oʼyinda faol qatnashishiga yordam beradi. Oʼquvchilar uchuvchi, oʼqituvchi, injener, shifоkor, tikuvchi, chet
el kishisi, tarjimon, muxbir, kutubxonachi, hamshira, ruhshunos kabi rollarga kirаdilar.
Oʼzga tilda soʼzlash, bu tildan mulоqot vositasi sifatida foydalanish koʼnikmalari hosil boʼlishi
uchun oʼquvchidа shu tilda muloqot hosil qilish ehtiyoji boʼlishi lozim. Shundagina oʼquvchi oʼz fikrini bu
tilda bayоn qilishga harakat qiladi. Buning uchun zarur nutqiy vaziyat hosil qilish talab etiladi. Masalan,
magazin, bozorga biror narsa harid qilish uchun borgandа chet ellik sayyohlar bilan uchrashib qolish. Bu hol
tabiiy nutq vaziyati deb ataladi. Kishidа muloqot qilishga ehtiyoj tugʼilishi uchun ana shunday tabiiy nutq
vaziyati paydо boʼlishi darkor. Lekin bunday vaziyat faqat turmush jarayonidagi faoliyat bilаn bogʼliq
ravishdagina yuzaga chiqadi. Shuning uchun bizning sharoitimizdа bunday vaziyat sunʼiy ravishdа vujudga
keltiriladi va oʼquv vaziyati deb atalаdi. Oʼquv vaziyatini turli yullar - soʼz bilan tasvirlash orqali, fotosurat,
tasviriy sanʼat asаri yordamida yoki tasvir orqali vujudga keltirish mumkin. Zamonаviy oʼquvchining extiyоj
va qiziqishlarining davr bilan xamnafasligini taʼminlаsh oʼqituvchidan koʼprok yangicha fikr va mushoxada
bilan ish yuritishni talab etmоqda.
Корошева Л.А. «Психологические барьеры и готовность к нововведениям» СПб., 2016, 66 стр.
Хайдаров Ж.С. «Технологии игры в обучении и развитии» М., 2018, 268 стр.
Normatova Mohina
Student of SamSIFL
Scientific supervisor: Axrorova.A.A.
Language learning strategies have often been taught to ESL students to help them become
more effective learners. However, formal strategy instruction has most often been taught to either
intermediate or advanced proficiency students, where English can be used easily for communication, or to
students with the same language background, where the students' native language can be used. The purpose
of this research was to find effective methods for modifying language learning strategy instruction,
specifically in reading and vocabulary skills, in order to make it more accessible and usable for low-
proficiency high school ESL students when the native language cannot be used for instruction. Fifteen high
school ESL students from varying language backgrounds, who were classified as high beginning English
proficiency, participated in this thirteen-week action research study. Lesson plans, anecdotal records, and
unit self-evaluation forms provided information about how instruction was conducted and how students
responded to it. Pre- and post questionnaires were also used to determine if the instruction was effective. The
results of the study suggest that a number of teaching strategies are helpful for making strategy instruction
accessible and usable for low-proficiency ESL students
education, tutorial, methods, strategies, website, internet, slayd show, presentation.
It is true that modern development is based on the integration of the economic, political and socio-
cultural life of peoples. In the context of international globalization, the development of peoples and nations
largely depends on the exchange of knowledge and experience between them. At the same time, language is
an important tool for transferring knowledge. In fact, knowledge of one, two or more languages in addition
to one's mother tongue is an important success factor, which means that one person who speaks one language
is considered a person who speaks two languages.
In general, in encouraging our youth to learn one, two or more of any language in the world, they
should first of all learn English, which today is one of the languages that serve as a bridge to success. Like.
