Тенденції та перспективи розвитку науки і освіти в умовах глобалізації
Для формування здорового способу життя задачі мають бути засновані на фактичному
матеріалі і складені так, щоб учні звикали цінувати, поважати і берегти своє здоров’я.
Задача . Складіть діаграму за наведеними даними. Типові захворювання учнів 6–9 класів
(%): карієс ‒ 20,4–22,4; порушення постави ‒ 11,4–12; травми, опіки ‒ 4,6–5,7; захворювання
нервової системи ‒ 1,8–3; погіршення зору ‒ 18; ГРВІ ‒ 30; зайва вага ‒ 38.
Матеріали, використовувані під час уроків, відповідають головної мети – виховання
здатності до збереження свого здоров'я, почуття відповідальності за своє здоров'я, почуття
радості буття, стимуляції стійкої мотивації здорового життя, вміння регулювати свій режим
праці та відпочинку. Саме у цьому напрямі можуть бути вирішені проблеми створення умов
щодо здоров'язбереження і в організації навчального процесу, і в оновленні змісту загальної
середньої освіти.
Національна стратегія розвитку освіти в Україні на 2012–2021 роки. Назва з екрану.
URL: http://oneu.edu.ua/wp-content/uploads/2017/11/nsro_1221.pdf (дата звернення: 18.02.2022).
Навчальна програма з математики для учнів 5-9 класів. загальноосвітніх навчальних
uploads/2016/08/programa_dlia_9_klasu _matematyka.pdf (дата звернення 12.07.22).
Васильєва Д. В., Василюк Н. І. Збірник задач з математики. 5‒9 класи: наскрізні лінії
компетентностей та їх реалізація. Київ: Освіта, 2017. 112 с.
Возносименко Д. А. Підготовка майбутніх вчителів математики до реалізації
наскрізної лінії ключових компетентностей «Здоров’я і безпека». Проблеми підготовки
сучасного вчителя. Умань, 2017. Вип. 16. С. 106-112.
УДК 372.881.111.1
Джамиля Набиева
(Ташкент, Узбекистан)
Learning another dialect can offer knowledge into new societies. Alongside investigating
jargon, linguistic structure and syntax, language students can more readily grasp different
networks by learning the indicative implications of words and their social utilization. By learning
another language, you can more readily involve yourself in different societies while voyaging. As an
additional goal, learning languages can likewise get familiar with different practices and networks.
Key words:
new dialect, online learner, motivation, cultures, free time management, e-
schooling, individual
Изучение другого языка даёт возможность открыться новым обществам. Наряду с
изучением жаргона, лингвистической структуры и синтаксиса, изучающие языки могут
легче понять различные сети, изучая ориентировочные значения слов и их социальное
использование. Изучая другой язык, вы сможете с большей готовностью участвовать в
различных обстоятельствах во время путешествия.
Ключевые слова:
общество, языки, возможности, интернет, культура, индивид.
The efficient way to become familiar with another language depends upon every student and
their particular purposes. Heading into the new course as a new-language student can bring many
difficulties, however the advantages benefit too. Learning another dialect can work on your
Тенденції та перспективи розвитку науки і освіти в умовах глобалізації
freshness, assist with creating other mental cycles and develop your acknowledgment for different
societies and cultures.
As a Web- based student, you probably will not know where to begin or how to set aside a few
minutes for learning another language. Yet, in the event that you're prepared to focus on this, our
aide is here to mention some tips. Scrutinize on to find the advantages of learning a language,
alongside supportive strategies to make pros and cons and remain predictable on your language-
learning choice. For what reason would it be a good idea for you to get familiar with another
Learning another dialect can offer knowledge into new societies. Alongside investigating
jargon, linguistic structure and syntax, language students can more readily grasp different networks
by learning the indicative implications of words and their social utilization.
By learning another language, you can more readily involve yourself in different societies
while voyaging. As an additional goal, learning languages can likewise get familiar with different
practices and networks.
The scholarly community has long investigated the associations among multilingualism and
imagination. A recent report reveals a connection between people who can communicate in
different dialects and their imaginative efforts, incorporating striving with critical thinking.
It is normal to feel overpowered while attempting to at the same time finish a few jobs.
Luckily, bilingualism might work on your capacity to deal with different obligations
simultaneously. A concentrate by Penn State College found that individuals who communicate in
various dialects are better at focusing on undertakings and shuffling different ventures on the
double. [1, p. 25]
Every language has interesting components of sentence structure and grammar. Bilinguals who
slip all through various dialects in a similar discussion should have the option to simultaneously
deal with a few elements simultaneously, expecting them to think about different settings. [4, p. 18]
Individuals who communicate in numerous dialects need to perform mental review from a
more extensive arrangement of punctuation rules and jargon than people who just communicate in
one language. By applying their insight into a few dialects, bilinguals all the more consistently
work-out their psychological cycles, which can likewise further develop memory capability.
Similar as keeping your memory sharp, realizing numerous dialects can likewise assist you
with keeping up with your mind wellbeing. Research demonstrates that multilingualism can change
the actual construction of your mind. This adaptability permits the mind to change itself, proceed to
create and recuperate all the more rapidly. By learning another dialect, our minds can work on their
versatility, which can add to further developed cerebrum wellbeing. In the event that you resolve to
care more for your mind, learning another dialect might help simultaneously.
Language students can utilize a few techniques to deal with their time. In the event that one
strategy doesn't work with your learning style, go ahead and attempt another. For instance, in the
event that you see yourself as a slowpoke, think about setting cutoff times for yourself. You should
seriously mull over working without a PC charger connected to set a particular measure of time to
complete an illustration. Different choices incorporate restricting time for obvious mission and
expecting to complete a task ahead of schedule to support time usage efforts.
