Training of qualified specialists in the conditions of digitalization of education | Современные тенденции инновационного развития науки и образования в глобальном мире

Training of qualified specialists in the conditions of digitalization of education

Saydivosilov, S. (2023). Training of qualified specialists in the conditions of digitalization of education. Современные тенденции инновационного развития науки и образования в глобальном мире, 1(4).


Modern professions offered high demands on the intellectual skills of employees to students’ place. Information technologies, especially multimedia, provide an opportunity to develop the intellectual skills of students. High requirements for the intellectual development of students occupy one of the leading positions in the international labor market. A delay in the development of intellectual skills means a delay in life. Therefore, in professional preparation of students for the modern digital society, it is necessary, first of all, to develop their intellectual skills and teach them how to apply them in practice

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Global dunyoda ilm-fan va ta‘limdagi innovatsion

rivojlanishning zamonaviy trendlari 15 dekabr, 2022 yil.



Modern professions offered high demands on the intellectual skills of

employees to students’ place. Information technologies, especially multimedia, provide
an opportunity to develop the intellectual skills of students. High requirements for
the intellectual development of students occupy one of the leading positions in the
international labor market. A delay in the development of intellectual skills means a delay
in life. Therefore, in professional preparation of students for the modern digital society, it is
necessary, first of all, to develop their intellectual skills and teach them how to apply them
in practice.


intellectual skills, digital society, digitalization of education, media literacy.

The era of digital economy dictates new requirements for the system of education

and vocational training. One of the priorities of the Decree of the President of the
Republic of Uzbekistan № 6079 “On approval of the strategy “Digital Uzbekistan
– 2030” and measures for its effective implementation” is the progressive
development of the existing education system, which should provide the economy
with competent personnel. In addition, this program declares the need to create a
motivation system for mastering the necessary competencies and participation of
personnel in the development of the digital economy of Uzbekistan.

Students should possess the knowledge, skills and competencies related to

information technologies to work as a person with high potential in digital economy.
The actions of people depend on what extent they are exposed to the information
environment and how effectively they can use this information. Each student must
receive, process and apply data using computers to function freely in information

Working in digital economy has become a prerequisite for success in public

life. Speaking about the process of digitalization of the economy and society, first
of all, it is necessary to clarify its meaning. In the broadest sense the process of
digitalization usually refers to socio-economic changes that began with an initiative
to adopt and develop digital technologies widely. The digitalization of education
involves technologies for creating, processing, exchanging and transmitting


Student of “Digital Economy” direction of Tashkent
University of Information Technologies named after
Muhammad al – Khwarizmi, Tashkent, Uzbekistan.


Head of the Department of Information
Technologies, Tashkent State Pedagogical University
named after Nizami, Tashkent, Uzbekistan.


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information. One of the urgent tasks is introduction of digital technologies in all
stages of the education system and increasing the level of digital knowledge,
necessary for a modern economy, improving educational infrastructure, as well as
the opening of digital learning centers in all regions of the country by 2022.

The analysis of the problems of modern practice of preparing students for the

development of intellectual skills, the analysis of information sources determined
the subject of the article – the need to develop students’ intellectual skills in the
context of digitalization of education. Additional research methods were: selective
interviewing of students; feedback in the format of reviews on implemented training
programs for specialists; analysis of the results of internal evaluation during the
accreditation procedures, study of the needs of society and employers.

Development of digital skills in all segments of the population, especially among

young people, the introduction and development of distance, online and virtual
learning technologies in digital technologies, development platforms for online
courses, generation highly qualified personnel in digital technologies, training
talented IT professionals, development of mechanisms for assessing the ability use
digital technologies, taking into account the following aspects:

– information literacy (the ability to find the information needed for decision


– computer literacy (the ability to work with digital devices)
– media literacy (the ability to study the media critically)
– communication literacy (the ability to use modern digital means of


In digital economy, developing the skills to use digital technologies should be

mainly carried out in the education system, especially in the vocational education
system, with the introduction of these skills into practice.

In the process of further reforming digital economy in the country, the goal of

higher education is to train qualified specialists and personnel with practical skills
in applying modern digital, in particular multimedia technologies in the workplace,
along with education. Actively support innovative forms, technologies and
developments in the educational process, ensuring the interaction of vocational
education and production, meeting the individual needs of the individual in
intellectual development through vocational education and the development of
creative activity.

For the introduction of digital technologies in the system of higher education,

the following tasks have been set:

– to create opportunities for students to acquire digital skills through the

introduction of digital technologies at the initial stage of education, develop
analytical and critical thinking, give young people knowledge and skills in the
context of large-scale digital transformation;

– introduction of highly effective international practices into the education

system aimed at organizing training in the field of technological professions and

– to increase the number of graduates of higher educational institutions studying

in the field of information and communication technologies, graduates of secondary
specialized professional educational institutions with an average qualification in
the field of information technologies;

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Global dunyoda ilm-fan va ta‘limdagi innovatsion

rivojlanishning zamonaviy trendlari 15 dekabr, 2022 yil.


– digitalization of educational materials by ensuring the development and

maintenance of a unified state requirement for the use of digitalization formats for
paper materials;

– development and promotion of research in the field of digital technologies,

improvement of their organizational mechanisms;

– conducting research on software development for the implementation of

various models of “cloud” services;

– further improvement of e-learning resources for the system of preschool,

secondary and higher education, as well as ensuring the use of domestic and world
educational resources [2].

