This article briefly discusses the history of the development of the landscape genre in visual arts, as well as the artists who created it and the importance of the landscape genre in visual art.
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Botir Boltabaevich Baymetov, Ulfat Shuxratovich Ismatov. Pedagogika oliy ta’lim muassasalarida talabalarini bosh namunasini tasvirlashga o‘rgatish orqali tyexnik mahoratlarini takomillashtirish. "Science and Education" Scientific Journal. November 2020 / Volume 1 Issue 8
Ismatov Ulfat Shuhratovich. Technologies of Working on Graphic Materials in Fine Arts Classes. Journal of Asian Multicultural Research for Educational Study ISSN: 2708-9703 Vol. 1 No. 2, 2020 (page 001-004)
Botir Boltaboyevich Baymetov, Ulfat Shuhratovich Ismatov. Improvement of technologies for teaching fine art teachers to image images in graphic materials. Global Symposium on Humanity and Scientific Advancements Hosted From Paris France November 30th 2021.
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