Гузачева Н.И.
Ключевые слова:
медицинское образование, информационные и коммуникационные
технологии, компьютерное обучение, интеграция, информационная и коммуникационная
компетенция, мотивация
Информационные и коммуникационные
технологии сегодня стали предметом
серьезных дискуссий в мире. Их влияние
огромно. В эту эпоху мир образования в
целом и мир языков в частности претерпевают
глубокие реформы и эволюцию, чтобы
противостоять новым вызовам, образование
должно адаптироваться и обновляться.
Сегодня мы не можем представить нашу
личную и профессиональную жизнь без
они играют жизненно важную роль во всех
сферах современной жизни. Применение
информационных технологий в медицинском
образовании уже стало неотъемлемой
частью нашего обучения. Следовательно,
образовательных платформ и программ,
которые стали идеальным дополнением в
достижении профессионального уровня.
образовании максимизирует множество новых
возможностей для эффективного общения
как для преподавателей, так и для студентов,
не только для развития их навыков, но и для
расширения знаний в успешном использовании
ИКТ для улучшения преподавания и обучения.
По этой причине мы решили рассмотреть
эффективные способы использования ИКТ в
медицинском образовании.
Nabiyeva D.R.
Tashkent medical pediatric institute
Learning a foreign language always entails
learning a second culture to some degree, even
if you never actually set foot in the foreign
country where the language is spoken. Language
and culture are bound up with each other and
interrelated. People don’t exist in a vacuum any
more than club members exist without a club.
They’re part of some framework: a family, a
community, a country, a set of traditions, a
storehouse of knowledge, or a way of looking at
the universe. In short, every person is part of a
culture,everyone uses a language to express that
culture, to operate within that tradition, and to
categorize the universe.
Teaching and learning a foreign language
has become progressively urgent nowadays for
all specialists in any field of activities. This fact
presents a variety of methods both for teachers to
work and students to apply
Knowing a second
language increases your chances of getting a
good job in a multinational company within your
home country or for finding work abroad. It’s also
the language of international communication,
the media and the internet, so learning English
is important for socializing and entertainment as
well as work!
Aim of the article is
To develop effective tips both for teachers
and students to gain knowledge and skills in
language teaching and learning, to improve
the methods of teaching, increase students’
motivation and teachers’ enthusiasm.
Materials and methods
Real personal experience and review of
internet resources were used in collecting the
ideas. Students ‘ observations and close teachers’
attitude to students’ needs were taken into account
and gathered as materials.
Discussion and results
Traditionally, motivation research in the
L2 has shown different priorities from those
characterizing the mainstream psychological
approaches. This has been largely due to the
specific target of our field: language. It does not
need much justification that language is more than
merely a communication code whose grammar
rules and vocabulary can be taught very much
the same way as any other school subject. In
1979 Robert Gardner, argued forcefully that a
second/ foreign language in the school situation
is not merely an `educational phenomenon’ or
`curriculum topic’ but also a representative of the
cultural heritage of the speakers of that language
(Gardner, 1979). Therefore, teaching a language
can be seen as imposing elements of another
culture into the students’ own `life space’. In
order to learn an L2, say French, students need
to develop a French identity: they need to learn
to think French and though only partially and
temporarily also become a bit French.
Learning a foreign language always entails
learning a second culture to some degree, even
if you never actually set foot in the foreign
country where the language is spoken. Language
and culture are bound up with each other and
interrelated. People don’t exist in a vacuum any
more than club members exist without a club.
They’re part of some framework: a family, a
community, a country, a set of traditions, a
storehouse of knowledge, or a way of looking at
the universe. In short, every person is part of a
culture. And everyone uses a language to express
that culture, to operate within that tradition, and to
categorize the universe. So if you’re planning to
carry on some sort of communication with people
who speak or write a given language, you need to
understand the culture out of which the language
emerges.’ (Douglas Brown, 1989:65).
`There is no question that learning a foreign
language is different to learning other subjects.
This is mainly because of the social nature of
such a venture. Language, after all, belongs to a
person’s whole social being: it is part of one’s
identity, and is used to convey this identity to
other people. The learning of a foreign language
involves far more than simply learning skills, or
a system of rules, or a grammar; it involves an
alteration in self-image, the adoption of new
social and cultural behaviors and ways of being,
and therefore has a significant impact on the social
nature of the learner.’ (Marion Williams 1994:77
Thus, language learning is a deeply
social event that requires the incorporation of
a wide range of elements of the L2 culture.
Accordingly, most research on L2 motivation
between the 1960s and 1990s focused on how
the students’ perceptions of the L2, the L2
speakers and the L2 culture affect their desire
to learn the language. This research direction
was spearheaded and inspired by a group of
social psychologists in Canada, most notably by
Robert Gardner, Wallace Lambert and Richard
CleÂment. Because their theory still represents
one of the most influential approaches in the L2
field, let us start our exploration of L2 motivation
by looking into it in a bit more detail.
Well said that . . .
`there are no magic motivational buttons
that can be pushed to ``make’’ people want to
learn, work hard, and act in a responsible manner.
Similarly, no one can be directly ``forced’’ to
care about something. . . Facilitation, not control,
should be the guiding idea in attempts to motivate
humans.’ (Martin Ford 1992:202).