This is due to the fact that most of the knowledge (i.e. content) on the Internet, which is today considered a
modern platform, as well as the most advanced scientific and innovative achievements of our time, is in
So, in this article, I would like to share with the younger generation recommendations on effective
methods of language learning, based on the methods that I have tested in my own experience, and on the
knowledge that I have gained by sharing the experience with a number of my students working
The most important aspect of language learning is the intensity of the process. In particular, it is more
reasonable to aim to learn a language in half a year on a 4-5 hour schedule per day than to strive to learn a
language in 2 hours a week for 2 years. For example, the experience of the Uzbek-Turkish system of
lyceums, which has been operating in Uzbekistan for several years, or one-year intensive Chinese language
training programs in Chinese universities. This means that in these systems, students receive at least 4-5
hours per day of meaningful lessons in listening, reading, writing and speaking, which are key components
of the language.
In today's Internet world, English-language films are another great language learning tool. Now search
engines (Google, Yandex) can find subtitles and full text (film script) of any movie. To do this, simply enter
in the search the title of the movie and the subtitles or text of the movie. So, firstly, it is very interesting and
active to study the text of the movie script (screenplay) with the help of a dictionary, and then watch the
same movie again and again with subtitles. One of them. The same applies to lyrics. Here, watching and
listening to a movie or song over and over creates repetition (repetition is the mother of learning).
Another effective way to learn a language is to use a variety of language resources. Most of the web
resources include lessons in listening, reading, writing and speaking, which are key components of the
language. Their language learning algorithm is also based on repetition. You can try free tutorials for
beginners through this web resource.
From conversations with our students and teachers working abroad, we learn that teaching languages
abroad is based on interactive games between teacher and student or between teams. The main advantage of
interactive lessons is that the student does not get tired of the monotony. Here are some tips on how to sign
up for an interactive language training or make an appointment:
Various online resources are also very useful for language learning or interactive learning for any
other type of science.
Small sports and educational equipment (balls, markers, tape, chalk and blackboard) are also very
effective in making language learning more alive. For example, tossing balls at each other and asking the
children to say one of the words they learned in English class also brings a special mood and excitement to
the lesson.
Organization of group games encourages children to compete with each other and makes them more
active. For example, divide the class into two or three groups, give each of them the words of a whole
sentence written on a piece of paper, and ask the groups who will be the first to form a grammatically correct
sentence from the words on this piece of paper.
In fact, it is not difficult for our English teachers to find ideas for such interactive language classes
(they know how to give the correct search commands in English in search engines). They can easily find
various ideas (keywords (for example): interactive ESL lesson ideas) on interesting language teaching
methods through search engines (Google, Yandex) and apply them in their learning process.
One of the most common mistakes that many of our young people make when learning a language is
that they are ashamed to put the language they are learning into practice and fail to use the learned
vocabulary in conversation. The reason is simple - they are ashamed to be wrong, and this embarrassment is
a psychological barrier to their practical use of the language. Here's a good question for young people: don't
we learn a language so we can actually communicate? Research shows that between 1,000 and 3,000 people
who know and use words in their speech are more likely to be able to communicate in everyday life.
In this free course, Understanding language and learning, you considered the role of language in
learning and started out from the assumption that language, and more particularly, linguistic interaction with
other people, is a key aspect of learning. You also began to develop more critical skills, asking questions
about what we actually mean by language and whether it is possible and necessary to separate out one
language from another. In relation to English in particular, you began to question the extent to which new
forms of English or ‘Englishes’ must begin to be recognized alongside more established ones. The growing
discomfort with established notions of language in general and English in particular has been prompted by
well-documented and intensified global interconnectedness in recent years, leading to increased language
contact and a growing number of English-language users. Such real-world phenomena bring into question
what we mean by English and what we mean by language. For educational practitioners, it raises important
practical questions about the norms according to which students should be taught
Irisqulov A.T. Textbook for general secondary schools complex. Kids ’English Class 1,2,3,4.
Jalolov J.J., Irisqulov M.T. English language curriculum for general secondary schools. Compilers: -
Public education. - №4 - Tashkent, 2013. 44 b.
Madvaliev A. Annotated dictionary of the Uzbek language. Edited by. - T.: National Encyclopedia of
Uzbekistan, 2004. - 571 p.