченко, А.В. Пилипенко “Болшие данные в системе образования”, Международный студенческий научный вестник, УДК 372.853, 2019;

J.R. Palmero, Е.С. Magana, J.M. Rios-Ariza, М. Gomez-Garcia “Big Data in Education: Perception of Training Advisors on Its Use in the Educational System”, social sciences, 2020, 9, 53;

Г.А. Мамедова, Л.А. Зейналова, P.T. Меликова “Технологии болших данных в электронном образовании” Открытое образование Т. 21. № 6. 2017.


Abduganiyev Akhror, Rashid Xudayarov “Big data types of education system and opportunities for using them in the field”, http://ijoumal.uz/index.php/jartes/article/view/35.

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