STARS International University
STARS International University
STARS International University
PhD, Associate Professor
In world practice, it is important to develop targeted strategies aimed at
further improving the business environment, implementing active business projects to en-
sure sustainable economic development, pursuing economic policies that have a positive
effect on business development, conducting research aimed at using blockchain technol-
ogy as well as ensuring interest in business development by state and society. The issues
of doing business after the global crisis caused by the pandemic, statistical observation,
and forecasting issues, statistical assessment of the impact of the pandemic on business
entities, and improving methods of statistical analysis of business development process-
es during and after the pandemic became important as never before. As a result of the
conducted research, the authors have reached assessing quantitative and qualitative in-
dicators of factors affecting business development processes has been developed, and
software has been created that makes the accurate analyzes on the basis of blockchain of
the data, a comprehensive analytical approach was developed based on statistical indica-
tors characterizing business development trends in the country, in the SNA sectors, in the
context of key industries and regions, multifactor empirical models were developed and
forecast options for 2021-2026 were proposed using the scenario method. The theoretical
approaches and the initial data used are taken from official sources, based on the data of
business entities operating in Uzbekistan, proposals, and recommendations implemented
in practice, statistical data of the State Committee on Statistics of the Republic of Uzbeki-
stan, as well as primary data obtained during the study. The proposed blockchain stages in
the business process accurately evaluate the results that meet the requirements of digital
business process, blockchain, digital economy, empirical model, statistical
data, growing economics, e-government, e-business, e-commerce.
Global dunyoda ilm-fan va ta‘limdagi innovatsion
rivojlanishning zamonaviy trendlari 15 dekabr, 2022 yil.
Today’s highly competitive world, the operation of a market economy is insep-
arably going to connect with a digital economy which is considered to be one of
the main ways to a fast-growing economy and improve living standards in the
national economy. That’s why governments set themselves an urgent task today
and, in the future, to ensure the effective formation, functioning, and development
of e-government, e-business, e-commerce, and other systems. E-government is a
public administration system based on automating the entire set of management
processes across the country and serving the purpose of significantly improving
the efficiency of public administration and reducing the costs of social commu-
nications for each member of society. The creation of e-government involves the
construction of a nationally distributed public administration system that imple-
ments the solution of a full range of tasks related to document management and
processing processes. This system effectively manages government organizations
and provides the public with fast and efficient administrative services through the
electronic systematization of knowledge and information inside and outside gov-
ernment organizations. In other words, e-government can be called a government
in the knowledge and information society, which uses information technology to
innovate in administrative work and provide high-quality administrative services
to the population effectively. The tasks of e-government include the electronic
processing of public services, electronic processing of electronic transactions be-
tween people and business-to-business (G2C, G2B), as well as electronic process-
ing of intra-government information. Business processing of internal government
agencies and intergovernmental business (G2G), namely the creation of a state
informatization fund. It is the government that increases significantly the produc-
tivity and efficiency of administrative work by integrating the administrative infor-
mation system into a high-speed information and communication network.
Business is considered key to economic performance in creating innovative
changes and operating facilities of manufacturing, utilities, and social infrastruc-
ture, as well as providing public benefits and services, through developing of these
sectors new jobs are created, productivity and competitiveness are increased, pov-
erty is alleviated and societal goals are achieved, in particular by helping specific
population groups to help themselves. They play a crucial role in the formation
and development of the Uzbek economy. Every year normative acts are adopted
in particular fields in our country. Newly adopted and long-acting solutions some-
times come into conflict with each other because of intensively changing econom-
ic conditions. Confirming certain conditions and opportunities of Uzbekistan, our
authorities are still searching for ways to modernize and develop infrastructure. In
that way, small businesses and private entrepreneurship assist to achieve the par-
ticular goal as well as have great importance for overcoming poverty, accumulat-
ing human capital, and increasing the welfare of the country and adopting quickly
for changing economic conditions.