Tips for teachers from students ‘ notes
check list
Explain things simply. 2. Give
explanations we understand. 3. Teach at a pace
that is not too fast and not too slow. 4. Stay with a
topic until we understand. 5. Try to ®nd out when
we don’t understand and then repeat things. 6.
Teach things step-by-step. 7. Describe the work
to be done and how to do it. 8. Ask if we know
what to do and how to do it. 9. Repeat things when
we don’t understand. 10. Explain something and
then use an example to illustrate it. 11. Explain
something and then stop so we can ask questions.
12. Prepare us for what we will be doing next. 13.
Give specific details when teaching or training.
14. Repeat things that are hard to understand.
15. Use examples and explain them until we
understand. 16. Explain something and then
stop so we can think about it. 17. Show us how
to do the work. 18. Explain the assignment and
the materials we need to do it. 19. Stress difficult
points. 20. Show examples of how to do course
work and assignments. 21. Give us enough time
for practice. 22. Answer our questions. 23. Ask
questions to found out we understand. 24. Go
over difficult assignments until we understand
how to do the.
Tips for teachers from real personal
1. Demonstrate and talk about your own
enthusiasm for the course material, and how
it affects you personally. More specifically: .
Share your own personal interest in the L2 with
your students. . Show students that you value L2
learning as a meaningful experience that produces
satisfaction and enriches your life.
2. Take the students’ learning very
seriously. More specifically: . Show students
that you care about their progress. . Indicate your
mental and physical availability for all things
academic. Have sufficiently high expectations for
what your students can achieve good relationship
with the students I don’t think it requires much
justification to claim that it is important for a
motivating teacher to have a positive relationship
with the students on a personal and not just on
an academic level. In fact, a lot of the previous
section could be simply copied here by replacing
the phrase `care for the students’ learning’ with
`care for the students as real people’. Teachers
who share warm, personal interactions with their
students, who respond to their concerns in an
empathic manner and who succeed in establishing
relationships of mutual trust and respect with
the learners, are more likely to inspire them in
academic matters than those who have no personal
ties with the learners. Of course, this again is
a highly culture-sensitive issue. Developing
a personal relationship with the students and
achieving their respect is easier said than done. It
is a gradual process built on a foundation whose
components include the teacher’s: Motivational
Strategies in the language classroom : acceptance
of the students, ability to listen and pay attention
to them, availability for personal contact.
Ability to listen and pay attention to
Greet students and remember their names. .
Smile at them. . Notice interesting features of their
appearance (e.g. new haircut). . Learn something
unique about each student and occasionally
mention it to them. . Ask them about their lives
outside school. . Show interest in their hobbies.
. Express in your comments that you’ve thought
about them and that their individual effort is
recognized. . Refer back to what you have talked
about before. . Recognize birthdays. . Move around
in class. . Include personal topics and examples
about students in discussing content matters. .
Send notes/homework to absent students.
3. Develop a personal relationship with your
students. More specifically: . Show students that
you accept and care about them. . Pay attention
and listen to each of them. . Indicate your mental
and physical availability
4. Develop a collaborative relationship with
the students’ parents. More specifically: . Keep
parents regularly informed about their children’s
progress. . Ask for their assistance in performing
certain supportive tasks at home.
The ideal classroom climate
. . .
It is easy to tell when the `pleasant-and-
supportive-classroom-atmosphere’ is there you
can sense it after only a few minutes’ stay in the
particular class. There is no tension in the air;
students are at ease; there are no sharp let alone
hostile comments made to ridicule each other.
There are no put-downs or sarcasm. Instead, there
is mutual trust and respect. No need for anyone to
feel anxious or insecure. Scheidecker and Freeman
(1999:138) have summarized very expressively
the essence of the classroom with a motivational
climate for learning: When one watches students
enter such a classroom, `one gets an overwhelming
sense that the students shed emotional baggage at
the doorway’. This is an `emotional safe zone’.
5. Create a pleasant and supportive
atmosphere in the classroom . Establish a norm
of tolerance. . Encourage risk-taking and have
mistakes accepted as a natural part of learning.
. Bring in and encourage humor. . Encourage
learners to personalize the classroom environment
according to their taste.
6. Promote the development of group
cohesiveness. . Try and promote interaction,
cooperation and the sharing of genuine personal
information among the learners. . Use ice-breakers
at the beginning of a course. . Regularly use small-
group tasks where students can mix. . Encourage
and if possible organize extracurricular activities
and outings. . Try and prevent the emergence
of rigid seating patterns. . Include activities that
lead to the successful completion of whole-group
tasks or involve small-group competition games. .
Promote the building of a group legend.
Establishing constructive group norms
Sample set of class rules
For the students
: . Let’s not be late for
class. . Always write your homework. . Once
a term you can `pass’, i.e. say that you haven’t
prepared. . In small group work only the L2 can be
used. . If you miss a class, make up for it and ask
for the homework.
For the teacher
: . The class should be
finished on time. . Homework and tests should
be marked within a week. . Always give advance
notice of a test.
For everydiv
: . Let’s try and listen to
each other. . Let’s help each other. . Let’s respect
each other’s ideas and values. . It’s OK to make
mistakes: they are learning points. . Let’s not make
fun of each other’s weaknesses. . We must avoid
hurting each other, verbally or physically.