Semantic features of euphemisms in English and Uzbek languages

Худжаназарова, Х. (2022). Semantic features of euphemisms in English and Uzbek languages. Анализ актуальных проблем, инноваций, традиций, решений и художественной литературы в преподавании иностранных языков, 1(01), 69–71. извлечено от
Хосият Худжаназарова, Самаркандский государственный институт иностранных языков

Факультет иностранной филологии Кафедра английского языкознания 1 степень магистра



The target article presents the semantic features of euphemisms in English and Uzbek languages by the
help of comparative analysis. The concept “euphemism” has not been studied thoroughly in Uzbek language
yet. Especially, while classifying euphemisms according to their semantic and structural features, we will
face up to some challenges in both languages. Therefore, we try to support some valid information by
comparing this phenomenon according to its semantic features

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Yakubovich, Y. O. Journal Homepage:-www. journalijar. com.



Theoretical & Applied Science

, (4), 645-647.


Бахриева, Н. З., & Юсупов, О. Я. (2017). Деловое общение и диалог культур. In



(pp. 10-13).


Khujanazarova Hosiyat Kamoliddin qizi

Faculty of Foreign Philology Department of English Linguistics



course Master’s Degree


The target article presents the semantic features of euphemisms in English and Uzbek languages by the

help of comparative analysis. The concept “euphemism” has not been studied thoroughly in Uzbek language
yet. Especially, while classifying euphemisms according to their semantic and structural features, we will
face up to some challenges in both languages. Therefore, we try to support some valid information by
comparing this phenomenon according to its semantic features.


Comparative issues concerning euphemisms have always been very actual. Nowadays it is important

for translators and interpreters to know specific peculiarities of euphemisms according to their semantic
field. It will remain actual for many years, as language is in progress and new words appear all the time in it.
There are many articles on this topic in linguistics. Along with Western linguists, Eastern linguists are also
conducting in-depth research on this topic.

Language as a means of communication represents social phenomenon. In interpersonal

communication, people swear about certain things, but they can't completely avoid them in verbal
communication. Therefore, the expression of embarrassing, that is, euphemism, came into existence. The
English word "euphemism" is derived from Greek, the prefix "eu" means "good" (good), and the stem
"phemism" means "speech", the whole literal meaning is "words of goodomen "or" good speech" [1]. That
is to say, euphemism is an appropriate form of linguistic expression created by people in social ugly
words with vague, elegant, and eloquent expressions, which avoids hurting others' feeling interaction
for ideal communicative effect. In general, euphemism replaces direct, vulgar, and self-esteem by
speaking directly, and avoids embarrassment. It can be seen that euphemisms are common in various
languages and are widely used in all aspects of life, such as politics, economy, culture, and religion.
Therefore, euphemism is an important part of vocabulary and it is essential to know how to use it among the
public due to its semantic peculiarities.


Dealt with the phenomenon of euphemism each of the linguistic scholars is based on its different

characteristics tried to make their classifications to one degree or another. This is as the case is as
multifaceted as other linguistic units the classifications focus on different aspects of euphemisms and the
results obtained also vary. It is diversity although it may seem contradictory, it actually serves to
complement each other.

On the basis of lexical-semantic relations of euphemistic units types.
Meaningful euphemisms

- Euphemism in the speech layer of language electrically charged wound -

complete with renaming in the sense of organizing methodological information friendship characterized by.

It represents the ethics and aesthetics of the nation, the national spirit, manners and is a delicacy that reflects
the uniqueness of the culture of treatment. The concept of


in the work of art development or

spontaneously formed in different situations and languages. Negative or positive, cultured image speech
differs from comic part speech therefore, in turn, euphemistic information is also divided into several types.
This is an argotic euphemism that is understandable to a large group of people a curse known only to the
participant involved in the vowel, reflecting the insult euphemistic units differ.

Homonymic euphemisms

. Expressing a concept in different ways is, of course, convenient for

speech. However, the Uzbek language has the same euphemistic meaning in different contexts shows how
beautiful it is.

Nega har narsaga yetgan aqling shunga kelganda oqsaydir?” “Why do you have a mind that

does everything is not enough to that.”

[2] The writer has a delicate sense of mental culture indicates that.

Instead of the expression "yetmaydi", the word “oqsaydir” is so much in the same sentence that the speaker
utters from his mouth is no rude attitude.

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Antonymic euphemisms.

Euphemism along with some artistic means, as well as an antonym has not

yet been specifically studied as a linguistic and speech phenomenon.

O’g’lim bugunoq boshingni bog’lab

kelamiz. (E.Turon. “Bu tog’lar ulug’ tog’lar”) “My son, we'll tie your head today”. (E.Turan. "These
mountains are great mountains")



This is the euphemism for tying one's head in a sentence to do ”is an

antonym to the meaning.

