New technologies for the prevention of adhesions in thoraco-abdominal surgery

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Dusiyarov, M. (2023). New technologies for the prevention of adhesions in thoraco-abdominal surgery. Catalog of Dissertations and Abstracts, 1(1), 2–132. Retrieved from


The aim of the research work is determination of the prospects for the use of a domestic agent for the prevention of adhesion formation in thoraco-abdominal surgery on the basis of experimental and morphological studies.

Research objectives were white outbred rats in the amount of 62 individuals, in two experimental studies on the abdominal and pleural cavities, in each series of experiments the studies were carried out in 2 comparative groups, control and main. Experiments on the formation of adhesions in the abdominal and pleural cavities were carried out on the basis of the Republican Specialized Scientific and Practical Medical Center of Surgery named after acad. V.Vakhidov in the Department of Experimental Surgery for the period from 2019 to 2020.

The scientific novelty of the research consists of the followings: it is proved according to the data of experimental research that when modeling the adhesion process in the abdominal cavity, the local application of an anti-adhesion coating made of cellulose derivatives reduces the processes of adhesiogenesis and the development of changes in architectonics, bends and narrowings of the intestinal lumen; it was found in an experimental study that when modeling the adhesion process in the chest cavity, the local use of an anti-adhesion implant provides a significant decrease in the risk of adhesiogenesis in the form of the formation of coarse adhesions or planar adhesions; it was determined that when blood serum was applied over a powder implant, the quality of adhesion and the uniformity of its distribution on the surface of the experimental defect of the peritoneum or lung did not change, but, in contrast to activation by blood (to ensure a hemostatic effect), it was not accompanied by the development of cellular inflammation due to the resorption of thrombotic masses; it was found that the formation of a gel film over the area of ​​damage to the peritoneum in the absence of cellular elements of blood makes it possible to achieve biodegradation of the coating without a pronounced cellular-inflammatory reaction, providing cicatricial replacement of defects with a significant reduction in the risk of developing a massive adhesive process; the morphostructural features of the formation of the adhesive process when using an anti-adhesive coating, characterized by regression in the dynamics of the number of connective tissue cells of the inflammatory infiltrate with scarring of the defect zone without the development of adhesive conglomerates with the surrounding tissues, have been determined.

Introduction of the research results. According to the results of a scientific study on a comparative analysis of the use of a domestic agent for the prevention of adhesion formation in thoraco-abdominal surgery: methodological recommendations were developed: "New technologies for the prevention of adhesions in thoraco-abdominal surgery" (certificate of the Ministry of Health No. 08-09/10055 of August 12, 2021). The proposed recommendations for performing surgical interventions on the organs of the abdominal and thoracic cavities will allow for sparing local hemostasis, as well as prevent the formation of a coarse adhesive process in the abdominal cavity.

The obtained scientific results on a comparative analysis of the use of the domestic remedy for the prevention of adhesion formation in thoraco-abdominal surgery have been introduced into the practical activities of health care, including in the Republican Specialized Scientific and Practical Medical Center for Surgery named after V.I. Academician V. Vakhidov, surgical departments of the clinics of the Andijan and Samarkand State Medical Institutes (certificate of the Ministry of Health No. 08-09/10055 of August 12, 2021). Based on the proposed results of experimental studies, it was shown that the use of an anti-adhesive coating made of cellulose derivatives made it possible to reduce the risk of adhesion formation from 60% to 20%, bowel deformation without manifestations of obstruction from 33.3% to 13.3% and the possibility of acute adhesive intestinal obstruction from 6.7% to 0%.

Structure and scope of the dissertation. The dissertation consists of an introduction, four chapters, conclusions, practical recommendations and a list of cited literature. The volume of work is 113 pages.

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