When performing the above tasks, students must be professionally trained

personnel who own modern pedagogical and digital technologies, intellectually
developed, creative, and have a personal style. Given this, in the digital economy, it
is important to develop the intellectual skills of students by increasing their digital

In the digital economy, the quality of social groups is improving in terms of

education and intellectual level. N.A. Muslimov [8. P. 45] and K.M. Abdullayeva [3]
in their research developed an individual structure of a creative teacher in the
process of preparing future teachers in the field of vocational education. In this
structure, intellectual, motivational, emotional, self-governing, practical subject
and volitional factors influencing on the formation of professional competence of a
future teacher in the field of vocational education were identified. These include the
acquisition of skills in problem-based learning, creativity and systematic thinking
as an intellectual factor.

When analyzing the authors, we found several definitions of the content of

intellectual skills, many of which used the concept of “intellectual skills” without
a definition. V.A. Gusev defines intellectual skills as “mastering the operations of
thinking” [6]. T.I. Shamova, on the contrary, considers intellectual skills primarily
“mastery of mental operations and independent thinking” [9]. M.V. Zueva
[7. PP. 24–28] under the intellectual abilities understands the ability to use the
methods of logical thinking in the assimilation of certain educational material.
I.S. Yakimanskaya [10] defines intellectual abilities as a link between knowledge
and practical skills, providing real knowledge acquisition.

Analyzing various approaches to the content of the concept of “intellectual skills”

in our study, we came to the following conclusion: intellectual skills is the ability
of students to master and apply mental operations consciously in the process of
independent creative activity [4. PP. 12–14].

A voluntary approach to learning should have a decisive impact on mental

development, since its purpose is to equip student’s variety of knowledge and
skills. Mastering the learning material students learn to open connections and
relationships, acquire the ability to form clear judgments and definitions of the
concepts being mastered, and their actions are based on mental operations.
Mastering Operations thinking allows you to determine the relationship between
the objects of thought, which leads to the expansion of the subjective space of
understanding the content concepts being learned.

The connection between theory and practice in digital economy is, first of all, in

total, analysis and theoretical generalization of information received, determination

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of patterns in the process of solving problems by students.

Analyzing the above considerations, in the course of our research work, we came

to the conclusion that students for successful professional activity must acquire
intellectual skills.


1. Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan № 4699 dated April 28,

2020 “On measures for the widespread introduction of the digital economy and

2. Абдуллаева К.М. Махсус фанларни ўқитишда бўлажак ўқитувчиларнинг

касбий билим ва кўникмаларини шакллантиришнинг методик асослари: Дис.
... пед.фан.ном. – Т.: 2006. – Б. 182.

3. Abdurakhmanova Sh.A. On one aspect of the development of intellectual

skills in a digital society // Actual problems of professional pedagogical and
psychological education: Proceedings of the International Scientific and Practical
Conference. Saratov, 2018 – PP. 12–14.

4. Гусев В.А.

Психолого – педагогические основы обучения математике /

В.А. Гусев. ООО «Издательский центр «Академия», 2003. – С. 108.

5. Зуева М.В. О формировании учебных умений учащихся / М.В. Зуева //

X. Вшк. – 1984. – №6. – С. 24–28.

6. Муслимов Н.А. Касб таълими ўқитувчиларини касбий шакллантиришнинг

назарий – методик асослари.: Автореф. дис. ... пед. фан. докт. – Т.: 2007. – Б. 45.

7. Шамова Т.И. Управление образовательным процессом в адаптивной шко-

ле / Т.И. Шамова, Т.М. Давыденко. – М.:Центр «Педагогический – поиск», 2001.
– C. 384.

Якиманская И.С. Психологические основы математического образования:

уч. пос. для вузов / И.С. Якиманская. – М.: Академия, 2004. – C. 320.

Библиографические ссылки

Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan № 4699 dated April 28, 2020 “On measures for the widespread introduction of the digital economy and e-government”.

Абдуллаева К.М. Махсус фанларни ўқитишда бўлажак ўқитувчиларнинг касбий билим ва кўникмаларини шакллантиришнинг методик асослари: Дис. ... пед.фан.ном. – Т.: 2006. – Б. 182.

Abdurakhmanova Sh.A. On one aspect of the development of intellectual skills in a digital society // Actual problems of professional pedagogical and psychological education: Proceedings of the International Scientific and Practical Conference. Saratov, 2018 – PP. 12–14.

Гусев В.А. Психолого – педагогические основы обучения математике / В.А. Гусев. ООО «Издательский центр «Академия», 2003. – С. 108.

Зуева М.В. О формировании учебных умений учащихся / М.В. Зуева // X. Вшк. – 1984. – №6. – С. 24–28.

Муслимов Н.А. Касб таълими ўқитувчиларини касбий шакллантиришнинг назарий – методик асослари.: Автореф. дис. ... пед. фан. докт. – Т.: 2007. – Б. 45.

Шамова Т.И. Управление образовательным процессом в адаптивной школе / Т.И. Шамова, Т.М. Давыденко. – М.:Центр «Педагогический – поиск», 2001. – C. 384. Якиманская И.С. Психологические основы математического образования: уч. пос. для вузов / И.С. Якиманская. – М.: Академия, 2004. – C. 320.

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