Classification of euphemistic devices according to the scope of meaning

Some euphemistic means are used to express only one meaning, the other to express several closely

related verbal meanings used. This makes them monosemantic and polysemantic euphemistic indicates the
possibility of grouping as units.

Monosemantic euphemisms

. Monosemantic euphemisms, only one serves to express the meaning.

Such euphemisms are only a euphemism the nature of the meaning, the scope of the meaning, and differs in
accuracy. For example, the euphemism for death most of the units are stationary and have a different content
does not mean several meanings:

“Ha, Abdunabi Sarroj ham bandalikni bajo keltirdi”. (Мirmuhsin.



Polysemantic euphemisms.

Full polysemantic respondent euphemisms were common. For example,

with the death listed above we observe the same situation in some of the related meanings:


Oradan ko’tar- (yo’q qil, o’ldir)

“ Otabek qizga uylanib qo’ygach, bizning Homid tikanga ag’nab,

oradan Otabek bilan Mirzakarim akani ko’tarish tushkan va bo’lmag’an chaqimchiliklar bilan ularni dor
ostigacha tortishga muvaffaq bo’lg’an..” (A. Qodiriy. “O’tkan Kunlar”)

Oradan ko’tar 2 (taxtdan tushirmoq)

“ Qo’shin Toshkanga yetgan ba’dida bizlar tashqaridan va sizlar

ichkaridan bo’lib Musulmonqulni oradan ko’targaymiz” (A. Qodiriy. “O’tkan Kunlar”)


Metaphorical euphemism

. It suggests something more than the direct conceptual frameworks.

For example, the word


is euphemized as


in both languages. Metaphor in this sense is not

a tool or literary invention but it has been used as an everyday expression. Throughout everydiv's
life, metaphor is convincing, not only in words but also in thinking and practice. A metaphor allows an
unimplied contrast between two different entities possessing at least one similar attribute or feature. We
can also compare an unpleasant to a pleasant or less pleasant one, to be euphemistic.

Metonymical euphemism

. The thing is the place and time of the event renaming on the basis of

dependence is considered as a euphemistic force possible. In particular, euphemisms associated with alcohol
in some it is a migration according to the nature of its creation and using expressions of drugs and poisons
are a clear example of this. They have a wide range of meanings. Description of alcohol, associated with the
character. For example,

Bek ( piyolaga may quyadi): Keling, yig’ingizni tarqatish uchun guldan yasalgan

dori beraman.” (Cho’lpon. “Yorqinoy”). “Mister, (pours oil into a glass): Let's, I'll give you a flower
medicine to distribute.” (Chulpon. "Yorkinoy")



, this is supposed to be general, specific and general. General for specific, for instance,

some citizens voted for Golkar in the general election.


refers to some party that follows in

general elections. And specific to general, for instance,

"Specific becoming a democratic nation is not

only in the hands of government but also in the hands of citizens residing in that community." "In

indicates the control of individual.


. This utilizes dramatic claims to identify the statement (

e.g. waves as high as


from the actual meaning. Additionally, hyperbole (overstatement) can be found in euphemisms

such as a

“flight to the glory”

which means death, villa in a prime location refers to a dilapidated



. It is using the inverse of negative form. Litotes is a type of understatement, often

deliberate emphasize intention. It may also rely, in speech, on emphasized intonation; for instance, the phrase

"not bad"

can be said in such a way as to means anything from

"mediocre" to "excellent".

In another

definition, This type of euphemism is created by replacing a word with the negative expression of its
opposite such as: “

she is not the nicest person I know”

(to indicate meanness), “

he is not exactly a rocket


(to indicate lack of intelligence), “

organizing these records is no small task”

(to indicate

difficulty) [7].

Implicit euphemism.

An insult expressed in the literary text as implicit. There are also curses: “

Qo’lingdan qamchin, belingdan oshpichoq, shopdek murtingning ostidag’i sassiq og’zingdan “
Qizingni...onangni…ota-bobongni…diningni…” degan zikri oliylar doim favvora edi. (А.Qodiriy.



Here is what is very much needed. Implicit the euphemistic means of restored

vocabulary are more common in element finding without realization, the concepts underlying them are
context and intonation (sudden interruption of the tone, pause, stretching, incompleteness, default,
continuity, etc.) in English costs. Because, think about it, the concept to the human mind encourages.
Anyway, there is the idea that the first crack was found, uncomfortable to say, culture because it does not

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conform to speech ethics is given in quotation marks or written in many letters.


The classification of euphemisms allows for a deeper study of its essence, it serves to observe,

to study, to shed more light on the structure of this phenomenon from different perspectives, and the
different classifications. indicate that euphemisms are multifaceted and the product of a complex process.
Euphemistic units are a multifaceted phenomenon, which allows them to be classified differently on the
basis of each sign. After all, individual speech-specific euphemisms are a combination of linguistic and
non-linguistic factors, and only the generalization of the results obtained on the basis of these factors
allows to determine the individual nature of each euphemism, as well as individual idiolect euphemisms.