Usage of blockchain technology in business processes can avoid common
pitfalls like inexperienced management, and lack of financial stability, small
businesses suffer a mortality rate significantly higher than that of larger, more
established businesses primarily because of limited resources, poor operations
STARS International University
management, lack of experience, poor financial management, over-investing
in fixed assets, poor credit practices, failure to plan, inappropriate location,
lack of inventory control and etc. Nowadays all business owners it is needed to
use digitalization by knowing their business in depth, developing a solid busi-
ness plan, managing financial resources, understanding financial statements,
and learning to manage people effectively. As the private sector is attracted
to providing public benefits and services in the infrastructure sector, so in its
usage of blockchain technology plays an important structural and dynamic role
in all economies.
Figure 1. Key components of the business
In conclusion from the above considerations, an authorial definition has been
developed based on a study of the approaches expressed by scientists to the
concept of business. According to him, “Business is a type of business activity
of individuals and legal entities in the system of market relations, as well as ac-
tivities aimed at generating income and other positive benefits in the field of
production and services. “This is stated in Article 3 of the Law of the Republic
of Uzbekistan “On guarantees of freedom of entrepreneurial activity”. It differs
from the definition of “entrepreneurial activity aimed at gaining income (profit)”
as an activity aimed not only at economic benefits but also at positive social and
spiritual benefits [19]. Today, there is also a fanciful type of business that reflects
creativity and innovation, unique approaches in the minds of people. A funky
business is a type of business that goes beyond certain patterns, requires new
Global dunyoda ilm-fan va ta‘limdagi innovatsion
rivojlanishning zamonaviy trendlari 15 dekabr, 2022 yil.
innovations, and changes the form of management. It was noted that Facebook,
Amazon, Apple, Netflix, and Google, which are mainly large companies in this
business, have a unique and unique role. It should be noted that these high-tech
giants have further developed despite the pandemic, and the total revenue has
increased by 40%.
Business activities add to the development of Japan, both externally and in-
ternally. Internal factors include the size, the amount and its distribution, tech-
nological degree, the method of labor organization, evaluation policy, and so on.
External factors are the factors that arise in the external environment: the market
environment and the competitive environment, the behavior of suppliers and con-
sumers, natural and climatic conditions, socio-economic factors, the state, and the
legal framework. Taking into account the structural and interaction laws of these
factors, it is expedient for the business entity to conduct a comprehensive analy-
sis, and study the market situation in their own country and the market of foreign
The STEEPLE (social, technological, economic, environmental, social, legal, and
ethical) analysis tool is used to analyze, evaluate, and study the business environ-
ment that influences business development. This tip is sometimes referred to as
PESTLE, which means the same thing when a moral twist is dropped. STEEPLE
analysis produces the following macalalap:
During the study, a questionnaire was developed to assess the factors affect-
ing business development based on the STEEPLE analysis, and all of these fac-
tors were evaluated by experts. The survey suggested evaluating the weight of a
group of seven factors proposed on a five-point scale to assess the factors influ-
encing business development, ranking the key indicators for which each factor is
assessed [20].
To further develop business in Uzbekistan, to study the knowledge and capa-
bilities of each person in doing business, to study the problems of doing business
financing, to take measures to help them, and to create a number of business op-
portunities: Improving the economic and statistical analysis of a business is one of
the measures aimed at improving the analysis and planning of economic activity
of business entities, the importance of monitoring, studying and forecasting busi-
ness development using economic and mathematical models. The author’s defini-
tion is developed on “Business is an activity of individuals and legal entities in the
system of market relations, aimed at earning income and other positive results in
the field of production and service” after the basis of the research of approaches
to business and entrepreneurship by scientists. In a survey based on the STEEPLE
analysis, Kendall’s concordance coefficient was used to assess the weight of seven
groups of factors on a five-point scale to qualitatively assess the factors influenc-
ing business development.
STARS International University
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