One of the most mind-blowing ways of learning another dialect is the Pomodoro Method.[6,
p.140] With this technique, you pick a particular errand and set a clock to deal with it. At the point
when the clock goes off, you enjoy some time off prior to returning and setting the clock once more.
After a couple of rounds, you can expand the length of your breaks. This can assist with objective
setting and propensity framing.
Internet learning is one of the fast approaching patterns in the schooling area. This method of
learning is finished through the web. With cutting edge and redesigned advancements, this method
of learning has been simplified. Online Training is additionally liked in higher learning
establishments. This article will deliver the understudies about web-based training, its results, and
benefit in short and long expositions on Web-based Schooling.
Тенденції та перспективи розвитку науки і освіти в умовах глобалізації
Schooling is a basic piece of individuals' lives; it will either make them or break them in the
possibility relying upon their vocations. Training is extensively different today contrasted with the
1950s as a result of movements in showing strategies and other noticeable developments that carry
out more obvious educating methods.
In E-learning, the alternative study from home or whatever other spot, that is generally helpful
for them. They can get learning material on the web. The review materials in web-based training
could be texts, sound, notes, recordings, and pictures. Notwithstanding, the technique for study has
its advantages and different disadvantages as well. Online schooling is appropriate for the
individuals who cannot visit or get the customary training strategy for one explanation or the other.
Almost 6.1 million learners are presently going to online courses, and this number is developing by
around 30% yearly. It gives a bunch of benefits to individuals, as well as organizations since it
considers, among others, adaptability. An extraordinary method for helping more from online
instruction is to combine online schooling and customary approaches to educating.
With online classes, we do not have to make a trip to an alternate city or drive significant
distances. We can remain where we are and keep our present place of employment while we make
progress toward working on our vocation with an internet-based degree. Online instruction likewise
helps computerized migrants ‒ somediv who embraces an innovation empowered or area free way
of life. We can watch addresses and complete our coursework any place we are.
Whether we are a full-time or part-time internet based learner, the internet based schooling
experience gives a significantly more sensible timetable. Online instruction has acquired a lot of
positive response because of its efficiency. Such is the way that internet based courses are more
reasonable than those presented at schools or universities. While concentrating on in colleges, we
might need to go through some cash like transportation; housing, and feasts, online training may not
need such costs.
Online training alludes to the kind of information, which is granted through the web. A huge
number of individuals universally are signed up for online courses and can gain from the solace of
their homes. Online schooling can come in various ways; they could be instructive online classes
and recordings on the web or even eye-to-eye learning on the PC with the educator, which uses the
Online schooling stimulates us to gain from different guides and educators in various regions,
expanding our insight and viewpoint. It decreases anxiety among understudies, as many can convey
more through internet based instruction than ordinary classes. One can gain from simply wherever
as long as they have an accessible web gadget. It regularly gives an opportunity to learn at our own
speed, as there is no rush. Most internet-based courses are typically charming and more agreeable
contrasted with going to customary classes. It saves you the burden of going to a specific objective
each and every day.
Online schooling ordinarily is more reasonable. Online schooling further is nearly less
expensive in contrast with traditional instructive methodologies. Under customary college
programs, the understudies are expected to make up for transportation, reading material,
institutional offices like exercise centers, libraries, pools, and different costs that speed up the
expense of college schooling up. Online instruction, on its part, charges just for educational cost and
extra fundamental costs.
However, the alternative is the best and effective with good listening skills that have to be
supportive and beneficial. If you are not the owner of those, try the technique called “white noise”
[6, p. 141]. when doing some task on listening and answering questions ,for example. To improve
listening skills for Web-based lessons train your listening comprehension by a new technique.
If you switch on the radio and listen to music while you do the dishes, that music is your white
noise. If you are listening to a podcast while watering plants, that podcast is “white noise “and you
are passive listener [3, p.48]. It sounds strange but works effectively. Switch on your computer or
another source of your e-lesson. When we learn a language, white noise can be used to our
Тенденції та перспективи розвитку науки і освіти в умовах глобалізації
Play a podcast, an audiobook or an English series in the background while you clean your flat
or iron your clothes (or do any other chore). Do not pay special attention to it, just let it play and go
on with your activities.
You might think that you are not learning anything if you are not paying attention, but the truth
is that your brain is registering everything that is happening in the background, and that white noise
that you think is only filling the silence is actually making your brain work.
One more tip to be a successful Web-based learner who has limited opportunities for on-line
lesson and big desire to learn one more language
Only have a few minutes per day to study? Perfect. Believe it or not, that is even better than
having a lot of time to study.
It has been recently discovered that studying around 15-20 minutes a day instead of a few hours
in one sitting is quite efficient and beneficial.
Simply speaking, micro learning is dividing your task into very small tasks that can be done in
about five minutes.
For example, learning modern technologies of diagnostics diseases , first learn the causes, then
its symptoms, methods of examination and divide the points into 4 lessons (sessions).
This is just an example. [6, p.137] You can divide your task the way you want, always trying to
remember that
every individual task should last five minutes at most.
Overall, it could be concluded that the way a student chooses to learn a new
language is individual and unique approach to reach the goals. The easier the way the more
comfortable the process. The more comfortable the process the more efficient the results.
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Gaff R. S. 2002. The Lifelong Learning Project revisited: Institutionalizing the vision.
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Gains M., Leonard J. 2001. Educating the mind.
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Howes R. J. 2000. Effective learning methodology.
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URL: https://www.quora.com/How-do-I-acheive-solid-mind-and-mental-consistency
URL: https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/ways-to-improve-memory
URL: https://www.futurelearn.com/info/blog/how-to-learn-a-language835699