Allan and Burridge. Euphemisms and dysphemisms: Language used as Shield and Weapon.

Oxford: Oxford University Press. 2006.


A.Qodiriy ” Mehrobdan chayon” T. 2004.


Evril Turon, Emin Usmon, Mamadali Mahmudov “Bu tog’lar ulug’ tog’lar” T. 2013


Мirмuhsin “Qissalar” T.2008


A.Qodiriy ”O’tkan kunlar” T.2004


Cho’lpon “Yorqinoy” T. 2006


Trivers Robert "Deceit and Self-Deception: Fooling Yourself the Better to Fool Others".

Penguin, 2011.


A.Qodiriy “ Mochalov” T. 2006


Қодирова Х.Б. Абдулла Қодирийнинг эвфемизм ва дисфемизмлардан фойдаланиш маҳорати:

Филол.фан.ном .... дисс. – Т., 2012.


Исматуллаев Н. Ўзбек тилидаги эвфемизмлар ва уларнинг классификациясига доир //

Ўзбек тили ва адабиёти, 1964. — № 1. – Б. 57.


HASANOVA, N., ABDUAZIZOV, B., & KHUJAKULOV, R. The Main Differences Between

Teaching Approaches, Methods, Procedures, Techniques, Styles And Strategies.




(02), 371-375.


Shamsiddinovna, K. H., & Shovqiyevna, K. N. (2022). LINGUAPRAGMATIC STRUCTURE OF

COMMAND SPEECHES (on the example of English and Uzbek languages).





(01), 171-173.


Исмоналиева Диёра Махамадали кизи,

Магистрант Национального университета Узбекистана

им. М. Улугбека, Ташкент


: В данной статье рассматривается роль фразеологии в английском языке, то есть ее

принципы и понятия, также тематическая классификация идиом. Основной акцент уделяется
идиоматическим выражениям, которые являются важной частью повседневной речи.

Ключевые слова:

фразеологическая единица, фразеология, идиоматические выражения,

тематическая классификация идиом, идиома.


This article discusses the role of phraseology in the English language, its principles and

concepts, as well as the thematic classification of idioms. The main emphasis is on idiomatic expressions,
which are an important part of everyday speech.

Key words:

phraseological unit, phraseology, idiomatic expressions, thematic classification of idioms,


Фразеология- это один из разделов языкознания, следовательно, ее роль в речи значительна.

Использование фразеологических единиц в речи способствует развития чувства языка, расширению
знания о языке, делая речь образной и экспрессивной. Как в русском, так и в английском языках
фразеологических выражений достаточное количество. Вопросы об истории фразеологии немало
рассмотрены в ряде работ, например, в трудах В.П.Жукова, А.В.Кунина, В.Н.Телина и других
лингвистов, поэтому и определений фразеологии как науки достаточное количество. Рассмотрим
некоторые понятия и определения:


- (греч. Phrases- выражение + logos- учение) наука о сложных по составу

языковых единицах, имеющих устойчивый характер:

вверх тормашками; попасть впросак,

(Розенталь, Голуб 2002).

Библиографические ссылки

Allan and Burridge. Euphemisms and dysphemisms: Language used as Shield and Weapon. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 2006.

A.Qodiriy ” Mehrobdan chayon” T. 2004.

Evril Turon, Emin Usmon, Mamadali Mahmudov “Bu tog’lar ulug’ tog’lar” T. 2013

Mirxiuhsin “Qissalar” T.2008

A.Qodiriy ’’O’tkan kunlar” T.2004

Cho’lpon “Yorqinoy” T. 2006

Trivers Robert "Deceit and Self-Deception: Fooling Yourself the Better to Fool Others". Penguin, 2011.

A.Qodiriy “ Mochalov” T. 2006

Кодирова Х.Б. Абдулла Крдирийнинг эвфемизм ва дисфемизмлардан фойдаланиш махорати: Филол.фан.ном.... дисс. - Т., 2012.

Ю.Исматуллаев Н. Узбек тилидаги эвфемизмлар ва уларнинг классификациясига дойр // Узбек тили ва адабиёти, 1964. — № 1. - Б. 57.

l.HASANOVA, N., ABDUAZIZOV, В., & KHUJAKULOV, R. The Main Differences Between Teaching Approaches, Methods, Procedures, Techniques, Styles And Strategies. JoumalNX, 7(02), 371-375.

Shamsiddinovna, К. H., & Shovqiyevna, K. N. (2022). LINGUAPRAGMATIC STRUCTURE OF COMMAND SPEECHES (on the example of English and Uzbek languages). INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOCIAL SCIENCE & INTERDISCIPLINARY RESEARCH ISSN: 2277-3630 Impact factor: 7.429,11(01), 171-173.

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